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Assassination (Noun) Flee (Verb) Fugir

Assassinate (Verb) Fleeing (Noun)

Assassin (Adjetive) Foster (Verb, Adjetiv, Noun)

Avenue (Noun) Avenida Promover, Adotar, Adotivo, Adotado

Demote (Verb) Rebaixar Pivotal (Adjetiv) Essencial

Demotion (Noun) Rebaixado Posit (Verb) Posicionar

En Masse (Adverb) Em Massa Propel (Verb) impulsionar propelir

Episodic (Adjetive) Episodico Propeller Propulsion

Episodically (Adverb) Unravel (Verb) Desvendar

The table compares the…

It is clear that…over the same period.

increased from…to…. rising from…..to….

rose by… Interestingly, despite falling numbers…

The table compares the five highest ranking countries in terms of the numbers of visits and the money spent by tourists over a
period of two years.

It is clear that France was the world’s most popular tourist destination in the years 2012 and 2013. However, the USA earned by far
the most revenue from tourism over the same period.

In 2012, 83 million tourists visited France, and the USA was the second most visited country, with 66.7 million tourists. Spain and
China each received just under 58 million visitors, while Italy was ranked fifth with 46.4 million tourists. 2013 saw a rise of between
1 and 4 million tourist visits to each country, with the exception of China, which received 2 million fewer visitors than in the previous

Spending by tourists visiting the USA increased from $126.2 billion in 2012 to $139.6 billion in 2013, and these figures were well
over twice as high as those for any other country. Spain received the second highest amounts of tourist revenue, rising from $56.3
billion to $60.4 billion, followed by France, China and Italy. . Interestingly, despite falling numbers of tourists, Chinese revenue from
tourism rose by $1.7 billion in 2013.
The two corresponding bar charts show data about computer ownership between 2002 and
2010; one with an overall percentage and the other with a further classification by level of

During this eight year period, it is interesting to note that there was a steady rise in the
percentage of the overall population that owned a computer. In 2002, roughly 55% of the
general population owned computer, whereas by 2010 this number had increased to 75%.

In the second chart, which analyses the data by level of education, one can observe that
individuals who had a higher level of education where more likely to own a computer. In
2002, only 15% of people with no high school diploma owned a computer. In contrast, during
the same year, 75% of the population with a postgraduate qualification owned a computer.

Eight years later, in 2010, computer ownership by individuals with no high school diploma
had increased to roughly 42%. Similarly, 95% of individuals with a postgraduate degree now
owed a computer by 2010.

Overall, the last decade has seen a substantial growth in computer ownership across all
It is said that travelling domestically will become more popular than international trips as holiday destinations in
the future. I disagree with this statement as the ease of transport has made travelling much more comfortable
and people have more information about the world nowadays, as they will be discussed in this essay.

Firstly, different means of transport has made taking journeys a lot more convenient than the past. Thanks to the
advances in technology and the travel industry, the world is altering to one country with almost no borders. These
days, travelling from Italy to Switzerland for instance, is only a two-hour train ride away. Experts say that this
quick approach towards globalization is not even close to its peak, thus clearly transportation is expectedly
getting faster and more convenient by the day. As a result of this trouble-free phenomenon, one will definitely
prefer to travel to places they have never been.

Second, much like passengers in today’s world, information travels much more rapidly. The internet has informed
people of the unknown areas that few humans had set foot in before. Not only does this educate people about
the existence of such places, but it also encourages them to go and explore them. For example, the number of
flights to Bali sky rocketed after users started to appreciate the scenery there on different social media.
Therefore, with new intact nature being discovered every day, tourists will tend to choose more unspolit areas
outside their countries for travelling.

In conclusion, people are predicted to opt for destinations for their vacations within their own countries soon,
rather than overseas. In my opinion, since travelling is constantly being made easier and people are more aware
of beautiful landscapes outside their countries, travelling abroad is never going to lose its attraction among
A person's worth nowadays seems to be judged according to social status and material possessions.
Old-fashioned values, such as honour, kindness and trust, no longer seem important.

Given the power and influence of the super rich, it might seem as if social status and material
possessions are the new symbols of personal worth, but in everyday life I do not think this is true.

It is apparent that most celebrities today are admired and envied solely for their material wealth or
position […]Ultimately, though, it is the many…

Nevertheless, I do believe that in their day-to-day lives most people still believe in values such as
honour, kindness and trust. In some way most of us want to form loving families, raise our children
to be good citizens, stand up for the downtrodden and protect our communities from harm[…]

In conclusion, I believe there is some truth to the notion that status and possessions have
superseded old-fashioned values as a measure of a person’s worth. Looking beyond the tabloids,
however, it is apparent that most ordinary people have still preserved an old-fashioned conscience.

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