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School: Secundaria Tecnica 35 CCT: 01DST0038U Grupo: 3


Period Unit 1 School cycle

Social practice
Talk about cultural habits of different countries.
of the language

Interchange associated with specific purposes

Environment Familiar and community

Achievements Purpose Completion time

• Negotiates topic of conversation (cultural habits). Determine a cultural habit to 9 work sessions
converse, based on common distributed in 3
• Exchange ideas and opinions to open a conversation. interests, to present points of weeks.
• Asks and answers questions to deepen a conversation. view with reasons, examples and
• Manages strategies to hold and conclude conversations
about cultural habits.

Moment Activities session 1

Students will be asked to watch the following video “What is Culture?”

We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
Start concepts contained in it.

The following activities will be carried out.

Write a definition of culture. It can be a word or phrase you identify with the word.

Developmen Look at the pictures and describe what you see. Answer the following questions.
Answer the questions.

● What are the people in the pictures doing?

Closing ● Can you tell where they are?
● Which cultures and habits are represented in the pictures? What details help you identify them?
● Compare these pictures with the way different Mexican communities prepare for a festival. How
are they alike or different?

Moment Activities session 2

The following activities will be carried out.

Look at the pictures and discuss with a classmate what a cultural habit is and write it down.


Developmen In small groups, discuss and order the steps to negotiate the topic of a conversation about a cultural
t habit, according to your experience.

____ start a conversation and say what you want to talk about

____ reach an agreement

____ listen to other people's suggestions and check you understand them
____ suggest a topic and give reasons for your choice

Describe the pictures to each other and, on the lines provided, write the cultural expression you think
they represent.

Closing Are the cultural habits and expressions you identified in previous activity the same all over the world?

Read the text written by an exchange student. What part of the culture are you describing?

How does Josefina express her confusion to different cultural habits? Read the text again and write
the ideas that Josefina uses to talk about what is new for her. Then, work in groups and take turns to
discuss the following questions.

● Why does Josefina feel confused?

● What do you know about student exchanges?
● How is the habit Josefina describes different in your community?

My Life as an Exchange Student

My name is Josefina and I’m a Mexican student.

This month I traveled abroad to the U.S. to study a

major at the University of Chicago. I can tell that
American culture is so different from our culture;
their cultural habits are nothing like ours. Did you
know that the buses here are always on time?

On the first day I went to school, I missed the bus because I was late. The bus had just left when 1 arrived to
the bus stop. I thought they would wait at least 5 minutes to leave. Yesterday, I was late again, and I went
home by foot with Michael

Moment Activities session 3

Start They will resume the activity of the previous session.

Josefina has had a cultural shock, which is the impact of a culture and traditions different to her own.
How do you express the following parts of culture in your community?

Write some ideas in the corresponding column below.

cultural habit in my community In ________________________________

t clothing




Label the pictures below. All these ingredients except for one are used in one of Chicago's most
popular dishes. Can you guess what it is? Read the conversation in the next activity to find out the
additional ingredient and cross it out.


Moment Activities session 4

Students will be asked to watch the following video “People Try Mexican Street Food”
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.

They will resume the activity of the previous session.

Read the following conversation between Josefina and her new friend Michael. Fill in the blanks with
a suitable expression from the box.
t I think How´s it going? isn´t it? don’t get me wrong

Sorry to interrupt What do you mean? Personally speaking

Michael: Hey, Josefina! __________________________ Are you getting used to life in Chicago?
Josefina: Oh hi, Michael. Well, I haven't missed any more buses...

Michael: That's great! And what do you think of our food, huh?

Josefina: To be honest, ____________________________ it's too spicy...

Michael: _________________________________

Josefina: Yes, I mean, __________________________, I love Chicago-style

hot dogs, but...

Michael: Oh! _____________________, but I know what you're about to say, "but too many toppings", right?

Josefina: Right! I don't really like the pickle spear and the sweet relish. They are too strong for my taste. And

yet, no ketchup?

Michael: _________________________, ketchup is just unnecessary after all the other toppings. No

one really knows why us Chicagoans don't put it on our hot dogs. We should go and ask Mr. Green,

he might have something to say about this. Wait a second...isn't Mexican food supposed to be spicy,


Josefina: Ha, you're right. Quite a few dishes are, but I never put neither salsa nor onion on my sopes! In my

opinion, they taste better this way.

Michael: Sopes? You'll have to tell me all about those! Well one thing we can agree on is that dish deep pizza

is the best kind of pizza, _________________________.

Josefina: Definitely! And look, it seems like we'll be having some for lunch at the cafeteria to

Closing It's your turn now!

If an exchange student was visiting your school, what cultural habits do you think he or she would find

Which would you have to explain?

How would you do it?

Do some research about cultural expressions in another country. Go back to the chart on the previous
page and complete the last column.

Write one conversation about cultural habits from different countries. To prepare for it, work in
groups to brainstorm cultural habits that you all consider interesting. Write your ideas in your

Moment Activities session 5

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Kids Share Their Cultural Tradition”.
We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.

Developmen The following activities will be carried out.

In groups, discuss the questions. Then shore your knowledge and ideas with the rest of the doss.

What do you know about the cultural traditions in the pictures?

What would you like to know about them?

Read two of the aspects that ore usually included in the description of a cultural habit and discuss and
add two more.

what it is when it started

________________________ _____________________________

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Why Do Scottish People Wear a Kilt?”.

We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.

Read the descriptions students gave of the pieces of clothing. Choose the correct meaning for the
underlined words.
Mark (X) the correct option.

1. ___ a) with squares ___ b) with lines ___ c) complicated ___ d) with dots

2. ___ a) color ___ b) brand ___ c) material ___ d) smell

3. ___ a) with no colors ___ b) with bright colors ___ c) simple ___ d) with dark colors

4. ___ a) with dots ___ b) plain and simple ___ c) with lines ___ d) with sewn decorations

Work in pairs. Compare your answers. Then analyze the order of adjectives used in each sentence and
Closing decide which ones are used before the others: the adjectives to describe details, colors or size?

Moment Activities session 6

The following activities will be carried out.

Still working in pairs write two sentences to describe the traditional garments used in your
community or state. Used two adjectives or more in each sentence and then check if the order is
Start correct.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

Developmen Students will be asked to watch the following video “Oaxaca celebrates indigenous culture at
t Guelaguetza festival”.

We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.

Read this conversation out loud.

Paola: Hi, guys! Are you ready to talk about the topic we agreed? Who wants to start?

Pedro: We agreed to talk about the Guelaguetza and other important indigenous festivals from other
countries. I found ideas. I mean, I asked my family and they gave me some ideas. For the Guelaguetza,
we can talk about the state of Oaxaca in general, the dances, the costumes, the food ...
Jimmy: I don't mean to be rude, but in my opinion, the most important
part of the Guelaguetza are the dances. That is the main part of the

Paola: I'm not sure about that. The dances might be important, but I
believe another really important part are the costumes. They only dance
with specific costumes.

Pedro: Actually, I think you're right, Paola. Each costume has history and meaning. During the event
they explain the importance of the costumes before they start the dances.

Jimmy: So, the fact is that costumes and dances are connected.

Pedro: That's right.

Paola: Can I add something here before we continue? I don't know if the costumes ... Sorry, what I
meant to say is that I want to know more about the costumes!

What topic talking about?

Look at the conversation in previous exercise and write the expressions used to greet,
present the topic, and make an invitation to participate. Compare your answers with a

Look at the conversation again and underline in different colors each person's opinion.
Discuss with a classmate, what does each student say? Which expression does each one use?

Answer the questions.

Closing ● Whose opinion is supported by a fact, Paola's, Jimmy's, or Pedro's?
● What is the fact?

Moment Activities session 7

Start They will resume the activity of the previous session.

Now look at part of the conversation from previous page. Check (X) the purpose of each expression.
Can I add something here before we continue?
Paola: Can I add something here before we continue? I don't know if the costumes ... Sorry, what I
___ To correct yourself and begin the idea again.
meant to say is that I want to know more about the costumes!
___ To interrupt someone politely.
___ To greet.
Sorry, what I meant to say is...
___ To correct yourself and begin the idea again.

___ To interrupt someone politely.

___ To greet.

Students will be asked to watch the following video “Cultural differences”.

We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.

Read the following definitions. Can you think of a word which is related to it? Write a word which fits
the definition. What do these words in common?

Definition Concept

Developmen a. (noun) Food prepared from ground roasted cacao

b. (noun) Strong affection for another person.

c. (noun) A piece of paper or thin cardboard bearing a

greeting or message of sentiment.

d. (noun) The annual recurrence of a date marking a

notable event.

e. (verb) To examine goods or services with intent to


Closing Students will be asked to watch the following video “How Valentine's Day is Celebrated Around the

We will reflect on the content of the video. The group will be supported in understanding the
concepts contained in it.

Have you ever heard about Cupid? Read these facts about St. Valentine’s Day in two different parts
of the world and answer the questions in small groups.
The United States Japan

• Boys usually gift girls • Girls usually gift boys

during the festivity. during the festivity.

• Gifts are given to • You must give a gift to

close people. your friends or loved ones.

• The celebration takes place on February • The celebration takes place on February 14 th.
14th. Then men give gifts to women on March 14 th.

• You can gift flowers, greeting cards, and • Candy is the only thing you can give as a present.
candy, as well as more expensive things.

● What are the texts about?

● Do you celebrate Valentine's Day in your country?
● How different is Valentine's Day in the U.S. and in Japan?
● What do you think is the best way to celebrate it?

Moment Activities session 8

The following activities will be carried out.

Look at the pictures and write a word to describe them on the lines. Did you know that these are gifts
that are culturally-correct to give in many countries?


Developmen Do you know how to describe the things that you like using more than one word? Work in pairs and
t look at the following sentences. Can you identify the adjectives? Rewrite them in the correct order.

● For Valentine's Day, Barbara got a(n) square / pretty / white purse.
● In turn, she gave her boyfriend a(n) golden / stylish / nice watch.
● Barbara heard from Mai, her Japanese friend, that she had given her boyfriend some Belgian /
delicious / artisanal chocolates.
Read and write the words that were used to describe the words ’tradition' and 'birds'.

Now discuss the following questions.

Which adjective expresses an opinion?


Which one indicates a nationality?

Closing _________________________________________________________________________________

Which one indicates a physical characteristic?


Which one describes an age?

Moment Activities session 9

Start The following activities will be carried out.

It is time to present your Final Product to the class: a conversation about cultural habits.

In order to share the main Ideas from conversation, you have to agree with others on what the
conclusions of the conversation are. Number the steps to reach a commonly agreed conclusion In a
group In the correct order.

____ Verify with others that the conclusions you are writing represent the view of the majority.
____ Take notes as you listen, so that you don't forget points being mentioned. _

____ Summarize ideas that are expressed by different members.

____ Listen to others actively, so that you understand the main ideas being discussed.

Before the presentation:

● Get together with your group and go over all your notes from previous sessions.

● Decide if you want to act out a conversation with your group and discuss the cultural aspects you
worked with during the unit or work with another group and have a spontaneous conversation in
which both exchange information about the cultural aspects you researched.

During the conversation:

● Make sure you include language to initiate, develop and enc your conversation, ask questions and
provide opinions about your and you partner's information.
● Remember to pay attention to your voice, body gestures and facial expressions to convey the
desired effects.

● While listening to your classmates' conversations, show respect and make notes of comments or
questions you might want to make at the end.

Congratulations! This is great evidence of how well you are doing at learning and communicating in
English. Save all your written work in your Portfolio.

Answer Yes or No.

_____ Can I explain what a cultural habit is and list a few examples?

_____ Can I contribute proposals to start the conversation on cultural habits?

Closing _____ Can I give my opinion on a specific topic connected to cultural habits?

_____ Can l support my opinions with evidence or examples?

_____ Can i listen to others and encourage them to continue the conversation?

_____ Can I ask and answer questions connected to specific cultural habits?

Amplía sus repertorios de palabras y expresiones sobre hábitos

Formula preguntas con base en lo dicho por el interlocutor.

Recupera planteamientos para responder preguntas del


Monitorea conversaciones propias y de otras personas.

Am Rec
● Level IV: Indicates outstanding mastery of the expected learning. plía upe
● Level III: Indicates satisfactory mastery of the expected learning. sus ra
● Level II: Indicates basic mastery of the expected learning. eg
rep pla Mo
● Level I: Indicates insufficient mastery of the expected learning. un
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