Higo, Glaiza B. - Anthropology

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Republic of the Philippines


Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines
Tel. No.: (036) 6214-578 loc. 118 or (036) 522-3845
Website: www.capsu.edu.ph Email Address: capsumaincoed@gmail.com

College of Education
Graduate School Program
2nd Semester _ A.Y. 2022 – 2023

Foundations of Education - (MA 201)

UNIT – IV - (Anthropological Foundation)


Definition of Anthropology:

What is Anthropology?

• Anthropology is the study of humankind through all times and places. Quite literally
it is the study of humans.
• The study of the biological and cultural evolution and diversity of human beings, past
and present.
• Anthropology is a comparative discipline which seeks to understand what makes
people different and what they all have in common.

What Do Anthropologists Do?

• Anthropologists are concerned with the description and explanation of reality.

• They take on a Holistic approach: the fundamental principle of anthropology wherein

various parts of human culture and biology must be viewed in the broadest possible
context in order to understand their interconnection and interdependence.
• Upon data collection anthropologists must then analyze their information.
• They formulate and test hypotheses concerning humankind so they can develop theories
about our species.

Why the Holistic Approach?

• An analogy for anthropology’s holistic approach is a conversation and its broadest
possible context. With only partial information it is difficult to grasp what is going on.

• When studying new cultures, anthropologists must maintain cultural awareness. This
includes identifying and eliminating ethnocentric beliefs or the understanding that their
own culture is the proper culture.
• The holistic approach also guards against the culture bound theory or idea that the
world and reality are based on the assumptions and values of one’s own culture.

Critical Thought
Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
Republic of the Philippines
Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines
Tel. No.: (036) 6214-578 loc. 118 or (036) 522-3845
Website: www.capsu.edu.ph Email Address: capsumaincoed@gmail.com

• Where did you sleep as a child?

• crib, bassinet, swing, co-sleep?
• How did this affect your growth as a child?
• Will this be reflective of how you might put your own child to sleep? Why or why not?

Branches of Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology
• One of the significant branches of anthropology.
• Anthropologists study the most common cultural system surrounding
people and how these cultures affect people and their behaviors.
• The ideas and physical environments are also judged based on their
• The basic observation can be made by checking on the knowledge people use to adapt
to the culture and how they do it to live their life the way they live.
• Ideology and behavior matter a lot in determining the importance of the cultural system
in people’s lives.

Social Anthropology
• Somewhat similar to cultural anthropology. The term was coined in the 20th
• Studies human society and how people live in society.
• Anthropologists understand how people adapt to communities and make their
lives meaningful by asking a simple question “what does it take to be human”?
• Anthropologists research different social contexts to gain insight into the way
humans live.
• In today’s times, even top tech companies use social anthropology to find out how
people use their technologies.

Linguistic Anthropology
• studies human languages concerning the societal and cultural norms that helped
develop them.
• The anthropologists focus on learning the basics of language itself.
• language and its forms.
• How people negotiate in the language they learned is studied using linguistic
• Language is what makes people unique. Program development using this helps people
to understand the cultures and societies that they live in.
• This is the study of human languages. There are three components of this discipline.
Descriptive – this includes syntax and grammar of the language.
Historical – the way languages change over time.
Social or cultural – Anthropologists here understand the relationship between a
people’s culture and their language.

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
Republic of the Philippines
Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines
Tel. No.: (036) 6214-578 loc. 118 or (036) 522-3845
Website: www.capsu.edu.ph Email Address: capsumaincoed@gmail.com

Physical Anthropology
• studies human evolution, how they vary, and how humans adapt
themselves to environmental stresses.
• From physical forms to survival and reproduction, anthropologists
study everything about them.
• Many areas fall under physical anthropology, and archaeologists
minutely study and analyze them too.
• It also deals with growth and human origin.
• Under this category, they study the physical forms of humans.
• The study of biological behaviors also comes under physical anthropology.

Biological Anthropology
• The biological variation of humans comes under biological anthropology.
• Anthropologists seek to find an answer to the variation in human forms, their
heritage, and the way they live and reproduce.
• Biological advancements have reached new heights and have always fascinated
• Biological anthropology understands human nature and, ultimately, the evolution of
the human brain and nervous system.


 the study of humans based on past remains and findings.

• It has been a million years since humans developed and evolved.
• Archaeologists analyze the remains found during excavations and
make discoveries based on that.
• The soil and artifacts help them to analyze and interpret easily.
• History and the material world help in individual practice, and rational decisions are
based on the findings.

• It is a special sub-branch of physical anthropology wherein anthropologists examine
the remains of humans to find their identity.
• It is a widely emerging branch that has gained a lot of importance.
• If somebody finds a dead body, the remains can easily be examined, and the identity
can be discovered based on that.
• The skeletal remains also help determine gender, age, race, and stature. Criminal
cases are solved using this branch of anthropology.

Some of the applications of Anthropology are:

● Human social conditions are influenced by groups that include applied anthropologists.
● Some of the sectors in which biological anthropologists work are aging, public health,
and nutrition.

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)
Republic of the Philippines
Fuentes Drive, Roxas City, Capiz, Philippines
Tel. No.: (036) 6214-578 loc. 118 or (036) 522-3845
Website: www.capsu.edu.ph Email Address: capsumaincoed@gmail.com

● Cultural anthropologists find their way into the social working environment. They also
work as factory workers and advertising professionals.
● Linguistic anthropologists generally work in schools in districts that have many
● A few anthropologists also work with tribal associations.
● Professional anthropologists also work in museums.

Why is the study of anthropology important to today’s world?

• Anthropology provides the possibility to the study every aspect of human existence.
• It is the window into unknown.
• It provide the answer to our questions about ourselves, our past, present and future.
• Anthropology helps to connect everyone from around the globe.

Things to Remember:
• Anthropology is the study of humanity and human behavior.
• Anthropology aims at understanding the evolutionary origins, distinctiveness as a
species, and the great diversity in humans over time.
• Anthropologists are professionals that study human behaviors, their culture, and their
• Different branches of anthropology are cultural anthropology, social anthropology,
biological anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology, forensics, and linguistic
• The different branches of anthropology deal with different areas of humans that play
an essential role in transforming humans.

Prepared by:


MAEd MAPEH - Student

Submitted to:


Course Facilitator (MA 201)

Accredited: Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP)
Member: Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC)
Agricultural Colleges Association of the Philippines (ACAP)

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