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HES Technical Manual V1.

Head End System

Technical Manual

May 11, 2021

Hangzhou Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd.

Copyright Information
The information involved in this document belongs to Hangzhou Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd.
Without the permission of Hangzhou SUNRISE Technology Co., Ltd., no part of the document can
be distributed to third parties in any form.

HES Technical Manual V1.2


Document description
Effective range:
This technical manual is only for the Head End System(HES) specified in the title
of the document.
This user manual contains the HES system function introduction and operation
method, which aims to help users quickly understand the HES system, so that the
staff and customers can quickly grasp the related operations of the HES system.
User Target Audience:
 The purpose of this technical manual is to guide the relevant staff of HES
system design, testing and operation.
 This technical manual is aimed at HES system administrators of power
companies, HES system operation, maintenance and other related staff.

The manual may contain technical inaccuracies, inconsistencies with product
functions and operations, or printing errors.
Our company will update the content of this manual according to the
enhancement or change of product functions, and will regularly improve and update
the description in this manual. The updated content will be added in the new version
of this manual without notice.
The content in this manual only provides users with reference and guidance, and
does not guarantee that it is completely consistent with the actual product. Please
refer to the actual product.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Symbol Agreement

The following signs may appear in the text, and their meanings are as follows.

Symbol Description

Indicates additional information in the main text, which emphasizes

and supplements the main text.

Note: The company may make changes to the products or specifications

described in this document without prior notice. All rights reserved, without the
written consent of the company, no part or all of this information may be
reproduced or copied in any form.

HES Technical Manual V1.2


HES TECHNICAL MANUAL ........................................................................................................... 1

PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................... 2

VERSION ................................................................................................................................... 13

1 OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................................... 14

2 ABBREVIATION ................................................................................................................. 14

3 LOGIN SYSTEM ................................................................................................................. 15

4 INTRODUCTION TO THE MAIN INTERFACE ........................................................................ 16

5 SYSTEM ............................................................................................................................ 17

5.1 SETTINGS .......................................................................................................................... 18

5.1.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 18

5.1.2 Function description .............................................................................................. 18

5.1.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 18

5.2 ORGANIZATION .................................................................................................................. 27

5.2.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 27

5.2.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 27

5.2.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 27

5.3 ROLE ................................................................................................................................ 37

5.3.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 37

5.3.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 37

5.3.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 37

5.4 USER................................................................................................................................ 45

5.4.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 45

5.4.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 45

5.4.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 46

5.5 USER GROUP ..................................................................................................................... 50

5.5.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 50

HES Technical Manual V1.2

5.5.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 50

5.5.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 51

5.6 LOGIN LOG ........................................................................................................................ 52

5.6.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 52

5.6.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 52

5.6.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 53

5.7 OPERATING LOG ................................................................................................................. 55

5.7.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 55

5.7.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 56

5.7.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 56

5.8 SUBSCRIBE ........................................................................................................................ 59

5.8.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 59

5.8.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 59

5.8.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 60

5.9 NOTIFICATION .................................................................................................................... 61

5.9.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 61

5.9.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 61

5.9.3 System notification function .................................................................................. 62

5.9.4 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 62

5.9.5 Path ....................................................................................................................... 63

5.9.6 System alarm function ........................................................................................... 63

5.9.7 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 63

5.10 TEMPLATE ......................................................................................................................... 64

5.11 MULTI-L ANGUAGE .............................................................................................................. 65

6 PARAMETER ..................................................................................................................... 65

6.1 SUPPLIER .......................................................................................................................... 66

6.1.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 66

6.1.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 66

6.1.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 66

HES Technical Manual V1.2

6.2 METER TYPE ...................................................................................................................... 67

6.2.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 67

6.2.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 67

6.2.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 68

6.3 DCU TYPE ........................................................................................................................ 70

6.3.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 70

6.3.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 70

6.3.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 71

6.4 OBIS MGT........................................................................................................................ 72

6.4.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 72

6.4.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 72

6.5 FEE .................................................................................................................................. 73

6.5.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 73

6.5.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 73

6.6 TARIFF .............................................................................................................................. 73

6.6.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 73

6.6.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 73

6.6.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 74

6.7 SUPPLY GROUP .................................................................................................................. 90

6.8 COLLECTION PLAN .............................................................................................................. 90

6.8.1 Path ....................................................................................................................... 90

6.8.2 Function Description .............................................................................................. 90

6.8.3 Opetarate Process .............................................................................................. 91

6.9 CUSTOMIZED PARAMETER .................................................................................................. 103

6.9.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 103

6.9.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 103

6.9.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 105

6.10 EVENT CODE.................................................................................................................... 111

7 ARCHIVE ......................................................................................................................... 111

HES Technical Manual V1.2

7.1 POWER GRID ................................................................................................................... 112

7.1.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 112

7.1.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 113

7.1.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 114

7.2 CUSTOMER ...................................................................................................................... 118

7.2.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 118

7.2.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 119

7.2.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 119

7.3 MODULE ........................................................................................................................ 123

7.3.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 123

7.3.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 123

7.3.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 124

7.4 METER ........................................................................................................................... 127

7.4.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 127

7.4.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 128

7.4.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 128

7.5 POC .............................................................................................................................. 132

7.5.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 132

7.5.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 133

7.5.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 133

7.6 DCU .............................................................................................................................. 136

7.6.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 136

7.6.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 136

7.6.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 137

7.7 DEVICE UPGRADE ............................................................................................................. 140

7.7.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 140

7.7.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 140

7.7.3 Upgrade plan management ................................................................................ 140

7.7.4 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 141

HES Technical Manual V1.2

7.7.5 Path ..................................................................................................................... 144

7.7.6 Upgrade equipment management ...................................................................... 144

7.7.7 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 144

8 LINE LOSS MODEL........................................................................................................... 148

8.1 PATH .............................................................................................................................. 148

8.2 FUNCTION DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 148

8.3 OPETARATE PROCESS ...................................................................................................... 148

8.3.1 Line loss model create ......................................................................................... 148

8.3.2 Line loss model modify ........................................................................................ 149

8.3.3 Line loss model delete ......................................................................................... 149

8.3.4 Line loss model query .......................................................................................... 149

9 SERVICE .......................................................................................................................... 150

9.1 BATCH OPERATING (GPRS) ................................................................................................ 151

9.1.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 151

9.1.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 152

9.1.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 152

9.2 BATCH OPERATING (PLC) ................................................................................................... 154

9.3 SINGLE OPERATING ........................................................................................................... 154

9.3.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 154

9.3.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 154

9.3.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 155

9.4 DUC OPERATING.............................................................................................................. 157

9.4.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 157

9.4.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 158

9.5 METER DOWNLOAD(PLC) .................................................................................................. 160

9.5.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 160

9.5.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 160

9.5.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 161

HES Technical Manual V1.2

9.6 DEVICE CONFIG RESULT ..................................................................................................... 165

9.6.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 165

9.6.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 166

9.6.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 166

9.7 TARIFF CONFIG RESULT ...................................................................................................... 169

9.7.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 169

9.7.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 169

9.8 QUICK SETTINGS .............................................................................................................. 170

9.8.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 170

9.8.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 170

9.9 LEAK DATA (GPRS) ........................................................................................................... 171

9.9.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 171

9.9.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 171

9.9.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 172

10 ANALYTICS...................................................................................................................... 173

10.1 METER EVENT ................................................................................................................. 174

10.1.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 174

10.1.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 174

10.1.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 175

10.2 DCU EVENT .................................................................................................................... 177

10.3 DAILY BILLING .................................................................................................................. 177

10.4 MONTHLY BILLING ............................................................................................................ 177

10.5 LOAD PROFILE1 ................................................................................................................ 177

10.5.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 177

10.5.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 177

10.5.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 178

10.6 LOAD PROFILE2 ................................................................................................................ 180

10.7 CONSUMPTION ................................................................................................................ 181

10.8 ACQUISITION TARIFF. ....................................................................................................... 181

HES Technical Manual V1.2

10.8.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 181

10.8.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 181

10.8.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 182

10.9 LINELOSS TARIFF. ............................................................................................................ 183

10.9.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 183

10.9.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 184

10.9.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 184

10.10 ONLINE TARIFF. .......................................................................................................... 184

10.10.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 184

10.10.2 Function Description ........................................................................................... 185

10.10.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 185

10.11 VOLTAGE ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 185

10.12 CURRENT ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 185

11 REPORT .......................................................................................................................... 186

11.1 METER STATUS ................................................................................................................. 186

11.1.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 186

11.1.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 186

11.1.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 187

11.2 MAINTAIN REPORT ........................................................................................................... 187

11.2.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 187

11.2.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 188

11.2.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 188

11.3 REPLACE METER............................................................................................................... 190

11.3.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 190

11.3.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 190

11.3.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 191

11.4 REPLACE SIM .................................................................................................................. 192

11.4.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 192

11.4.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 193

HES Technical Manual V1.2

11.4.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 193

11.5 RELAY STATUS .................................................................................................................. 193

11.5.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 193

11.5.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 194

11.5.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 194

11.6 MISSING DATA ................................................................................................................. 194

11.6.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 194

11.6.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 195

11.6.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 195

11.7 OFFLINE.......................................................................................................................... 196

11.7.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 196

11.7.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 196

11.8 MANUFACTURER .............................................................................................................. 196

11.8.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 196

11.8.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 197

11.8.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 197

11.9 SWITCH STATISTICS............................................................................................................ 198

11.9.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 198

11.9.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 199

11.9.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 199

11.10 CUSTOMIZED REPORT.................................................................................................... 199

11.10.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 199

11.10.2 Function Description ........................................................................................... 199

11.10.3 Opetarate Process ............................................................................................ 200

12 ADMIN ........................................................................................................................... 207

12.1.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 207

12.1.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 207

13 NUMBER OF NOTIFICATIONS AND ALARMS ............................................................... 208

HES Technical Manual V1.2

13.1.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 208

13.1.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 208

14 CHART DISPLAY DATA ................................................................................................. 209

14.1.1 Path ..................................................................................................................... 209

14.1.2 Function Description ............................................................................................ 209

15 GENERAL MODULE ..................................................................................................... 210

15.1 PAGING QUERY ................................................................................................................. 210

15.2 DATA OUTPUT .................................................................................................................. 210

15.3 CRON EXPRESSION CONFIGURATION ..................................................................................... 211

16 Q&A ........................................................................................................................... 212

HES Technical Manual V1.2


Version No. Author Date Remark

V1.0 Dan Yang、Renbei.Zhuang 21/04/2021 First draft

Fixed the inaccutariff. part of

V1.1 Dan.Yang 27/04/2021
the original description

Modified document template and

V1.2 Dan.Yang 11/05/2021
picture plus serial number

Hangzhou Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2001 in the city of
Hangzhou, China. With 20-year’s development, Sunrise is one of the top 5 leading
energy meter manufacturers in China now, which engages in the design, R&D,
manufacturing and sales of energy meter and AMI system solutions. Our
production base covers an area of around 37,000 m2 with annual
production capacity of 20 million pieces of energy meters. For more information
about Hangzhou Sunrise Technology Co., Ltd., please visit

HES Technical Manual V1.2

1 Overview
Head End System(HES) is a data collection system, and at the same time, it is
also a set of comprehensive management system. It can manage the
information of electricity meters and concentrators, collect meter data regularly,
receive meter reporting events, receive data reported by the concentrator, store
data, analyze line loss, grid quality, and load. Analysis, etc., the highlights of the
system are as follows:
 Automatic meter reading, reducing meter reading cycle and operating
 The integration of multiple communication technologies improves the
success tariff. of data collection.
 The anti-theft technology at the system level and the equipment level
effectively protects the revenue of the power company.
 Power analysis and load analysis provide data support for power
company grid planning.
 Provide complete business data, effectively support line loss
management, reduce non-technical line loss, and improve customer
 Support the interconnection of equipment from multiple manufacturers,
provide users with a unified data view, improve IT operation efficiency,
and reduce the difficulty of operation and maintenance.

2 Abbreviations
Abbreviation English full name

HES Head End System

URL Uniform Resource Locator

FTP File Transfer Protocol

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

HES Technical Manual V1.2

TOU Time of use

SIM Subscriber Identity Module

OBIS Object Identification system

POC Point of Collection

DCU Data Concentrator Unit

MSNO Meter Serial Number

CT Current Transformer

PT Potential Transformer(Voltage Transformer,简称 VT)

SN Serial Number

PLC Power Line Communication

3 Login System
HES After the system is deployed, the deployment personnel will provide the
URL address of the HES system.
Step1: Input the HES system address in the IE and press Enter to enter the login
interface. As shown below.

Figure 1: Login interface

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Step2: Enter the user name and password, and click the login button.

1、 URL Address Format:HTTP:IP:PORT/LOGIN。

2、 The default user name of the newly installed system:admin;Password:
3、 Default langues is English

4 Introduction to the main interface

The display interface after the user successfully logs in to the system is as shown
in the figure below.

Figure 2

The interface mainly contains the contents of 4 items:

1:The system menu bar displays the following list of navigation bars:
Menu Description

System System configuration, organization management, role

management and other functions

Parameter Contains supplier management, meter type management,

concentrator type management and other functions

Archive Contains functions such as grid structure management, user

management, module management, etc.

Service Includes functions such as real-time point reading, batch

HES Technical Manual V1.2

reading, and supplementary reading of missing points

Analytics Contains functions such as viewing device reported events

and viewing billing data

Report Contains functions such as maintenance report, table change

report, custom report, etc.

2:Number of notifications and alarms
Used to prompt the user account to receive the number of System Notice and
System Alarm.

The user personal center includes functions such as system logout, password
modification, and personal information viewing.

4:Report data displayed in a chart.
The chart shows the status of all meters in the HES system, the proportion of
meter types, and the collection tariff. curve.

5 System
Configure the system function parameters. The main parameters are listed as
Sub-menu Description

Settings Basic parameters

Organization Organization

Role Manage system user roles

User Manage user accounts

User Group Manage user groups

Login Log View login and logout

Operating Log View operating device logs

Notification Notification management

Template System template

Multi-Language International management

Subscribe Subscribe to news

HES Technical Manual V1.2

5.1 Settings
5.1.1 Path
System >> Setting,The interface display is as shown in the figure.

Figure 3

5.1.2 Function Description

Settings :It is the basic parameters of the system operation, the specific
parameters are as follows

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Base Basic parameters

Front End HES parameters

FTP FTP parameters

Log Log setting parameter

Prepay Prepaid parameters

Security Security parameters

SMTP Mail server parameters

Threshold Threshold parameter

TOU Tariff parameter

HES Technical Manual V1.2

HES After the system is deployed, the implementation staff will preset the
system Settings parameters, and users should not modify them.

5.1.3 Opetarate Process Base Parameters

Step1: Click the row of Base or the button to the left of it, as shown in the


Figure 4

Step2:Enter the Base editing interface to view and edit its parameters, as shown
in the figure.

Figure 5

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Base The parameter description is as follows

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Logo Logo or trademark, click the select The file format is png and

file button to select the logo file the size cannot exceed 10kb

Theme Color System theme color The system color will

change after modification

Site Name Site name Such as HES System, the

name will be displayed on the

login interface

Model System type AMI

Page size Number of records per page Use drag and drop to

modify the number of records

Site Email Website mailbox

Site Tel Website landline number

Site Address Website address

Language System default language Generally default English,


Language Select Language switching function of the Yes—open, No—close


Currency Symbol currency symbol Unit used for prepaid meter


Map Api Map engine address If the current default is:

Bing Maps

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 6: Turn on the system language selection function

Figure 7: Turn off the system language selection function

Step3:After editing, click the button in the upper right corner, the system

will pop up an information box, click the button to jump back to the main

Settings interface, as shown in the figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

图 1

1、 Currency Symbol: This parameter is not enabled in this system.

2、 Map Api: The system uses the map engine by default. Front End Parameters

Front End The parameter setting access method is the same as Settings, see
section 5.1 for details.
Front End The parameter description is as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

IP IP address of the Redis server

Port Port number of the Redis server

Password Password of the Redis server

Log Readout time out System reading device timeout Reserve


Task execute min cycle Set the minimum period of corn Reserve

expression execution

Task try times Security parameter execution Reserve


Reading mode Two type of reading mode, one Reserve

by one and Batch

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Max collect point Maximum number of collect points Reserve

Max secondes of batch Max secondes of batch save Reserve


Num of batch save Number of batch save Reserve

1、 Front Endconfigure the front parameters according to actual

application scenarios, please refer to AMI Installation Guide FTP Parameters

FTP parameters are set to enter in the same way as Settings,as detailed in
section 5.1
The FTP parameters are described in the following list:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

ftpip The IP address of the FTP server

ftpport The port number of the FTP server

ftpusername FTP user account

ftppassword FTP account password Log Parameters

Log parameter settings enter in the same way as Settings,as detailedin Section
The Log parameter is described in the following list
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Days of Latest Login Record the maximum number of Set the range to 15-365

days to log days

Days of Latest Notice Record the number of days the Set the range to 15-365

most recent notification was days


Days of Latest Operating Record the number of days the Set the range to 15-365

HES Technical Manual V1.2

most recent operation was days


1、 The user reasonably sets the number of days the system log record is
used, and it is recommended to use the system default parameters. Prepay Parameters

Prepay is a system prepaid feature-related parameter that is available by default.

See the Prepaid System Operating Manual for details, which is not covered here. Security Parameters

The Security parameter is set to enter in the same way as Settings,as detailed in
section 5.1.
The Security parameters are described in the following list
Sun-menu Description Remarks

Account default password The default password for the

Customer account

Days to change pwd The number of days the Set the range to 7-90 days
password is changed
Times to try pwd The number of password Set the range 1-10 times
modification errors
If lock account Account lock function Yes - The maximum

number of attempts to
enter a password
connection error locks the
No- The number of

connection errors reaching

HES Technical Manual V1.2

the maximum number of

attempts does not lock the
Min length of username The minimum length of Set the range 3-20 bits
the user account
Min length of password The minimum length of Set the range 6-20 bits
the password
allow old password The old password is retain

open verify code The verification code is on Yes - When logging into the

system, you are prompted

to enter the verification
code, as shown;
No- Not on;

Figure 2 Verification code hint interface SMTP Parameters

The SMTP parameter settings enter in the same way as Settings,as detailed in
Section 5.1.
The SMTP parameters are described in the following list:
Sun-menu Description Remarks

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Host SMTP server address,

such as

Port SMTP server port, such as

port 587

Email The sender's email

address, such as


Password username

SSL password false means not enabled

true means enable

1、 The receiving mail user is the e-mail address of the user account. 4、
2、 Username username, which refers here to the email username, 5、
optional, if filled in, is the same as the email address.
3、 Password password, required, email password. 6、 Threshold Parameters

The Threshold parameter is set to enter in the same way as Settings,as detailed
in section5.1.
The Threshold parameter is described in the following list
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Loss line The percentage of the line loss Set the range 0-100 for line

threshold loss calculation

Profiledata Point copy meter load data Set the interval 1- 100h

maximum interval threshold

1、 System parameters implementers or administrator settings, other

personnel do not modify without authorization.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

2、 The user reasonably sets the system threshold parameters, and it is

recommended to use the default parameters. TOU Parameters

The TOU parameter is set to enter in the same way as Settings,as detailed in
The TOU parameters are described in the following list:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Num days The number of daily time The number of days is set to a

period tables range of 1-20

Num day times Day time ditto

Num seasons The number of quarterly zones ditto

Num special days Special holidays The number of days is set to

range 1-200

Num steps The number of steps ditto

Num taiffs The number of tariff. s ditto

Num weeks The number of weekly tables ditto

The number of parameter settings should be based on the actual number

of meter TOU support, please set the parameters reasonably.

5.2 Organization
5.2.1 Path
System >> Organization the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 3

5.2.2 Function Description

Organization is how the various related groups in an organization build up with
each other.
The list of types is as follows,

Sub-menu Description Remarks

District region

Company firm

Department department

Position Functions

Organization template is as follows:

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 4 Organizational template

5.2.3 Opetarate Process Organizational machine creation

Step1:Click the button to enter the Organization Management

Step2:In the Organization interface, click the "plus"button in the upper right
corner to create an organization, as shown.

Figure 5

Step3:Enter Organization Machine Edit interface and edit the parameters, as


HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 6

Organization Parameter Description,

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Type ype There are four types:





Name Name such as YuHangQu

Code Code, administrative code, Such as YuHangQu code

area code, work number, etc 330110

Order No Serial number Such as setting 1

Description Description

Step4:Edited, saved by clicking the Save button, back to the Organization

interface to view the new organization information.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 7

Step5:If you need to create another organizational structure type, repeat


1、 Organization type creation rule:

1) District: Create a Discredt/Company type
2) Company:Create District/ Company/ Department/ Positiontype
3) Department: Create a Department/Position type.
4) Position:No creation, end-of-end type
2、 Order No. Serial number value is less than or equal to 10000 Delete the Organize the machine

Step1:In the root root of the interface, select the organization to delete (select
the upper directory of the end directory), such as International Group, as shown
in the figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 8

Step2:On the List page, select Delete items, as shown

Figure 9

Step3:Click the delete button on the interface, the system pops up the

information box, click the OK button, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 10

Figure 11

Step4 : System again information box, click OK button, as


HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 12

1、 Delete rule: Remove from the bottom up one layer.

2、 If there are subdirectorys under the deletion directory, the system
prompts "exist_child_nodes" and cannot be deleted, and to delete the
subdirectories, you need to delete the subdirectories before you can
delete them.。 Organization organization modification

Step1: In the left-hand window of the interface, look for items that need to be
modified for the organization name, such as Sunrise2020 figure.

Figure 13

Step2:Step2: In the right-hand window of the interface, click the Details button
HES Technical Manual V1.2

and Enter the Edit Edit page, pictured.

Figure 14

Step3:Edit the modification completely and click the Save button, as shown.
Return to the Organization interface.

Figure 15

1、 Modify the page, Type is not editable, only delete.

2、 Gray lines are not editable.

HES Technical Manual V1.2 Organization queries

Step1:Find the search box on the interface, as shown in the figure.

Figure 16

Step2:Enter a name in the search box, such as Finance, as shown in the figure.

Figure 17

Step3:When you enter a name, the system automatically retrieves the location
of the name, as shown in the figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 18

1、 The search box input length is greater than 4 bits, and the match
keyword is automatically retrieved.
2、 The retrieved name font turns red.

5.3 Role
5.3.1 Path
System >> Role,and the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 19

5.3.2 Function Description

Role is managing roles, and maintenance completion gives the role
permissions to get the appropriate .

HES Technical Manual V1.2

The type operation is in the following table:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Role creates The creation of a new role

Role deletes Role Delete

Role modification Role modification

Role query Role query

5.3.3 Opetarate Process Create role

Step1: Click the button to enter the user management interface.

Step2: In the Role interface, click the"plus" button in the upper right corner to
create the character, as shown.

Figure 20

Step3:Enter the role editing interface and edit the parameters, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 21

Create role parameter description:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name The role name The maximum support length is 50


Status The permission state Active- Permissions are available,Locked-

Permissions are not available

Permission Role permissions

Permission- parameters are listed below

Sub-menu Description Remarks

System The right to use system parameters Including additions,

deletions and checks and

other functions

Parameter All kinds of files and parameters New ditto


Archive Archive information maintenance View ditto


Prepaid The use of the prepaid feature ditto

Service The device's read, write, and execute Io also includes single

permissions and bulk operation

HES Technical Manual V1.2


Analytics Device data, events, and their analysis ditto

view permissions for

Report The data report for the meter view ditto


Step4:Edit done, click the button, return to the Role interface to see new

role information, as shown in the figure.

Figure 22

Prepaid is prepaid and not part of this content model. Delete role

Step1:In the Role interface, select the role name of the to delete, as shown in
the figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 23

Step2:Click the interface delete button, pop up the information box, click the
OK button, as shown.

Figure 24

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 25

Step3:The system then pops up the information box and clicks the OK button.
As shown, return to the Role interface.

Figure 26

1、 When deleting a role permission, if the current role permission is

bound, the system prompts that it cannot be deleted and needs to be
untied before it can continue to be deleted.
2、 Remove or restrict the use of role permissions, modify the Status state,
select Locked,lock.

HES Technical Manual V1.2 Role modification

Step1: Select the name of the role you want to modify on theinterface, as
shown in the figure.

Figure 27

Step2:Click the interface modification button, as shown.

Figure 28

Step3:Modify permissions in the Edit interface, modify them, click the Save
button. Returns the User interface, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 29 Role Query

Step1:Find the Search box at the top left of the Role interface, as shown in the

Figure 30

Step2:Enter the role permission keyword or full name, click the Retrieve button,
as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 31

Step3:View the results of the search, as shown in the figure.

Figure 32

5.4 User
5.4.1 Path
System >> User,User,and the interface appears as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 33

5.4.2 Function Description

User is a user-use account, and a user account is managed by getting
administrator rights assignments.
The type operation is in the following table:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

User creates Create a new user account

User deletes Delete the user account

User modification Modify the user account

User query Query the user account

5.4.3 Opetarate Process Creat user account

The action method is similar to The Role creation, as detailed in section
The User parameters are described in the following list:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Organization Organizational structure Optional, not filled in, does

not affect usage

Username User name (account name) The length supports up to 20


HES Technical Manual V1.2

Email The email address

Role Role Select If not, see Section

Status User Account status Active- Enable

Locked- Lock

Password User password settings

Confirm Password User password confirmation

Strength Password strength display

Expiry Time Term settings If the user account expires,

the user will not be able to

use it properly
Full name The user's full name

Profile Photo A photo of the user's avatar

Gender gender

Birthday Date of birth

Telephone telephone number

Address Residential address

1、 The line with the """

2、 The user name is only one, the user name is determined and generally
does not make modifications.
3、 User names cannot be renamed with other user accounts in the current
system, cannot be named with special characters, and are case
4、 It is recommended that you set a password for the user using the
default password 12345678.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 34 The user account is deleted

The action method is similar to The Role delete, as detailed in section User account modification

The operation method is similar to the Role modification, as detailed in section User account query

There are a variety of query conditions on the User interface that can be
queried individually or in combination, and when combining queries, they are related
to each other, as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Role Role

Organization Organization

Status State Active


Unreleted Organization

Expiry time

检索框 Enter the keyword

Examples describe how user account keyword queries are made.

Step1: Find the search box in the User interface and enter the user account
HES Technical Manual V1.2

keyword or full name, as shown.

Figure 35

Step2:After entering the user account, for example, 123,click the search button,
as shown.

Figure 36

Step3:View the results, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 37

1、 As a search keyword in addition to using Username, Email can also be

used as a search keyword.
2、 Role, Organization, Status query method is the same, click the selection
box drop-down list to select the name, and then click the search

5.5 User Group

5.5.1 Path
System >> User Group,and the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 38

HES Technical Manual V1.2

5.5.2 Function Description

U User Group is the management of user account access.
The type operation is in the following table
Sub-menu Description Remarks

User Group creates Create a new user group

User Group deletes Delete the user group

User Group modification Modify the user group

User Group query Query the user group

5.5.3 Opetarate Process Create the user group

The action method is similar to The Role creation, as detailed in section
The user group edit parameters are described in the following table
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name The name of the user group Such as Sunrise2021

Status The status of the user group Active- Enable


Users User account Select the user account

associated with the grid


Power Grid Grid structure Select the grid structure, if

the ungrided structure is not

created, see 7.1 3.1

Auto Assign Grid node creation automatically Yes- Automatic assignment

assigns selected users No- Does not assign


Description Description Optional

HES Technical Manual V1.2 Delete the user group

The action method is similar to The Role delete, as detailed in section Modify user group

The operation method is similar to the Role modification, as detailed in section Query user group

he action method is similar to the Role query, as detailed in section

5.6 Login Log
5.6.1 Path
System >> Login Log,and the interface is shown as shown.

Figure 39

5.6.2 Function Description

Login Log is the login exit information for all user accounts of the recording
The detailed information for the record is listed below,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

IP The consumer IP address record

Type Landing and exit records

Ceated by The browser version

Browse The creator of the user name

HES Technical Manual V1.2

OS The user's computer operating system

5.6.3 Opetarate Process Log in to the log query

There are 2 ways to log queries on the Login Log interface:

1, according to the time frame, choose the start and end time, direct inquiry;
2, combination query, that is, input keywords and time range combination
The combined query works as follows:
Step1: Click the button to enter the Login Log interface.
Step2: Click on the time frame to select the start and end times, as shown,

Figure 40

Step3:Enter keywords such as IP address the searchbox.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 41

Step4:After entering the keyword, click the search button, as shown.

Figure 42

Step5:View the results, as shown in the figure

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 43

Retrieving Key you can use the IP address on the page, Type, such as Login
type, user name, browser version, to retrieve .

5.7 Operating Log

5.7.1 Path
System > > Operating Log,Operating Log,and the interface is displayed as

Figure 44

HES Technical Manual V1.2

5.7.2 Function Description

Operating Log is the operational information that records the account personnel
using the system.
The detailed information for records is listed below,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

IP Record the consumer IP address

Name The name of the action item

Type The type of operation Read / write / execute / create

/ delete / update /
purchase power
Result The result of the operation

Request Data Request the content of the data Click to view the request


Created By The creator

Creation time The time of creation

5.7.3 Opetarate Process Query action Log

Operating Log There are 2 ways to query operation logs on the interface,
There are two ways to query the operation log on the Operating Log interface:
1, according to the time frame, choose the start and end time, direct inquiry;
2, combined query, it has 3 combinations:
1) Enter keywords and time range combination query;
2) The combination query of the operation type and the time range;
3) Keywords, action type and time range 3 ways to combine queries;
When combining queries, the query relationship is the relationship with,
equivalent to an exact query.
The combination query 3 works as follows:
Step1: Click the button to enter the Operating Log interface.
Step2: Click on the time frame to select the start and end times, as shown,

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 45

Step3:Choose how to do it, such as Create,as shown inthe figure.

Figure 46

Step4:Enter keywords in the search box, such as yangdn 如 Figure。

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 47

Step5:The search box enters keywords, such as figure.

Figure 48

Step6:After entering the keyword, click the search button, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 49

Only Result results on the page can be used as keywords, such as yangdn.

5.8 Subscribe
5.8.1 Path
System > > Subscribe,and the interface is shown as shown.,

Figure 50

5.8.2 Function Description

Subscriptions are the management of the type of information notification and
how it is subscribed. The notification types and how to subscribe are listed below:

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Meter Event Meter event

Login User account Login event

Send Via Email How the message was sent

Send Via System How the system sends

5.8.3 Opetarate Process How to subscribe

Step1:Step1: Click the button to Enter the Subscribe subscription

Step2: In the subscription interface, select the subscription item and how to
send it, as shown.

Figure 51

Subscription parameter description,

Sub-menu Description Remarks
Meter Event Meter event Yes- Subscribe

No- Close the subscription

Login The login operation event ditto

Send Via Email How the message was sent ditto

Send Via System How the system sends ditto

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Step3:Select Done, click the Save button, as shown.

Figure 52

If you choose how to send the message, the user account mailbox must be
filled in correctly, otherwise you will not receive the mail.

5.9 Notification
5.9.1 Path
System >> Notification,and the interface appears as shown.

Figure 53

5.9.2 Function Description

Notification includes System Notice and System Alarm. Notification

HES Technical Manual V1.2

notifications are in the following table:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Notification System Notice

Alarm System Alarm

5.9.3 System notification function

System Notice is the system notification management that notifies user
accounts to receive from administrators.
Notifications The use of the feature must be a user account System subscription
feature turned on, see 5 8. 3.1, otherwise the feature will not work.
The type operation is in the following table,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

System Notice creates System Notifications Create

System Notice deletes System notification deletes

System Notice query The system notifies the query

5.9.4 Opetarate Process Create System Notifications

The action method is similar to The Role creation, as detailed in section
Notification edit parameter description,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Title Title

Content content

Users User account Select Notify user accounts

Organization Organization retain Delete System notification

The action method is similar to The Role delete, as detailed in section

HES Technical Manual V1.2 Query system notifies

The action method is similar to the Role query, as detailed in section

On the page, the background color highlights unviewed notifications.

5.9.5 Path
System >>Alarm,and the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 54

5.9.6 System alarm function

System Alarm is the management of alert user accounts with login or meter
event information records. The alert feature must be used if the user account
has mail subscription turned on, as detailed in, otherwise the feature will not
be available.
The type operation is in the following table,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Create System Alert System Alert Create

Delete System Alert System Alert Delete

Query System Alert System Alert Query

HES Technical Manual V1.2

5.9.7 Opetarate Process Delete System Alert

The action method is similar to The Role delete, as detailed in section Query the system alerts

The action method is similar to the Role query, as detailed in section
The background color on the page highlights the unviewed system alert

5.10 Template Path

System > > Template, template, and the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 55 Function Description

Template templates are used to define the data display format.

The display type is listed below,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Freemaker Forms and notification content


JasperReport Report template

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Implementer app management, user do not configure .

5.11 Multi-Language Path

System > > Multi-Language,and the interface appears as shown in the figure.

Figure 56 Function Description

Multi-Language system multilingual functions for system internationalization.

The language types are listed below,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

En_US English

Ru_US Russian

Implementer app management, user do not configure .。

6 Parameter
Parameter is the management of device parameters, the main parameters of
which are listed below
Sub-menu Description Remarks

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Supplier Vendor Record supplier information

Meter Type The type of meter

DCU Type Concentrator type

OBIS Mgt OBIS management

Fee Fees, including taxes, fees, Prepaid feature, not enabled

monthly fees, etc

Tariff Tariff Meter tariff scheme

Supply Group Power user group

Collection Plan Acquisition scheme

Customized Parameter The parameter scheme

Event Code The event code

6.1 Supplier
6.1.1 Path
Parameter >> Supplier,Supplier,and the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 57

6.1.2 Function Description

Supplier is the record supplier's information.
The type action is in the table below,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Supplier creates The creation of a new vendor

HES Technical Manual V1.2


Supplier deletes Supplier information deletes

Supplier modifies Supplier information modified

Supplier queries Supplier information query

6.1.3 Opetarate Process Supplier Archive creation

The action method is similar to The Role creation, as detailed in section
Supplier parameter description,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name Supplier name

Home Page Supplier home page

Address Supplier address

Email Supplier Email address

Telephone Supplier telephone number Delete the vendor profile

The action method is similar to The Role delete, as detailed in section
If the vendor has bound the meter module Module, when deleted, the
system will prompt that it cannot be deleted, untied and can be deleted
normally. Supplier profile modified

The operation method is similar to the Role modification, as detailed in section Supplier profile query

The action method is similar to the Role query, as detailed in section
6.2 Meter Type
6.2.1 Path
Parameter >> Meter Type,Meter Type,and the interface is displayed as shown.
HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 58

6.2.2 Function Description

Meter Type is the management of meter type information archives. The type
action is in the table below:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Meter Type create The creation of a new meter type

Meter Type delete Meter type Delete

Meter Type modifie Meter type modification

Meter Type query Meter type query

6.2.3 Opetarate Process Create the meter type

The action method is similar to The Role creation, as detailed in section
Description of meter type editing parameters,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name The name of the meter type

Supplier Vendor If not, see 6 1. 3.1

Protocol Internal agreement DLMS-TCP: Default option

HDLC-HDLC: Reserved

Communication Type The type of communication PLC

HES Technical Manual V1.2






Credit Type Credit type Prepay-Energy(kWh)





Connect Type How to connect 1P1W





Is Cascade Cascading None Cascade

Cascade Parent

Cascade Son

Accuracy Precise level

Voltage grade Voltage level

Current grade Current level

Description Description

1、 The line with the """

2、 The name of the meter type is recommended to be named after the
connection mode, the meter type, the communication mode, the
current specification, and so on.
3、 Internal Protocol: Default Select DMLS-TCP; DLMS-HDLC is not
4、 Meter credit type: Select Postpay, other meters do not apply to the

HES Technical Manual V1.2

current system. Delete the meter type

The action method is similar to The Role delete, as detailed in section 。

If the meter type is already bound to the meter archive Meter, when
deleted, the system will prompt that it can not be deleted, untied can be
deleted normally. Meter type modification

The operation method is similar to the Role modification, as detailed in section Meter type query

The action method is similar to the Role query, as detailed in section
6.3 DCU Type
6.3.1 Path
The parameter > > DCU Type,and the interface is shown as shown.

Figure 59

6.3.2 Function Description

DCU Type is the management of concentrator type archives. The type action is
in the table below,
HES Technical Manual V1.2

Sub-menu Description Remarks

DCU Type creation Create a new concentrator type

DCU Type deletes Concentrator type Delete

DCU Type modification Concentrator type modification

DCU Type query Concentrator type query

6.3.3 Opetarate Process Create Concentrator type creation

The action method is similar to The Role creation, as detailed in section
Concentrator Type Edit Parameter Description,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name The name of the concentrator


Supplier vendor If not, see 6 1. 3.1。

Protocol Internal protocols DLMS-TCP: Default option

HDLC-HDLC: Reserved

Uplink Type The type of upstream VM

communication GPRS

Downlink Type The type of downstream PLC

communication 485



Collect Method How to collect HES Collect- Reserved

DCU Report- Reserved

1、 The line with the """

2、 Concentrator type name: It is recommended to use the concentrator
vendor, concentrator type, and batch year.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

3、 Internal Protocol: Select DMLS-TCP; DLMS-HDLC is not available.

4、 The acquisition method is not currently used, can be ignored, the
current collection method is concentrator escalation. Delete Concentrator type

The action method is similar to The Role delete, as detailed in section

If the concentrator type is already bound to the concentrator archive DCU,

when deleted, the system will prompt that it cannot be deleted, and can be
deleted normally after untiing. Concentrator type modification

The operation method is similar to the Role modification, as detailed in section Concentrator type query

The action method is similar to the Role query, as detailed in section
6.4 OBIS Mgt
6.4.1 Path
Parameter > > OBIS Mgt, and the interface is shown as shown.

Figure 60

HES Technical Manual V1.2

6.4.2 Function Description

OBIS Mgt is the management of the Communications Protocol OBIS code.

Implementer app management, user do not configure .

6.5 Fee
6.5.1 Path
Parameter > > Fee,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 61

6.5.2 Function Description

This feature is not enabled in the MCU system and can be found in the Prepaid
System Operation Manual.
6.6 Tariff
6.6.1 Path
Parameter > > Tariff,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 62

6.6.2 Function Description

Tariff is the management of meter tariff. schemes.
Tariff. s The type is tabled below,

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Single tariff Tariff just one value Prepaid meter using

Step tariff Step tariff Prepaid meter using

TOU tariff TOU tariff Postpaid meter using

This system introduces the TOU tariff scheme. 2 other tariff types see the
Prepaid System Operating Manual for details.
The TOU tariff template is as follows,

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 63:tariff template

6.6.3 Opetarate Process Create tariff template

Step1: Click the button to access the Tariff Solutions Management

Step2: Click on the "plus" button in the upper corner of the interface, and create
a new tariff scheme name under the root directory, as shown in the figure.

Figure 64

Step3:Enter the tariff scheme editing interface, as shown

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 65

Description of the tariff scheme parameters

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name The name of the tariff scheme Such as Sunrise2024

Status The usage status of the tariff Such as Active enabled


Type The type of tariff scheme Such as TOU rate

Step4:Tariff scheme Edited, click the Save button, jump back to the tariff
interface to see the new tariff scheme.

Figure 66

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Tariff type select TOU tariff. ,other type are using for prepay meter. Delete tariff scheme

Step1:Step1:Under the root root directory, select the tariff scheme name,

Figure 67

Step2:Click the interface delete button, pop up the information box, click the
OK button, as shown.

Figure 68

The remaining steps are similar to about Role delete, as detailed in section

HES Technical Manual V1.2

1、 Delete rule: Remove from the bottom up one layer.

2、 If there are subdirectorys in the deletion directory, you will be
prompted that they cannot be deleted, and to delete them, you will
need to delete the subdirectories before you can delete them.
3、 Rates are enabled and sent down to meters for use, and when deleted,
prompts are used and cannot be deleted. Modify Tariff scheme

Step1: Find the modified tariff scheme in the left window of the interface and
click on the tariff scheme, as shown

Figure 69

Step2:Click on the Details page in the window on the right side of the interface
to modify the tariff name, as shown

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 70 Tariff scheme query

The tariff scheme interface has 2 areas for querying, namely the left window
retrieval box and the right window retrieval box. They query in the same way, but
only differently.
First, the left window query tariff scheme name operation method:
Step1: Find the search box in the left window of the interface, as shown.

Figure 71

Step2: Enter the name keyword in the search box, such as sunr,as shown inthe

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 72

Step3:When you enter the rate name, the system automatically retrieves the
location of the name, as shown.

Figure 73

1、 The search box input length is greater than 4 bits, and the match
keyword is automatically retrieved.
2、 The retrieved name font turns red.

Second, the right window query tariff scheme name operation method and the
left window query method, the results of the search are different, as shown

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 74

The search box enters the partial Rate Scenario Name keyword. Rate Create

Step1:Click on the left window to create a new good rate plan, such as the tariff
scheme name is Sunrise2024, as shown.

Figure 75

Step2:Enter the tariff scheme interface and click on the "plus"button in the
upper right cornerto create the rate name, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 76

Step3:Enter the Rate Name Edit interface, as shown.

Figure 77

Rate name Parameter description

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name The rate name Named with
numbers, range 01-99
Begin Date System enable time If Active is enabled
TOU Rate period Tariff-rate number

TOU editing process:

HES Technical Manual V1.2

1. Set the tariff number, as shown.

Figure 78

2. Set the daily time table, select the time period, click add or del button to
edit, as shown.

Figure 79

3. Set the weekly table, drop-down box to select the daily time table,add or del
button edit, click on the figure below.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 80

4. Set the season table, select the start time, drop-down box select the weekly
table,add or del button edit, as shown.

Figure 81

Step4:Rate Time Table Edited, click the Save button, jump back to Sunrise2024
page, showing when the rate was enabled, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 82

1、 Enable time If green indicates that the system is enabled, no further

modification edits can be made;
2、 Click Enable Time to modify the view rate time period table details. Delete tariff

Step1: In the root of the interface root, select the rate to delete, such as the
rate under the NWT01 rate scenario name, as shown in the figure.

Figure 83

Step2:On the List page of the window on the right side of theinterface, select
Delete the rate enable time, as shown

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 84

Step3:Click the interface delete button, the system pops up the information

box, click the OK button, as shown.

Figure 85

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 86

Step4: The system pops up the information box again, clicks the OK button, as

Figure 87

1、 Delete rule: Remove from the bottom up one layer.

2、 If there are subdirectorys in the deletion directory, you will be
prompted that they cannot be deleted, and to delete them, you will
need to delete the subdirectories before you can delete them.
3、 Rates are enabled and sent down to meters for use, and when deleted,
prompts are used and cannot be deleted. Modify tariff

Step1: Select the tariff to modify on the interface, click on the enable time date

HES Technical Manual V1.2

to enter the tariff scheme Modify the interface, as shown.

Figure 88

Step2:In the tariff modification interface, edit the parameters, as shown.

Figure 89

Step3:When the modification is complete, click the Save button. Jump back to
the Tariff interface.

If the tariff table enables the date, it cannot be modified Query tariff

Step1: Find the rate to view under the tariff scheme, such as the rate under
Sunrise2024, as shown in the figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 90

Step2:Click on the enable time date, as shown.

Figure 91

Step3:Enter the View Rates interface, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 92

6.7 Supply Group

This feature is not available in HES systems and is detailed in the Prepaid System
Operating Manual.
6.8 Collection Plan
6.8.1 Path
Parameter >Collect Plan,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 93

6.8.2 Function Description

Collection Plan is the management of the device acquisition scenario, which is
tabled below:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Meter Meter acquisition scheme Meter acquisition options

include the acquisition plan as



Monthly Billing

Daily Billing

Load Profile 1

Load Profile 2

Standard Event Log

Fraud Detection Log

Disconnect Control

Power Quality Log

Communication Log

Power Failure Event log

DCU DCU acquisition scheme The concentrator collection plan

and the collection plan as

follows Clock

6.8.3 Opetarate Process Creat Acquisition scheme

Acquisition scenarios are created in 2 ways:

1, manually create a collection scheme;
2, copy acquisition scheme, replication scheme is must have the acquisition
scheme, button can be, otherwise can not be copied.
For example, create a meter manually The steps for collecting scenarios:

Step1: Click the button to access the Acquisition Solutions

Management interface.
Step2: At the root of the interface, click on the "plus" button in the upper right
corner to create a collection plan, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 94

Step3:Enter the Collection Plan Acquisition Program Edit interface and edit the
information, as shown.

Figure 95

The acquisition scenario edit parameters description:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name Scheme Name

Status Scheme Status Active- Enable

Locked- Lock

Protocol Scheme Using which Protocol DLMS-TCP: Default option

HDLC-HDLC: Reserved

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Device Type Device Type Meter


1、 The line with the """

2、 Protocol:Select DMLS-TCP; DLMS-HDLC is not available.
3、 Acquisition scheme name: It is recommended to use table type and
communication method.
4、 Select the device type whose acquisition plan corresponds to it.

Step4:Edited, click the Save button, return to the Collection Plan interface to
see the new meter acquisition plan.

Figure 96

Step5:Click on the left window to create a new meter acquisition scheme, such
as the acquisition scheme name Example_Meter_3P_PLC, as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 97

Step6:Click the "+" button in the upper right corner of the collection plan
interface to create a collection plan, such as Figure.

Figure 98

Step7:Enter the collection plan interface, click the drop-down list in the
selection box to select the type of collection plan to be created, such as

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 99

Description of the acquisition plan parameters:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Type type Meter equipment Plan

acquisition type


Clock- The right time

The data class

Monthly Billing

Daily Billing

Load Profile 1

Load Profile 2

The event type

Standard Event Log

Fraud Detection Log

Disconnect Control

Power Quality Log

Communication Log

Power Failure Event log

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Name name Collect the name of the plan


Capture Item Capture the item The capture categories under

Root are as follows








Acquisition cycle Plan the acquisition cycle The method for setting up the

acquisition cycle is detailed in

Chapter 15.3

Supplemental cycle Plan to supplement the ditto

collection cycle

1、 The line with "*" is required.

2、 There are 11 items in the collection plan, and each item can only be
created once.
3、 The type is Clock, there is no capture item in the editing interface, and
other types are available.
4、 .Different types of corresponding capture items will be different, please
pay attention to the distinction when selecting.

For example, the monthly settlement collection plan operation method.

1. Select the Monthly Billing type in the Tpye drop-down box to enter the
editing interface, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 100

2. Enter the name of the collection plan in the Name column, such as
3. Configure the capture item, select the capture object in the root directory, the
selected capture object will be displayed in the right frame, such as Figure, the right
frame display item can be dragged up and down to move its position.

Figure 101

5. Configure the collection period, click the button to enter the Cron editing
interface, select the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second button to switch
the selected time. The configured time is displayed at the bottom of the page, as
shown in Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 102

5. After setting the collection period, click the close button to close the page.
After editing is complete, jump to the Monthly Billing editing interface, such as

Figure 103

Step8:Click save to save, jump to the Collection Plan interface, and create a new
collection plan, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 104

Step9:Continue to create other types of collection plans, repeat steps5-step7,

until all 11 collection plans are created.

1、 1. The line with "*" is required.

2、 2. The CORN expression used in the configuration of the collection
cycle. See Chapter 15.3 for the setting method. There are 10 previews
at the bottom.
3、 3. The collection plan configuration will be bound to the device to
analyze its data and display it on the WEB page.
4、 4. The type of collection plan must be completely configured, that is,
11 collection plans. If part of the type is configured, part of the meter
device data will not be resolved.
The DCU collection plan is relatively simple to create, and its collection plan type
has only one Clock, and the operation method is the same as that of the meter
collection plan type Clock.。 Delete collection plan

Step1: Select the collection plan to be deleted on the Collection Plan interface,
such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 105

Step2: Click the interface delete button, the system will pop up a message box,
click the OK button, such as Figure.

Figure 106

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 107

Step4: The system will pop up a message box again, click the OK button, such as

Figure 108

1、 The collection plan has been bound to the device. When deleting it, the
system will prompt that it cannot be deleted in use, and it needs to be
unbound and deleted.
2、 The method of deleting the collection plan is the same as that of the
collection plan.。 Modification of the collection plan

Step1:In the root directory of the interface, click to select the collection scheme
to be modified, such as Figure.
HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 109

Step2:Enter the collection plan interface, select the collection plan that needs
to be modified or click the button to select the collection plan, such as Figure. .

Figure 110

Step3: Enter to modify the collection plan, modify the content, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 111

Step3: After the modification is completed, click the Save button, and then click
the return button to return to the interface. Query collection plan
The operation method is the same as Tariff rate plan query, please refer to
section for details。

6.9 Customized Parameter

6.9.1 Path
Parameter >> Customized parameter,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 112

HES Technical Manual V1.2

6.9.2 Function Description

Customized Parameter It is the management of equipment parameters and task
The main programs are as follows:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Meter Meter parameter scheme The meter setting parameters

are as follows

Display type

Auto Display

Manual Display

Threshold class



Event class

Event Register

Event Push

Event Alarm

Event Disconnect

Holidays- Holidays

LCD display decimal

Common Setting

DCU DCU Task scheme The periodic collection tasks of

the DCU are as follows

Monthly Billing

Daily Billing

Load Profile 1

Load Profile 2

Standard Event Log

Fraud Detection Log

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Disconnector Control Log

Power Quality Log

Communication Log

Power Failure Event Log

6.9.3 Opetarate Process

Parameter scheme creation

There are two ways to create a parameter scheme:

1. Manually create a parameter scheme;
2. Copy the parameter scheme; the copy scheme must have an existing
parameter scheme, just press the button; otherwise, it cannot be copied.
For example, the steps of manually creating an electric meter parameter
Step1: Click the button to enter the parameter scheme management interface.
Step2: Click the "+" button in the upper corner of the interface to create a
parameter scheme name, such as Figure.

Figure 113

Step3: Enter the parameter scheme editing interface and enter information,
such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 114

Parameter plan editing parameter description

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name Scheme Name

Status Status Active-enabled

Locked- Locked

Protocol Protocol DLMS-TCP : Default option


Device Type Device Type Meter


5、 5. The line with "*" is required.

6、 6. Protocol: select DMLS-TCP; DLMS-HDLC is not available.
7、 7. Acquisition scheme name: It is recommended to use meter type +
communication method.
8、 8. Select the device type and its collection plan corresponds to it.

Step4: After editing the parameter scheme, click the Save button to return to
the Customized parameter interface, and you can view the newly added acquisition
scheme, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 115

Step5:Click the newly created parameter scheme in the left window, for
example, click the acquisition scheme name Decimal_places, such as Figure.

Figure 116

Step6:Enter the parameter scheme selection interface and click the button in
the upper right corner to display the drop-down list of parameter items, such as

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 117

Description of meter parameter items:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Auto Display Auto scroll Display The electric meter automatically

rotates the display content

Manual Display Manual scroll Display Electric meter manual button

display content

Limiter Limiter Monitor voltage, current, power


Threshold Threshold Set thresholds for overvoltage,

undervoltage, overcurrent, etc.

Event Register Event Register Event occurrence meter records


Event Push Event Push Automatic reporting function of

the electricity meter in the event of

an event

Event Alarm Event Alarm Active meter alarm function

when an event occurs

Event Disconnect Event Disconnect The specified event occurs, the

meter opens

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Holidays Holidays Including designated holidays

and general holidays

Common Setting Common Setting Set power, demand, voltage,

current decimal places

Step7: Click the parameter item, such as Common Setting, enter the interface to
edit the parameters, such as Figure.

Figure 118

Step8: After editing, click the Save button to return to the interface. Such as

Figure 119

Step9: Create other parameter items, repeat step1-step8.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

1、 The line with "*" is required.

2、 There are 10 parameter items, and each item can only be created once.
3、 The configuration parameter scheme can be single or multiple groups. Parameter plan deletion

The operation method is basically the same as the deletion of the Collection
collection plan, see section for details. Modification of parameter scheme

The operation method is similar to the modification of Collection collection

scheme, see section for details. Query parameter scheme

Step1: Find the search box in the interface, such as Figure.

Figure 120

Step2: Enter the keyword name in the search box, such as displ, and the system
will automatically retrieve the location of the name, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 121

1、 1. If the length of the search box is greater than 4 digits, the system will
automatically search for matching keywords.
2、 2. The font of the retrieved name will change to red font.

6.10 Event Code

Event Code is the management of Event Code of equipment in the system.
Sub-menu Description Remarks

DLMS-TCP Internal DMLS-TCP Data Analysis Protocol

DLMS-HDLC Internal DMLS-HDLC Reserve

Event Code, The administrator should not modify it without authorization.

If it is necessary to add or delete, please contact the development

7 Archive
Archive It is the management of files, structures, upgrades and models.
The main functions include the following table,
Sub-menu Description Remarks
Power Grid Grid structure
Customer Customer Information

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Module Module information

Meter Meter information
POC Collection point
DCU Concentrator information
Device Upgrade Equipment upgrade
Line Loss Model Line loss model

7.1 Power Grid

7.1.1 Path
Archive >POC,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 122

7.1.2 Function Description

Power Grid is the management of the power grid line structure.
The grid structure template is shown in Figure,

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 123

7.1.3 Opetarate Process Grid structure creation

Step1: Click the button in Step1 to enter the grid structure management
Step2: Click the "+" button in the upper right corner of the Power Grid interface
to create a grid structure. Such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 124

Step2: Enter the grid structure editing interface and edit the parameters, such as

Figure 125

Description of grid structure parameters:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Region Regions, regions, places, Regions, regions,

companies,administrative districts, etc. places, companies,

can be named, such as Xihu_Lake administrative districts, etc.

can be named, such as


Substation Substation or substation Substation or

HES Technical Manual V1.2


Feeder Line Feeder Feeder

Transformer Transformer Transformer

Point of DCU DCU node The node is connected DCU node The node is

to the concentrator connected to the


Meter box Meter box The node is connected Meter box The node is

to a GPRS meter connected to a GPRS meter

The grid structure creation rules are as follows

1、 Region can be created under Region/Substation/ Feeder Line/
Transformer/Point of DCU/ Meter box。
2、 Substation can be created under Feeder Line/ Transformer/ Meter box。
3、 Feeder Line can be created under Feeder Line/ Transformer/Point of
DCU/ Meter box。
4、 Transformer can be created underFeeder Line/Point of DCU/ Meter

Step4: After editing, click the Save button to return to the Power Grid interface
to view the new organizational structure information. Such as Figure.

Figure 126

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Step5: If you continue to create other types of grid structures, repeat steps
1-step4 to complete the creation of the grid structure. The following figure shows the
completed grid structure.

Figure 127

1、 If you want to attach a concentrator to the grid structure, you must

create a Point of DCU at the end of the grid structure; when creating a
DCU node, please fill in the name of the DCU node. It can be named
according to the installation address or other names. It is easy to find
during operation.
2、 If the GPRS meter is in the grid structure, a meter box must be created
at the end of the grid structure. Grid structure deletion

The operation method is similar to Tariff deletion, please refer to chapter
for details Modification of grid structure

Step1: In the root directory of the interface, click to select the grid structure to
be modified, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 128

Step2: Click the button to edit the name of the grid structure, such as Figure.

Figure 129

Step3: After the modification is completed, click Save to save and return to the
grid structure interface.

The grid structure cannot be modified, only the grid structure name can be
modified. Query of grid structure

The operation method is similar to Tariff rate plan query, please refer to section for details

HES Technical Manual V1.2

7.2 Customer
7.2.1 Path
Archive > > Customer,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 130

7.2.2 Function Description

Customer It is the management of customers' basic information files. Type
operations are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Customer create New customer information creation

Customer delete Customer information deletion
Customer modify Customer information modification
Customer query Customer Information Inquiry
7.2.3 Opetarate Process Customer create

There are two ways to create a customer profile:

1. Manual entry method;
2. Batch import mode, batch import mode-use customer form template.
1) The operation method of manual entry of customer files is similar to the
creation of Role, please refer to chapter for details.
Customer edit interface parameter description:

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Basic information Customer account Account number

information Account Name

Identity ID

Customer account password

Customer type

Details Customer profile Customer's full name

information gender

cellphone number


Residential Address

Postal code

1、 The customer type defaults to Residential Service, which can be

selected according to the specific customer type.
2、 It is recommended to use the initial password uniformly for the
customer account password, such as 12345678.

2)Batch import method

Step1: Use the customer import template, such as "CUSTOMER_TEMPLATE0.xls",
and edit the customer information in the form, such as Figure.

Figure 131

Step2: Click the upload button in the upper right corner of the interface to enter
the import editing interface and edit related information, such as Figure

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 132

Import interface parameter description:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Customer Type Customer type Generally choose Residential

Staus status Active-enabled
File Upload Path Locked

Step3: Click the Import button, a message box will pop up, select the OK button,
and the import is successful, such as Figure.

Figure 133

Step4: After the customer information is imported successfully, click the return

HES Technical Manual V1.2

button in the upper right corner of the interface to return to the Customer interface
to view the customer profile information, such as Figure.

Figure 134

1、 When editing the customer template, please do not modify the

template format.
2、 If the template file fails to import and the page prompts an error
message, you need to check whether the template information is
wrong, modify it, and import it again. Customer deletion

The operation method is similar to the role deletion, please refer to chapter for details.

If the customer is associated with a POC, the system will prompt a message
when deleting it, and it can be deleted only after the association is
cancelled. Customer modification

Step1: Select the customer information to be modified in the interface, such as


HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 135

Step2: Click the interface modification button to enter the modification

interface and modify the information, such as Figure.

Figure 136

Step3: After the modification is completed, click the Save button to save, such as
Figure, to return to the Customer interface. Customer query

The operation method is similar to User query, please refer to section for
The query conditions on the Customer interface, the specific query conditions
are as follows:

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Tpye Customer type Residential service

Commercial service

Industry service

Agriculture service

Education service

Healthcare service


Status Module status Active


Module Module type GPRS,Other reservations

Search box Enter keywords

In addition to using Account Name as a search key, Identity ID can also be

used as a search key.

7.3 Module
7.3.1 Path
Archive >> Module,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 137

HES Technical Manual V1.2

7.3.2 Function Description

Module function is mainly to manage the information of GPRS equipment
module and SIM card.
Type operations are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Module create New device module creation

Module delete Device module deletion
Module Modify Modification of equipment module
Module Query Device module query

7.3.3 Opetarate Process Module create

There are two ways to create module files, which are divided into manual entry
and batch import. Batch import requires the use of module form templates. The
operation method is similar to Customer creation, please refer to section for
When manually entering, the module editing interface parameter description,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Module SN Module serial

Status status Active


Module Type Module type Only select GPRS,

other types are reserved.
Supplier Module supplier If it has not been
created, see section for details
Work Mode Operating mode
Sim No. SIM card number Client

HES Technical Manual V1.2

IP IP address Server
Port port
Apn SIM's APN SIM card obtains IP
from carrier

1. Module Type is the default PLC, here it needs to be changed to GPRS,

other types are not applicable.
2. The meter is used as the server, and the IP address and port are
3. Sim No. is an important parameter that associates the module with
the GPRS meter/DCU.
4. Required fields in the line with * 。

In batch import mode, an example of module file template, such as

"MODULE_TEMPLATE(1).xlsx", such as Figure。

Figure 138

Batch import Module editing interface parameter description:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Module Type Module type Only choose GPRS

Status status Active-enabled
Supplier Supplier Locked

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Work Mode Operating mode If it has not been
created, see section for details
File File upload Path

Figure 139

1、 When editing the module template, please do not modify the

template format.
2、 If the import fails, the page prompts an error message, you need to
check whether the template information is wrong, modify it, and then
import again. Module delete

The operation method is similar to deleting Customer, please refer to section for details Module Modify

The operation method is similar to the modification of Role, please refer to

chapter for details. Module Query

The operation method is similar to User query, please refer to section for
The query conditions on the Module interface, the specific query conditions are
as follows:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Status Module status Active

HES Technical Manual V1.2


Module Tpye Module type GPRS , Other


检索框 Enter keywords

7.4 Meter
7.4.1 Path
Archive >> Meter,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 140

7.4.2 Function Description

The Meter function is mainly for the management of meter files, batch setting
parameters and collection schemes. Type operations are as follows:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Meter create New meter information creation

Meter delete Electricity meter information
Meter modify Amendment of meter information
Meter query Electricity meter information query
Meter setting Electric meter parameters and
collection plan settings

HES Technical Manual V1.2

7.4.3 Opetarate Process Meter archive creation

There are two ways to create a meter file:

1. Manual input; the operation method is similar to the creation of Role, please
refer to chapter for details.
2. Batch import, batch import is imported through the POC function, see
for details.
Parameter description of the meter editing interface,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

MSNO Meter number The digits of the meter

number support 12 digits
Meter type Meter type Such as PLC or GPRS
type name; if not created,
see for details
Status status
Authentication Type Verification type Warehouse-indicates
that it is not enabled
Password password Installed-installed state,
the power meter scanned
and reported by the
Collection Plan Collection plan Active-active status

Customized Parameter Parameter scheme

Asset No. Asset number
Description Description

1、 Password must be 12345678.

2、 The line with "*" is required.

HES Technical Manual V1.2 Meter archive Delete

The operation method is similar to the role deletion, please refer to chapter for details.

If the meter is already associated with the POC, the system will prompt a
message when you delete it. You need to cancel the POC association and
delete the POC before you can delete it. Meter archive modification

The operation method is similar to the modification of Role, please refer to

chapter for details.

When modifying the meter information, the meter number cannot be

modified, others can be modified. Meter archive query

The operation method is similar to User query, please refer to section for
The query conditions on the Meter interface, the specific query conditions are
as follows:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Power Grid Grid structure

Meter Type Meter type
Status Concentrator type Active


Parameters Plan Rate plan

Collection Collection plan
Meter No. Meter number Meter parameter setting

Step1: Click the setting button in the upper right corner of the interface to enter
the meter setting interface, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 141

Step2: Select meter number or grid structure, select single or batch meter
number, such as Figure.

Figure 142

Step3: Click Customized Parameter or Collection plan, and select its drop-down
list item, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 143

Step4: Click the setting button to confirm the setting, as shown in Figure.

Figure 144

Step5: View the setting result, click Service>Device Config Result, as shown in

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 145

The setting result is divided into 3 kinds, namely Pending, Success, Failed.
7.5 POC
7.5.1 Path
Archive >POC,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 146

7.5.2 Function Description

POC is the management of grid structure, customers, meter numbers and meter
tariff settings. Type operations are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

POC create New collection point

information creation

HES Technical Manual V1.2

POC delete Collection point deletion

POC modify Collection point
POC query Collection point query
POC setting Electric meter rate setting
7.5.3 Opetarate Process POC create

There are two ways to create module files:

1. Manual entry;
2. Batch import, batch import needs to use template. The operation method is
similar to Customer creation, please refer to section for details.
The manual entry operation method of the meter file is similar to the creation
of Role, please refer to chapter for details.
In manual input, POC editing interface parameter description,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

SN serial number SN sequence input at least 5


Status Active state Active-enabled


Power Grid:, Grid structure If it has not been created, see

section for details

Meter Meter number

Customer Power user name
Tariff Rate plan If it has not been created, see

chapter 6.6 for details

CT Current
transformer ratio
PT Voltage transformer

HES Technical Manual V1.2

GPS Global Positioning Click to locate the meter

installation location

Address Installation address

CT Current
transformer ratio

1、 . The line with "*" is required.

2、 If the selected grid structure does not meet the requirements, the
system will prompt when you click Save, and re-select the grid
structure that meets the requirements.
In batch import mode, an example of module file template, such as
"POC_TEMPLATE.xlsx.xlsx", such as Figure.

Figure 147

Batch import POC editing interface parameter description,

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Power Grid Grid structure If not created, see for


Customer Type Customer type Such as residential users or

commercial users, etc.

Meter Type Meter type If not created, see for


Status status Active-enable


Collection Plan Collection plan If it has not been created, see

HES Technical Manual V1.2

section for details

Tariff Rate plan If it has not been created, see

chapter 6.6 for details

CT Current
transformer ratio
PT Voltage transformer
File Template file Click the select file button to
upload path select the customer information

template file Delete collection point POC

The operation method is similar to the role deletion, please refer to chapter for details.

Please delete POC collection points carefully. Cannot be deleted at will. If

you want to delete it, please also delete the meter file corresponding to the
collection point. POC modify

The operation method is similar to the modification of Role, please refer to

chapter for details. POC query

The operation method is similar to User query, please refer to section for
The query conditions of the POC interface are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Power Grid Grid structure

Status DCU type Active


HES Technical Manual V1.2

Tariff Tariff plan

Meter No. Meter number Seting tariff parameters

The operation method is similar to the meter parameter setting, please refer to
section for details.
To view the setting result interface is different, click Service> >Tariff Config
Result, as shown in Figure.

Figure 148

The setting result is divided into 3 kinds, namely Pending、Success、Failed

7.6 DCU
7.6.1 Path
Archive > >DCU,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 149

7.6.2 Function Description

The DCU function is mainly to manage concentrator files and batch setting tasks.
Type operations are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

DCU create New concentrator information creation

DCU delete Concentrator information delete
DCU modify Concentrator information modification
DCU query Concentrator information query
DCU setting Concentrator task settings

7.6.3 Opetarate Process 集中器档案创建 Create DCU Archive

The operation method is similar to the creation of Role, please refer to chapter for details.
The parameters of the DCU editing interface are described in the following
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Power Gird Grid structure If it has not been

created, see section

HES Technical Manual V1.2 for details

SN Concentrator number
Status Status Active-enabled


Sim No SIM card number

Collection Plan Collection plan If not created, please

see section

Authentication Type Verification type LLS-low level verification



Password Password The password and

authentication type

correspond as follows


HLS_SA, need to fill in

AK and EK

The password is 16 1

and 16 2

Asset No. Device asset number

1、 1. The line with "*" is required.

2、 2. If the selected grid structure does not meet the requirements, the
system will prompt when you click Save, and re-select the grid
structure that meets the requirements.
3、 3. Enter at least 5 digits for the SN sequence.
4、 4. Choose LLS for Authentication Type and enter the password
12345678; if you choose HLS_SA, you need to fill in EK/AK DCU delete

The operation method is similar to the role deletion, please refer to chapter for details.

HES Technical Manual V1.2 DCU modify

The operation method is similar to the modification of Role, please refer to

chapter DCU query

The operation method is similar to User query, please refer to section for
The query conditions for the device upgrade interface are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Power Grid Grid structure

DCU Type Concentrator type
Status Concentrator status Active


Serial No. Concentrator address DCU setting

The operation method is similar to the meter parameter setting, please refer to
section for details.
To view the setting result, click Service>Tariff Config Result, as shown in Figure.

Figure 150

The setting result is divided into 3 kinds, namely Pending、Success、Failed。

HES Technical Manual V1.2

7.7 Device Upgrade

7.7.1 Path
Archive > > Device Upgrade,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 151

7.7.2 Function Description

Device Upgrade Mainly to upgrade equipment plan and upgrade equipment
The types of upgrade equipment are as follows,

Sub-menu Description Rem

DCU Concentrator
DCU-Up-Module Concentrator upstream module Reserved
(remote module) unavailable

DCU-Down-Module Concentrator downstream module

(routing module)
GPRS-Meter GPRS meter
GPRS-Meter-Module GPRS meter module Reserved


PLC--Meter PLC meter

HES Technical Manual V1.2

PLC--Meter-Module PLC meter module

7.7.3 Upgrade plan management

The equipment upgrade program mainly manages equipment upgrade files.
Type operations are as follows:

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Device Upgrade Creation Upgrade equipment plan creation Upload the

upgrade file of

the device

Device Upgrade Delete Upgrade equipment plan delete

Device Upgrade Query Upgrade equipment plan query

7.7.4 Opetarate Process Creation of upgrade plan

Step1:Click the button to enter the Upgrade plan management

Step2:Click the "+" button in the upper corner of the interface to create an
upgrade plan, such as Figure.

Figure 152

Step3:Enter the upgrade plan editing interface, enter the relevant information,
HES Technical Manual V1.2

and upload the upgrade file, such as Figure.

Figure 153

Device Upgrade Edit interface parameter description,

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name Upgrade plan name

Status Status Active-enabled

Locked- Locked

Protocol Protocol DLMS-TCP

DMLS-HDLC- reserve

Device Type Equipment type DCU







Frame Size Transmission frame 256 byte

size 128 byte

Upgrade File Upgrade File Upload the upgrade file

Version Version

Step4:Click the Save button to jump back to the Device Upgrade interface,
HES Technical Manual V1.2

where you can view the newly added upgrade plan.

Figure 154

1、 The line with "*" is required.

2、 The upgrade files corresponding to different devices are different. The
name of the upgrade program should correspond to it, which is
convenient for operation, and the corresponding device upgrade files
must be provided.
3、 Protocol: select DMLS-TCP; DLMS-HDLC is not available.
4、 The created upgrade plan can only be viewed but not modified Device Upgrade Delete

The operation method is similar to the role deletion, please refer to chapter for details

When deleting an upgrade plan, if the upgrade plan is used, the system
prompts that it cannot be deleted, and the upgrade record needs to be
deleted before it can be deleted. Device Upgrade Query

The operation method is similar to User query, please refer to section for
The query conditions of the upgrade plan interface are as follows

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Protocol Protocol DLMS-TCP


Status Status Active


Name Equipment upgrade program

7.7.5 Path
Archive > >Device Upgrade > >Device,升级 the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 155

7.7.6 Upgrade equipment management

Upgrade equipment management Mainly carry out remote upgrade operations
and record the equipment.
Type operations are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Device Upgrad creation Device upgrade

Device Upgrade delete Device upgrade record deletion
Device Upgrade query Upgrade equipment upgrade
information query

HES Technical Manual V1.2

7.7.7 Opetarate Process Device Upgrad creation

Step1: Select the name of the upgrade program on the interface, and click the
button to enter the device upgrade interface, as shown in Figure.

Figure 156

Step2:Click the button in the upper right corner, and a pop-up box will pop
up to select the upgrade device, such as Figure.

Figure 157

Step3:Search by retrieving equipment or filtering equipment types, and select

the single or batch equipment that needs to be upgraded, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 158

Step4:Click the Download button, the system pops up an information box, click
OK to jump back to the upgrade interface.

Figure 159

Step5:Check the device upgrade status, as shown in Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 160

1、 If the upgraded device is a GPRS meter, click the download button,

and the system will automatically upgrade the device.
2、 If the upgrade setting is PLC meter or DCU device, click the download
button, the system will not be upgraded, you need to click the upgrade
button in the upper left corner of the upgrade interface to start the
3、 Before the upgrade, confirm whether the upgrade device is online,
and after it is online, select the upgrade plan, select the device, and
perform the upgrade.
4、 The device upgrade status has 4 states: Pending, Success, Failed, and
5、 The upgrade interface refreshes the page every 5 minutes to show the
progress of the device upgrade. Device Upgrade delete

The operation method is similar to the role deletion, please refer to chapter for details Device Upgrade query

The operation method is similar to User query, please refer to section for
The query conditions of the device upgrade interface are as follows
Sub-menu Description Remarks

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Meter Type Meter type

Result Results of the Pending




Device No. Device No

8 Line Loss Model

8.1 Path
Archive > Line Loss Model,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 161

8.2 Function Description

The line loss model is a calculation model used by the system to calculate the
line loss rate of a certain area.
Type operations are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Line Loss Model Creation New Line Loss Model Creation

Line Loss Model Delete Line Loss Model Designated delete

Line Loss Model View Line Loss ModelSelected view of detailed


HES Technical Manual V1.2

Line Loss Model Edit Line Loss Model Selected modification

8.3 Opetarate Process

8.3.1 Line Loss Model Creation
The operation method is similar to the creation of Role, please refer to chapter for details.
The parameters of Line Loss Model are described in the following list,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Name Line loss program name Required. It is

recommended to define

filling rules and unify the

name format.

Status Operating status Active: enable Lock: not


Gateway Meter Table number

Power Grid The node where the The selected node must

sub-table is located be able to cover all


Type Line loss data calculation Support selection of

type daily freezing and monthly


Description Description Not required

8.3.2 Line Loss Model Modify

The operation method is similar to the modification of Role, please refer to
chapter for details.
8.3.3 Line Loss Model Delete
The operation method is similar to the role deletion, please refer to chapter for details.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

8.3.4 Line Loss Model View

The operation method is similar to User query, please refer to section for
The query conditions of the Line Loss Model interface are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Power Grid Grid structure type Region


Feeder Line


Point Of DCU

Meter Box

Keyword Keyword Name


9 Service
Services It is to manage the operation and processing results of the equipment.
It mainly includes the following table,
Sub-menu Description Remarks
BatchReading (GPRS) GPRS meter batch
Batch Reading (PLC) PLC meter batch
Single Operating Single operation
DCU Operating DCU operation
MeterDownload (PLC) Download power
meter file (PLC)
Tariff Config Result Rate setting result
Device Config Result Equipment results
Quick Settings Quick setting

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Leak Data (GPRS) Supplementary data

9.1 Batch Operating (GPRS)

9.1.1 Path
Service> >BatchReading (GPRS),the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 162

9.1.2 Function Description

BatchReading (GPRS) The function is to operate the GPRS meter in the system.
1. Power Grid:Select a certain area, the interface only displays the
operable GPRS meters in that area, and all GPRS meters are displayed by
2. Search box: support users to enter the table number for query.
3. Display area: display the operable meter numbers, operation results and
data items that can be read in a table format.
4. Operation panel:
Operation panel 1. By default, all reading
1. Select data item
items are not displayed
2. Check the data item and
2. Read button
click the button

3. Execute button 3. Switch on, switch on, and

HES Technical Manual V1.2

adjust time

1、 1. This interface only supports the operation of GPRS meter.

2、 2. The color of the meter number indicates the online status of the
device, red: the device is offline; green: the device is online.
9.1.3 Opetarate Process Configure Reading Items

Step1:Click the button to pop up selectable data items.

Step2:Select the data item to be read.

Step3: Press F5 to refresh the interface and load the selected data item into the

Figure 163

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 164 Reading operation

Step1: Select one or more meters that need to be operated.

Step2: Select one or more data items to be read.
Step3: Select the operation type and click.
Stpe4: Check the result bar to determine whether the operation is successful.

Figure 165 Excute operation

Step1: Select the device to be operated.

Step2:Click the button to select the execution type.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Step3:View the execution result.

Figure 166

9.2 Batch Operating (PLC)

BatchReading (PLC) is to perform single-meter or multi-meter operation on PLC
meters. Its page layout and operation are similar to those of Batch Operating (GPRS),
please refer to Chapter 10.1.
9.3 Single Operating
9.3.1 Path
Service> >Single Operating,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 167

HES Technical Manual V1.2

9.3.2 Function Description

Single Operating The function can operate a single meter device.
1. Search box: The user needs to enter the number of the meter device that he
wants to operate and click the button to search.
2. .Device information bar: display the searched power meter device information,
device number, device type, user information, etc.
3. Display area: This area displays all operable data items and the display of reading
4. Operation panel: This area is for users to perform operations

1. Read button
Operation panel
2. Switch off button

3. Switch on button

9.3.3 Opetarate Process Reading Opetarate Process

Step1:Enter the device number to find the meter device you want to perform
the operation on.

Figure 168

Step2:Select the data item to be read.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 169

Step3: Click the button to perform reading.

Step4: View the result of the operation.

Note when reading data items in TaskData

1. It is recommended that the time range is not too large or it will be
time-consuming and traffic-consuming to read because of the large
amount of data.
2. If you want to save the data returned by reading the meter, you can

choose to read it again. Relay Control Opetarate Process

Step1:Enter the device number to find the meter device you want to perform
the operation on.

Step2:Click button to perform opening or closing

Step3: View the execution result.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 170

9.4 DUC Operating

9.4.1 Path
Service> >DCU Operating,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 171

9.4.2 Function Description

DCU Operating can read, write, and execute operations on a single concentrator
1. Power Grid: The grid structure list where the concentrator is located, the user
needs to select the concentrator here.
2. Display area: The concentrator supports setting and reading parameters.
HES Technical Manual V1.2

3. Control Panel: Supported operation types.

1、 Time adjustment


2 、 Hardware
Operation panel
initialization button

3、 Data initialization


4 、 Parameter

initialization button

5、 Read button

6、 Set button Reading Data Opetarate Process

Step1:Choose a concentrator。
Step2:Select the data item to be read.

Step3:Click the button.

Step4:View reading data.

Figure 172

HES Technical Manual V1.2

The color of the concentration

number shown here represents the online status of the concentrator. Red:
means offline; green: online. Setting Parameter Opetarate Process

Step1: Select the concentrator.

Step2: Select the data item to be set.
Step3: Fill in the new parameter value.

Step4: Click the button .

Step5: View the setting result

Figure 173

Not all parameters can be set, only editable parameters support setting. Execution Opetarate Process

Step1: Select the concentrator.

Step2: Choose to execute the operation and click.
Step3: View the execution result.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 174

9.5 Meter Download(PLC)

9.5.1 Path
Service> >Meter Download(PLC),the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 175

9.5.2 Function Description

Meter Download(PLC) Management of meter files in a single concentrator.
1. Power Grid: Displays the grid structure nodes where all operable
concentrators are located.
2. Query bar: Support query by communication type, meter status and meter
HES Technical Manual V1.2

3. Display area: display the file information of the PLC meter associated with the
concentrator and the result of the Remove operation.
Column Description Remarks


MSNO Meter serial number

Meter Type Meter type
Status Meter status Warehouse: indicates that it is not


Installed: installed state, the electric

meter scanned and reported by the


Active: active status

Date Time Time when the meter file

was created
Result Operation result

1. Operation panel:Selectable operation items。

1、 Read button 1. Read the electric meter file of

the concentrator
2、 Set button
Operation panel 2. Set the meter file for the
3、 Remove
3. Remove single or multiple
4、 Clear button
meter files from the content of

the concentrator

4. Clear all meter files

9.5.3 Opetarate Process Reading the meter file in the concentrator

Step1:Click the Power Grid node on the left and select the concentrator to be

HES Technical Manual V1.2


Figure 176

Step2: Select the button and click .

Step3: View the returned result of reading, such as Figure.

Figure 177 Download the power meter file to the concentrator

Step1:Click the Power Grid node on the left and select the concentrator to be

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 178

Step2: Select the meter file to be distributed.

Step3: Select the button and click to send.

Step4: Perform the operation in Chapter to view the operation result. Clear the meter file in the concentrator

Step1: Select the concentrator you want to operate in the Power Gird on the

Step2: Select the button and click.

Step3: Perform the operation in Chapter to view the operation result.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 179 Remove the specified file from the concentrator

Step1: Perform operations in chapter to view the meter files in the
Step2: Select the concentrator you want to operate in the Power Gird on the

Figure 180

Step3:Select the PLC meter file.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 181

Step4: Select the button and click.

Step5: Perform the operation in Chapter to view the operation result.

To delete the meter file in the concentrator, you need to select an existing
meter file in the concentrator, so you need to perform step 1 to view it first.
Then select the corresponding meter file according to the result.

9.6 Device Config Result

9.6.1 Path
Service> >Device Config Result,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 182

9.6.2 Function Description

Device Config Result It is to view the execution result of the parameter task,
and retry the operation for failed items and unexecuted items.
1. Pwoer Grid: equipment grid structure, users can select a designated area to
filter data.
2. Query bar: Users can specify conditions to query data.
3. Data display area: display parameter task execution records in table form. The
display content is as follows,
Column name Description Remarks

No. Serial number Used to count the

number of records
Device No. Device No
Device Type Equipment type Distinguish between
electricity meters and
other devices
Result Task execution result There are three states
Start Time Task execution start Pending: Task to be
time executed
End Time Task execution end Success: The task was

HES Technical Manual V1.2

time executed successfully

Task Type Task type Failed: Task execution
Name mission name Recorded here as the
time when the task was
Modified By Modifier Here is the time
when the task was
Action Retry the operation Such as: Collection
Plan, TaskConfig, etc.
1. Batch retry: Click this button to retry all selected task records (including
successful ones).

9.6.3 Opetarate Process Task query operation

Step1: Select the query conditions in the search bar, support by time, by task
execution status, task type and by table number.

Figure 183

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Step2: Click the button to execute the query.

Step3: View the query results.

Figure 184

When there are multiple query conditions, the query result is a record that
meets all the conditions. Batch task retry operation

Step1: Select the task to be set.

Step2: Click the button to retry the execution of the task.
Step2: View the execution result.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 185

Figure 186

1、 After clicking Retry, the page will automatically refresh and the retry
task will be set.
2、 If you want to quickly view the execution results, you can manually
refresh the page. For example, re-enter the page.
9.7 Tariff Config Result
9.7.1 Path
Service> >Tariff Config Result,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 187

9.7.2 Function Description

Tariff Config Result It is the display interface for setting the meter rate and
DCU task execution result. The setting operation can be repeated on the interface.
For page functions and operations, please refer to Chapter 9.6

9.8 Quick Settings

9.8.1 Path
Service> >Quick Settings,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 188

HES Technical Manual V1.2

9.8.2 Function Description

Quick Settings is the management of setting and reading the basic parameters of
the meter. Refer to Chapter 9.3 for page functions and operations.
9.9 Leak Data (GPRS)
9.9.1 Path
Service> >Leak Data(GPRS),the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 189

9.9.2 Function Description

Leak Data(GPRS) Manage all the missing periodic task data in the system, and
select one or more to make up copy.
1. Power Grid: The tree view of the grid structure. After the user selects a node,
the display area only displays all the data under that node. The system displays all
GPRS meter data by default.
2. Query bar: The user can select or data query conditions to query the specified
missing tasks.
3. Display area: display missing task information and make-up copy results in a
Column name Description Remarks

Device No. Device No

Task Type Task type

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Datetime Task execution time

Start Time Execution time of this
End Time Next task execution
Result Results of the
1. Make up copy button: Click to start making up copy.

1、 Missing tasks means that the system periodically generates reading

tasks, but the tasks are not executed due to unknown reasons (for
example: the meter has been unable to communicate, the processing
program has not been started, etc.). For how to configure the timing
collection task, please refer to Chapter
2、 This interface only supports GPRS meter operation.

9.9.3 Opetarate Process Missing task query

The operation method is similar to Operating Log query, please refer to chapter for details. Only the query conditions are different on the Leak Data (GPRS)
interface. 执行遗漏任务 Excute missing tasks

Step1: Select the missing task to be executed.

Step2: Click the button to start execution.
Step3: View the execution result.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 190

10 Analytics
Analytics is the management of device data in the system to analyze the
operating status of the device and whether there is electricity theft, etc. The main
data includes the following reports,
Sub-menu Description Remarks
Meter Event Meter event
DCU Event Concentrator event
Daily Billing Daily settlement
Monthly Billing Monthly settlement
Load Profile1 Load curve 1
Load Profile2 Load curve 2
Consumption Power loss
Acquisition Tariff. Acquisition rate
LineLoss Tariff. Line loss rate
Online Equipment online
Voltage Analysis Voltage analysis
Current Analysis Current analysis

HES Technical Manual V1.2

10.1 Meter Event

10.1.1 Path
Analytics>> Meter Event,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 191

10.1.2 Function Description

MeterEvent is the active report to the HES system to record when an event
occurs in the meter, which is convenient for users to view and export the event of the
1. Power Grid: Used to filter and display data by area.
2. Query area: used to filter and display data according to the specified
conditions, such as time range, table number, event channel, etc.
3. Display area: used to display data, support paging display through table
Column Description Remarks


Device No. Device No

Name Name of If the event ID exceeds analytical access, the
reported event column directly displays the event ID

Datetime Time when the

HES Technical Manual V1.2

incident was
Description No practical
Variable The value of the For example, the reason for closing and closing,
column capture item power, etc.
allocated to the
event channel
1. Display column configuration: Due to the limited width of the interface layout,
some columns are hidden. The user needs to click here and select the column to
be displayed. This data comes from the capture item configured in the event
channel. Please refer to Chapter 6.8 for how to configure.
2. Export operation: used to display data export, export data supports two formats,
Excel and PDF.
10.1.3 Opetarate Process Configure the display column

Step1: Click the button to expand all captured items.

Step2: Select the capture item to be viewed.

Step3: Press F5 to refresh the interface to view the results

Figure 192

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 193 Query Opetarate Process

Step1: Select or enter the query conditions, support according to the time range,
event type and event name.

Step2: Click the button to query.

Step3: View the results.

Figure 194 Export Opetarate Process

Step1: Configure the display column, please refer to

Step2: Click to select the export format and export the data.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 195

10.2 DCU Event

DCU Event is a record that actively reports to the HES system when an event
occurs in the concentrator, which is convenient for users to view and export the
concentrator event. Refer to chapter 11.1 for page layout and operation.
10.3 Daily Billing
Daily Billing is the monthly electricity consumption record of electricity users,
which is convenient for users to view and export the daily frozen data of the
electricity meter. Refer to chapter 11.1 for page layout and operation.
10.4 Monthly Billing
Monthly Billing is the monthly electricity consumption record of electricity users,
which is convenient for users to view and export the monthly frozen data of the
electricity meter. For page layout and operation, please refer to Chapter 10.1
10.5 Load Profile1
10.5.1 Path
Analytics>>Load Profile 1,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 196

10.5.2 Function Description

Load Profile 1 is a record showing the user's electricity consumption, which is
convenient for the user to view and export the frozen data of the meter load curve 1.
1. Power Grid: The grid structure tree display, the user can select the area node
to filter the displayed data.
2. Query area: Users can query data according to time range and table number.
3. Display area: display load data in tabular form.
Column name Description Remarks

MSNO Device No
Customer user name
Datetime Load data freezing time Click to view the data
point curve as Figure

其他列 The frozen value of the

configured capture item
1. Configure display column button: user configuration data items are displayed in
the display area.
2. Export button: click to export data。

HES Technical Manual V1.2

10.5.3 Opetarate Process Configure the display column

Step1: Click the button to display the configurable data items.

Step2: Select the data item to be displayed.

Step3: Press F5 to refresh the page.

Figure 197 Query Opetarate Process

Step1: Select time range, input device number and other query conditions.

Step2: Click the button to execute the query.

Step3: View the query results.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 198

1、 It is recommended to select a reasonable time range to query the

2、 The system defaults to display all frozen data for the day Export Opetarate Process

Step1: Click on the display to export the format.

Step2: Select the export format and click Export.

1、 The exported data is consistent with the display area, so the user can
control the exported data items through the display column
configuration operation.
2、 The export format only supports PDF and Excel.
3、 Export Path is the default download Path of the browser, and the
export file name is the system default.

10.6 Load Profile2

Load Profile 2 is a record showing the user's electricity consumption, which is
convenient for the user to view and export the frozen data of the meter load curve 2.
Please refer to chapter 10.5 for page layout and operation

HES Technical Manual V1.2

10.7 Consumption
Consumption It records the daily power consumption of electricity users, which
is convenient for users to view and export the power consumption data of the
electricity meter. For page layout and operation, please refer to chapter 10.5.
10.8 Acquisition Tariff.
10.8.1 Path
Analytics>>Acquisiton Tariff. ,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 199

10.8.2 Function Description

Acquisiton Tariff. s is the management of the system's statistics on the success
rate of collecting electricity meter data, and data analysis is carried out by viewing
and exporting the electricity meter collection rate. In this interface, users can view
the 24-hour collection rate and 72-hour collection rate of different areas in the grid
1. Power Gird: The grid structure is displayed in a tree form, and the user can
select a region to filter the data for easy data viewing.
2. Query area: Users can query data according to the time range and area name.
3. Display area: display data in a table format.
Column Description Remarks


HES Technical Manual V1.2

Name Area name Node name in the grid structure

Date Statistics Time Clicking on the system will display the
data in the form of a Figure table
24H Success rate of Shows the percentage, and the number of
meter reading within meters successfully read and all the numbers
24 hours under the node.
72H Meter reading Shows the percentage, and the number of
success rate within 72 meters successfully read and all the numbers
hours under the node.

Figure 200

Collection rate calculation instructions:

As shown in the figure above, there are a total of 12 electricity meters hung
under the Seven GPRS node of the grid structure. At the zero-point meter at time
2021-04-16, a piece of daily freezing data will be generated, and HES will collect the
daily freezing data periodically according to the configured collection plan. Data
(refer to chapter for how to configure)
The 24H collection rate is the frozen data collection situation of 12 meters in
2021-04-16 0:0:0-2021-04-16 23:59:59 on 2021-04-16, and the calculation formula is
successful quantity/total Quantity.
The 72H collection rate is the frozen data collection of 12 meters in 2021-04-16
0:0:0—2021-04-18 23:59:59 on 2021-04-16, and the calculation formula is successful
quantity/total Quantity.

1、 Before the collection rate calculation deadline, the collection rate will
change due to the change in the number of successes.
2、 The collection rate is only for the daily frozen data of the meter.

10.8.3 Opetarate Process

The report export of the collection rate Opetarate Process is detailed in chapter

HES Technical Manual V1.2

10.9 LineLoss Tariff.
10.9.1 Path
Analytics>>Line Loss Tariff. ,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 201

10.9.2 Function Description

Line Loss Tariff. is the line loss rate calculated by the meter model, which can be
viewed and exported.
1. Query conditions: users can follow the time range, grid structure node type,
line loss type (day, month), line loss model name.
2. Display area: display line loss data in a table.
Column nameDescription is as follows,
Column name Description Remarks

Name Line loss model name

Date Record time
LineLoss Tariff. Line loss rate Click the system to display

the data in Figure form.

Gateway Meter ( kWh ) Total meter power

Submeters ( kWh ) Total sub-meter power
Actual number / Total The total number of

HES Technical Manual V1.2

successful reading
devices/the total number of

1. Export button: click this button to export data。

1、 If the user does not configure the line loss model, the interface will not
include line loss data.
2、 For configuration, please refer to chapter 8.3.1.
10.9.3 Opetarate Process
For the export of the line loss rate report Opetarate Process, please refer to
Chapter 15.2 for details.
10.10 Online Tariff.
10.10.1 Path
Analytics>>Online Tariff. ,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 202

10.10.2 Function Description

Online Rate. The system counts the online rate records of all devices, and can
view and export online rate reports.
1. Power Grid: Tree display of grid structure, users can choose to view all data
under a certain node.
2. Query area: Users can enter conditions to query data, the query conditions

HES Technical Manual V1.2

are as follows:
3. Display area: display data in a table format,
Column name Description Remarks

Device No. Device No

Device Type Equipment type Concentrator, meter
Date Record time Click on the system to display
the data in the form of a Figure
Online Tariff. Online rate Percentage display, click the
system will display the data in
Figure form
Online Times Number of logins The number of times the
device has logged in to the system
Offline Times Offline times The number of times the
device is offline
Online Minutes online time The total online time of the
device, in minutes
Latest Communication Last
communication time
1. Export button: click to export online rate data
10.10.3 Opetarate Process
For details on the export operation of the equipment online rate statistical
report, see Chapter 15.2.
10.11 Voltage Analysis
Voltage Analysis is a system that records the voltage data of all equipment, and
can view and export the voltage data of the equipment. For page layout and
operation, please refer to chapter 10.5.
10.12 Current Analysis
Current Analysis The system records the current data of all devices, and can

HES Technical Manual V1.2

view and export the current data of the device. For page layout and operation, please
refer to chapter 10.5.

11 Report
Report It is the report management of equipment information in the system.
The main reports are as follows,
Sub-menu Description Remarks
Meter Event Meter event report
Maintain Report Maintenance record
Replace Meter Replacement meter
record report
Replace SIM Replace SIM record
Relay Status Relay status report
Missing Data Missing data report
Offline Offline record report Reserved, unused

Manufacturer Vendor report

Switch Statistics Switch data
Customized Report Custom report

11.1 Meter Status

11.1.1 Path
Report>>Meter Status,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 203

11.1.2 Function Description

Meter Status records the status information of all meters on the system, which
can be viewed and exported. The data comes from supplier archives, electricity
meter type archives, and electricity meter archives.
The display area Column nameDescription is as follows:
Column name Description Remarks

No Serial number
Supplier Supplier name
Meter Type Meter type
Status Meter running status
Total Total number
11.1.3 Opetarate Process
The export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2, please refer to
chapter 15.2 for details.
11.2 Maintain Report
11.2.1 Path
Report>>Maintain Status,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 204

11.2.2 Function Description

Maintain Status is the system records meter maintenance information, which
can be viewed and exported. Data source: meter file management.
Column nameDescription,
Column name Description Remarks

No Serial number
MSNO Meter serial number
Status Meter running status
Active Energy Active power of the meter
Reactive Reactive power of the electric
Energy meter
Power Gird The node name of the grid
structure where the meter is
Operator Electric meter maintenance
Operator On Electric meter repair time
Create By The operating user when the
maintenance record is entered

HES Technical Manual V1.2

into the system

Creation time System time of maintenance
record entry
11.2.3 Opetarate Process Query Opetarate Process

Maintain Status There are 2 query methods on the interface:

1. Check according to the time range, select the start and end time, and check
2. Combined query, grid structure node and time range combined query; when
combined query, their query relationship is the relationship of and, which is
equivalent to precise query.
Example combination query operation method:
Step1: Find the search box on the interface, enter or select the query conditions,
such as grid node and time range. Such as Figure.

Figure 205

Step2:Click to execute query. Such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 206

Step3: View the query results.

Figure 207 Export Opetarate Process

The export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2, please refer to
chapter 15.2 for details.
11.3 Replace Meter
11.3.1 Path
Report>>Replace Meter,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 208

11.3.2 Function Description

Replace Meter the export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2,
please refer to chapter 15.2 for details.
Column nameDescription:

Column name Description Remarks

No Serial number
MSNO The serial number of the new meter
Active Energy Active power of the new meter
Reactive Energy Reactive power of the new meter
old The serial number of the old meter
Active Energy Active power of the old meter
Reactive Energy Reactive power of old meters
Power Gird The node name of the grid structure
where the meter is located
Operator Electric meter replacement operator
Operator On Meter replacement time
Create By The operating user when the meter
replacement record is entered into the

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Creation time System time for meter replacement
record entry
11.3.3 Opetarate Process Query Opetarate Process

The query operation method is similar to Maintain Report query, please refer to
chapter for details Export Opetarate Process

The export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2, please refer to
chapter 15.2 for details.
11.4 Replace SIM
11.4.1 Path
Report>>Replace SIM,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 209

11.4.2 Function Description

Replace SIM is the SIM replacement record in the system record GPRS meter.
Data source: Electric meter file management.
Column nameDescription:
Column name Description Remarks

No Serial number

HES Technical Manual V1.2

MSNO The serial number of the meter

Sim No. New SIM card serial number
old Old SIM card serial number
Power Gird The node name of the grid structure
where the meter is located
Operator SIM card replacement operator
Operator On SIM card replacement time
Create By The operating user when the SIM card
replacement record is entered into the system
Creation time SIM card replacement record entry
system time
11.4.3 Opetarate Process Query Opetarate Process

The query operation method is similar to Maintain Report query, please refer to
chapter for details Export Opetarate Process

Replace SIM The operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2, and the
export operation is detailed in chapter 15.2.
11.5 Relay Status
11.5.1 Path
Report>>Relay Status,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 210

11.5.2 Function Description

Relay Status The system counts the current relay status of all meters. Data
source: Pull and close events reported by the meter.
Column nameDescription:
Column name Description Remarks

No Serial number
MSNO The serial number of the meter
Relay Status Current relay status of the meter
Power Gird The node name of the grid
structure where the meter is located
Username Meter user name
Mobile phone Mobile phone for electric meter
Address Address of meter user
11.5.3 Opetarate Process
The export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2, please refer to
chapter 15.2 for details.
11.6 Missing Data
11.6.1 Path
Report>>Missing Data,the interface is displayed as shown.
HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 211

11.6.2 Function Description

Missing Data is the lost data that the system records the daily or monthly
freezing of the electricity meter. Data sources that can be viewed and exported:
computing services.
Column nameDescription:
Column name Description Remarks

No Serial number
MSNO The serial number of the meter
Username Meter user name
Mobile phone Mobile phone for electric meter
Address Address of meter user
Power Gird The node name of the grid
structure where the meter is located
Latest Communication Last communication time of the
Creation time Record generation time
11.6.3 Opetarate Process Query Opetarate Process

The query operation method is similar to Maintain Report query, please refer to
HES Technical Manual V1.2

Chapter for details. Export Opetarate Process

The export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2, please refer to
chapter 15.2 for details.
11.7 Offline
11.7.1 Path
Report>>Offine,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 212

11.7.2 Function Description

Offline counts and records the offline time of all devices in the system, and can
be viewed and exported.
This function is temporarily disabled in the system, keep it.
11.8 Manufacturer
11.8.1 Path
Report>>Manufacturer,the interface is displayed as shown.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 213

11.8.2 Function Description

Manufacturer is the collection success information of the meters provided by
the system statistics manufacturer, which can be viewed and exported by comparing
the collection performance between different manufacturers. Data sources:
electricity meter archives, SIM card archives and collection tasks.
Column nameDescription:
Column name Description Remarks

No. Serial number

Manufacturer Manufacturer's name Default :Sunrise

Supplier Electric meter supplier name

Total Total number of meters Total= Success+ Failed
supplied by the supplier
Success The total number of successful Total= Success+ Failed
meter collections
Failed The total number of meter Total= Success+ Failed
collection failures
11.8.3 Opetarate Process Query Opetarate Process

The query operation method is similar to Maintain Report query, please refer to
chapter for details
HES Technical Manual V1.2 Export Opetarate Process

The export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2, please refer to
chapter 15.2 for details.
11.9 Switch Statistics
11.9.1 Path
Report>>Switch Statistics,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 214

11.9.2 Function Description

Switch Statistics The system counts the total number of relay operations
performed on the meter on the day. Data sources: system operation records and
meter relay events.
Column nameDescription:
Column name Description Remarks

No. Serial number

MSNO Meter serial number Sunrise by default
Date Operation date Day as the smallest
Remote Disconnection Remote switch For example, through
the system or the host
computer, etc.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Remote Connection Remote closing For example, through

the system or the host
computer, etc.
Local Disconnection Local gate For example: limiter
Local Reconnection Local closing For example: limiter
Manual Disconnection Manual switch Electric meter key
Manual Connection Manual closing Same as above
11.9.3 Opetarate Process Query Opetarate Process

The query operation method is similar to Maintain Report query, please refer to
Chapter for details. Export Opetarate Process

The export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2, please refer to
chapter 15.2 for details.
11.10 Customized Report
11.10.1 Path
Report> > Customized Report,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 215

HES Technical Manual V1.2

11.10.2 Function Description

Customized Report is the management of user-defined report creation schemes.
The user can generate the desired report in the form of configuration
parameters, save the report scheme used, and continue to use it in the future.
Operating area

:Add operations, add custom report schemes.

:Delete operation, delete custom report scheme.

:Database view Figure, view the data source of the report。

1. Search area: fuzzy query custom report

2. Display area: display all the custom report schemes that have been
The display area Column nameDescription is as follows,
Column name Description Remarks

Name Custom report scheme

Access Level access permission Public: All users
can view; Private:
Only created users
can view.
Width Report display area Pixel unit: px
SQL Data query statement Used to get data
from the database
Created By founder
Creation time Creation time
Report Export operation Support format:
excel and pdf
Action Delete Used to delete

HES Technical Manual V1.2

the specified scheme

11.10.3 Opetarate Process Customized report creation

Step1:Click "Customized Report" to enter the following customized report


Step2:Click the button in the figure above to create a custom report

Step3:Enter the custom editing interface, edit the parameters, such as Figure

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Custom editing interface parameter description:

Parameters Description Remarks


Report Name Report name The title of the report is displayed

Report Width Report display Unit
area width
Access Control Report plan access Public: All users can view; Private: Only
rights created users can view.
Main Table Report data source The data table in the database, you can
view the corresponding Description in the
database view
Join It is used to query SQL keywords
data from two or more INNER: Return a row when there is at least one
tables based on the match in the table.
relationship between
the columns in these

HES Technical Manual V1.2


Return all rows from the left table (table1), even if

there is no match in the right table (table2). If

there is no match in the right table, the result is


Return all rows from the right table (table2), even if

there is no match in the left table (table1). If there

is no match in the left table, the result is NULL.

As long as there is a match in one of the left table

(table1) and right table (table2), rows are returned.

Join Table For multi-table The data table in the database, you can view the
query, select another corresponding Description in the database view
HES Technical Manual V1.2

data table
Join On Query data filter ‘=’ The left side is the column in JoinTable, and the
conditions right side of the equal sign is the column in


Columns Display Select display Show all by default

Where Query data filter ‘=’ The left side of is the column in JoinTable, and
conditions the right side of the equal sign is the column in

MainTable. Note: = This symbol can be selected by


Order by Sorting rules Only supports selecting data columns in MainTable

Advanced Chart No practical use


Step4:Choose to export the report or save the parameter scheme.

Figure 216

:Click to save the created custom parameter report plan。

:Click to select the corresponding report format, and the system will

export the report in the corresponding format.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

1、 The line with "*" is required.

2、 SQL statements are involved in program editing, and it is recommended
for those who know SQL statements to use it.
3、 Just clicking the Create button will save the current plan Customized report delete

Step1: Select the custom report to be deleted, such as Figure.

Figure 217

Step2: Click the button , the system will pop up a message box, click the OK

button, such as Figure.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 218 Customized report query

The operation method is similar to the role query, please refer to chapter
for details

Only query by custom report name. Export Opetarate Process

Customized Report The export operation method is the same as in chapter 15.2,
please refer to chapter 15.2 for details.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

12 Admin
12.1.1 Path
The upper right corner of the HES system interface shows the following Figure.

Figure 219

12.1.2 Function Description

The main functions of the account administrator personal center include the
following table,
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Logout Exit account Click the logout button to exit

My Profile My Profile Editable items are as follows,







Gray cannot be edited.

Password change Password

Theme Color System theme color Click the color figure or enter

HES Technical Manual V1.2

the GRB value to change the

system theme color

12.1.3 Number of notifications and alarms

12.1.4 Path
The upper right corner of the HES system interface shows the following Figure.

Figure 220

12.1.5 Function Description

The figure button on the upper right corner of the system, the information is
shown in the following table
Sub-menu Description Remarks

System Notice
The number is not 0, there is a new

notification message

The number is 0, no notification

Click the button to enter the Notice

management interface, please refer to

Chapter 6.8

System Alarm
The number is not 0, there is new

alarm information

HES Technical Manual V1.2

The number is 0, there is no warning


Click Button to enter the Alarm

management interface, refer to chapter 6.8

When the number of notifications is too much, the system will display up to
5 messages.

13 Figure display data

13.1.1 Path
Click System button,the interface is displayed as shown.

Figure 221

13.1.2 Function Description

HES The data displayed on the main interface of the system is as follows:
Sub-menu Description Remarks

Meter Status Percentage of meter Installed- Not Installed

status Warehous- Not activated

Active- Enable

Acquisition Tariff. Meter collection rate Display collection rate data


HES Technical Manual V1.2

Curved Figure or Columnar


Collection cycle

24H statistical collection rate

72H statistical collection rate

Meter Type Proportion of meter Proportion of all meter types

type in the statistical system

Including GPRS, 485, PLC, VM.

14 General Module
14.1 Paging query

Step1:Click on Select the number of data items displayed on

each page.

Step2:Click on the page number Or click Switch pages.

Step3:View Results. Such asFigure。

Figure 222

The functions of the paging query buttons are as follows,

Sub-menu Description Remarks

Jump to homepage
Page left
Page right
Jump to the last page

HES Technical Manual V1.2

total pages

Number per page

14.2 Data Export

Step1: Click the button to display the export format.
Step2: Select the export format and click.

Figure 223

1、 The export format only supports PDF and Excel.

2、 The export Path defaults to the system download Path.
3、 The export file name is system default.

14.3 Cron Expression configuration

Step1: Click the button to enter the editing interface.

Step2: Configure the collection cycle time as required.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 224

1. Cron expression string.

2. Cron expression configuration panel, a total of 7 categories: minute, second,
minute, hour, day, month, week, and year.
3. According to the configured cron expression page, the last 10 collection cycle
times will be displayed at the bottom of the page.

Step4:Click button complete configration

1、 The period configured by the verification mechanism of the system

must be greater than or equal to 60 minutes.
2、 If the category is not configured, the system default rule is "Every", for
example, if the year is not configured, the default is every year.

15 Q&A
1. The system prompts that the POC is not associated.
The device file has been created, but the POC has not been created. The system
prompts a message when operating the device.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 225

2. When creating concentrator information, pay attention to selecting the

grid structure.
When selecting, you must select the grid structure as the Point of DCU grid
structure type, otherwise, when you click Save, the system will prompt a message,
such as Figure.

Figure 226

3. System Prompt Offline。

When the meter or the concentrator is not online, the system prompts that it is
not online.

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 227

4. Pay attention to the distinction between single-phase meter and

three-phase meter collection schemes and parameters.
When configuring the collection plan or custom parameters, pay attention to
distinguishing the configuration data items of the single three-phase meter; the
three-phase collection plan cannot be set to the single-phase meter, and the
single-phase meter does not support the data items of the three-phase meter
5. The uploaded device upgrade file prompts an error
Before upgrading the device, please configure the FTP user name and password
of the concentrator. Otherwise, the upgrade cannot be performed and the system
will report an error.
6. The user account cannot create and access the grid structure.
The administrator has not assigned the user account access to the power grid
structure in the user group, and the user account cannot create the power grid
7. Pay attention to view or set the event push of the electric meter.
Before reporting the power meter event, please confirm whether the power
meter reporting switch is turned on.
8. Pay attention to check the meter relay mode.
Before the power meter is closed, please confirm the current relay mode of the
power meter, and then perform the corresponding opening.
HES Technical Manual V1.2

9. Pay attention to the distinction between main relay and auxiliary relay.
When opening the switch, please pay attention to check whether you are
clicking the main relay button or the auxiliary relay button!

Figure 228

7. System WEB update, please clear browser cache.

8. The calendar control is garbled, the solution.
The solution is as follows,
1) Run the input command “regedit”;
2) Expand in order according to the following Path
Software Foundation\Procrun 2.0\MDC-Web\Parameters\Java”;
3) Select "Options" in the right window, and when the window pops up, add
the command "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" to the last line, and then click "ok".

HES Technical Manual V1.2

Figure 229


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