Performance Task OC Intra-Discipline

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2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

Workshop 1 (Experiencing the Process of Determining and Addressing Students’ Learning Loss)

Most Essential Topics of What content- What questions best Organize these questions as
Oral Communication in knowledge must assess the MET’s the subject’s diagnostic test.
Key Areas of Life Skills (WHO, 1999)
Context have been prerequisite content-
mastered by knowledge to gauge the Provide answer key and
Communication Decision- Creative Self- Assertiveness Resilience students before readiness of a student score guide.
& Interpersonal making & & awareness & Equanimity & Coping engaging into the in developing the life
Relationship Problem- Critical & with MET? skill(s) aimed in
solving Thinking Empathy Problems teaching the MET?
Effective Communication Process of  What are the elements Multiple Choice-
Communication involved in the communication 4 points
Intercultural Detect Bias and  What is prejudice? Multiple Choice-
Communication Prejudice  What is bias? 4 points

Functions of Verbal and  How do verbal and nonverbal Multiple Choice-

Communication Nonverbal cues help accomplish a specific 5 points
Communication purpose of communication?
 How people can misinterpret
nonverbal language?
Communicative Speech Acts  How do you respond Multiple Choice-
Strategies appropriately and effectively to 5 points
a speech act?

 Reflect on your actions,

attitudes, and expressions
towards your friends and
family. Are you consciously
minding your speech acts so
that you'll maintain a good and
healthy relationship with
Types of Speeches Writing techniques  What are the types of writing Multiple Choice-
According to Purpose techniques needed for the 4 points
following styles? Informative,
argumentative, and persuasive.

2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

Principles of Effective Principles of  What are the principles for Enumeration-

Speech Delivery Effective Speech writing an effecting speech? 5 points
Writing  What are the essential
elements of preparing and True or False-
writing a good content for a 5 points
speech to be delivered?


I. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read and answer the following items carefully. Encircle the letter of the answer.

1. Tommy relies on his sight, mouth, and nonverbal behavior to convey the ___________ he wants others to understand.
A. decoding B. feedback C. script D. message

2. The phone rings. Mendy is angry. Both are examples of types of _______ that can interrupt communication.
A. channels B. feedback C. noise D. message

3. Danial employs a combination of symbols which may be verbal or non-verbal as well as graphs, pictures, and other visuals to convey his
message in order to achieve the desired response. What is the role of Danial in the communication process?
A. Context B. Sender C. Message D. Receiver

4. In yesterday’s class with Mr. Peterson, Tanya gave a report on Atmospheric Science and Climate. Her classmates listened attentively. Who is
the sender in the situation?
A. class B. Tanya C. Mr. Peterson D. classmates

5. "Addie was ecstatic when she received a with High Honors award ." How can you best re-write this sentence in a descriptive way?
A. Addie smiled when she checked her grade
B. All the kids in class were jealous of Addie— but none of them studied as much as she did.
C. When Addie got her outputs back from her teacher, she was happy to see that she her scores."
D. When Addie saw the personalised, elegant and gold medal, she did a victory lap around the class.

2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

6. It was July 21, 1969, and Neil Armstrong awoke with a start. It was the day he would become the first human being to ever walk on the
moon. The journey had begun several days earlier, when on July 16th, the Apollo 11 launched from Earth headed into outer space. On
board with Neil Armstrong were Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. The crew landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility a day before the
actual walk. Upon Neil’s first step onto the moon’s surface, he declared, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Sure it
was! How is the sequence of events being presented?
A. Cause and Effect B. Descriptive C. Persuasive D. Narrative

7. A young girl gave her teacher a Christmas gift. It was a beautiful seashell. “Where did you get this?” the teacher asked. The child told her
that such shells are found only on a certain far-away beach. The teacher was deeply touched because she know that the girl has walked a
mile to find the shell. “You shouldn’t have travelled so far just to find a gift for me,” she said. The girl smiled and replied, “The long walk is
part of the gift." Based on the selection, which of the following statements shows cause and effect relationship?
A. The gift was part of the long walk because she lives far from school.
B. The girl enjoyed picking up shells because her house was by the sea.
C. The young girl gave a beautiful seashell to the teacher because there are a lot of it in their place.
D. The teacher was deeply touched because she knew that the girl had walked a mile to find the gift.

8. Marlou wanted to start a good essay. What should he do?

A. He should introduce the topic to the reader by giving background information and providing a thesis statement.
B. He should summarize the ideas made in the body.
C. He should provide wrap ups about what he had been discussing in the paper.
D.  Should give supporting evidence to back up the thesis statement of an essay, report, or story.

For number 9-11 refer to the situation below.

“There is an activity to be answered in Ana’s class. Ana forgot her pen. She approached her seatmate and asked, “Do you have an extra pen?”
Her seatmate replied, “Yeah you can have this blue one, I’ll just use my black pen.”
9. Which part is the illocution?
A. Can I borrow a pen?
B. Do you have an extra pen?
C. Yeah you can have this blue one, I’ll just use my black pen.
D. I forgot my pen.
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

10. Which part is locution?

A. Can I borrow a pen?
B. I forgot my pen.
C. Do you have an extra pen?
D. Yeah you can have this blue one, I’ll just use my black pen.

11. What is the perlocution?

A. Yeah you can have this blue one, I’ll just use my black pen.
B. Do you have an extra pen?
C. Can I borrow a pen?
D. I forgot my pen.

For number 12-13

“Andrea and Alice are preparing to go to school. Andrea asked Alice, “What time is it?” Alice replied, “Don’t worry, we can still have our
breakfast.” Andrea clasped her hand and said, “Thank you Lord!”

12. What is the illocution?

A. Don’t worry, it’s still early.
B. Don’t worry, we can still have our breakfast.”
C. What time is it?
D. Thank you Lord.

13. What is the perlocution?

A. Don’t worry, it’s still early.
B. Don’t worry, we can still have our breakfast.”
C. What time is it?
D. Thank you Lord.

2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

14. Which of the following is a statement of bias?

A. This government official should be impeached from his position.
B. I prefer pastel colors than dark colors because they look pleasant to the eyes.
C. Filipinos are very hospitable people.
D. None of the above

15. Which of the following shows prejudice?

A. The class isolates one of their classmates because he is physically disabled and a waste of time.
B. The policeman did not arrest the suspect because the suspect has a position in the government.
C. Manny was excluded from the circle of friends because he only has the who do not cellphones.
D. All of the choices.

16. Which of the following statements show bias?

A. Bullying and discriminating against a person with a disability
B. All Filipinos love movies.
C. Posting negative comments on social media about the economic status of a family
D. Favoring someone because he is the son of a known politician.

17. The following are the things one should do to avoid being biased or committing prejudice against someone. Which one is not?
A. Be humble and recognize that you can also affected by bias or prejudice.
B. Assess your opinion first before saying them out loud.
C. Stay motivated and always monitor the move of other to have something to say about them.
D. Increase your knowledge of other people.

18. Which situation shows that a person feels confident about himself or herself?
A. Gino strokes his beard whenever he pauses on his lines.
B. Alfred puts his hands on his head when he delivered his short speech.
C. Maynard keeps on looking at the ceiling to remember his lines.
D. Henry stands straight with one foot forward and flashed his smile while delivering his speech.
2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

19. Mariamia noticed her best friend being restless and asked her what is wrong. In a low, but firm voice, she replied she cannot wait to deliver
her speech, then holds her with sweaty hands. What does her best friend want to say?
A. Her best friend cannot wait to finish her speech.
B. Her best friend is anxious about delivering her speech.
C. Her best friend waits gleefully for her time to deliver her speech.
D. Her best friend looks forward to perform her speech.

20. Rigoberto keeps on tilting and scratching his head as he takes his quarterly exam. What do you think is the meaning behind his actions?
A. He is excited to perfect the exam.
B. He is happy to know that the things he studied came out in the exam.
C. He thinks he will fail since he did not study well.
D. All of the above

21. Mansueto thought his pet was run over by a vehicle. Luckily, the animal was safe. To his relief, he hugged it. Which nonverbal symbol is
shown by Mansueto?
A. Proxemics B. Paralanguage C. Haptics D. Personal Appearance

22. Estelita went to the corner of the room because she felt isolated from the other guests at the party. Which nonverbal symbol is shown by
A. Proxemics B. Paralanguage C. Haptics D. Personal Appearance

II. True or False.

Directions: Write T if the statement is true; write F if it is false.
______T___ 1. An outline determines whether your supporting ideas match your main idea or not.
______F___ 2. In the introduction, you explain the importance of your topic by giving examples.
______T__ 3. The approach that you will use in your introduction can determine the success of your speech.
______T__ 4. The primary objective of speech writing is getting the right or appropriate topic.
_____T___ 5. The purpose of the speech will help you identify ideas that will support your main idea or message.

2023 In-Service Training for Senior High School Teachers

III. Enumeration.
Directions: List down the steps on writing an effective speech. Two steps have been given.
1. (Audience Analysis)
2. (Determining the Purpose of the Speech)
3. (Selecting a Topic)
4. (Narrowing down a Topic)
5. Gathering data
6. (Selecting a speech patern)
7. (Preparing an Outline)
8. (Creating the Body of a Speech)
9. (Preparing the Introduction)
10. (Preparing the Conclusion)
11. (Editing and/or Revising)
12. Rehearsing


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