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Environment and animal health

‫هنتكلم انهارده عن تأثير البيئه على صحه الحيوان‬

A-Primary pathogenic agents
• It is a part of the animal's environment
animal environment ‫تعتبر جزء من‬
‫ مش الزم تبقى بكتريا بس ممكن تبقى حاجات تانيه زى للى‬pathogenic agent ‫اول منقول‬
‫هنذكرها تحت‬

• It might be: ‫بنقسمها الى‬

1. A toxic substance as harmful gases.
‫زى غاز الكاربون داى اوكسيد او الهيدروجين سالفيد واالمونيا‬
2. An environmental factor as solar radiation.
‫ وممكن‬eye carcinoma ‫ ممكن يعمل‬solar radiation ‫قولنا المحاضره للى فاتت ان‬
photosynthesis ‫ مش‬photosynthesitization ‫يعمل‬
3. Parasites as bacteria, viruses or worms.
) ‫ ( اى حاجه بتقدر تعيش على الحيوان‬parasite ‫هنا يقصد بيها كل انواع‬

B- Secondary pathogenic agents:

• They might be any sort of environmental factors
• including:
1) A living vector that helps in the transmission of pathogenic microbes
to susceptible animals.
‫ زى‬transmission of disease ‫ للى ليها دور فى عمليه‬secondary ‫الحاجات ال‬
‫الفئران والحشرات‬
transmission of ‫فالبتالى لو تغيرت الظروف البيئيه دا هيأثر عليه وهيأثر على عمليه‬
2) Dust that can carry an irritating gas to lungs
3) Cold stress that can reduce immunity of animals so normal
inhabitant bacteria could be turned to potential pathogenic.
4) Parasites in the environment
) ‫ معناها اى حاجه مضره ( اى حاجه تعيش على الحيوان وتسببله ضرر‬Parasite
✓ There are a wide variety of parasitic challenges to animal health and
survival, and hence productive performance .
✓ The ultimate source of a parasite is an infected animal.
‫ النه‬infected animal ‫ هو‬environment ‫ فى‬parasites ‫اكتر مصدر لل‬
MOS ‫بيخرجلك‬
‫ يقصد بيها البكتريا‬parasite ‫✓ خليك دايما فاكر وانت بتذاكر المحاضره ان كلمه‬
‫والفيرس واى حاجه ممكن تسبب تضرر بالحيوان‬
‫ هى اى حاجه ممكن تسبب مرض للحيوان‬pathogenic agent ‫✓ وكذلك برده كلمه‬
‫مش شرط البكتريا بس‬

Parasitic transmission:
The method by which a parasite is transmitted from one animal to another
may be:
A- Direct as ringworm.
‫ النها بتعيش على الحيوان‬parasite ‫ لكنها تعتبر‬fungi ‫ هى بالنسبالنا‬ringe worm ‫ال‬
B-Indirect as when a particle containing bacteria travels through the air
from the respiratory tract of one chicken to another
or a round worm egg passes with the feces to the ground, where it remains
until another animal ingests it.
Environment plays two important roles in parasite transmission from
animal to animal:
1) It serves as transport medium.
parasite ‫تعتبر بيئه كويسه النتقال‬
2) It determines the survival time of the parasite outside the host
‫ بتاعه‬host ‫ هيعيش قد اى برا ال‬parasite ‫هتحدد ال‬
parasite ‫ لل‬sensitive environmental condition ‫فاكرين لما احدنا ان فى‬
‫ تانى‬parasite ‫ لل‬resistance environmental condition ‫معين وفى‬

Factors that influences parasite transmission include:

parasite ‫العوامل للى بتأثر على انتقال ال‬

1) The survivability of the parasitic forms.
‫ ليه القدره انه يعيش برا وال ال ؟‬parasite ‫هل ال‬
2) Ability of the parasite to develop in the environment outside the
‫ ؟‬form resistance ‫هل هو هيقدر يعمل‬
sporulated ‫ وبعدين تتحول ل‬non sporulated ‫ بتطلع‬toxoplasma ‫زى مثال ال‬
host ‫عشان تقدر تقاوم العوامل البيئه لحد متالقى ال‬

3) The way that the parasite reaches and enters another host.
‫ وهيدخل ازاى‬host ‫ هو هيوصل ازاى لل‬transmission ‫من الحاجات للى بتأثر على‬

Entrance and exit portals:

• Internal parasites leave animal body and enter another via
characteristic exit and entrance portals .
• In some cases, infection can occur only when the parasite enters the
host via a specific route .
‫ بيعمل‬MOS ‫ يدخل من مكانه الصح يعنى لو‬MOS ‫الزم عشان تحصل العدوى ان‬
‫ لو اخدته عن طريق‬ingestion ‫ الزم يدخل عن طريق‬digestive infection
‫ ميعملش حاجه والعكس‬inhalation
1) Respiratory pathogens enter and leave body through nose or mouth .
2) Parasites of gastrointestinal tract usually enter through mouth or
nose, but leave through the anus .
3) Urinary tract parasites usually enter via mouth, but leave with the
urine .
4) Genital pathogens usually enter and leave the tract directly.
5) Viruses generally distribute themselves throughout the body, so all
body orifices can serve as exit portals.
‫ الفيروسات بتعمل‬viraemia ‫فبالتالى ممكن تخرج من اى مكان فى الجسم‬

Direct transmission:
1) Gastrointestinal parasites can be transferred during head - tail
nose to ‫ وطبعا لو الحيوانات واقفه‬feces ‫ هتنزل مع‬GIT ‫الحيوان لو عنده اصابه فى‬
direct ‫) العدوى هتتنقل من حيوان للتانى‬tail )
2) Certain genital tract diseases such as vibriosis are transferred during
genital contact .
direct transmission ‫ من الحاجات للى بتتنقل ب‬Vibriosis
3) Respiratory parasites can be transmitted from one animal to another
during nose -nose contact
direct ‫ هيبقى سهل جدا االمراض التنفسيه تتنقل‬face to face ‫لو الحيوانات وافقه‬
4) mucus from even the lower respiratory tract can be coughed up to
the pharynx, from which pathogens can make their ways to the
mouth or nose .
direct transmission ‫) وبتتدخل برده تحت بند‬auto infection) ‫بنسميها‬
5) External parasites, such as lice and dermal fungi, are also often
spread by direct body contact.

Indirect transmission:
direct ‫ عن‬indirect transmission ‫هنا بقا دور البيئه مهم اكتر فى‬
• Environment is more important in indirect transmission of parasites
among animals .
• Once they (parasite) leave the body of an infected animal they are
exposed to the environment until they enter another body.
‫ لحد‬environment ‫ من جسم الحيوان بيتعرض لل‬MOS ‫يبقى بمجرد ميخرج ال‬
‫ميدخل تانى للحيوان‬
• They can become airborne immediately so they must survive and
remain infective or settle onto the ground, feed or water .
‫ او‬dust ‫ ينزل على االرض والحيوان ياكلها او تنشف وتتنقل ب‬parasite ‫ممكن ال‬
droplet infection ‫يتعلق فى الهواء ويتنقل ب‬
• If they remain infective in this period, another animal may ingest
them, or they may become airborne again and challenge another
‫نفس الفكره برده انها ممكن تنزل على االرض والحيوان ياكلها او تتنقل من خالل ال‬
• Parasites can drop to ground immediately upon leaving an infected
animal .
• Thus, feed and water may become contaminated directly or during
scratching or splashing or else a mechanical vector, such as dust,
containing the parasites may become truly airborne .
contamination ‫ وتروح تعمل‬feces ‫زى مثال الكوكسيديا بتنزل على االرض مع ال‬
‫لالكل والمياه فيبدأ الحيوان ياكلها تانى مع االكل‬

• The point is that during indirect transmission, the parasite is

exposed to the environment. It must survive this exposure to remain
a threat to animal health
‫ الزم هتتعرض للبيئه وهتقاوم‬indirect transmission ‫يبقى اى حاجه بتتنقل ب‬
‫العوامل البيئه فالمطلوب منك تعرف هى هتقام الظروف البيئه لفتره قد اى ؟ الن معرفتى‬
‫بالمده دا هيساعدنى فى العالج برده‬
• Thus, an understanding of the factors that affect survival of a
parasite outside its host's body is an important aspect of animal
‫ انك‬animal hygiene ‫ فى البيئه مهم فى‬parasite ‫معرفتك بالعوامل للى هتأثر على‬
‫تقضى عليه‬

Microbial survival in the environment

1-Pathogen survival in excreta:

• Since feces and urine may contain large numbers of parasitic forms,
keeping animals near their excreta is dangerous,
‫ تعتبر‬system ‫ وقولنا ان لو حصل اى مشكله فى‬drainage system ‫فاكرين لما اخدنا‬
MOS ‫ بتحتوى على كميات كبيره من‬urine ‫ و‬feces ‫خطيره الن‬

• particularly if there is a chance the animal's feed and water supplies

will become contaminated.
‫وطبعا دا بيدى فرصه ان يحصل تلوث لالكل والمياه‬
• Slatted floors have several economic advantages: ‫من مميزاته‬
1) they reduce labor and bedding needs,
2) they reduce the contact between animals and their excreta ‫ودى‬
‫تعتبر اهم ميزه فى السيستم دا‬

• Infections of animals by internal parasites, is greatly reduced by
slatted floors, but even with slatted floors these infections are not
eliminated .
‫ بيقلل لكن مش بيمنع‬reduce ‫ناخد بالنا احنا قولنا‬
• The excreta remains close to the animals, moist and shielded from
sunlight, hence the chance of transmission persists, especially for
agents that can be airborne or carried by a vector .
‫ فى العنبر تحت رجل الحيوان بعيده عن اشعه الشمس دا‬excreta ‫لقوا كمان ان وجود ال‬
‫ خصوصا للحاجات للى بتتنقل بالهواء‬transmission persists ‫هيدى فرصه لل‬

Five kinds of pathogenic bacteria Survived at least three

months under floor waste slurry in dairy cattle operations.
‫ شهورتحت رجل الحيوان لو‬3 ‫فى خمس انواع من البكتريا ممكن يعيشوا على االقل‬
‫ يتجمع تحت الحيوان‬manure ‫سبت ال‬
1) Salmonella typhimurium
2) Salmonella dublin
3) Brucella abortus
4) Staphylococcus aureus.
5) Escherichia coli

Deep litter and bedding:

a- One means of rapid destruction of potentially pathogenic bacteria in

excreta is the deep or built up litter system that used widely in the
poultry industry .
‫ ازاى ؟‬MOS ‫ بيموت‬deep litter system ‫فكره‬
‫ بتقتل البكتريا‬fermentation ‫ الحراره للى طالعه من‬, ‫االمونيا بتأثر على الكوكسيديا‬
b-Salmonella survived up to 4 times longer in new litter than in deep .
‫ ؟‬deep litter ‫ و‬new litter ‫اى الفرق بين‬

fermentated bacteria ‫ والعمليه دى بتحصل بال‬fermentation ‫الفرق بينهم عمليه‬
MOS ‫ قديمه كل مبتطلع حراره وتقتل‬deep litter ‫ فالبتالى كل م كانت‬feces ‫للى نازله مع‬
old litter ‫ عن‬new litter ‫عشان كدا السالمونيال بتقدر تعيش فتره اطول ف‬
c- Emitted heat during decay warms the manure, and if litter
temperature reaches 70 oC for at least two weeks, most pathogenic
bacteria are destroy
‫ درجه هتقدر تقضى‬70 ‫ او‬65 ‫ لو وصلت‬fermentation ‫درجه الحراره للى جايه من‬
‫ لكن ممكن تلسع رجل الفرخه فالزم تغير الفرشه الن دا غلط على الفراخ‬MOS ‫على اغلب‬
‫ فهى حلوه النها هتعمل كنترول ليها‬mos ‫وقتها لكن من ناحيه‬
d- Added lime fixes some nitrogen, so ammonia evolution is reduced .
Also, liming reduces microbial content of the litter .
‫ لما بنيجى نحط طبقه من الجير المطفى ( مره‬deep litter system ‫اخدنا الترم االول فى‬
‫ للنيتروجين‬fixation ‫فى الصيف ومرتين فى الشتاء) عشان يقلل انبعاث االمونيا ويعمل‬
disinfectant ‫النه بيتشتغل ك‬
e-The bacterial and fungal flora of deep litter increases during the first
month or two of use, then it becomes more or less constant .
‫ عددها هيقل‬fermentation ‫فى االول البكتريا بتزيد لكن مع الوقت لما تقدم الفرشه ويحصل‬
MOS ‫ويعمل كنترول ل‬
d-However, highly contagious diseases may be perpetuated by the deep
- litter system
‫ الزم‬highly contagious diseases ‫ لمل بيحصل‬deep litter system ‫اهم عيب فى‬
‫تعدم العنبر كله النها مش بتقدر تمنع العدوى‬
environmental disease ‫هنقول بعص االمثله للى بتعمل‬
1-Streptococcus agalactiae
contagious mastitis ‫ بيعملوا‬disagalactia ‫ و‬agalactiae ‫اخدنا فى المعديه ان‬
‫ لل‬disinfection ‫ و‬cleaning ‫ عشان كدا الزم تعمل‬teat cups ‫بيتنقلوا من خالل‬
‫ قبل الحلب وبعده‬teat

a-Is a common pathogen of the cow's mammary gland, occurs on the
teat skin,
b- but appears to die quickly (within a day) once in the environment .
‫من الحاجات للى بتعيش يوم واحد فى البيئه عشان كدا مش بنعتبرها من‬
‫ بتعملى‬streptococcus uberis ‫ على عكس‬environmental pathogen
resist to environmental condition ‫ ودى كان‬environmental mastitis
2- Contaminated drinking water:
a- Contaminated water serve to infect animals by pathogenic bacteria .
b- It has been suggested that water suitable for drinking of domestic
animals should contain fewer than 10 non lactose fermenting
bacteria per milliliter.
coliform bacteria ‫الزم مياه الشرب بتاعه الحيوان تحتوى على نسبه قليله جدا من‬

a- Soil differs greatly from area to area and from season to season as
well as it depends also on water content .
spore bacteria ‫اخدنا قبل كدا ان التربه تعتبر مصدر للعدوى خصوصا‬
b- Bacteria pathogenic for animals find their way to soil, either in the
excreta of the host or in their remains
‫ بتاعه الحيوان او من الحيوان نفسه لمل يتدفن فى‬excreta ‫بتوصل للتربه عن طريق ال‬
c- Soil may influence: ‫التربه بتأثر على‬
1) The development of the free living stages of pathogenic agents as
hook worm larvae.
2) Viability and survival of pathogen.
3) Presence, development and survival of intermediate hosts as
snails, ticks and mites.
‫ بتعيش على االرض‬mites ‫ و‬ticks ‫ بتاعه‬cycle ‫فى جزء من‬
4) Soil may provide an optimal medium for growth of saprophytic
pathogens e.g. Cryptococcosis and Histoplasmosis.
The duration of survival of the microorganisms in soil markedly
varies according to:
‫ قد اى ودى بتكون على حسب‬mos ‫الفتره للى هيعيشها ال‬
1) Type and species of the micro organisms.
‫ تقدر تعيش مده اطول‬fungi ‫ وال‬vegetation ‫ هيعيش اكتر من‬spore form ‫ال‬
2) Climatic condition.
‫ وفى امراض تانيه بتتنقل‬dust ‫ النه بيتنقل ب‬dusty season ‫فى امراض بتحصل فى‬
leptospira ‫من خالل المياه زى‬
3) Type of soil.
moist soil ‫ و حاجات بتعيش فى‬dry soil ‫فى حاجات بتعيش فى‬
4) Physical and chemical soil condition.
5) The depth at which the micro-organism is found.
6) The duration of survival of the microorganisms in soil markedly
varies according to:
Survival of other parasites in the environment ‫هيقولك شويه امثله‬

• Coccidian oocysts sporulate in soil where they are shed with excreta .
• Cold or dry soil slows or even stops sporulation.
sporulation ‫ مش مناسبه لعمليه‬cold ‫ و‬dry ‫كل م كانت التربه‬
• Coccidian oocysts remain viable in soil for nine months.
‫ شهور‬9 ‫بتقدر تعيش فى التربه لمده‬
• Feeds in certain kinds of troughs for lambs, can be contaminated
with and promote sporulation of coccidian oocysts .
sporulation ‫ ممكن يأثر على عمليه‬troughs ‫ انواع معينه من‬lambs ‫لو انت بتاكل‬
• In floor rearing poultry, coccidian oocysts contamination of litter is
greatest under perches and around waterers and feeders,
‫ هتالقى فيها‬drinker ‫ و‬feeder ‫داخل العنبر فى اماكن فيها العدوى بتزيد يعنى حوالين‬
‫نسبه كوكسيديا عاليه‬
• so barriers to the birds access to this litter is an important factor in
the control of the disease .
2-Round worms:

• Development of free-living stages of round worms depends on

environmental conditions .
• Large numbers of eggs hatch and survive as infective larvae in the
fall and winter.

• Tick larvae survive long during winter .

• When pastures are rotated every four months, tick infections are
practically eliminated.
‫ اخدناها الترم االول‬larvae ‫ شهور دا بيتقل ال‬4 ‫انك تقفل المرعى لمده‬

• Parasites are transferred among animals by various means besides

direct or indirect contact .
direct and indirect contact ‫بيتنقل من خالل طرق كتير باالضافه الى‬
• Various carriers, both animate and inanimate .They are called
1) crates, animal and feed trucks, following water streams, dust,
humans and their clothing and all sorts of animals .
• Three kinds of vectors are important:
1) Airborne dust
2) Various animals of species other than the species to be infected
vector ‫الحيوانات للى مش من نفس الفصيله تعتبر‬
3) Carrier animals of the same species.
‫ برده‬vector ‫ تعتبر‬carrier animal ‫ال‬
1-Animate vectors of different species:

• Vectors of different species include:

1) Wild animals .
2) The soil and premises occupied by domestic animals.
3) Rodents and birds
4) Cats
5) Dogs
6) Insects
2-Animate vectors of the same species :
Vectors of the same species represent a very important mode of parasite
transmission that is often neglected .
T.B ‫زى البروسيال و‬

• Animals with signs of disease should be separated from those

without such signs.
• Animals without apparent disease can still be carriers. They may
transmit an in-apparent infection to another animal.
• Animals of different ages should not be housed together if at all
possible. ‫مينفعش نربى اعمار مختلفه فى نفس المكان النه غلط وبيدى فرصه‬
‫لالمراض انها تتنقل‬
• Older animals are often immune carriers of forms pathogenic to the
younger animals. ‫عاده الحيوانات الكبيره بيبقى عندها مناعه من بعض االمراض‬
‫على عكس االعمار الصغيره‬
• Neither should animals of different species be kept together ‫ممنوع ان‬
‫تربى فراخ مع بط مع وز الن دا غلط‬
• Problems have arisen from keeping chickens and turkeys close to
each other. For example, chickens are less susceptible to
histomonads and mycoplasmas, so they can carry these organisms to
the less resistant turkey.

Environment and diseases

‫االمراض للى هنقولها ليها عالقه بالبيئه او ان البيئه من اسباب حدوثها‬
1- Environmental and lameness:

• Bad management of animal building such as excess slurry lead to

slipperiness or increasing moisture content of the microenvironment
of the animal .
‫ تحت رجل الحيوان‬manure ‫ او‬slurry ‫ هو تجمع ال‬lameness ‫من اسباب حدوث ال‬

• In other cases, the floor is breaking up with hard core protruding and
inducing lameness of the animal.
lameness ‫برده لو االرضيه مكنتش متساويه ممكن تعملك‬
2- Environmental Mastitis

‫ عشان‬environmental mastitis ‫ او‬contagious mastitis ‫يهمنى اعرف ان دا‬

control ‫وانا بعالج وبعمل‬
• Mastitis due to environmental bacteria, is clearly a problem of poor
• Environmental mastitis can be defined broadly as
✓ Those intra mammary infection caused by pathogens whose
primary reservoir is the environment in which the cow lives.
• Environmental Mastitis
Environmental pathogens most frequently encountered are species Species
of Streptococci include Strept. bovis, Strept. fecalis, and Strept.
Coliform bacteria include E. coli, K. pneumoniae, Enterobacter aerogenes,
and Citrobacter, Serratia and Proteus .
Moisture in any form such as rain, humidity, urine and udder wash water
appears to favour the growth of environmental pathogens.
environmental mastitis ‫كل دى عوامل بتساعد على حدوث ال‬

The End

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