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Applications of Industrial Electronics

1. Industrial Automation and Motion Control – industrial automation is the use of

control systems, such as computers or robots, and information technologies for handling
different processes and machineries in an industry to replace human beings. It is the
second step beyond mechanization in the scope of industrialization. Industrial automation
is on the rise and it primarily depends on motion control systems. Automating operations
through machines can avoid a lot of human error, and can also speed up production
efficiency. How to make the machine act according to the command is the application
category of machine motion control.

2. Machine Learning – is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows software

applications to become more accurate at predicting outcomes without being explicitly
programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithm use historical data as input to predict
new output values. Its purpose is to discover patterns in your data and then make
predictions based on often complex patterns to answer business questions, detect and
analyse trends and help solve problems.
Common uses include fraud detection, spam filtering, malware threat detection, business
process automation and predictice maintenance.

3. Power Converting Technologies – refers to any system that converts energy from one
form to another. The main goal of power plants is to take a fuel like coal, natural gas or
uranium, and transform it into electricity. This makes power plants am energy conversion
technology, and they are the largest energy conversion technologies by far. Other
conversion technologies include cars, batteries, heaters and generators.

4. Mechatronics and Robotics – mechatronic integrates electronics, controls and

computers in the design of high-performance systems. Most modern products-
automobiles household appliances, printers, hard disk drives, surgical tools, to name a
few-embody numerous ‘intelligent’ or ‘smart’ features enabled by mechatronics.

5. Motor Drive Control – control the speed, torque, direction, and resulting horsepower of
a motor. Electronic devices that regulate motor speed torque, and position outputs. The
drive modifies the power output to the motor to achieve the desired output. The controller
circuits are commonly integrated with the drive circuits as one stand-alone unit, thus the
terms motor drive and motor controller are frequently used interchangeably.

6. Biomechanics – is the study of biological systems, particularly their structure and

function, using methods derived from mechanisms, which is concerned with the effects
that forces have on the motion of bodies.
7. Renewable Energy Application – it is power that comes from sources that regenerate,
unlike fossil fuels, which only exist in a limited amount. They release very little
greenhouse gases and so are better for the environment. Because electricity makes up the
largest share of our greenhouse gas emissions, changing how we get our energy is crucial
in the fight against global warming. Another advantage is the fact that they are
renewable, which means we wont ever run out of them.

8. Power Electronics – is the branch of electrical engineering that deals with the processing
of high voltages and currents to deliver power that supports variety of needs. From
household electronics to equipment in space applications, these areas all need stable and
reliable electric power with the desired specifications. Power electronic systems are used
in a variety of applications, such as power generation, power transmission, power
distribution and power control.

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