Nadifah Zahra Basic Structure 260422

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Nama : Nadifah Zahra

NPM : 202112500189
Kelas : R2C

Exercise 1
1. These people are protesting against the president
2. The woman over there want to meet the manager
3. My child hate eating pasta
4. I am ill. My feet are hurt
5. Muslim kill sheep in a religious celebration
6. I clean my teeth three times a day
7. The students are doing the exercise right now
8. The fish I bought is in the fridge
9. They are sending some men to fix the roof
10. Most housewives are work more than ten hours a day at home
11. Where did you put a knife? On the shelf
12. Goose like water
13. Pianos are expensive
14. Some policemen came to arrest him
15. Where is my luggage? In the car!
Exercise 2
1. The dogs/the dog’s collar is blue
2. Aaron’s/Aarons friend is named Adam
3. I really like my grandmothers/ my grandmother’s cookies
4. If you want to go to the movies/the movie’s we should go by car
5. I really like to drink soda using spiral straws/straws
6. The birds/the bird’s egg is blue
7. I like the smell of roses/roses
8. Diamonds/Diamonds are girls/girl’s best friend
9. David’s/davids mom is very tall
10. My brothers/my brother’s are twins
11. This is john’s/johns car and we are going on drive
12. We are completely prohibited to enter to girl’s/girls room
13. We have to distribute men/men’s clothes among them
14. All the sailor’s/sailors boats are busy
15. I have taken thomas’s/thomas’ book and will return after two days
Exercise 3
1. Jason ate some (soup made from beans)
Answer : a. bean soup
2. Terry has a beautiful (garden of roses)
Answer : c. rose garden
3. Mara is growing a (garden of vegetables)
Answer : vegetable garden
4. I got a new (opener for cans)
Answer : c. can opener
5. Those were some interesting (article in a magazine)
Answer : a. article magazine
6. Shawn plays (game of football) every Saturday
Answer : c. football games
7. Cats shouldn’t sit on the (tables in the kitchen)
Answer : b. table kitchen
8. Where is the (device that controls the tv remotely)
Answer : b. remote control
9. The children like (ice cream made from strawberries)
Answer : b. strawberry ice cream
10. I watched a good (program on television) after work
Answer : a. television program
Exercise 4
1. World (D)
2. Textbook (C)
3. Vinegar (D)
4. Flame (N)
5. Poetry (N)
6. Applause (D)
7. Thought (N)
8. Banana (C)
9. Conduct (D)
10. Progress (N)
11. Biology (N)
12. Essay (C)
13. Gem (D)
14. Shopping (D)
15. Rain (N)
Exercise 5
Because diabetes can cause devastating body damage to virtually all systems, people with
diabetes should not underrate the seriousness of their disease. Learning to live with a chronic
illness, such as diabetes must be an ongoing process. The Hospital's Centre for Family Life
Education is sponsoring a five-part educational series on diabetes. The series will begin on
April 30 and continue through May 29. The program will be held in the second-floor classroom
of the Education Centre from 7-9 p.m. The diabetes series is free and open to the public and
will be of specific interest to people who have diabetes and their families and friends.
Exercise 6
1. This restaurant C has the worst food C I’ve ever eaten
2. We have to buy furniture C for our new house
3. Many hospitals in this city C don’t have modern equipment C
4. I generally don’t like to give advice NC about matters of love
5. Most women C in my family wear lots of jewellery NC
6. The grace NC with which she danced made me cry
7. It takes a lot of patience NC to deal with prisoners C
8. I asked him to send me information C about Italian food C
9. The truth NC is that I no longer want to live with that man C
10. It took great courage N for the boy to admit stealing money C from his brother
Exercise 7
1. I went to the tourist office to get a little information/informations.
2. Kids today spend so much times/time on the internet!
3. He has a good job and makes a large amount of money/moneys
4. Every day I learn some more new word/words in English
5. I only know a few peoples/people in this city.
6. Mary always tells me that she wants to have many childres/children.
7. There are so many thing/things that I want to say to you.
8. Olga knows an/some American slang.
9. I would like a bananas/banana.
10. That is a very/very good news.
Exercise 8
1. Optimism helps/help people in life.
2. The outskirts of this town was/were built many years ago.
3. Housework is/are usually done in the afternoon.
4. For many people, shopping is/are the best way to relax.
5. Too much litter is/are thrown on to the streets these days.
6. Indonesian furniture ever has/have appealed to you?
7. Photography is/are just one of Kate's many interests.
8. This news is causing/ are causing a lot of panic.
9. The jewelry exhibition is going to end/ are going to end next week.
10. Eating too much fat is/are the major cause of obesity.
11. Classical music make/makes me feel nostalgic.
12. Common sense help/helps people to control their emotions.
13. The damage to my car is/are not worth getting fixed.
14. A lot of improvements have/have to be made in order to get this award.
15. The cost of accommodation is going/ are going up at present.
Exercise 9
1. a car has wheels.
2. an airplane has wings
3. an aple is round
4. the fruit is nutritious.
5. Ø sodium is a mineral.
6. The air is a gas.
7. Ø rice is a kind of grass.
8. an elephant lives a long time.
9. Ø zebra has black and white stripes.
10. Ø football is an international sport.
Exercise 10.
1. Ø Curiosity is a great trait.
2. I play the piano.
3. Ø water is an important resource.
4. The vegetables are good for you.
5. Oncologists are doctors who specialize in treating a cancer.
6. The inventor of the modern cell phone was Dr. Martin Cooper. He made the first call
on the first portable handset in 1973 when he was an employee of the Motorola
7. There are several medications that can be used to treat a malaria
8. Ø dolphin is a very intelligent animal.
9. Ø Wright brothers invented the airplane.
10. Ø Robinsons love to vacation in Florida.
11. Their car does 150 miles an hour.
12. Carol's father works as an electrician.
13. Where's the USB drive I lent you last week?
14. I like the blue T-shirt over there better than the red one.
15. do you still live in Ø Bristol
exercise 11
1. I bought a pair of shoes.
2. I saw a movie last night.
3. They are staying at a hotel.
4. Look at the woman over there! She is a famous actress.
5. I do not like Ø basketball.
6. That is the girl I told you about.
7. the night is quiet. Let's take a walk!
8. the price of gas keeps rising.
9. John travelled to Ø Mexico.
10. Juan is a Spanish.
11. I read an amazing story yesterday.
12. My brother does not eat Ø chicken
13. Ø love is such a beautiful thing.
14. I live in an apartment. the apartment is new.
15. I would like a piece of cake.
16. I was in the Japanese restaurant. the restaurant served good food
17. Sara can play a guitar.
18. Are you coming to the party next Saturday?
19. I watched the video you had sent me.
20. He is an engineer
Exercise 12
1. Did you get married after leaving Ø university?
2. I was at the train station when you called me.
3. I left Ø work at six o'clock pm.
4. They are opening the new shops here.
5. She was returning from Ø school when I met her.
6. She has a strong alibi. She was at the cinema at the moment the crime was committed.
7. Are you going to the beach this afternoon?
8. He went to the prison for domestic violence.
9. The kids are sitting at the table eating cereals.
10. Are you at Ø home?
Exercise 13
1. There wasn’t ….. traffic this morning
Answer : a. much
2. There was …. Information given during the class
Answer : a. much
3. The ….. of advice he received was well worth the cost
Answer : c. amount
4. How …. People will be coming to the party tonight?
Answer : b. many
5. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have very …. Friends
Answer : a. many
6. I bought some milk, some apples, and a …. Bananas
Answer : few
7. There are a lot of movies I like, but …. That I would see twice
Answer : c. few
8. We just bought a new house with …. Furniture included
Answer : a. plenty of
9. The …. Of students at the school has increased
Answer : b. number
10. There is … water on the floor because of the storm last night
Answer : a. a little
Exercise 14
1. There were not a little/ many people left when the party came to an end.
2. We had very a little/ little money left when we came back from holidays.
3. We have got a little/ much news to tell you.
4. How a little/ much sugar do I need for this cake?
5. Not a little/ many French people can understand the puns in Shakespeare's plays.
6. There was a little/ little chance of finding the two mountaineers alive.
7. It was a bad day for fishing. He caught very a little/ fewfish.
8. The old man could not eat solids as he had very a little/ few tooth left.
9. There has not been a little/much sunshine.
10. There was a little/ little smashed glass on the floor where the windows had been broken.

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