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IX - Techno - Part-II CHEMISTRY – Organic Chemistry

I. MCQ with one correct answer :
1. In aldoximes, when 'H' and 'OH' groups are on same side of the double bond the isomer is known
A) E – isomer B) Z – isomer C) Syn isomer D) Anti isomer
Answer: C
Solution: H and OH groups are on same side of the double bond means syn isomer.
C6 H5  C  H

N  OH
2. Choose the correct notation for the following compound
C6 H5  C  H

HO  N
A) E-isomer B) Z-isomer C) Syn – isomer D) Anti – isomer
Answer: D
C6 H5  C  H

HO  N
Anti  isomer
H and OH groups are on opposite side of the double bond.

II. MCQ with more than one correct answer :

C6 H5  C  CH3

3. Choose the correct name for the following compound N  OH

A) Syn - methyl phenyl ketoxime B) anti - methyl phenyl ketoxime
C) Syn - phenyl methyl ketoxime D) anti - phenyl methyl ketoxime
Answer: A, D
Solution: In ketoximes, the prefixes ‘syn’ and ‘anti’ indicate the relationship of the first group
named with respect to – OH group.

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IX - Techno - Part-II CHEMISTRY – Organic Chemistry

C6 H5  C  H

N  OH
Syn – methyl phenyl ketoxime.
Methyl group is present on same side of the – OH group.
C6 H5  C  H

N  OH
Anti – Phynyl methyl ketoxime. Phenyl group is present on opposite side of the – OH group.
4. Which of the following are syn - isomers
C6H5 C H NN
H 5 C6
A) N OH B) C6 H5
C6 H5  C  H C6 H 5
H5 C6
C) HO  N D)
Answer: A, B
C6 H5  C  H

N  OH
syn  isomer
H and OH groups present on same side of the double bond.

C6 H5 H5C 6
C6 H5 (phenyl) groups present on same side of the double bond.
C6 H5  C  H

HO  N
Anti  isomer
H and OH groups present on opposite sides of the double bond, the isomer is known as anti
C 6 H5
C 6 H5
C6 H 5 (phenyl) groups present on opposite side of the double bond.

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IX - Techno - Part-II CHEMISTRY – Organic Chemistry
III. Statement type Questions :
5. Statement (A) : In azo compounds, if the two groups are on same side to double bond then it is
Statement (B) : In azo compounds, if the two groups are on opposite side to double bond
then it is ‘anti’

C6 H 5
Statement (C) : H5 C6 is an example for anti compound.
A) All the above statements are correct B) All the above statements are incorrect
C) A and B are correct but C is incorrect D) A and B are incorrect but C is correct
Answer: C

H5 C6 C6 H5

A  syn
B  Correct.

C6 H5
C  H5 C6 is syn compound.
Both C6 H5 (phenyl) groups present on same side of the double bond.
In azo compounds, if the two groups are on same side to double bond then it is syn otherwise
N N C6H5
C6H5 C6H5 N N
syn Anti
In syn compound, phynyl groups are on same side of the double bond.
In anti compound, phynyl groups are opposite side of the double bond.
(  C  H derivative)
6. Statement (A) : In aldoxime , when H and OH groups are on the same side of
the double bond, the isomer is known as ‘syn’
(  C  H derivative)
Statement (B) : In aldoxime , when H and OH groups are on the same side of
the double bond, the isomer is known as anti

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IX - Techno - Part-II CHEMISTRY – Organic Chemistry
C6 H5  C  H

Statement (C) : N  OH This compound is example for anti isomer.

A) All the above statements are correct B) All the above statements are incorrect
C) A and B are correct but C is incorrect D) A and B are incorrect but C is correct
Answer: C
C6 H5  C  H
C6 H5  C  H
N  OH
HO  N
syn Anti  isomer
A, B 
C6 H5  C  H

C  N  OH is syn isomer.

H and OH groups are present on same side of the double bond.

IV. Match the following :

7. Column – I Colum - II
C6 H5  C  H

A) Syn 1) HO  N


H5 C6 C6 H 5
B) Anti 2)
C6 H5  C  CH3

C) anti - methyl phenyl ketoxime 3) N  OH

C6 H5  C  CH3

HO  N
D) syn - methyl phenyl ketoxime 4)
A) 3 4 1 2 B) 3 2 1 4
C) 3 1 4 2 D) 2 1 4 3
Answer: D

A) Syn: 6 5 5 6

Both phenyl (C6 H5 ) groups present on same side of the double bond.

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IX - Techno - Part-II CHEMISTRY – Organic Chemistry

C6 H 5  C  H

B) Anti: HO  N
H and OH groups are present on opposite side of the double bond.

C) Anti-methyl phenyl ketoxime:

C6 H5  C  CH3

HO  N
Methyl group is present opposite to OH group & Phynyl group is same side of – OH group.
D) syn – methyl phenyl ketoxime:
C6 H5  C  CH3

N  OH
Methyl group is present same side of – OH group and phenyl group is present on opposite to –
OH group.
V. Passage type questions :
In addition to alkenes, compounds containing C  N (aldoxime and ketoxime) and N  N (azo)
bonds also show geometrical isomerism. In these cases syn (cis) and anti (trans) are used.
C6 H5  C  CH3

8. Suggest IUPAC name for HO  N

A) Syn - methyl penyl ketoxime B) Anti - methyl phenyl – ketoxime

C) Syn - phenyl methyl ketoxime D) Both B and C
Answer: D
Solution: CH3 group is opposite side to – OH group and C6 H5 group is on same side or –OH
9. In azo compounds if the two groups are on same side suggestible name is
A) Cis B) Syn C) Anti D) Trans
Answer: B
Solution: In azo compounds, if the two groups are on same side to double bond then it is ‘syn’
otherwise anti.
N N C6H5
C6H5 C6H5 N N
syn Anti

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IX - Techno - Part-II CHEMISTRY – Organic Chemistry
10. P : syn refers same side
Q : Anti refers opposite side
A) P is correct, Q is incorrect B) P is incorrect, Q is correct
C) Both P, Q are correct D) Both P, Q are incorrect
Answer: C
C6H5 C CH3

syn – phenyl methyl ketoxime (or)
anti – methyl phenyl ketoxime
C6H5 C CH3

syn – methyl phynyl ketoxime (or)
anti – phynyl methyl ketoxime
Here syn referes same side, anti referes opposite side.
C6 H5
C6 H 5
11. Choose correct name for
A) Syn B) Anti C) Cis D) Trans
Answer: B
Solution: C6 H5 groups are on opposite side of double bond.
I. MCQ with one correct answer :
1. Cis - trans isomers are always
A) Enantiomeric B) Diastreomeric C) optical isomers D) chain isomers
Answer: B
cis trans
Both are not mirror images not super imposable. So they are diastreomeric

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IX - Techno - Part-II CHEMISTRY – Organic Chemistry
II. Assertion and Reason Type Questions :
2. Assertion (A) : compounds containing C  N (aldoxime and ketoxime) and N  N (azo) show
syn (cis) and anti (trans) are used.
Reason (R) : In addition to alkenes, compounds containing C  N (aldoxime and ketoxime) and
N  N (azo) bonds also show geometrical isomerism.
A) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
B) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C) A is correct and R is incorrect D) A is incorrect and R is correct
Answer: A
Solution: A  It is correct given in the concept.
R  It is correct given in the concept.
C6 H5  C  H

3. Assertion (A) : HO  N is anti-isomer

Reason (R) : Both ‘H’ and ‘OH’ groups are on the same side of the double bond
A) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
B) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C) A is correct and R is incorrect D) A is incorrect and R is correct
Answer: C
C6 H5  C  H

HO  N
Solution: A  Anti  isomer
H and OH groups are present on opposite side of the double bond.
R  In the above compound H and OH groups are not present on same side of the double bond.
4. Assertion (A) : Lactic acid does not show geometrical isomerism
Reason (R) : It has a C  C double bond.
A) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
B) Both A and R are correct but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C) A is correct and R is incorrect D) A is incorrect and R is correct
Answer: C
Solution: A  Geometrical isomerism is present in alkenes (or) double bonded compounds like
azo compounds.
R  It does not contain C  C double bond.


Lactic acid

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