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Tugas 2 – Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Adit Prasetiono

Please read the following situation below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3 paragraph.
Elaborate your own opinion with the references related to situation given.

Export and import are two things that are

interrelated. Please explain the condition of export and import in a country which has a
healthy economic condition. You can also add the examples to support your ideas.


In healthy economic conditions, exports and imports usually have a balanced level or an export
surplus. This shows that the country is able to produce quality and competitive products in the
international market, and is able to meet its domestic needs through imports.

An export surplus basically results in an inflow of funds from abroad into a country's economy,
which has a positive impact on economic growth, infrastructure development, improvement of
people's welfare, and so on. For example, Japan is a country that has a large export surplus,
especially in the automotive and electronics sectors.

However, an export surplus that is too large can also cause problems, such as dependence on
exports and trade chaos. Therefore, it is important for a country to pay attention to and manage
exports and imports well to achieve optimal trade balance.

In addition, in healthy economic conditions, export and import activities can also increase
product diversification and open up investment opportunities in sectors that have the potential
to produce superior products in the global market.

Therefore, this can help reduce dependence on certain sectors and increase the country's
competitiveness in the global market.

However, on the other hand, imports that are too high can also be a threat to a country's
economy because they can trigger inflation and the handling of local currency. Therefore,
controlling imports through appropriate policies is important for a country to maintain
economic stability. For example, Singapore is a country with a healthy economy.

Although the country does not have abundant natural resources, Singapore has been able to
achieve a sizable trade surplus through the development of high-quality manufacturing and
service sectors, as well as product and market diversification strategies.

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