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Here are examples of sentence descriptions for Task 1, each containing a

deliberate grammatical error, underline them and put the correct form.

1. The sales of smartphones increased by 20% in 2019, and it continued to rise

until 2020.

2. The number of tourists visiting the city has decrease by 15% over the period

3. The chart shows a significant drop in temperature, from 30 degrees to 15

degrees in just two hours

4. The percentage of students who preferred online learning were steadily

increasing during the pandemic.

5. The line graph demonstrates a gradually rise in unemployment rates over the
span of five years.

6. The pie chart indicate the distribution of energy sources in the country.

7. Over the years, the proportion of people using public transportation have
been increase steadily.

8. The graph illustrates how the prices of housing have fluctuated dramatically
between 2010 and 2020.

9. The bar chart displays the comparison between male and female participants
in the survey.

10.The number of cars sold have reached a peak of 500,000 in the month of
Corrected versions:

1. The sales of smartphones increased by 20% in 2019, and it continued to rise

until 2020.
2. The number of tourists visiting the city has decreased by 15% over the
period shown.
3. The chart shows a significant drop in temperature, from 30 degrees to 15
degrees in just two hours.
4. The percentage of students who preferred online learning was steadily
increasing during the pandemic.
5. The line graph demonstrates a gradual rise in unemployment rates over the
span of five years.
6. The pie chart indicates the distribution of energy sources in the country.
7. Over the years, the proportion of people using public transportation has
been increasing steadily.
8. The graph illustrates how the prices of housing have fluctuated dramatically
between 2010 and 2020.
9. The bar chart displays the comparison between male and female
participants in the survey.
10.The number of cars sold has reached a peak of 500,000 in the month of

When writing an essay on the topic of unethical advertising methods in IELTS Writing Task 2,
here are some important notes to consider:

Clear Position: Clearly state your position on whether you agree or disagree with the view that
some advertising methods are unethical and unacceptable in today's society. Your position
should be reflected in your thesis statement.

Balanced Approach: While you may lean towards agreeing or disagreeing with the view, it is
important to present a balanced argument. Acknowledge the presence of both ethical and
unethical advertising methods and provide evidence for each perspective.

Reasons and Examples: Support your position with reasons and examples. Draw from personal
experiences, observations, or general knowledge to illustrate your points effectively. Ensure
that your examples are relevant and support your arguments.

Counterarguments: Address potential counterarguments to show that you have considered

different perspectives. This demonstrates critical thinking and strengthens your essay. Refute or
rebut counterarguments using logical reasoning and supporting evidence.

Coherence and Cohesion: Organize your essay into clear paragraphs with a logical flow of ideas.
Use appropriate linking words and phrases to connect sentences and paragraphs smoothly. This
enhances the overall coherence and cohesion of your essay.

Range of Vocabulary: Demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary to express your ideas accurately
and precisely. Use vocabulary related to advertising, ethics, and societal values. Avoid
repetition and strive for variety in your word choice.

Grammar and Sentence Structure: Use a mix of sentence structures, including simple,
compound, and complex sentences, to showcase your grammatical range. Check for errors in
subject-verb agreement, verb tense consistency, and sentence construction.

Introduction and Conclusion: Craft a strong introduction that provides background information
and clearly states your thesis statement. Summarize your main points in the conclusion while
restating your position and leaving a lasting impression on the reader.

Time Management: Allocate sufficient time for planning, writing, and reviewing your essay.
Plan your essay structure, brainstorm ideas, and create an outline before writing. Leave time to
proofread and make any necessary revisions.
Word Count: Aim to write between 250-300 words, as this is the recommended length for an
IELTS Writing Task 2 essay. Manage your time effectively to ensure that you have enough
content within the given word limit.

Remember to practice writing essays on various topics to enhance your skills and become
familiar with the task requirements.

Comprehensive mind map for the topic "Some of the methods used in advertising are
unethical and unacceptable in today's society" in IELTS Writing Task 2:

Main Topic: Unethical Advertising Methods


1. Introduction
- Definition of advertising
- Importance of advertising in society

2.Agree with the view (Some methods are unethical and unacceptable)

Misleading claims and false information

- Exaggerated product benefits
- Downplaying side effects
Manipulation of emotions and vulnerable individuals
- Exploiting children in advertising
- Fear tactics and emotional manipulation
Negative impact on consumer trust and public health

3.Disagree with the view (Not all methods are unethical)

Ethical advertising practices

- Providing valuable information to consumers
- Fostering healthy competition
- Promoting social causes and positive change
Transparency and responsible advertising
- Importance of honest communication
- Building trust and long-term relationships
Regulatory bodies and industry watchdogs
- Monitoring unethical practices
- Stricter regulations and enforcement
4.Personal Perspective and Reasons

Personal opinion on the extent of unethical advertising

Examples from personal experience or knowledge
- Misleading claims in cosmetic advertisements
- Positive impact of socially responsible advertising
- Advertisements promoting environmental awareness


- Acknowledging opposing views

- Addressing potential counterarguments
- Refuting counterarguments with logical reasoning and evidence


- Summarizing the main points

- Restating personal perspective
- Leaving a lasting impression on the reader

NOTE: Remember, this mind map is just a guide to help you organize your thoughts and ideas.
You can expand on each subtopic and include additional supporting points or examples as
you develop your essay.


Advertising plays a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and promoting products or
services. However, there is ongoing debate regarding the ethics of certain advertising methods
in contemporary society. This essay will discuss the extent to which some advertising
techniques are considered unethical and unacceptable. While there are certainly unethical
practices in advertising, it is important to recognize that not all methods fall into this category.
A balanced approach considering both perspectives will be presented, supported by relevant

Body Paragraph 1: Unethical Advertising Methods

Some advertising techniques indeed cross ethical boundaries. For instance, false or misleading
claims about a product's effectiveness or exaggerated benefits can deceive consumers.
Pharmaceutical advertisements, for instance, have been known to downplay potential side
effects or overstate the effectiveness of medications. These practices not only compromise
consumer trust but also jeopardize public health. Furthermore, there are instances where
advertisements employ fear tactics or manipulate emotions to exploit vulnerable individuals,
particularly in the context of children's advertising. Such strategies exploit psychological
vulnerabilities, undermining personal autonomy and ethical standards.
Body Paragraph 2: Acceptable Advertising Methods
While acknowledging the presence of unethical advertising practices, it is important to
recognize that not all methods fall into this category. Ethical advertising can provide valuable
information, educate consumers, and foster healthy competition in the marketplace.
Advertising allows companies to communicate the features, benefits, and unique selling
propositions of their products or services. When done transparently and responsibly,
advertising can empower consumers to make informed choices. Additionally, advertising can
promote social causes and bring attention to important issues, fostering positive change in
society. For instance, public service announcements about health risks or environmental
concerns serve a valuable purpose.

Body Paragraph 3: Striking a Balance

The key lies in striking a balance between the need for effective advertising and maintaining
ethical standards. Regulatory bodies and industry watchdogs play a crucial role in monitoring
and penalizing unethical practices. Stricter regulations and enforcement can help curb false
claims, misleading advertisements, and exploitative techniques. Advertisers should prioritize
transparency, authenticity, and respect for consumer rights. Companies that adopt ethical
advertising practices are more likely to gain trust and establish long-term relationships with
their customers.

While there are undeniably unethical and unacceptable advertising methods in today's society,
it is essential to acknowledge that not all advertising practices fall into this category. False
claims, manipulation, and exploitation have no place in ethical advertising. However,
responsible and transparent advertising can inform and empower consumers while promoting
healthy competition and addressing societal issues. By striking a balance between effective
marketing and ethical standards, society can reap the benefits of advertising while safeguarding
consumer trust and well-being.

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