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I the undersigned KIBANG GIDEON ABAH declare that this piece of work entitled "AN
ATTITUDES AND PERCEPTIONS”, is my independent research work done. All borrowed
material and ideas have been duly acknowledged through reference.





This is to certify that the implementation of the entitle "AN ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF
PERCEPTIONS” is an independent work done by KIBANG GIDEON ABAH under my
supervisor and submitted to HITBAMAS in partial fulfillment for the award of Bachelors in the

Supervisor …………………………..



I dedicate this report to my Lovely Mother (may her soul Rest in Peace), Barrister Akuo Jacob
Akuo, my elder brother and my family for their unending love and support they have shown me
throughout this period.

I will like to express my gratitude and appreciation to all those who gave me the possibility to
complete this project. Special thanks to my supervisor Mr. KOUEBITU Mambou Jean who’s
help stimulated Ideas that helped me in the process of writing and also for the time spent proof-
reading and correcting my mistake.

Social media has become prominent in the 21st century. Companies are persistently looking for
ways to utilize this new platform within their marketing strategies to increase business growth.
Since social media is a networking and communication platform, it is important for companies to
create a voice to humanize the business and maintain foot traffic. Although there are studies on
how to use social media marketing within a business, there is minimal corroboration available of
how social media marketing activities influence a consumer’s buying behavior.This study
investigated the effects of social media on consumer attitudes of social media marketing and
purchasing behavior from the perspective of some HITBAMAS students. A survey that inquired
about the perceptions toward social media marketing were given to 20 participants from
HITBAMAS (Higher Institute of Technology, Business And Management Sciences) in Yaoundé.
Responses to the survey showed that 95% of the participants use social media platforms on a
daily basis. The most used social media platforms are Facebook, instagram and Snapchat with
22.7% of participants having an account in these platforms, and 70% of participants indicating
using more than 3 social media platforms. The results showed that 55% of the respondents say
that online visibility would affect their purchase. The most important factor for a business using
social media was customer engagement and the least important factor was the timing of posts.
The survey also revealed that only 55% of the respondents post about products or services a
business. However, 95% of the respondents believe that a business will receive better results
when it comes to customer loyalty and profits if social media is integrated into marketing and
75% of the respondents believe that social media is the best way to reach a business’s targeted
audience. The results also suggest that people are more likely to share and experience they have
had with a business rather than sharing sales or promotions a business is offering. According to
the results from this study, purchasing behavior is more likely to have a positive effect for a
business when using social media platforms for marketing strategies. This Conclusion
emphasizes the importance of social media marketing for a positive increase in brand loyalty,
brand recognition, and foot traffic.

Les médias sociaux sont devenus prédominants au 21e siècle. Les entreprises cherchent
constamment des moyens d'utiliser cette nouvelle plateforme dans leurs stratégies marketing afin
de favoriser la croissance de leur activité. Étant donné que les médias sociaux sont un réseau et
une plateforme de communication, il est important pour les entreprises de créer une voix pour
humaniser l'entreprise et maintenir la fréquentation. Bien qu'il existe des études sur l'utilisation
du marketing sur les médias sociaux dans une entreprise, il existe peu de corroboration sur
l'influence des activités de marketing sur les médias sociaux sur le comportement d'achat des

Cette étude a examiné les effets des médias sociaux sur les attitudes des consommateurs à l'égard
du marketing sur les médias sociaux et sur leur comportement d'achat, du point de vue de certains
étudiants de l'HITBAMAS. Un sondage portant sur les perceptions à l'égard du marketing sur les
médias sociaux a été administré à 20 participants de l'HITBAMAS (Higher Institute of
Technology, Business And Management Sciences) à Yaoundé. Les réponses au sondage ont
montré que 95 % des participants utilisent quotidiennement des plateformes de médias sociaux.
Les plateformes de médias sociaux les plus utilisées sont Facebook, Instagram et Snapchat, avec
22,7 % des participants ayant un compte sur ces plateformes, et 70 % des participants indiquant
utiliser plus de 3 plateformes de médias sociaux.

Les résultats ont montré que 55 % des personnes interrogées déclarent que la visibilité en ligne
affecterait leurs achats. Le facteur le plus important pour une entreprise utilisant les médias
sociaux était l'engagement des clients, tandis que le facteur le moins important était le moment de
la publication. L'enquête a également révélé que seuls 55 % des répondants publient des
informations sur les produits ou services d'une entreprise. Cependant, 95 % des répondants
estiment qu'une entreprise obtiendra de meilleurs résultats en termes de fidélité et de profits des
clients si les médias sociaux sont intégrés au marketing, et 75 % des répondants estiment que les
médias sociaux sont le meilleur moyen d'atteindre le public cible d'une entreprise.
Les résultats suggèrent également que les gens sont plus susceptibles de partager leur expérience
avec une entreprise plutôt que de partager les ventes ou les promotions proposées par l'entreprise.
Selon les résultats de cette étude, le comportement d'achat est plus susceptible d'avoir un effet
positif pour une entreprise lorsqu'elle utilise des plateformes de médias sociaux dans ses
stratégies de marketing. Cette conclusion souligne l'importance du marketing sur les médias
sociaux pour augmenter positivement la fidélité à la marque, la reconnaissance de la marque et la
fréquentation des établissements.



TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................3

LIST OF FIGURES..........................................................................................................................5

LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................6

CHAPTER ONE...............................................................................................................................1

GENERAL INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1

1.1 1.1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM......................................................................................1

1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY..................................................................................................2

1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS....................................................................................................2

1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY........................................................................................2

1.6 ASSUMPTIONS.....................................................................................................................3

1.7 LIMITATIONS.......................................................................................................................3

1.8 DELIMITATIONS.................................................................................................................3

1.9 DEFINITION OF TERMS.....................................................................................................3

1.10 SUMMARY AND OVERVIEW..........................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO:.............................................................................................................................5

LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................5

2.2 THE EVOLUTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA.............................................................................5

2.3 SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING...........................................................................................6

2.4 SOCIAL MEDIA’S IMPACT BUSINESS............................................................................7

2.4 SOCIAL MEDIA TODAY.....................................................................................................8

2.6 SUMMARY............................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER THREE........................................................................................................................10


3.1 RESEARCH DESIGN..........................................................................................................10

3.2 RESEARCH QUESTIONS..................................................................................................10

3.3 PROCEDURES.....................................................................................................................10

3.4 RESEARCH SETTING/CONTENT....................................................................................11

3.5 PARTICIPANTS..................................................................................................................11

3.6 DATA COLLECTION.........................................................................................................11

3.7 DATA ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................11

3.8 SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................12

CHAPTER FOUR:.........................................................................................................................13


4.1 Gender and age of respondents.............................................................................................13

4.3 Social media usage................................................................................................................14

4.3 Time Spent on Social Media.................................................................................................15

4.4 Online Visibility....................................................................................................................16

4.5 Descriptive Analysis.............................................................................................................16

4.6 Social Media Marketing........................................................................................................17

4.7 Social Media Activities.........................................................................................................17

7.8 Social Media Experience......................................................................................................19

CHAPTER FIVE:...........................................................................................................................21

SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................21

5.1 CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................................21

5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................................22



Figure1: Age of Respondents.........................................................................................................14

Figure 2: Social Media Platforms Used by Respondents...............................................................14

Figure 3: Time Spent on Social Media Platforms According to Respondents..............................15

Figure 4: Time Spent Daily on Social Media Platforms According to Respondents....................15

Figure 5: Significance of Online Visibility....................................................................................16

Figure 6: Respondents Following a Business on Social Media.....................................................18

Figure 7: Respondents Keeping Up to Date with a Business on Social Media.............................18

Figure 8: Likeliness of Sharing an Experience on Social Media...................................................19

Figure 9: Likeliness of Sharing Promotions on Social Media.......................................................20

Table 1: Gender of Respondents....................................................................................................13

Table 2: Descriptive Analysis of What the Participants Believe are Important Factors for a
Business Using Social Media........................................................................................................17


Social media is the new communal gathering place for many Cameroonians and others around
the globe. Users rely on social media avenues to receive and share information about their
communities, businesses, politics, lifestyles, and for pure entertainment. For example, the 2016
United States presidential election flooded Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. In fact, former
President Barack Obama and President Donald Trump have used these social media outlets,
particularly Twitter, to share updates on policies and upcoming events in the United States.

Research shows that, nearly two-thirds (65%) of Cameroonian adults now use social networking
sites. With social media being prevalent amongst the younger generation, businesses have
refocused their organizational structure specifically on marketing through social media. Social
media websites and blogs reach about 80% of all Internet users in Cameroon. With such a vast
majority of the population using the internet to connect with each other for entertainment,
networking, and business, one can ask the following question: How does social media affect sales
in a company? More specifically, this research is interested in the impact of social media avenues
on customer perceptions and attitudes. The impact of social media on business revenue will be
explored, analyzed and discussed in this study. The study will also explore the value of social
media, how social media is utilized by consumers, and how businesses can use social media to
their advantage.

The pervasive use of social media in Cameroon has transformed the dynamics of
communication, information sharing, and consumer behavior. Social media platforms have
become virtual gathering places where individuals connect, share experiences, and express their
opinions. This shift in consumer behavior has forced businesses to adapt and embrace social
media as a vital component of their marketing efforts.

One of the significant impacts of social media on businesses is its ability to amplify brand
awareness and visibility. Through social media platforms, businesses can reach a vast audience
and establish a digital presence that extends beyond traditional marketing channels. By creating
engaging and shareable content, businesses can leverage the power of social media to increase
their brand exposure and attract new customers.

Moreover, social media allows for direct and real-time communication between businesses and
consumers. It provides a platform for businesses to interact with their customers, address queries,
and gather feedback. This two-way communication fosters a sense of trust and builds stronger
relationships between businesses and their target audience. By actively engaging with customers
on social media, businesses can gain valuable insights into consumer preferences, needs, and
expectations, enabling them to tailor their products or services accordingly.

Social media also plays a crucial role in influencing consumer purchasing decisions. Users often
turn to social media platforms to seek recommendations, read reviews, and gather information
about products or services before making a purchase. Businesses that effectively leverage social
media by sharing positive customer experiences, testimonials, and user-generated content can
influence consumer perceptions and drive purchase intent.

Furthermore, social media advertising presents businesses with targeted and cost-effective
marketing opportunities. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer powerful advertising tools
that allow businesses to reach specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This targeted
approach ensures that businesses can connect with their ideal customers, increasing the likelihood
of conversion and driving sales.

In addition to its direct impact on sales, social media also contributes to brand loyalty and
advocacy. When businesses actively engage with their customers, respond to their feedback, and
provide personalized experiences, it fosters a sense of loyalty and encourages customers to
become brand advocates. These loyal customers, in turn, share their positive experiences on
social media, creating a ripple effect that expands the business's reach and influences others'
buying decisions.

Overall, the impact of social media on business in Cameroon is multifaceted. From increasing
brand visibility and driving sales to fostering customer relationships and influencing purchasing
decisions, social media has become an indispensable tool for businesses seeking growth and
success in the digital era. By embracing social media and understanding its nuances, businesses
can unlock new opportunities, gain a competitive edge, and establish a strong online presence
that resonates with their target audience.


In today’s society, the use of social media has become extremely prevalent amongst young
individuals. The increase of social media usage has presented as an opportunity for businesses to
direct marketing efforts, but also as a challenge on what is the best way to reach out to customers.
The problem with this growth of social media activity is that the vast majority of individuals who
use social media, specifically for news and product or business reviews, has the capacity to
positively or negatively influence a business’s reputation and profits. Such activity has now made
an impact on business functions. Studies (Edosomwan, 2011 and Taneja, 2014) have shown that
businesses getting involved in the social media world may help build customer loyalty, avoid
social media attacks, and most importantly, drastically increase their profits and foot traffic. With
the widespread use of social media, it seems like business should adapt to its use in order to
thrive in the 21st century.


In this present study, the primary objective is to delve into the impact of social media marketing
on individuals' attitudes and perceptions. The focus is specifically on understanding how social
media marketing influences purchasing decisions and its effects on brand awareness and
customer loyalty, which ultimately contribute to increased business revenue.

While there have been several previous research studies conducted on the financial gains
associated with social media marketing, this study takes a more nuanced approach. It aims to
examine the specific effects of social media on brand awareness and customer loyalty, as these
factors play a vital role in shaping consumers' attitudes and behaviors.
To achieve this, the study will utilize surveys as a research method. These surveys will be
distributed among students at HITBAMAS, allowing for a targeted sample of participants who
are actively engaged with social media platforms. By focusing on this specific group, the study
aims to gain insights into the perceptions and experiences of individuals who are likely to be
regular users of social media and potential customers of businesses.

The surveys will explore various aspects related to social media marketing, such as the
participants' awareness of businesses' social media presence, their interactions with social media
content from businesses, and the influence of such interactions on their purchasing decisions. By
collecting data through surveys, the study seeks to obtain quantitative information that can be
analyzed and interpreted to draw meaningful conclusions.

The ultimate goal of this study is to contribute to the existing body of knowledge on social media
marketing and its impact on businesses. By focusing on brand awareness and customer loyalty,
the study aims to provide insights into the potential benefits that businesses can derive from
effective social media marketing strategies. Understanding the attitudes and perceptions of
consumers regarding social media marketing can help businesses tailor their approaches to better
engage with their target audience and drive positive outcomes, such as increased revenue and
customer satisfaction.

Overall, this study seeks to shed light on the specific effects of social media marketing on brand
awareness and customer loyalty. By conducting surveys among students at HITBAMAS, the
research aims to generate valuable insights that can guide businesses in leveraging social media
platforms effectively and maximizing their marketing efforts for improved business performance.


The present study will attempt to answer the following research questions:

• How do individuals perceive the usage of social media?

• What are the attitudes toward social media marketing?

• How has social media impacted customer loyalty and purchase decisions?

• How can companies use social media to improve customer interaction?

• What are the most important factors in making social media marketing effective?


The findings of this study hold significant implications for the development of technology
marketing structures within businesses. In today's digital age, social media plays a crucial role in
shaping customer equity and driving profits for businesses. Therefore, understanding the impact
of social media marketing is essential for businesses to stay relevant and thrive in a highly
competitive marketplace.

Given the prevalence of technology and social media in society, businesses need to adapt and
align their marketing strategies with current trends. This study aims to provide valuable insights
that can guide businesses in leveraging social media effectively to achieve their marketing
objectives. By examining the perceptions and attitudes of individuals towards social media
marketing and its influence on purchasing decisions, the study can shed light on best practices
and strategies that businesses can employ to maximize their social media marketing efforts.

The results of this study may serve as a valuable resource for businesses, offering practical
recommendations and insights on how to strengthen their social media marketing approaches. By
identifying potential areas of weakness or gaps in current social media marketing practices,
businesses can make informed decisions and implement improvements to enhance their overall
marketing effectiveness.

For business owners, this study can serve as a guide to develop stronger approaches in social
media marketing. By understanding the factors that influence consumer perceptions and attitudes
towards social media marketing, businesses can refine their strategies, engage with their target
audience more effectively, and build stronger customer relationships. The study's findings may
provide actionable insights that can help businesses create compelling content, optimize customer
engagement, and improve their overall social media presence.
Ultimately, the goal of this study is to support businesses in their social media marketing efforts
and contribute to their future success. By uncovering the nuances of consumer behavior and
preferences in relation to social media marketing, businesses can align their strategies with
customer expectations and capitalize on the vast potential that social media platforms offer.

In conclusion, this study has the potential to significantly impact the way businesses approach
social media marketing. By identifying effective practices, addressing potential weaknesses, and
providing guidance for stronger approaches, the findings of this study can serve as a valuable
resource for businesses seeking to harness the power of social media and achieve marketing
success in the digital era..


In conducting this study, the following assumptions were made. It was assumed that:

1. Everyone has some type of access to social media

2. Individuals use social media to find or research a new service provider or new products

3. Individuals are influenced by social media to make purchasing decisions


This study has some limitations, which means the findings need to be carefully analyzed.

● Only 20 participants who use social media regularly will be evaluated

● Not enough time is devoted to each respondent

● The research is limited to HITBAMAS students


● The researcher chooses to only evaluate individuals between the ages of 18-30

● Each of the respondents are given a questionnaire consisting of 16 inquiries to answer

● The questionnaire was designed to obtain the demographic profile and behavioral ratings related
to social media marketing.


Social media: Computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of
information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and
Social networking: An act of engagement as people with common interests associate together and
build relationships via the internet community
Return on investment (ROI): A performance measure used to evaluate the efficiency of an
investment or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments
Social media marketing: The process of gaining traffic or attention through social media
Customer equity: The value of potential future revenue generated by a company’s customers in
its lifetime
Customer relationship management (CRM): Practices, strategies and technologies that companies
use to manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle, with
the goal of improving business relationships with customers, assisting in customer retention and
driving sales growth
Instant messaging (IM): An electronic message sent in real time via the Internet and therefore
immediately available for display on the recipient’s screen.
HITBAMAS: Higher Institute Of Technology Business And Management Sciences.
This study aims to fill the gaps in the existing literature on social media marketing by examining
how individuals perceive and perceive social media marketing and its impact on their purchasing
decisions. The research is organized into several chapters to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the topic.

Chapter I introduces the problem statement, which focuses on investigating the perceptions and
attitudes of businesses that employ social media marketing and how it influences consumer
purchasing decisions. This chapter sets the context for the study and highlights the significance of
exploring this research area.

Chapter II presents a review of the existing literature on social media usage and marketing. It
provides an overview of the current state of social media marketing, including its various
strategies, platforms, and impacts on businesses and consumers. Additionally, this chapter
identifies the gaps in the literature, which serves as the basis for further research.

Chapter III delves into the methods and procedures used to collect the necessary data for the
study. It describes the research design, data collection techniques, and the target participants.
This chapter provides insights into how the study was conducted to ensure its validity and

Chapter IV presents the findings of the study. It analyzes and interprets the collected data to
answer the research questions and address the objectives of the study. This chapter provides
valuable insights into individuals' perceptions and attitudes towards social media marketing and
its influence on their purchasing decisions.

Chapter V serves as a summary of the research conducted in the study. It includes a

comprehensive conclusion that summarizes the main findings, discusses their implications, and
highlights the contributions of the study to the field of social media marketing. Additionally, this
chapter presents recommendations based on the study's findings, suggesting potential strategies
for businesses to enhance their social media marketing efforts.

In summary, this research study follows a structured format to investigate the perceptions and
attitudes of individuals towards social media marketing. It aims to contribute to the existing
literature, fill the gaps in knowledge, and provide insights and recommendations for businesses to
optimize their social media marketing strategies.

Social media has indeed become a powerful platform that captures the attention of young adults
and plays a significant role in shaping their purchasing decisions. Businesses have recognized the
influence of social media on consumer behavior, particularly among the younger generation, who
often rely on online platforms to research and validate the quality and credibility of businesses
before making a purchase.

In the current technology era, integrating social media into business functions has the potential to
substantially increase revenue. The ability to engage with customers, build brand awareness, and
establish a positive online presence through social media can directly impact foot traffic and
overall business performance. By leveraging social media platforms effectively, businesses can
reach a broader audience, attract potential customers, and enhance their reputation.

A notable example illustrating the impact of social media on businesses is the case of United
Airlines. When a video depicting a passenger being forcibly removed from an overbooked plane
went viral on social media, it sparked a massive backlash against the airline. The incident and
subsequent negative publicity quickly spread across various social media platforms, leading to a
significant decline in United Airlines' stock market value and market perception. This highlights
the potential of social media to amplify both positive and negative sentiments, ultimately
impacting a business's reputation, customer perception, and financial performance.

Understanding people's attitudes toward businesses and their products or services through social
media is a crucial aspect of harnessing the power of these platforms. By monitoring and
analyzing social media conversations, businesses can gain insights into customer feedback,
preferences, and sentiments. This information can guide businesses in improving their offerings,
addressing customer concerns, and tailoring their marketing strategies to align with consumer
In conclusion, social media has a tangible impact on businesses by influencing purchasing
decisions, brand perception, and overall revenue. It has become a vital channel for businesses to
connect with their target audience, build relationships, and stay relevant in the digital age. By
leveraging the opportunities provided by social media and understanding people's attitudes
expressed through these platforms, businesses can adapt, thrive, and drive success in the modern
business landscape.


Social media has undergone a remarkable evolution over the years, revolutionizing the way
people communicate and impacting various aspects of human interaction and business practices.
The history of social media can be traced back to earlier forms of communication, such as
telegraphs in the late 1700s, which were used to transmit written information over long distances.
During the late 1800s, renowned sociologists Emile Durkheim and Ferdinand Tonnies are
considered pioneers in the development of social networks (Edosomwan, 2011).

The introduction of the internet in the 1990s further facilitated the growth of social networking.
While the internet initially relied on telephone and email communication, the advent of email
revolutionized how people communicated through computers. Email enabled individuals to send
messages at any time, transforming the way modern society interacted online (Morrow, 2014).
However, it's important to note that internet access and email usage were limited due to the cost
and availability of computers with online connectivity.

In 1969, the creation of ARPANET, an early network of time-sharing computers, laid the
foundation for what would become the internet. Over time, ARPANET evolved into the World
Wide Web (WWW), opening the door to countless viral communities and expanding the
possibilities of online communication (Edosomwan, 2011). The 1980s saw the emergence of
platforms like The WELL, GENIE, Listserv, and the IRC, further fostering online communities
and communication channels (Edosomwan, 2011).

The 1990s and early 2000s witnessed a significant surge in social media usage. Platforms such as
MySpace (2006), Facebook (2004), and YouTube (2005) gained immense popularity, becoming
the go-to platforms for viral communication and networking on a global scale. These platforms
seamlessly integrated into people's everyday lives, transforming how individuals interacted and
shared information (Edosomwan, 2011). In addition, social media gave rise to other popular
platforms like Twitter and Instagram, which served as outlets for microblogging, entertainment,
and leisure activities.

In recent times, the impact of social media has extended beyond personal communication and
leisure, significantly influencing various aspects of business operations. As noted by Edosomwan
(2011), social media has become a driving force in shaping human communication and,
consequently, impacting business practices. The widespread adoption of social media by
individuals has created new opportunities for businesses to connect with their target audience,
engage customers, and promote their products and services effectively.

The rise of social media has transformed the marketing landscape, offering businesses a powerful
tool to reach and interact with consumers. Social media marketing has become an integral part of
business strategies, enabling companies to establish brand awareness, foster customer loyalty,
and drive revenue growth. The ability to connect directly with customers, gather feedback, and
monitor trends in real-time has revolutionized the way businesses engage with their audience and
shape their marketing campaigns.

In conclusion, social media's evolution has been a dynamic process, shaped by advancements in
technology and changing user preferences. From its early beginnings with telegraphs and email
to the emergence of popular platforms like Facebook and YouTube, social media has
fundamentally transformed human communication and significantly impacted businesses. The
continued growth and integration of social media into people's lives indicate its enduring
influence on society and its potential for driving business success in the digital age.
Since the rise of social media, businesses have taken upon themselves to adapt to newer
marketing strategies, specifically social media marketing, for their benefit. Social media
marketing is an essential component of business in the 21st century. Small business leaders are
using this marketing strategy to promote their business to gain visibility, viability, and
sustainability to survive in the current competitive era (Taneja 2014). Social media marketing is
defined as “the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites”. For social
media marketing to be effective, Zhu (2015) argued that marketing efforts need to be congruent
and aligned with the different needs of social media users. Marketing objectives of social media
marketing are awareness, brand values or reputation, development of relationships and sales.
However, the most important objective that businesses should reflect within their social media
campaigns is effective communication and engagement with their consumers.
Taneja (2014) analyzed the importance of small businesses incorporating social media into their
marketing efforts. In order for businesses to sell products or services through social media
effectively, they must build a relationship with their targeted audience. Effective customer
relationship management begins with properly identifying, maintaining and developing good
relationships with customers and providing value in an effort to properly allocate marketing
resources to relationship developing (Taneja, 2014). In order to build brand loyalty, it is essential
that businesses move from a product-oriented approach to a customer-oriented approach.
The wide spread generation and consumption of content has created an extremely competitive
online environment where different types of content vie with each other for the scarce attention
of the user community (Asur, 2012). Social media had first developed popularity due to the
number of users interacting amongst themselves. Businesses soon took note of the amount of
online attention social media sites began to attract and realized the potential of attention that
social media can generate (Asur, 2 012). Thus, online traffic turned into monetary value. Social
media marketing has since become a popular brand of online marketing.

Businesses have taken advantage of the many marketing strategies that social media have to
offer. One strategy is structuring their business model on ads that are similar to Google. When
Google began to dominate online searches in the early 2000s, it did not take long for them to
discern a then unique model of monetization of search, through online advertising (Asur, 2012).
This method is profitable because people on average spend ample amount of time searching the
web. The number of users constantly on the internet has been amplified by the availability of
social media platforms. Businesses have also created their own social media pages so that
consumers can subscribe to their feeds and essentially be a forum for consumer to-business
communication. This can provide an opportunity for businesses to not only interact with their
consumers, but to also see what their competitors are doing and how they are engaging with their

As an example of how organizations can use mobile marketing and social media, Flat

Tummy Tea has proven month on month growth since its establishment in 2013 at a rate of over
400% annually (Synergy, 2015, para. 5). Flat Tummy Tea is a uniquely formulated two-step
herbal detox tea that works naturally help speed metabolism, boost energy and reduce bloating to
flatten the user’s belly. They have accomplished this growth rate through embracing the internet
and utilizing social media effectively as a key part of their marketing. The company’s secret is a
very specific process and ROI based algorithm used on various online platforms, specifically on
Instagram (Synergy, 2015, para. 6). One of their key activities were simply using individuals with
a strong social media following, such as celebrities. Flat Tummy Tea has built a social media
following of over 500,000 on Instagram, many whom are new customers (Synergy, 2015, para.

The widespread generation and consumption of content in the online environment have created a
highly competitive landscape where different types of content vie for the limited attention of
users (Asur, 2012). Social media initially gained popularity due to the interactions among its
users. Businesses soon recognized the growing online attention that social media sites were
attracting and realized the potential for generating attention and its associated value (Asur, 2012).
Thus, online traffic transformed into monetary value, leading to the rise of social media
marketing as a popular form of online advertising.
Businesses have leveraged the various marketing strategies offered by social media. One such
strategy involves structuring their business model around ads, similar to Google's approach.
When Google dominated online searches in the early 2000s, it quickly realized the unique
monetization potential of online advertising through search (Asur, 2012). This method has proven
profitable because people spend a significant amount of time searching the web. The availability
of social media platforms has further increased the number of users consistently present online.
Businesses have also created their own social media pages, allowing consumers to subscribe to
their feeds and providing a forum for consumer-to-business communication. This not only
enables businesses to engage with their customers but also allows them to monitor their
competitors' activities and customer interactions.

An illustrative example of how organizations can effectively utilize mobile marketing and social
media is seen in the case of Flat Tummy Tea. Since its establishment in 2013, Flat Tummy Tea
has experienced consistent month-on-month growth, with an annual growth rate of over 400%
(Synergy, 2015, para. 5). Flat Tummy Tea is a specially formulated two-step herbal detox tea that
naturally aids in speeding up metabolism, boosting energy, and reducing bloating to flatten the
user's belly. The company has achieved such growth by embracing the internet and effectively
utilizing social media, particularly Instagram, as a key part of their marketing strategy. A crucial
aspect of their approach has been partnering with individuals who have a strong social media
following, including celebrities. With over 500,000 followers on Instagram, many of whom are
new customers, Flat Tummy Tea has successfully built a substantial social media presence
(Synergy, 2015, para. 6).

In summary, social media's impact on business is profound. It has transformed online attention
into a valuable asset, leading to the emergence of social media marketing as a prominent
marketing strategy. Businesses have capitalized on the various opportunities provided by social
media, including targeted advertising, consumer engagement, and competitive analysis.
Successful companies have demonstrated the power of social media in driving business growth,
as exemplified by Flat Tummy Tea's impressive expansion through effective utilization of social
media platforms.


The advent of technology and the Information Age has significantly transformed the way
information is accessed and shared in today's society. The Information Age is characterized by
the ease of transferring and accessing information, which was previously challenging or even
impossible (Asur, 2012). The rapid evolution of technology, however, poses challenges for
businesses, marketing, communication, research, and content creation, as they need to adapt to
the fast-paced changes (Lalwani, 2012).

Social media has emerged as a prominent platform where users from around the world gather and
interact. Its growing user base has turned social media platforms into both social and commercial
successes (Hunsinger, 2013). In the 21st century, it has become crucial for businesses to utilize
social media and leverage its marketing opportunities. Social media marketing allows businesses
to connect with their target customers and reach a broader audience effectively. Since 2008, the
number of small businesses utilizing social media has doubled as business leaders recognize the
importance of visibility, attracting new customers, and shaping their company's perceived image
(Taneja, 2014).

According to a survey conducted by the Small Business Success Index (SBSI), which included
500 small business owners in December 2009, the following findings highlight the significance
of social media for businesses (Number of small businesses using social media doubled, 2010):

- 75% of small businesses have a company page on a social networking site.

- 61% use social media for identifying and attracting new customers.

- 57% have built a network through platforms like LinkedIn.

- 45% expected social media to be profitable in the upcoming 12 months (Taneja, 2014).

Lalwani (2012) emphasizes the transformative nature of social media, stating that it has created a
world where everyone has the ability to influence opinions and purchasing decisions. Social
media has erased distances and enabled conversations to flow freely, shaping the world we live
in. The influence and impact of social media cannot be easily regulated, making self-regulation a
vital mechanism in this new digital landscape.

Overall, social media's role in the Information Age is significant and cannot be ignored by
businesses. It provides opportunities for engagement, visibility, and customer acquisition. As
technology continues to advance and society becomes increasingly interconnected, social media
will remain a powerful tool for businesses to navigate and leverage in their marketing efforts.


Chapter II provided a review of the history of social media including the evolution of social
media, social media marketing, and social media’s impact on business and social today. Social
media can sway how consumers view a company and ultimately affect purchasing decisions.
After the United Nations incident went viral all across every social media platform, the
company’s sales plummeted. Social media has proven to have a relatively huge impact on
business. However, businesses such as Flat Tummy Tea have learned to utilize these platforms by
using high profile users to promote their products to entice potential consumers and build brand
power. Chapter III will discuss the methodology and procedures used to collect the data required
to complete the study. This methodology will address the research question: What impact does
social media have on consumer attitudes and perceptions on businesses utilizing social media


The following sections detail the research design, the participants of the study, and the methods
and procedures to conduct the study.


In order to determine the impact of social media marketing on individuals’ attitudes and
perceptions, a descriptive correlational survey method was used. This method was used to assess
the demographic profiles, such as sex and age, of each of the participants, along with their social
media use. Additionally, each respondent was asked to fill in a survey questionnaire in order to
determine the factors that may affect their attitudes and perceptions when using social media to
connect with businesses. The purpose of the study was to answer the following research


• How do individuals perceive the usage of social media?

• What are the attitudes toward social media marketing?

• How has social media impacted customer loyalty and purchase decisions?

• How can companies use social media to improve customer interaction?

• What are the most important factors in making social media marketing effective?


There were 20 respondents within this study, each with similar backgrounds and social habits.
Participants were administered a questionnaire to complete in depth. In Section I of the
questionnaire, there are questions related to demographic characteristics of the participants.
Section II focused on the participants’ attitudes toward businesses using social media marketing.
This is to determine how these behaviors can affect customer perceptions and purchasing
decisions. The questionnaire is divided into two parts (see Appendix B for full questionnaire).
For a higher response rate, the researcher administered the questionnaire to participants. Prior to
the questionnaire, the purpose and significance of the study was briefly explained. The
respondents were given 30 minutes to complete the survey. After the questionnaires were
completed, responses were compiled to be analyzed.


The study was conducted at the Higher Institute of Technology Business And Management
Sciences Campus (HITBAMAS).


The participants in this study were full-time HITBAMAS students between the ages of 18-30.
This age group spend ample amounts of time on social media and are specifically targeted when
it comes to social media marketing. There was a total of 20 participants in the study. Participants
were chosen through random sampling. After the overview of the study was explained, the
participants were given the option to accept or deny participation. All participants agreed to
participate and answer each question truthfully. A maximum of 30 minutes was allotted for the
participants to complete the questionnaire.


The primary data collection technique used in this study are survey research. After each
respondent was selected, they were each given a different time slot to come and complete the
survey questionnaire. The participants were seated apart, and the questionnaire was distributed by
hand. The researcher was available in case any questions need to be clarified. After the survey
was completed the participants were free to leave.


After retrieval of the completed questionnaires, responses were tabulated and the results were
compiled. The results were analyzed to uncover factors or social behaviors toward social media
marketing. The study used descriptive analysis to understand the impact of social media
marketing on participants’ attitudes and perceptions. Observations were made using the compiled
results from the survey.


Chapter III provided a discussion of the chosen research design in order to answer the research
questions of this study. The descriptive correlational survey method was used to assess the
demographic profiles, such as sex and age, of each of the participants, along with their social
media use. In order to analyze the factors that may affect the participants’ attitudes and
perceptions when using social media to connect with businesses, each respondent was asked to
fill in a survey. The study was conducted at HITBAMAS, with 20 students being the participants.
Survey research technique was then used to collect the data and compile the results. Descriptive
analysis was used to understand the impact of social media marketing on participants’ attitudes
and perceptions.

To discover the relationship between of social media and customer purchase decisions and
equity, the responses of 20 participants who were between the ages of 18 to 30 years to a
questionnaire about their attitudes towards businesses using social media marketing were
analyzed. A response rate of 100% was achieved in this study. The following section represents
the analysis of the responses to the questionnaire administered in this study.

4.1 Gender and age of respondents

From the results of the questionnaire, most of the respondents were young females. From the total
20 respondents, 11 were females (55%) whereas 9 were males (45%). Of those percentages, the
survey revealed that 70% of the respondents were under the age of 25, predominately female. The
other 30% of the respondents were above the age of 25. Table 1 shows the gender distribution of
participants in the study. Figure 1 shows the age of the participants.

Table 1: Gender of Respondents

Gender # of Respondents % of Respondents

Female 11 55

Male 9 45

Total 20 100
Number of Respondents

Age of Respondents
10 8
8 6 6
18-20 21-25 25-30

Figure1: Age of Respondents

4.3 Social media usage

All of the respondents have a social media account, confirming the assumption that everyone is
engaged in some sort of social media. From the 20 respondents in the study, 70% have three or
more social media accounts, whereas the other 30% has at least one social media account. In
Figure 2 the analysis of social media platforms that are used by the respondents is shown. Since
most of the respondents use more than one social media platform, the percentages are reflected
differently. Figure 2 also shows that the social media platform that was most used by the
participants were Facebook and Snapchat (both at 22.7%).

Figure 2: Social Media Platforms Used by Respondents

4.3 Time Spent on Social Media

The respondents reported how often they use social media and the amount of time they spend on
social media per day. Results show that 95% of the respondents noted that they connect every day
to a social media platform. The other 5% of participants reported connecting to a social media
platform once a week (see Figure 3). Of the 95% that connect every day, 63%, reported that they
spend 3 or more hours a day on social media periodically (see Figure 4).

Figure 3: Time Spent on Social Media Platforms According to Respondents

Figure 4: Time Spent Daily on Social Media Platforms According to Respondents

4.4 Online Visibility

Responses to the questionnaire show that 95% of the participants use social media on a day-to-
day basis. This figure may be important when deciding whether it is necessary for a business to
opt into social media as a selling strategy. The participants were also asked if the online visibility
of a business would affect their purchase. Results show that 55% of the respondents says that
online visibility would affect their purchase, while the other 45% says that it would not (see
Figure 5).

Significance of Online Visibility

45 %
55 %

Necessary Not Necessary

Figure 5: Significance of Online Visibility

4.5 Descriptive Analysis

The participants were asked to rate what are the important factors for a business using social
media on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the most important and 5 being the least important. The
variables in this rating question include consistency of posts, type of content, customer
engagement, online promotions and timing of posts. A descriptive analysis was conducted after
tabulating the results of the question, specifically focusing on the most important and the least
important. The least important factor was the timing of posts and the most important factor was
customer engagement. The results are reflected in Table 2.
Table 2: Descriptive Analysis of What the Participants Believe are Important Factors for a
Business Using Social Media

Rating Responses

Most Least
Mean Standard
Important Important N
Rating Deviation
Variables 1 2 3 4 5

Consistency of posts 1 3 3 5 7 19 3.73 1.28

Type of content posted 7 5 3 2 3 20 2.45 1.47

Customer engagement 9 7 1 2 1 20 1.95 1.19

Online promotions 3 4 5 3 4 19 3.05 1.39

Timing of posts 0 1 6 8 5 20 3.85 0.87

4.6 Social Media Marketing

Results show that 55% of the respondents post about products or services a business offers while
the other 45% of the respondents do not. Although the participants may or may not post about the
products or services a business is offering, 95% of the respondents believe that a business will
receive better results when it comes to customer loyalty and profits if social media is integrated
into marketing. Since social media is integrated into everyday life, it is important for businesses
to utilize this avenue of marketing. The results also show that 75% of the respondents believe that
social media is the best way to reach a business’s targeted audience, whereas the other 25%
believe that there are other useful ways to reach a target market.

4.7 Social Media Activities

Since new technologies have been dominated by social media, businesses have decided to expand
their horizons by joining this social movement. Businesses have set up their profiles online in
hopes of attracting members in the online community. Out of the 20 participants in this study,
results show that 80% of the respondents follow a business on social media. Of the 80% of
respondents, only 35% (7 of 16) keep up to date with sales and promotions by using social media
(see Figure 6). Results show that out of the other 20% that do not follow a business on social
media, less than 5% (1 of 4) keep up to date with sales and promotion (see Figure 7). The
responses of the questions suggest that although people are not likely to share promotions or keep
tabs on a business via social media, they do pay attention.

Despite of this hypothesis, the results show that 90% of the respondents have taken advantage

of a sale they heard about via social media .

Following a Business on Social Media

20% 80%

Does not follow a business Keep up to date Do not keep up to date


Figure 6: Respondents Following a Business on Social Media

Keeping Up to Date with a Businesss on Social



80% 20%


Follows a business Keep up to date Do not keep up to date

Figure 7: Respondents Keeping Up to Date with a Business on Social Media

7.8 Social Media Experience

The participants were asked about the likeliness of sharing an experience they have had with a
business on their social media accounts. The results show that 10% of the respondents are very
likely to share an experience had on social media, 55% of the respondents are somewhat likely,
and 35% of the respondents are unlikely (see Figure 8.

The participants were also asked about the likeliness of sharing sales or promotions that a
business offers on their social media accounts. The results show that 10% of the respondents are
very likely to repost a sale or promotion codes to friends, 40% of the respondents are somewhat
likely, and 50% of the respondents are very unlikely (see Figure 9). Responses to the questions
suggest that people are more likely to share an experience they have had with a business rather
than sharing sales or promotions a business is offering.

Likeliness of Sharing Experience on Social


10 %
35 %

55 %

Very Likely Somewhat Likely Very Unlikely

Figure 8: Likeliness of Sharing an Experience on Social Media

Likeliness of Sharing Promotions on Social



Very Likely Somewhat Likely Very Unlikely

Figure 9: Likeliness of Sharing Promotions on Social Media

Responses to the questionnaire with 20 participants from HIBAMAS show that 95% of the
participants use social media platforms on a daily basis. The most used social media platforms
are Facebook and Snapchat with 22.7% of participants having an account in these platforms, and
70% of participants indicating using more than 3 social media platforms. The results showed that
55% of the respondents say that online visibility would affect their purchase. The most important
factor for a business using social media was customer engagement and the least important factor
was the timing of posts. The questionnaire also revealed that only 55% of the respondents post
about products or services of a business. However, 95% of the respondents believe that a business
will receive better results when it comes to customer loyalty and profits if social media is
integrated into marketing and 75% of the respondents believe that social media is the best way to
reach a business’s targeted audience. The likeliness of the respondents sharing an experience they
have had on social media are 10% very likely, 55% somewhat likely, and 35% unlikely. The
likeliness of the respondents reposting a sale or promotion codes to friends are 10% very likely,
40% somewhat likely, and 50% very unlikely. These results suggest that people are more likely
to share and experience they have had with a business rather than sharing sales or promotions a
business is offering.
The purpose of the research conducted was to investigate the impact of social media on consumer
attitudes and perceptions of businesses that utilize social media marketing. The findings
presented in Chapter IV shed light on the positive effects of social media marketing, particularly
in terms of brand awareness.

One of the key findings was that social media is an effective tool for reaching customers. The
study revealed that a significant majority of the participants, 95%, reported using social media on
a daily basis. This high level of engagement indicates that social media has become deeply
integrated into the daily lives of consumers. Additionally, it was found that 70% of the
participants used more than three social media platforms, indicating the widespread use of
multiple platforms by consumers.

Furthermore, the research demonstrated that social media is perceived by consumers as an

effective means of reaching a business's targeted audience. A substantial 75% of the respondents
agreed that social media is the best way for businesses to connect with their desired customer
base. This finding highlights the importance of utilizing social media platforms to effectively
communicate with and engage the target audience.

Based on these conclusions, there are several implications for businesses. Firstly, the research
suggests that incorporating social media marketing strategies into the overall marketing mix can
positively impact brand awareness. By actively utilizing social media platforms, businesses can
increase their visibility and reach among consumers. Secondly, the findings emphasize the need
for businesses to understand and cater to the preferences and habits of their target audience when
implementing social media marketing campaigns. This can involve selecting the appropriate
platforms and creating engaging content that resonates with the target audience.

In terms of recommendations for future research, there are several areas that could be explored.
For instance, further investigation could focus on the specific factors that contribute to the
positive impact of social media marketing on brand awareness. Additionally, studying the
effectiveness of different social media platforms and strategies in reaching specific target
audiences could provide valuable insights for businesses. Furthermore, exploring the long-term
effects of social media marketing on customer loyalty and repeat purchases could contribute to a
deeper understanding of the overall impact of social media on business success.

In conclusion, the research findings indicate that social media marketing has a positive impact on
brand awareness, as consumers increasingly rely on social media platforms for daily engagement.
Businesses that effectively utilize social media can reach their target audience and enhance their
brand visibility. The study's conclusions suggest that businesses should prioritize social media
marketing as an integral part of their overall marketing strategy. Future research can further
explore the specific factors and strategies that contribute to the success of social media marketing
and its long-term effects on customer behavior and loyalty.

The observations derived from the questionnaire responses provided valuable insights into the
impact of social media on businesses. It was found that businesses with a social media presence
have the potential to significantly affect their revenue. While not all participants actively engage
with the business promotions they come across on social media, a substantial percentage of
participants acknowledged the efforts made by businesses and took advantage of the beneficial
opportunities presented to them.

There are several reasons why businesses should engage in social media marketing, as revealed
by the study. Firstly, social media provides online exposure, allowing businesses to reach a wider
audience and increase brand awareness. By establishing a presence on social media platforms,
businesses can showcase their products or services to consumers who actively seek such
information on social media.

Additionally, social media facilitates direct communication between customers and businesses. It
serves as a platform for customers to provide valuable feedback, voice their opinions, and engage
in conversations with businesses. This open line of communication allows businesses to better
understand their customers' needs and preferences, leading to improved customer satisfaction and
potentially increasing customer loyalty.

The study also highlighted the role of social media in influencing purchasing decisions and
fostering customer loyalty. The findings indicated that a significant number of consumers rely on
social media to discover products or services offered by businesses. This demonstrates the
importance of maintaining an active social media presence to capture the attention of potential

Moreover, the study revealed that people spend a considerable amount of time on social media,
with an average of three or more hours per day. This underscores the immense opportunity for
businesses to engage with their target audience and create meaningful interactions that can drive
customer loyalty and influence purchasing decisions.

In conclusion, while it is possible for businesses to survive without social media, having a strong
social media presence in the 21st century has proven to significantly improve customer loyalty,
purchase decisions, and ultimately business revenue. The study emphasized that social media
provides a platform for businesses to connect with their audience, enhance brand visibility, and
maintain relationships with prospective customers. By leveraging the power of social media,
businesses can tap into the potential of this digital landscape to achieve sustainable growth and

The responses and data collected from the study have yielded valuable insights that provide a
basis for several recommendations and suggestions. Building upon the findings, the following
recommendations and suggestions can be made:

1. Content and Timing: Businesses should prioritize the quality and timing of their social media
posts. By creating compelling and relevant content, businesses can capture the attention of their
target audience and foster engagement. Additionally, understanding the optimal times to post on
social media platforms can maximize the reach and visibility of their content.

2. Monitoring Competition: Businesses should leverage social media platforms to keep a close
eye on their competitors. By monitoring their competitors' social media activities, businesses can
gain valuable insights into their strategies, promotions, and customer interactions. This
information can inform businesses' own marketing efforts and help them stay competitive in the

3. Customer Engagement and Feedback: Businesses should actively engage with their customers
on social media and encourage feedback. By responding to customer inquiries, comments, and
concerns, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to customer satisfaction. This two-way
communication can also provide businesses with valuable feedback to improve their products,
services, and overall business functions.

4. Promotions and Updates: Social media marketing can be utilized to inform customers about
sales, promotions, and new products or services. By regularly updating their social media
platforms with relevant and exciting information, businesses can keep their audience informed
and engaged. This can lead to increased customer interest, participation, and ultimately, sales.

In terms of future research, the study suggests several avenues for further exploration:

1. Sample Size and Diversity: Increasing the size of the sample and including participants from
diverse backgrounds beyond community college students would provide a broader understanding
of consumer behavior and attitudes towards social media marketing. This would help validate
and generalize the findings of the study.

2. Financial Impact of Social Media Marketing: Further research can delve into the specific
financial gains that businesses can achieve through social media marketing. This could involve
analyzing data on revenue growth, return on investment (ROI), and the correlation between social
media engagement and financial performance.

3. Case Studies of Businesses: Examining specific businesses that are successfully utilizing social
media marketing to promote their products or services and engage with their customers would
provide practical insights and best practices. This could involve in-depth interviews, surveys, or
data analysis to understand the specific strategies employed and their impact on business

By actively participating in the social media movement, businesses can effectively communicate
and engage with potential consumers worldwide, leveraging the power of word-of-mouth
promotion. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer businesses
targeted exposure within their social networks. The more exposure a business can generate on
social media, the greater their potential to attract and retain customers. Therefore, businesses are
encouraged to embrace social media marketing as a valuable tool for expanding their reach,
building relationships, and driving business growth.

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Directions: Please place a mark in the box next to the answer of your choice or write in the space
provided as the case may be.

Section I

Name (Optional): ____________________________________________

Age: _______

Gender: _________

Section II

Do you have a social media account? (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)

❏ Yes

❏ No

How many social media sites do you use?




❏ More than 3

What social sites and/or services do you use regularly? (Check all that apply)

❏ Facebook

❏ Twitter

❏ Instagram

❏ YouTube

❏ Other

How often do you engage in social media?

❏ Everyday

❏ Three times a week

❏ Once a week

❏ Rarely

❏ Never

How much time do you spend on social media?

❏ Less than 30 minutes

❏ 30 minutes to an hour

❏ 1-2 hours

❏ 3 or more hours

Does the online visibility of a business affect your purchase?

❏ Yes

❏ No

In your own opinion, what are important factors for a business using social media marketing?
Place a number between 1 and 5 beside each response by importance, with 1 being the most
important and 5 being the least important.
❏ Consistency of posts

❏ Type of content posted

Customer engagement (i.e. customer service) online promotions

❏ Timing of posts

Have you ever posted about products or services a business offer?

❏ Yes

❏ No

How often have you posted about something you dislike about a product or service you

❏ Everyday

❏ Three times a week

❏ Once a week

❏ Rarely

❏ Never

Do you currently follow any businesses on social media?

❏ Yes

❏ No
Do you believe that business will achieve better results when it comes to customer loyalty and
profits if social media is integrated into marketing?

❏ Yes

❏ No

Do you believe that social media is the best way to reach a business’s targeted audience?



Do you keep up to date with sales and promotions by using social media?

❏ Yes

❏ No

Have you ever taken advantage on a sale you heard about via social media? ❏ Yes

❏ No

How likely are you to post about an experience you had with a business on social media? ❏ Very

❏ Somewhat likely

❏ Not likely

How likely would you be to repost or retweet a sale or promotion codes to your friends?

❏ Very likely
❏ Somewhat likely

❏ Not likely

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