Cle Reviewer 4TH Quarter

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CLE REVIEWER Why is Baptism the most important

Topic 1: Sacrament of Baptism
A. Because it transforms us into God’s people.
What does the word baptism mean?
B. We receive Christ’s salvation and new life.
 The word baptism comes from a Greek
word that means: C. It gives us the promise of eternal life.
 “To plunge” or
D. Forgives original sin.
 “To immerse” (go under)
βαπτίζω - Baptizo
What is original sin?
The reality of:
What does baptism symbolizes?
B. Pain
 Going under water symbolizes our burial
into the death of Christ. C. Brokenness
 It also symbolizes our rising up to new D. Suffering
life in Christ.
 Our union with Christ in this life and the E. Alienation
next. In which we are all born into
God saves us from this reality through baptism
A. Biblical/Historical Foundations
-> Sacred Scriptures sees it as “overshadowed” 3 Types of Baptism
by the Spirit of God
A. Baptism of Water
-> The Church seen in Noah’s ark a prefiguring
of salvation by Baptism B. Baptism of Blood

-> If water springing up from the earth  Those who although not baptized died
symbolizes life, the water of sea is a symbol of for the Christian faith.
death.  Their blood unites them with Christ and
his destiny.
-> By this symbolism, Baptism signifies
communication with Christ’s death. C. Baptism of Desire

-> The crossing of Red Sea announces the  Those who although not baptized
liberation brought by Baptism. wished in this life to receive baptism,
but died before its reception.
 Those who although do not know Christ,
live and follow the will of God on this
Seal of Baptism In case of Emergency, anyone can baptized
A. An eternal mark on the person’s soul Matter: Water
B. This mark makes the person belong to Christ. Form: I baptize you ____ in the name of the
Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
C. It can’t never be erased.
Note: No AMEN.
D. It enables the person to do God’s will on this
Sacramental Character The matter is WATER, which should be true
water, for the sake of the authentic
sacramental symbolism.
Why is the seal important?
Water – should be clean.
A. The seal is important because it is a sign of
– the use of plastic containers and
our faith.
bottles should be avoided.
B. During our lives on this earth we are called
– is a natural symbol.
to keep his sign of faith alive and strong.

Water symbolizes many things.

What are the effects of baptism?
1. It cleanses, a sign that they want to be clean
A. Baptism purifies us from sin.
spiritually and physically, it refreshes.
B. Baptism gives us new life through the Holy
2. Bathing enables people to experience a
regeneration of energy.
C. We become new creatures, Sons and
3. It gives life.
daughters of God by adoption.
D. We become members of the body of Christ.
REQUIREMENTS: The Catholic Church’s Code of
E. We become disciples of Jesus’ teachings.
Canon Law lists these requirements for a
F. Baptism gives us the right to receive the rest person to be a valid and lawful godparent in
of the sacraments Baptism:
G. Baptism gives us the grace to receive eternal  Canon 872 -The godparent’s role with
life the parents is to present the infant for
the sacrament of Baptism and help the
child live a life befitting a baptized
Who are the ordinary ministers of baptism? Catholic Christian.
- The Bishop  Canon 873 –There may be only one
male godparent or one female
- The Priest godparent or one of each.
- The Deacon
 Canon 874 §1 To be permitted to take  As your godchild grows, listen to and
on the function of godparent a person share in the struggles and triumphs of
must: living a Christian life, and keep your self-
informed on the Christian doctrine and
1. Be designated by the parent and must be
values, to be able to answer questions
mature enough to undertake this
as they arise.
 Encourage a consistent life of faith
2. Be at least 16 years of age; through special cards, letters, or gifts,
which celebrate holy events...Christmas,
3. Have received the three sacraments of
Easter...and personal growth
initiation namely Baptism, Eucharist and
events...graduation, first job,
Confirmation and live a life of faith in keeping
engagement. (Gift suggestions: a bible,
with the function to be taken on;
spiritual book, rosary, religious jewelry,
4. Not be bound by any canonical penalty gift certificate for religious goods/books,
legitimately imposed or declared by the retreat opportunity.)
Church;  Participate in, or send assurance of
5. Must not be the father or mother of the one prayer, as your godchild receives the
to be baptized; §2 A baptized person who other sacraments, particularly First
belongs to a non-Catholic Christian community Communion and Confirmation, which
may not be admitted as a godparent but as a complete initiation into the Church
witness to the Baptism together with a Catholic community.
godparent.  Be supportive of your godchild’s parents
in their role as the primary religious
educators of their child.
The Role of Godparents  And most importantly, become a model
of Catholic living for your godchild,
To be chosen as a godparent is a special honor. through daily prayer, virtue and active
You have been entrusted with the participation in parish life and liturgy. By
responsibility to participate in this child’s living a Christian life in partnership with
Catholic life and education. This privilege offers your godchild, both of you will
you the opportunity to develop a mutually experience the great joy of sharing a life
enriching spiritual relationship –one that will of faith.
last throughout this life and beyond. There are
many ways you can nurture this spiritual B.8 Adult Baptism
relationship and become a special friend to our The baptism ceremony for adults is similar to
godchild. Among them are: baptism of children except that you make the
 Celebrate the anniversary of this holy baptismal promises yourself. Instead of
day of Baptism each year with a visit, a godparent adults have sponsors whose role is
call or a card. to encourage you in the Catholic faith.
Some rules for administering baptism of adults: The Rite of Baptism:
1. As adult should not be baptized without his 1. Reception of the Children
knowledge and consent, and then only after
2. Liturgy of the Word
being duly instructed. Moreover, he must have
true compunction of his sins. 3. Prayer of Exorcism

2. The priest who is to baptize adults, as well as 4. Renunciation of Sin and Profession of Faith
the candidates themselves, if in good health,
5. The Celebration of Baptism
ought properly to be fasting. Unless prevented
by grave reasons, immediately following 6. Anointing with the Sacred Chrism
baptism an adult should assist at Mass and  Chrism is HOLY OIL made of Olive Oil
receive Holy Communion. and Perfume.
3. The priest should inform himself of the  Blessed by the BISHOP once a year every
candidate’s status, particularly when dealing MAUNDY THURSDAY At the CATHEDRAL
with strangers. In these cases let him make
It symbolize that the Child is dedicated to
careful inquiry as to whether they were ever
Christ and shares in His threefold mission as:
baptized elsewhere and whether it was done
properly. PRIEST – a mission to connect people to God

Every unbaptized is a candidate for baptism. PROPHET – a mission to preach the Word of
The parents of infants must vouch for the God
Catholic upbringing of their children. KING – a mission to serve others
7. Clothing with White Garment
Other symbols used in the sacramental 8. Lighting of Candle
celebration of baptism:
9. Our Father – Final Blessing
1. Anointing – the anointing with Chrism after
Baptism is a sign of the royal priesthood of the
baptized and their enrolment into the company
of the People of God.
2. White Garment – is a symbol of their new
3. Lighted Candle – it shows their vocation to
live as befits children of light.

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