Ref: SFECD033/2122

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Ref: SFECD033/2122

Lam Tai Fai College

School Activity Notice to Parent
2021-2022 Regular training for Marching Band (10/2021 – 11/2021)

11th October 2021

To: Parents:

Your child has been admitted as a member of Marching Band. The regular practice of Marching Band this year
will commence soon. Please read the information below carefully and reply on or before Tuesday, 12th October
2021. If your child has been selected as a school team member (sports, debate or STEM), he/she could apply
for exemption from joining the Marching Band.

Date of Activity: 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11
Time of Activity: 10am – 1pm
Venue of Activity: Lam Tai Fai College Music Room
Dismissal Place: Same as above
Content: Instrumental class, ensemble, foot drill training, performance and competition
*All members should attend
Instrumental class: On Saturdays (10:00am-11:00am)
 Brass instrumental class
 Woodwind instrumental class
 Percussion instrumental class and
Whole band training : On Saturdays (11:00am-1:00pm)

**If there are extra practice, performance or competition, parents will be informed
about the details through eNotice.
Dress Code: Proper School PE uniform
Fee: 1. $2,400 for the whole year (including instrumental class tutors fee, training,
activities and uniform fee). [Tuition fee can be paid in full at $2,400 or paid in two
installments (1st & 2nd semester) of $1,200 each]
2. Please return to Music teacher the crossed cheque made payable to “The IMC of
Lam Tai Fai College” on or before Tuesday, 12th October, 2021. The student’s
name, class, class number, payment item and contact telephone number should be
written on the back of the cheque.
3. All tuition fees once paid are non-refundable.
Teachers-in-charge: Ms. Ng Sheung Ching, Mr. Kwok Kwan Hon, Mr. Chan Chun Hei
Remarks: 1. All S1 and S2 students are required to join one of the uniform groups or school
teams provided by the school and their attendance record will be shown on their
report cards.
S1 and S2 members of Marching Band cannot withdraw from the group in
the academic year 2021-2022.

2. For S3 to S6 members with an attendance rate of 65% or above, Marching Band

Membership will be shown on their report cards. For members with an attendance
rate of 80% or above, an award will be given.
Ref: SFECD033/2122
3. If your child is sick or absent from the activity on that day with important reasons,
please contact the School or inform the Teacher-in-charge before the activity
to apply for leave and should submit corresponding leave application documents
to the teacher-in-charge on the next school day.
4. Parents should be vigilant to student’s health conditions:
a. If a student has fever, respiratory symptoms or sudden loss of taste or
smell, etc., he/she should seek medical advice immediately and should not go to
b. If a student is confirmed with COVID-19, parents should inform the
school immediately.
c. If a student is a close contact of a confirmed case / preliminary
confirmed positive case or a household member of a close contact, he/she
should inform the school immediately and should not return to school.
d. If a student is subject to compulsory testing, he/she must obtain a negative test
result before returning to school.
Bad Weather 1. If Education Bureau announces that classes of all schools are to be suspended, the
Arrangement: activity will be postponed or cancelled.
2. If Black/Red Rainstorm Warning or Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No.8 /
No.8 or above is issued within two hours before the meeting time of the activity, the
activity will be postponed or cancelled.

Lam Tai Fai College

Ref: SFECD033/2122
2021-2022 銀樂隊練習事宜 (10/2021-11/2021)


茲通知 貴子弟已獲取錄為本學年銀樂隊隊員。本年度的銀樂隊隊員恆常練習即將開始,敬希細閱以下
活動資料並於二零二一年十月十二日(星期二)或前回覆。若 貴子弟已獲選為校隊 (運動、辯論或 STEM),

訓練日期: 16/10, 23/10, 30/10, 6/11, 13/11, 20/11, 27/11
訓練時間: 早上 10 時 至 下午 1 時
上課地點: 林大輝中學音樂室
解散地點: 同上
活動內容: 器樂班、合奏、步操訓練、表演及比賽
器樂班:逢星期六 (10:00am-11:00am)
 銅管樂班
 木管樂班
 敲擊樂班 及
樂團練習:逢星期六 (11:00am-1:00pm)

服飾: 整齊本校運動服
費用: 1. 全年共$2,400 (包括器樂班導師費、訓練、活動及制服費用)。[可以全數繳交或分
2. 請以劃線支票形式繳付費用,支票抬頭請寫「林大輝中學法團校董會」,支票背
負責老師: 吳嫦菁老師、郭鈞漢老師、陳俊熹老師
注意事項: 1. 所有中一及中二級同學必須參加其中一項本校開設的制服團隊或校隊。
中一及中二銀樂隊隊員於 2021-2022 年度不能退隊。
2. 如中三至中六隊員的出席率達六成半或以上,其隊員資格將被記錄於成績單
3. 活動當日若因病或另有要事而缺席,請於活動前致電學校或知會負責老師請
4. 學校促請家長留意學生的健康情況:
a. 如學生出現發燒、呼吸道感染徵狀或突然喪失味覺或嗅覺等,必須即
b. 如學生證實患上 2019 冠狀病毒病,必須立刻通知學校。
c. 如學生被界定為確診/初步確診個案的密切接觸者或密切接觸者的同住成員,
Ref: SFECD033/2122
d. 如學生被界定為「受檢人士」,學生必須在檢測結果確定為陰性後才能回
惡劣天氣安排: 1. 如教育局宣佈當天停課,活動會改期或取消。
2. 如活動集合前兩小時內已發出紅色或黑色暴雨警告信號或懸掛八號或以上風球,


林大輝中學 謹啟


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