Suresh Sir

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FLUID MECHANICS AND MECHINARY IIIRD SEMESTER B.Tech. (Mechanical ) Assignment -1 1. A liquid weighs 7.25 N per litter.

. Calculate the specific weight, density and specific gravity of the liquid. (Ans:0.739) 2. A liquid has a specific gravity of 0.72. Find its density and specific weight. Find also the weight per litter of the liquid. (Ans: 7.0632 N/litter) 3. A vertical cylindrical tank of diameter 10m and depth 5m contains water at 20oC, to the brim. If the water is heated to 50oC how much water will spill over the edge of the tank. Specific weights of water at 20oC and 50oC are respectively 9.80 kN/m3 and 9.69kN/m3. (Ans: 4.46m3) 4. A shaft of 100mm diameter rotates at 60rpm in a 200 mm long bearing.0000 Taking that the two surfaces are uniformly separated by a distance of 0.50 mm and taking linear velocity distribution in the lubricating oil having dynamic viscosity of 0.004 Ns/m2 find the power absorbed in the bearing. (Ans: 0.05W) 5. A cylinder of 120mm diameter rotates concentrically inside a fixed cylinder of diameter 125 mm. Both cylinders are 300mm long. Find the viscosity of the liquid that fills the space between the cylinders if a torque of 0.90 Nm is required to maintain a speed of 60 rpm. (Ans: 0.88Pas) 6. A plunger moves through a cylinder at a speed of 2m/s. The cylinder diameter is 130mm and plunger diameter is 129.75mm and the plunger length is 150mm. Find the force required to maintain this speed if the film of oil separating the plunger from the cylinder has a viscosity of 1 Ns/m2. (Ans: 978.3N) 7. A block weighing 45 N with a base area 40mm*50mm just slides down a 30o dry inclined plane. But when the plane surface is smeared with a 1mm layer of lubricating oil, the block slides down the plane at 15o to the horizontal, at a velocity of 2m/s. find the coefficient of dry friction and friction and the viscosity of the lubricant. (Ans: 3.64 PaS) 8. A 60mm diameter piston moves inside a 60.10mm diameter cylinder. Find the percentage decrease in force needed to move the piston if the lubricant warms up from 0oC to 120oC. Take viscosity of the lubricant at 0oC and 120oC equal to 0.0182Ns/m2 and 0.0021Ns/m2 respectively. (Ans: 88.5%) 9. Two large horizontal plane surfaces are 20mm apart. This space is filled with glycerin. Find what force is required to drag a very thin plate of area 0.60m2 between the two surfaces at a speed of 0.70m/s, (i) if the plate is equidistant from the two surfaces (ii) if the plate is 7.50mm from one of the surfaces. Take the dynamic viscosity of glycerin equal to 8.04*10-1 Ns/m2. (Ans:67.54N, 72.04N) 10. A hydraulic lift of the type commonly used for greasing automobiles consists of a 255mm diameter ram which slides in a 255.2mm diameter cylinder, the annular space being filled with oil of kinematic viscosity 3.72*10-4 m2/s and specific gravity 0.85. If the ram moves at 0.15m/s, find the frictional resistance when 3000mm length of the ram is engaged in the cylinder. (Ans: 1140N)

11. A metal plate 0.5m*0.5m*2mm is to be lifted up with a velocity of 0.1 meter/sec through an infinitely extending gap 20mm wide containing an oil of specific gravity 0.90 and viscosity 1.962 N sec/metre2. Find the force required assuming that the plate remains midway in the gap. The plate weighs 7.36 N. (Ans: 13.8N) 12. A 500mm long pipe weighing 20N is slipped over a vertical solid shaft of diameter 50mm. If the clearance between the shaft and the pipe is 1.25mm, find the terminal velocity attained by the pipe if the pipe has a film of oil of viscosity 1.962 Poise. (Ans: 1.62m/s) 13. A vessel of uniform area of 1000mm2 and height 2m contains water to a depth of 1.5m and oil of specific gravity 0.8 for the remaining portion. The vessel is open to the atmosphere. Find the gauge pressure and the absolute pressure on the base of the vessel. Express this pressure as (i) a pressure intensity (ii) a pressure head of water (iii) a pressure head of oil. Take atmospheric pressure head equal to 1.013 bar. Also calculate the net force on the base of the vessel. (Ans: 18.64N) 14. A closed tank contains 0.50m of mercury, 2m of water, 3m of oil of specific gravity 0.6 and there is air space above the oil. If the gauge pressure at the bottom of the tank is 200 kPa what is the pressure of air at the top of the tank? (Ans: 96kPa) 15. In a hydraulic jack the area of the small piston is 800mm2. A force of 1 kN is applied on the small piston. What load can be lifted on the large piston? a) If the pistons are at the same level b) If the small piston is 0.50m above the large piston. Take the specific weight of the liquid in the jack as 9.81kN/m3. (Ans: 10kN)

16. A differential manometer gauge consists of two bulbs B and C, of equal dimensions connected with an inverted U-tube with vertical limbs. The bulbs B and C contain water and the manometer liquid is oil having a specific gravity of 0.8. The centre of the bulb B is 0.15m above the centre of the bulb C. The surface of separation of water and oil in the left limb of the U-tube to which the bulb B is attached is at a height of 0.3m from the centre of the bulb B and the surface of separation of water and oil in the right limb of the U-tube to which the bulb C is attached is at a height of 0.6m from the centre of the bulb C. Determine the difference of pressure in the two bulbs. If the pressure in the bulb C is 70 kPa and the barometer reading is 747.3mm of mercury, find the pressure in the bulb B. (Ans: 168kPa(abs)) 17. A two liquid double column enlarged ends monometer is used to measure a high precision pressure difference between two points in a pipe line containing gas under pressure. The basins are partly filled with methyl alcohol of specific gravity 0.78 and the lower portion of the U-tube is filled with mercury. The specific weight of gas is 4.67N/m3 find the pressure difference if the U-tube reading is 3cm and diameter of the basin is 15 times that of the U-tube.

18. A pressure gauge consists of two cylindrical bulbs B and C each of cross-sectional area, which are connected by a U-tube with vertical limbs, each of Cross-sectional area. A red liquid of specific gravity 0.9 is filled into C and clear water is filled into B, the surface of separation being in the limb attached to C. Find the displacement of the surface of separation when the pressure on the surface in C is greater than that in B by an amount equal to 10mm head of water. (Ans: Y=68mm)

19. A sluice gate is 2m wide and 1.2m high. It is hinged at the bottom. On the upstream side there is sea water extending to a height of 1.6m above the top of the gate, and on the downstream side there is fresh water up to the top of the gate. Find a) The resultant pressure force acting on the gate. b) The position of the centre of pressure. c) The least force acting at the top of the gate which will open the gate. 20. A vertical dock gate is 6 meters wide and has water to a depth of 8 metres on the other side and to a depth of 4 meters on the other side. Find the resultant horizontal force on the dock gate and the position of its line of action. To what position does this line tend as the depth of water on the shallow side rises to 8 meters? (Ans: 4meters) 21. A square lamina of side 0.5m*0.5m is placed vertically in water with one diagonal vertical. If the upper corner is 0.4m below the water surface, calculate the total pressure and the depth of centre of pressure. (Ans: 1.85kN,0.76m) 22. A heavy cylinder 1m long rests on the bottom of a tank 1m long. The tank contains water on one side of the cylinder for a depth of 0.6m and oil of specific gravity 0.75 on the other side of the cylinder for a depth of 1.2m. If the radius of the cylinder is 1.2m find the horizontal and vertical forces exerted by the liquids on the cylinder. (Ans: 12.66kN) 23. A cylindrical gate 2m in diameter is kept on a floor in such a way that its longitudinal axis is horizontal. It has water on its both sides so that the depth of water on one side is 2m whereas on the other side it is 1m. Determine the magnitude and the direction of the resultant hydrostatic force exerted on the gate per meter length of the gate. Also calculate the minimum weight of the gate so that it will not float away from the floor. (Ans: 27.4kN, 57.31, 23.1kN) 24. A steal cylinder 3m diameter and 1.5 M long lies across the full width of a 1.5m wide open channel . It has water on both sides such that on one side it is 3m and on the other side it is 1.5m. Find the magnitude, location and direction of the resultant hydrostatic force exerted on the cylinder. Find also the least weight of the cylinder so that may not be lifted away from the floor of the channel. (Ans: F=92.5kN, W=78kN) 3 25. A boat sails from sea water weighing 10.06 kN/m to fresh water weighing 9.81 kN/m3 and sinks by 40mm. A man weighing 580N gets out and the boat rises to its original water level. Find the weight of the boat. (Ans:W=22.76kN) 26. An ice berg floats in an ocean so that one-seventh of its volume is above the surface. Find the specific gravity of the ice berg with respect to ocean water. (Ans: 0.857)

27. A ship floating in sea water displaces 160cum. Calculate (a) the weight of the ship if sea water weighs 10055N/m3 and (b) the volume of fresh water weighing 9810n/m3 which the ship would displace. (Ans: 1608.8N, 164 cum) 28. A cylinder of circular section of circular section of diameter d made of material of specific gravity S floats in liquid of specific gravity So. Find the maximum length of the cylinder if equilibrium is to be stable with the cylinder axis vertical.

29. A ship displaces 41500kN when floating in a sea water with its axis vertical and a weight of 4100kN is placed on the centre line. Moving this weight by 1 meter towards one side of the deck causes a plumb bob suspended from a 2.75 meter long string, to move by 300mm. Find the metacentric height of the unloaded ship. (Ans: 0.91m) 30. Two spheres weighing 12kN and 45kN are each 2m in diameter. They are connected by a short rope and placed in water. Find the tension in the connecting rope. Find also what portion of the lighter sphere will project above the water surface. (Ans: 61.2%) 31. Prove that for the stability of cube floating in water with one of its faces horizontal, the specific gravity of the cube cannot lie between 0.79 and 0.21. 32. Show that a cylindrical buoy 1.2m diameter and 2.2m high weighing 10,000N will not float vertically. Find the tension necessary in a vertical chain attached to the centre of the base that will keep the cylinder vertical. Take density of sea water=1026kg/m3. (Ans: 5070N). 33. A right solid cone with apex angle of 120o has specific gravity K with respect to the liquid in which it floats with its apex down ward. Determine the range of that is compatible with the stable equilibrium of the cone. (Ans: K is between 0.42 and 1). 34. A rectangular pontoon 10.3m long and 7.3m broad and 2.4m deep has a displacement of 74 tones. It carries on its deck an empty boiler of 5.5m diameter weighing 70 tones . The center of gravity of the boiler and the pontoon are at their respective centers along a vertical line. Find the metacentric height. Relative density is 1.038. (Ans: 0.205m) 35. A wooden right circular cone of specific gravity 0.85 is required to float vertically in water. Determine the least apex angle which shall enable the cone to float in stable equilibrium. (Ans: 26.55o) 36. A cylindrical tank of diameter 3d contains water in which a solid circular cylinder of length L and diameter D floats with its axis vertical. Oil is poured into the tank so that the length of the float finally protruding above the oil surface is L/20. What vertical movement of the float has taken place. (Relative density of oil=0.8, of cylinder 0.9) (Ans: 0.1778L)

Answer M11 + M21------1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34 M12 + M22 ------ 2,5,8,11,14,17,20,23,26,29,32,35 M13=M23 -------3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36 Date of submission :

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