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April 28th, 2023

Fernanda Medrano Gutierrez

Universidad Anáhuac Cancún
Anatomy homework

To start… the reproductive system has a huge relevance in the humans body health… it’s
in charge of the reproduction and the procreation… to be able to function, all the organs,
the tissues, glands, need to be properly functioning to be able to create children.

In women the reproductive system is constantly regulating hormones, in other words,

the phase of the reproductive system can alterate, variate or a ect woman’s behaviors.

After knowing all the anatomy of the reproductive system we can see what parts can
actually fail, any malfunctioning or deformity will change and a ect the way the
reproductive system works and acts.

It is important to be acknowledged that a malformation is any incorrect development,

abnormality or abnormalities or even faulty or irregular formation of structure,
understanding this, the reproductive system can su er from this pathology, in the most
common, the uterus and the vaginal cavity being the most a ected.

First, the uterus malformation, or the uterine malformation, how the name implies here
we will be able to see a abnormal formation in the genital tract of the women… this is
also normally known as the mullerian anomalies due to the revelance of the Müllerian
duct. Mentioning the embryology, when the female reproductive system is forming it will
be a formation of two Müllerian ducts that will eventually give the origin to the falopian
tubs, cervix and uterus… in this type of malformation there is a variety of malformations
that can happen. In women, eventually the two separate halves of the uterus are
supposed to eventually merge, if there is a malfunctioning or not proper development,
the uterus will not merge or end the development giving rise to a malformation. There
are several of di erent types of malformations that can be presented




1. Uterine septum: This occurs when the uterus develops a wall within it, creating two
separate spaces. This condition can a ect conception and can cause miscarriage.

2. Unicornuate uterus: This happens when one side of the uterus fails to develop
properly or does not develop at all.

3. Bicornuate uterus: This is a malformation where the uterus is split into two sections,
separated by a wall called a septum.

4. Didelphys uterus: This is the result of the uterus developing into two separate
compartments, with each having its own cervix and vaginal opening.

5. Septate uterus: This condition occurs when a band of tissue known as a septum
develops inside the uterus, dividing it into two sections.

6. Arcuate uterus: This is a condition where the uterus has a slight indentation in the top
part of its inner wall, which can a ect fertility but may not cause any signi icant issues.

7. T-shaped uterus: This occurs when the uterus has a shape similar to the letter "T,"
which can a ect conception and may require surgery to correct.

Uterus Malformation are developed at the pregnancy and due to birth defects. But the
origin or the cause are still unknown and without a proper and perfect theory, women
with uterine malformations have the same number of chromosomes for example, so
there’s no proper evidence of what can cause the malformations.

Unfortunately this is not the only type of malformations that we can ind in female, when
we are talking about malformations in the female reproductive system is also common to
ind vaginal malformations, as same as uterus abnormalities, this type of malformations
are also developed before birth due to the improper formation during the pregnancy, it’s
important to mention that a vaginal malformation will not or it’s probably that will not
a ect fertility but it can obviously cause problems due to the lack or present
abnormalities in the vagina. We can ind several types of this malformations, for

1. Imperforate hymen: This is a condition where the hymen, a thin membrane that
partially covers the vaginal opening, does not have an opening. It can lead to obstructed
menstrual low and pelvic pain.




2. Vaginal agenesis: This is the absence or underdevelopment of the vagina, which can
cause di iculty with sexual intercourse, menstruation, and childbirth.

3. Vaginal septum: This is an abnormal growth of tissue within the vagina that creates a
barrier or septum, separating the vagina into two or more sections.

4. Vaginal duplication: This occurs when a woman has two vaginas, each with its own
cervix and uterus.

5. Unicornuate uterus with vaginal agenesis: This is a combination of vaginal agenesis

with a unicornuate uterus, where one side of the uterus does not develop properly or at

6. Mucocolpos: This is a condition where the vagina becomes enlarged due to the
accumulation of menstrual blood and uterine secretions, usually caused by an
imperforate hymen.

7. Cloacal malformation: This is a congenital malformation where the rectum, vagina, and
urinary tract are fused together in one common channel.

Now we know all the di erent types of malformations of the uterus and the vagina, how
it was mentions this two pathologies will give rise before birth and some of them are
treatable, in some cases women can actually live without noticing, it’s not normal but
can happen.

It’s important to go to the doctor and keep checking your reproductive system due to
the relevance and importance it has, when a lot of things can go wrong it’s better to
know that everything is correct.



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