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Vitamin C lipid metabolite.

dr. Ongko Susetia Totoprajogo, MNs, Sp.GK

MNU 5 - Malang
Vitamin c is a water soluble vitamin.

How does lipid metabolic works to

improve the functions of vitamin C?
The role of
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
The role of vitamin C

1. Redox system (easily loses electrones) in oxidation – reduction

reactions, act as antioxidant – reducing agent.
2. Collagen & Carnitine synthesis (to keep iron in ferous state).
3. The conversion of tryptophan to serotonin.
4. The formation of norepinephrine from dopamine.
5. Iron intestinal absorption (to reduce ferric to ferrous).
6. Immune system:
a) Leucocyte & granulocyte activities.
b) Production of interferon
c) The integrity of the mucous membrane.
Vitamin C & gastric cancer risk
Concentrations of vitamin C appear to be high in gastric
juice. Schorah et al (1991).
1.Prevent the formation of N-nitroso compounds, which
are potentially mutagenic.
2.High intakes of vitamin C correlate with reduced gastric
cancer risk, but a cause-and-effect relationship has not
been established.
Zhang & Farthing (2005), in conjunction to Helicobacter
Pylori infection, high dose Vit C may increase the risk
of gastric cancer and general risk of cancer through
it’s prooxidant activity.
Research Journal of Molecular Endocrinology (2010)

Vitamin C inhibits leptin secretion and some

glucose/lipid metabolic pathways in primary rat

Diego F Garcia-Diaz, Javier Campion, Fermin Milagro, Noemi Boque, Maria Moreno-Aliaga and J Alfredo

Antioxidant-based treatments emerge as an interesting approach to possibly counteract obesity

Vitamin c dose dependently

fat accumulation complications, since this is accompanied by an increased systemic oxidative

inhibited glucose uptake & lactate

stress. The aim of this study was to analyse specific metabolic effects of vitamin C (VC) on
epididymal primary rat adipocytes. Cells were isolated and incubated for 72 hours in culture

medium, in absence or presence of 1.6 nM insulin, within a range of VC concentrations (5 – 1000
uM). Glucose and lipid-related variables as well as the secretion/expression patterns of several
obesity-related genes were assessed. It was observed that VC dose-dependently inhibited
glucose uptake and lactate production, and also reduced glycerol release on both control
and insulin-treated cells. Also, VC caused a dramatic concentration-dependent fall in leptin
Vitamin C caused fall in leptin
secretion especially on insulin-stimulated cells. In addition, VC (200 uM) induced Cdkn1a

secretion especially on insulin

and Casp8, partially inhibited Irs3, and together with insulin, drastically reduced Gpdh genes
expression. Finally, VC and insulin down-regulatory effects were observed on extracellular and

stimulated cells.
intracellular ROS production, respectively.

In summary, this experimental assay described a specific effect of VC in rat isolated

adipocytes on glucose and fat metabolism, and the secretion/expression of important obesity-
related proteins.
The potential toxicity of excessive doses of supplemental vitamin
C relates to intraintestinal events and to the effects of
Gastro intestinal disturbances of Vit C
metabolites in the urinary system.
1.Gastrointestinal disturbances can occur after ingestion of as little as 1g
occur by unabsorbed vitamin C.
because approximately half of this amount would not be absorbed at this

High dose of Vit C (> 1 gr/day) relates to

2.Intakes of 2–3 g/day of vitamin C produce unpleasant diarrhoea from
the osmotic effects of the unabsorbed vitamin in the intestinal lumen in
most people.
kidney stones & haemolysis.
3.Oxalate is an end-product of ascorbate catabolism and plays an
important role in kidney stone formation. Excessive daily amounts of
vitamin C produce hyperoxaluria.
Catabolism of vit C yields Oxalate.
4.Vitamin C may precipitate haemolysis in some people, including those
with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
Vitamin C
Forms of vitamin C in the market:
‰ Acid : Ascorbic acid
‰ Salt : Calcium ascorbat
‰ Ester :Calcium ascorbat calcium -
threonate dehydroaskorbat
‰ The latest: Vit C-lipid metabolite .

Sci Monit 2007)

Absorption and Bioavailability
Transport of vitamin C is a saturable and dose dependent process that occurs by active
transport. At the intestine and cells Ascorbic acid (AA) is oxidized to Dehydro ascorbic
acid (DHAA), which is more quickly transported across the cell membrane. Once inside
the tissue or intestinal epithelium the vitamin is reduced back to AA. The degree of
intestinal absorption decreases as intake of AA increases. Intakes of 1 to 1.5 grams
results in 50% absorption, but at intakes over 12 grams only 16% of the vitamin is
absorbed. In contrast, an intake of less than 20 mg, has a 98% absorption rate (13).
Absorption of vitamin C is greater when several individual doses of vitamin C, in
quantities less than oneDHAA ÆAA
gram, are taken throughout the day rather than one
megadose (17). Eighty to ninety-five percent of the vitamin C found in foods is
absorbed (13). Furthermore, the bioavailability of synthetic and "natural" forms of the
vitamin differ very little despite the claims made by manufacturers (13,17). Vitamin C
absorption can be impaired by a number of factors. A single large dose saturates the
Several individual dose of vit C per day (< 1 gr) is better
enzyme kinetics for vitamin C, leading to excess AA in the intestinal lumen, which
absorbed than single megadose.
causes numerous gastrointestinal problems. Pectin and zinc also inhibit AA absorption,
but this mechanism is not well understood. A high iron concentration in the
gastrointestinal tract may cause oxidative destruction and in turn impair uptake (13).
Storage in human body :

oVitamin C is stored throughout body tissues and blood (maximum approximately 5

o Tissue concentrations exceed those found in the plasma by three to ten times.
oThe total body pool of vitamin C has been estimated, (using radio labeled isotopes),
The water soluble properties of vit C prevent it from
to a maximum of 20 mg/kg body weight. This corresponds to a plasma AA
being stored in adipose tissue
concentration of 57 μmol/L. (maximum total body AA stores to be 22 mg/kg ).
oThe highest vitamin C content (at least140μmol/ 100 g wet weight): The pituitary
glands, adrenal glands, and lens of the eye contain within the body.
oIntermediate levels of vitamin C include : the kidneys, brain, liver, lungs, and
oThe lowest AA content : the saliva and plasma.
oVitamin C content of cardiac tissue is between 28 and 85 ml/100g wet weight,
while that in skeletal muscle is approximately 17 ml/100g wet weight .
oThe water-soluble properties of vitamin C prevent it from being stored in the
adipose tissue of the body.
Vitamin C lipid metabolic
Vitamin C lipid metabolic

New Vitamin C ingredient that contains lipid metabolites. These lipid

metabolites are fat soluble compounds that increase Vitamin C’s function in
the body.

This special delivery system allows the Vitamin C :

1)To be more rapidly absorbed.
2)Results in higher plasma and cellular levels of Vitamin C.
3)Higher retention of Vitamin C.
4)These benefits may include increased antioxidant protection, faster wound
healing, and strengthened immune system.
Med Sci Monit, 2008; 14(11): CR547-551

Vitamin C-lipid metabolites: Uptake and

retention and effect on plasma C-reactive protein and
oxidized LDL levels in healthy volunteers

Dario Pancorbo 1, Carlos Vazquez 1, Mary Ann Fletcher 2

1 Comprehensive HealthCare of Miami, LLC, Miami, FL, U.S.A.

2 Director of Clinical Immunology Laboratory University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, U.S.A.

Source of support: Departmental sources

Vitamin C lipid metabolic caused the highest serum level
“Vit C lipid metabolic” has the greatest decrease of plasma CRP
“Vit C lipid metabolic” has the greatest wound healing activities
Summary :

A novel formulation of vitamin C-lipid metabolites was shown :

a.To be more rapidly taken-up by human T-lymphocytes.
b.More rapidly stimulate neurite outgrowth, fibroblast adhesion.
c.Inhibition of xenobiotic-induced T-cell hyperactivation.
d.Reduce plasma C-reactive protein and oxidized low density lipoprotein
levels (LDL) (inflamation markers).
Conclusion of the study:

Vitamin C lipid metabolic is more rapidly absorbed

and leads to higher serum vitamin C level and
greater reduction of plasma levels of inflammatory
and oxidative stress markers than other forms of
vitamin C including Ester C©
© Med Sci Monit, 2007; 13(10): BR205-210

Absorption rates and free radical scavenging values

of vitamin C–lipid metabolites in human
lymphoblastic cells

Benyamin S. Weeks¹, Pedro P.Perez²

¹Department of biology and enviromental sciences program, Adelphi University, Garden city, NY, U.S./A.
²Innovation Laboratories, Inc, Mount Sinai, NY, U.S.A.
Vitamin C absorption rates in the H9 human
T-cell line.

PWC = Vit C –lipid metabolite

AA = Ascorbic acid
CaA = Calcium Ascorbate

These data demonstrate that vit C-lipid metabolites are

more :
a)rapidly taken up and absorbed by cells than other forms of vit
C, including Ester-C ©.
b)This increase rate of absorption correlates with an increased
protection of the T-lymphocytes from pesticide toxicities.
c)Vit C-lipid metabolites are a potent antioxidant and have
significant free radical scavenging capabilities.
© Med Sci Monit, 2007; 13(3): BR51-58 WWW.MEDSCIMONIT.COM

A novel vitamin C preparation enhances neurite

formation and fibroblast adhesion and reduces
xenobiotic-induced T-cell hyperactivation.

Benyamin S. Weeks ¹, Pedro P. Perez²

¹Department of biology and enviromental sciences program, Adelphi University, Garden city, NY, U.S./A.
²Innovation Laboratories, Inc, Mount Sinai, NY, U.S.A.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, ascorbate) has been shown to enhance neurite outgrowth, promote fi broblast adhesion during
wound healing, and reduce xenobiotic-induced leukocyte hyperactivity and infl ammatory damage. In this study, a
comparison was made between Ester-C® and PureWay-C™ on these various cellular activities.
PC12 cells were stimulated to form neurites with nerve growth factor, NIH 3T3 fi broblasts were seeded on fi bronectin and
H9 T-cells were stimulated to aggregate with the pyrethroid pesticide bifenthrin. The rate of neurite formation, fi broblast
adhesion and T-cell homotypic aggregation was then measured in the absence and presence of various formulations of
vitamin C including Ester-C® and PureWay-C™.
These data confirm the previous observations that vitamin C
With PureWay-C™ treatment, 12% of PC12 cells extended neurites within one hour of treatment and 45% of the cells
extended neurites by hour nine. With Ester-C®, 0% and 15% extended neurites at one and nine hours, respectively. NIH-3T3
fi broblast adhesion to fi bronectin was enhanced by 4.7-fold with a 30 minute PureWay-C™ treatment while Ester-C®
supplementation can promote neurite outgrowth, increase fibroblast
increased fi broblast adhesion by only 1.5 fold. Further, PureWay-C™ reduced pesticide-mediated T-cell homotypic
aggregation by 83% within 30 minutes of treatment while the reduction seen with Ester-C® was only 33%.
adhesion and reduce xenobiotic induce immunocytes aggregation.
These data confi rm the previous observations that vitamin C supplementation can promote neurite outgrowth, increase fi
broblast adhesion and reduce xenobiotic induce immunocytes aggregation. More importantly, these data show that PureWay-
More importantly, these data show that Vitamin C-lipid metabolites
C™ has a faster and greater benefi cial effect on these parameters when compared to other vitamin C formulations.

has faster and greater beneficial effect on these parameters when

key words: vitamin C • neurite outgrowth • fi broblast adhesion • homotypic aggregation • bifenthrin

compared to other vitamin C formulations.

Protection of the nervous system from :
Neuro-degenerative diseases –
Enhance Neurite outgrowth
Reduced xenobiotic-induced leukocyte
hyperactivity and inflammatory damage
Protection of the immune system from
xenobiotic-induced inflammation mechanism
Promotion of fibroblast adhesion during
wound healing process
Summary of this presentation:

Benefits 0f vitamin C lipid metabolite coated

1)More rapidly taken-up and absorbed by cells than other forms of

vitamin C.
2)More rapidly absorbed and more highly retained by the human
body than other traditional forms of vitamin C
3)Vitamin C “lipid metabolite coated” is directly associated with
greater reduction of plasma levels of C-reactive protein and
Oxidized LDL in human clinical study.
4)Potent antioxidant and significant free radical scavenging
Have a nice day

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