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Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.

7013128, ISSN 2822-4353

Research Article

Teachers’ Awareness on Policies in Technology: A Basis for School-Based

ICT Policy in Classroom Management and Teaching

Russel M. Elgincolin*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.

The use of Information and Communications technology has become widely accepted as an effective
tool in teaching. Worldwide, it has become a familiar scene to see a teacher equipped with gadgets for
audio, visual, and hands-on presentations of their lesson. To accomplish this objective the researcher
used the descriptive method of research in the investigation because this concerns the existing
condition of ICT-related issues in the school. Based on the data gathered, the following findings were
revealed: (1) As to the percentage of students who have access to ICT and social media, 74.20% or
331 out of 447 students answered that they have access. This data is important to determine if there
will be a considerable number of clients who will be affected by a school-based ICT policy. (2)
Teachers use ICT, including social media in the performance of the following according to the
frequency of usage: 2.1) Work-related tasks; 2.2)preparation of lesson aids and teaching strategies
inside the classroom tied with Communicating with co-workers inside and outside the school, and
2.3) Communicating with the students outside the classroom setting. (3) Of the 20 policies listed, the
most common violation is copying or using files that are not authorized by the owner, followed by
Plagiarism. Item Use of bad language comes next, while the occurrence of “cyberbullying, identify
theft, online gambling, pornography, and market fraud,” which can cause isolation, humiliation, and
trauma came 4th. Completing the top 5 is the spreading of fake news. Other policies should also be
given consideration, especially those items which respondents are not aware.

Keywords: Classroom Management, Teachers’ Awareness, School-Based ICT Policy

Introduction pedagogy.

The use of Information and Communications With great power comes great responsibilities. Hence,
technology has become widely accepted as an the use of ICT as a powerful influence in learning
effective tool in teaching. Worldwide, it has become a entails added responsibility. Otherwise, its purpose can
familiar scene to see a teacher equipped with gadgets be abused and turn into a negative effect that can
for audio, visual and hands-on presentations of their inflict damage in many forms. Undisciplined use could
lesson. lead to cyberbullying, plagiarism, libel and other
crimes already punishable by different implemented
Furthermore, most secondary students are already
exposed to different medium of information
technology ranging from cellphone and computer use
It is therefore the purpose of this study to know the
to communicate and learn using online sites and social
extent of usage and awareness of teachers on the
media platforms. To them it is the most convenient
policies in ICT use including social media to become a
way to share outputs, discuss and socialize.
basis in crafting school-based policies regarding ICT
Teachers, on the other hand, utilize social media in usage. DepEd Order No.95, s. 2010 entitled
various ways, including at work. All DepEd personnel “Guidelines on the Proper use of Computer and
are required his or her own email address, and social Network Facilities in All DepEd Administrative
media account at Facebook (FB) workplace, a more Offices and Schools” lays down detailed instructions
formal platform for professional purposes. Reports are on utilization of hardware and software components
now accepted through Messenger, even Memoranda and attached a computer usage code-of-conduct
and other issuances are circulated through social contract. The researcher aims to make a scientific basis
media. for a localized policy on the proper use of ICT in
teaching and classroom management for the
It has a come to this point where ICT equipments, consumption of teachers and student community and
social media and other web platforms are already used formulate sanctions if necessary.
as an integral part of teaching-learning process and
In the context of School-Based Management, the

Russel M. Elgincolin
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7013128, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

school is allowed to implement its own local policy

consistent with the constitution, central policy of
DepEd issued through its Orders and Memoranda and
its own School Improvement Plan (DepEd Order #44, (Hernando-Malipot, Manila Bulletin; July 1, 2019).
s. 2015). Use of social media therefore is discouraged to be used
in teaching processes, where as of the moment no
In the study by Mazalah Ahmad et al., the use of ICT known direct policy is reflected in school.
in teaching and learning process could be simply
defined as a way of applying relevant ICT approach In its essence, this study pushes solve the gap between
according to the determined plan with an objective of national and localized school policy on ICT.
enhancing and creating positive impact in both Ultimately, the attainment of the Department of
processes (PPK, 2001). Education’s Mission to make the students learn in a
child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating
Cited in the same study, Fuad (2003) also stated that environment is its utmost concern.
information technology in the context of education is
seen as an electronic link which assists the information
to be obtained, collected, kept, processed, directed and Methodology
delivered for certain purposes such as in teaching and
learning process.
Research Design
Also mentioned was Saadiah and Azilah (2003) have
discovered that the effectiveness of ICT in education To accomplish this objective the researcher used
does not only rely on the technology itself, but it descriptive method of research in the investigation
depends on several other factors such as pedagogical because this concerns the existing condition about
approach, teaching subject, type of learners, learner’s ICT-related issues in the school.
proficiency, learner’s need, teachers as well as
learning environment. It involves collecting data in order to test hypothesis or
answer questions concerning the current status of the
The relationship of social media etiquette’s importance subject of the study. It involved descriptive recording
is emphasized by Dr Mariann Hardey stating that the analysis and interpretation of conditions that now
emphasis is on the continuity of the expression of exist.
social action which is reproduced as part of a reflexive
engagement with known others. As a result, pre- Participants and Sampling Design
established social norms and values are reproduced
across new social spaces and become established as The respondents were 21 teachers in Junior and Senior
new sets of social practices and the display of a High School of Sta. Cruz South High School. 447
particular social etiquette. (2009). students were also used to answer a simple survey
question to their extent of ICT use to determine the if
In most recent development, the passage of Republic there is a majority population to be affected with the
Act 11313 or the "Safe Streets and Public Spaces Act" result of this study.
seeks to prevent gender-based sexual harassment from
occurring in streets, public places, online workplaces, Total population or universal sampling was used for
and educational and training institutions in the the students and teacher-respondents. With this type of
Philippines. Particular concern related to this study is sampling procedure everyone in the population shall
the inclusion of online commission of violations listed be selected to be included in the study.
in the law including but not limited to harassment and
cyberstalking. Data Collection

On the local front, DepEd Undersecretary for Arrangements were made with the teachers to
Administration Alain Del Pascua explained in a administer the instruments. After which, the
memorandum dated June 28, 2019 that while social questionnaire was distributed in the target participants.
media is the “easiest mediums to deliver information The researcher assured the participants that responses
in this digital age using the latest on-hand would be kept confidential.
technologies,” the use of the platform also “opens
one’s identity to the world wide web making young
learners exposed to different cyber threats.”

Russel M. Elgincolin
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7013128, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Instrument Table 2. Respondents’ Extent of ICT, Including Social

Media Usage
A set of survey questionnaires to identify specific
information and self-assessment of teachers and
students was constructed by the researcher for the
purpose of the study. The instrument is composed of
three (3) parts. For the first part, a question consisting
of the profile of the respondents with respect to their
age, gender, number of students being taught, and
percentages of these students with access to ICT and
social media. For the second part, a survey
questionnaire was used to evaluate the knowledge of
the respondents of existing national laws and DepEd
policies. The third part is open-ended questions for
suggestions for applicable activities and programs to
Table 2 manifests the extent of teacher usage of ICT,
bridge the gaps. Answered instruments used in this
including social media inside and outside their
study is presented next in this summary.
workplace. The table shows that respondents have the
highest extent of ICT usage in item #4 (accomplishing
work-related tasks). It is followed by item #1
(preparation of lesson aids and teaching strategies
in sid e the clas sro o m ) tied with item #3
Table 1. Student Data on ICT and Social Media Access (Communicating with co-workers inside and outside
the school). The basis is the highest number of
“Always” responses with 19, 13(tied), and 8.

Table 3 (Please see appendix 1) shows that of the

highset possible total of 420 responses, “Totally
Aware” response is 56 out of 420 which translates into
13.33% , while “Slightly Aware” responses garnered a
total responses of 244 or58.09%. “Not Aware”
responses on the other hand, generated 120 total
responses or 28.57%. It means to say that the 21
teacher- respondents are on the level of “slightly
aware” of the mentioned items.

The same table indicates that although respondents are

slightly aware of these policies, implementation and
observance in school and social media groups that are
Table 1 shows the number of students per section strictly followed is indicated by 102 out of 420
handled by teachers and the percentage of them with possible response or 24.29% of “Yes” respondents. 60
access to ICT and Social Media. out of 420 possible responses converts to 14.29% that
are “No” or not followed, while “Not Sure” responses
As could be gleaned from the above table, 331 out of elicited 258 of the possible 420 or 61.43% response.
447 or 74.5% of the total student of respondents
showed that they have access to ICT and/or social Table 4 (Please see appendix 2) shows the order of
media. It indicates that this percentage either knows importance of incidents in violation of ICT policies as
how to use a computer or uses social media for observed by the respondents and ranked through
information and communication. With these data, a weighted ranking method. Of the 20 policies listed, on
highly significant portion of students will be affected the top of the list is item #3(copying or using files that
directly or indirectly by ICT-related policies. are not authorized by the owner), followed by item
#12(Plagiarism). Item #16(use of bad language)
comes next, while item #7(“cyberbullying, identify
theft, online gambling, pornography, and market
fraud,” which can cause isolation, humiliation, and
trauma) came 4th. Completing the top 5 is item

Russel M. Elgincolin
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7013128, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

#19(fake news). community will become more healthy, accurate and

positive if proper interventions and policies are in
In this table we can see what school-based policies place. The researcher also aims to consider Positive
should come with the most urgency since the Discipline in crafting policy interventions and even
occurrence is highly observed. Though all policies sanctions should be constructive.
should be given attention, those with the highest ranks
need priority intervention.
It also indicates that these policies in relation to table
3, interventions should be established in schools where
The following conclusions were drawn from the
there are no high awareness and strict adherence or
findings of the study: (1) A highly significant number
implementation. Since these policies are mostly recent,
of the students have access to ICT and social media
no school-based policy is existing to address this
and prone to ICT-related issues. It is for this reason
problem. There is a national policy or set of social
that a clear and localized ICT policy should be in place
standards, but no specific intervention or sanction for
to regulate ICT-based activities inside the school and
school offenders.
online community. (2) Teachers need to have more
access to ICT resources inline with the performance
Discussion of their duties. Since they are also equally affected by
possible ICT-related issues, a policy should also be
established applicable to teachers and other school
Based on the data gathered, the following findings personnel. (3) A specific activity should be established
were revealed: (1) As to the percentage of students to improve teacher awareness on ICT policies. It is an
who have access to ICT and social media, 74.20% or initial step to cascade this awareness to students and
331 out of 447 students answered that they have other stakeholders. School should make sure that all
access. This data is important to determine if there will policies are strictly followed, with a functional
be a considerable number of clients who will be guideline stated in student handbooks, school
affected by a school-based ICT policy. (2) Teachers memoranda and orders. (4) On top of the policy
use ICT, including social media in the performance of violations happen under online environment which
the following according to the frequency of usage: 2.1) creates corresponding problems to individuals.
Work-related tasks; 2.2)preparation of lesson aids and Awareness can help mitigate the occurence of these
teaching strategies inside the classroom tied with events to minimize conflicts and disciplinary actions.
Communicating with co-workers inside and outside As the saying goes, “Ignorance of the law excuses no
the school; and 2.3) Communicating with the students one.”
outside the classroom setting. (3) Of the 20 policies
listed, the most common violation is copying or using Based on the c o n c lu si o n , the f o ll o w in g
files that are not authorized by the owner, followed by recommendation was drawn: (1) There is a need to
Plagiarism. Item Use of bad language comes next, formulate, develop, and implement a school-based ICT
while the occurrence of “cyberbullying, identify theft, policy and guidelines consistent with our national
online gambling, pornography, and market fraud,” policies and generally accepted netiquettes. Students
which can cause isolation, humiliation, and trauma and Teachers should have clear rules reflected on the
came 4th. Completing the top 5 is the spreading of student handbook for students and school memoranda
fake news. Other policies should also be given or orders for personnel. (2) ICT infrastructures should
consideration, specially those items where respondents be strengthened to maximize but regulate usage. Sites
are not aware. for open source materials must be encouraged, and
“pirate” sites should be filtered. Use of social media
Implication of the findings to Classroom apps and sites inside the campus shall be discouraged
Management and Teaching as a tool in the teaching-learning process. (3) The
involvement of different stakeholders especially the
Upon knowing results, teachers should equip students and parents should be integral in the crafting
themselves of further knowledge to deepen their of policies, especially since the students are the ones to
adherence of policies to avoid future conflicts with be affected by the possible sanctions on violations to
students and other stakeholders. Selection of Teaching be integrated into their Student Handbook. Teachers,
aids, strategies and online learning resources will be parents, students, and other stakeholders should be
more carefully thought and properly utilized. ICT- informed about launching these ICT policies through a
based activities inside the classroom and online symposium and other awareness programs. (4) Since

Russel M. Elgincolin
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7013128, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

teachers will be at the front of implementation; they Research Conference on Higher Education, KnE Social Sciences,
pages 177–204. DOI 10.18502/kss.v3i6.2380
should undergo orientation on the program through
School Learning Action Cell or at a Gender and Davis, N. (2001). The Virtual Community of Teachers. (2001). in.
Development activity. It should follow the usual Leaks, M. Issues in Teaching Using ICT. London: Routledge
procedure into a Program proposal, Action plan, Palmer. pg: 31-48.
Monitoring and Evaluation activities to ensure Department of Education Order No.95, s. 2010. “Guidelines on the
implementation and adjustments and further revisions Proper use of Computer and Network Facilities in All DepEd
if necessary. (5) It is advised to do a follow-up study Administrative Offices and Schools”
after at least one school year for impact assessment Department of Education Order No. 44, S. 2015 – Guidelines On
and continuous improvement program. The Enhanced School Improvement PlanninG (SIP) Process And
The School Report Card (SRC)

References Othman, A (2003). Pendidik dan Pendidikan di Era Digital:

Pendekatan dan Cabarannya. In Nor Izah (pnyt). Kajian Integrasi
Teknologi Maklumat dan Komunikasi Dalam Pengajaran dan
Ahmad, M. et al. (2016). The Application of 21st Century ICT Pembelajaran Matematik: Satu Penilaian di Sekolah Menengah
Literacy Model among Teacher Trainees. The Turkish Online Bestari. PhD Thesis. National Universiti of Malaysia. Bangi.
Journal of Educational Technology.
UNESCO (2015). CT Competencies for Teachers.
Badawi, A. (2001). Cabaran K-Ekonomi Kepada Belia. Ucap
Utama Sidang Puncak Belia 2001. Retrieved on February 12th,
2011, from html. Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Aminah A., Noor Shah Saad, dan Maria Salih (2007). Status
Pelaksanaan Kemahiran Insaniah di Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Russel M. Elgincolin
Idris (UPSI). Kertas Kerja Persidangan Pengajaran dan Sta. Cruz South High School
Pembelajaran di Peringkat Pengajian Tinggi: Ke Arah Peningkatan Department of Education – Philippines
Kualiti Modal Insan. Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang.

Briones, C. (2018). “Teachers’ Competency on the Use of ICT in

Teaching Physics in the Junior High School” in 4th International

Russel M. Elgincolin
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7013128, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Appendix 1 (Table 3). Level of Teachers’ Awareness to the Existing ICT –Related National

Is this strictly followed in

Totally Slightly Not your school/social media
Aware Aware Aware groups?
Yes No
Policy 1: Deped Order No. 25, s.2010
1.Are you aware of Deped Order No. 25,
s.2010, particularly the Computer Usage
2 7 12 2 7 12
Code of Conduct Contract with the
2. Are you aware that installing, and
downloading pirated and unauthorized
9 10 2 10 2 9
software on DepEd owned computers is
3. Are you aware that it is unethical to
copy or use files that are not authorized by 21 0 0 6 0 15
the owner?
4. You should properly coordinate with
ICT personnel for proper scheduling of the 21 0 0 17 0 4
use of ICT equipments.
5. Personal files such as documents,
pictures, audio, videos, etc. must not be
5 8 8 5 1 15
copied and installed in DepEd owned
Policy 2: DepEd, DICT Warns Schools, Parents About Using Social Media For School-related Work
6. Group chat features “that has adult
content, which can elicit malicious and 16 3 2 4 3 14
incorrect values to learners.”
7. It may open doors to “cyberbullying,
identify theft, online gambling,
pornography, and market fraud,” which 17 2 2 5 3 13
can cause isolation, humiliation, and
8. It can be a distraction, and adversely
affect the study habits of learners, which 19 2 0 8 1 12
can lead to poor performance.
9. It can cause learners to lie to their
parents about being online; they can
16 3 2 6 1 14
“easily say that they are waiting for the
teachers’ assignment post.”

Policy 3: Republic Act 11313 or Safe Streets and Public Spaces Act, otherwise known as “BawalBastos Law”

10. Are you aware of Republic Act 11313

which includes ban on Online sexual
harassment, cyberstalking, invasion of 1 17 3 1 4 16
privacy and harassment in educational
Policy 4: Netiquettes (
11. When typing, never write in all capital
7 5 9 3 5 13
letters. That is shouting.
12. Don’t plagiarize. When you borrow
something from someone, give them the 17 3 1 6 2 13
credit. Cite their name or their site.
13. Use proper quotes and always use the 13 8 0 3 2 16

Russel M. Elgincolin
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7013128, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

whole quote. Don’t take quotes out of

context and don’t be selective about which
part of the quote you want to use.
14. Don’t gossip and keep personal
16 5 0 3 5 13
information personal.
15. Don’t steal those photographs off the
web even if they are a perfect fit for what
8 11 2 3 3 15
you need. Get permission and give credit
where credit is due.
16. Watch your language. No potty
17 4 0 6 5 10
17. Be patient with internet newbies.
Know that they are just learning like you 9 11 1 5 2 14
did once upon a time.
18. Avoid overuse of emoticons. They
really lose their cuteness when overused 11 6 4 3 5 13
and tend to irritate people.
19. Avoid spreading unverified reports or
“fake news”. Always validate the 18 3 0 5 4 12
legitimacy of source.
DepEd Order No. 105, s. 2009 “Guidelines In Managing The Proper Use Of Internet Services In All
Administrative Offices And Schools”
20. Are you aware of DO No. 105, s. 2009
entitled “Guidelines In Managing The
Proper Use Of Internet Services In All
1 12 8 1 5 15
Administrative Offices And Schools”
especially on rules regarding Classroom
Instruction Use?
Total Responses 56 244 120 102 60 258

Appendix 2 (Table 4). Importance of Incidents According to Estimated Number of Occurrence

in Violation of ICT Policies

From your observation, rank according to their importance Weighted

based from the estimated times you noted a violation of the Rank Final Rank
following ICT policies: Average
1.Deped Order No. 25, s.2010, particularly the Computer
14.47619 18
Usage Code of Conduct Contract with the students
2. Installing, and downloading pirated and unauthorized
9.238095 8
software on DepEd owned computers is illegal.
3. It is unethical to copy or use files that are not authorized by
6.428571 1
the owner.
4. You should properly coordinate with ICT personnel for
11.52381 14
proper scheduling of the use of ICT equipments.
5. Personal files such as documents, pictures, audio, videos,
etc. must not be copied and installed in DepEd owned 9.952381 10
6. Group chat features “that has adult content, which can elicit
11.80952 15
malicious and incorrect values to learners.”
7. It may open doors to “cyberbullying, identify theft, online
gambling, pornography, and market fraud,” which can cause 7.952381 4
isolation, humiliation, and trauma.
8. It can be a distraction, and adversely affect the study habits
10.80952 12
of learners, which can lead to poor performance.
9. It can cause learners to lie to their parents about being
9.52381 9
online; they can “easily say that they are waiting for the
Russel M. Elgincolin
Psych Educ, Document ID: PEMJ0, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.7013128, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

teachers’ assignment post.”

10. Republic Act 11313 which includes ban on Online sexual
harassment, cyberstalking, invasion of privacy and 10.04762 11
harassment in educational institutions?
11. When typing, never write in all capital letters. That is
11.19048 13
12. Don’t plagiarize. When you borrow something from
6.52381 2
someone, give them the credit. Cite their name or their site.
13. Use proper quotes and always use the whole quote. Don’t
take quotes out of context and don’t be selective about which 13.14286 16
part of the quote you want to use.
14. Don’t gossip and keep personal information personal. 8.714286 6
15. Don’t steal those photographs off the web even if they are
a perfect fit for what you need. Get permission and give credit 8.952381 7
where credit is due.
16. Watch your language. No potty mouths. 7.761905 3
17. Be patient with internet newbies. Know that they are just
13.85714 17
learning like you did once upon a time.
18. Avoid overuse of emoticons. They really lose their
14.57143 19
cuteness when overused and tend to irritate people.
19. Avoid spreading unverified reports or “fake news”.
8.428571 5
Always validate the legitimacy of source.
20.DO No. 105, s. 2009 entitled “Guidelines In Managing
The Proper Use Of Internet Services In All Administrative
15.14286 20
Offices And Schools” especially on rules regarding
Classroom Instruction Use.

Russel M. Elgincolin

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