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In this essay,we will comparing 2 famous swimmers that are Nguyen Thi Anh Vien and Katie
Ledecky.To begin,we will discuss about the first factor:Age.Nguyen Thi Anh Vien was born in
November 9,1996 which means she is 26 years old now and Katie Ledecky was born in march
17,1997 which means she is 25 years old now.From those informations above we can see thay Katie
is younger than Nguyen Thi Anh Vien.Moving to the second factor:Ability.Both of them are all have
the their own records to prove their amazing ability in swimming.At the Sea game 27 in
Myanmar(12/2013),Anh Vien got 6 medals in total and Katie won 5 gold medals at the 2015 World
Aquatic’s championship in Kazan.Next,we will continue with the third factor:Talent.Nguyen Thi Anh
Vien holds the VietNam record in 14 of 17 long course individual events and on the other side Ketie
Ledecky had broke three world records in the 800 and 1500 meter-freestyles at 2015 WAC in
Kazan.The last factor we will discuss in this essay is personality.Nguyen Thi Anh Vien and Katie
Ledecky both have strong passion,enthusiam,dedication in swimming for their career and countries.


In this essay,we will comparing 2 famous cities of VietNam that are DaNang city and HoChiMinh
city.We will start our comparing with the first factor:Size.DaNang city in total is 1,285,4 km² and
about HoChiMinh city is 2,095,39 km² in total.Thus we can clearly see that HoChiMinh city is almost
twice as big as DaNang city.Next in our comparison,we will talk about the second
factor:Location.DaNang city is the largest city in central VietNam and one of the country’s most
important port.And about HoChiMinh city,the city located in the south-eastern region of
VietNam.We can see that these 2 big cities of VietNam quite far away in distance so there will be a
lot of variant aspects in weather which is our next factor in this comparison.DaNang has 2 seasons:A
typhoon and wet season from September to December amd a dry season from January to Agust.On
the other hand,HoChiMinh city is devided into 2 distinct seasons:The rainy season usually lasts from
May to November and the dry season lasts from December to April.We can have a conclusion,the
weather in DaNang city is way more harsh than HoChiMinh city.Now,on the last factor we will
compare is shopping.DaNang city is well-known for it’s thriving economy and so as the HoChiMinh
city too.Nevertheless,DaNang city has for it’s beautiful and potential beach so for shopping Danang
is more diverse than HoChiMinh city at Sea tourism and Naval industries.


In this essay,we will comparing 2 useful electric gadgets that has became a part of our advanced life
that are smart phone and laptop.In our first factor to discuss is the price.Smart phone nowaday have
a lot of brands,styles,caterogies so the price is very various but not so expensive that you cannot
have one.And about the laptop price,a device that can do multitasks at the same time without
lagging,has a strong battery,advanced software and hardware with massive memory storage that
can do the jobs most of the smartphone can’t do obviously the price of a laptop is not so cheap like a
smartphone but does’nt means that you cannot affort.Next in our process we will comparing the
weight of these two.The smartphone average weight is 179,3gr which is very light whereas the
laptop average weight is 2-2,5kg which kinda haeavy and not so easy to hold it with one hand in a
long time.Continue in our comparion we will discuss about the third factor:Age.The first
smartphone(IBM-Simon) was created in 1994 and the first laptop(Osborne 1) was created in
1981.From the informations we have above,we can see that laptop was 13 years “older” than
smartphone.The last factor we will comparing between these two gadget is the design.The
smartphone always come with a small,rectangle design that stay fit in your hand and pocket,On the
other side,the laptop design mostly are come up with a bigscreen and a attached-keyboard that you
can only carry it around in a confortable way is with a backpack.From that we can argee that a
smartphone is sometime more convinient and suitable choice than a laptop.


In this essay,we will comparing 2 famous convinience store in VietNam and some other country that
are Circle K and GS 25.To begin,we will discuss about the first factor:location.Both of them spread
every place in almost every cities and provinces in VietNam and other countries such as
Korea,Thailand,China etc.From this,we can say that Circle K and GS 25 have a spread range equivilent
to eachother.Moving on in our process,we will come to a second factor:price.Because of both are
convinience store-chain so the price of the products and services of Circle K and GS 25 are
approximate equaly to eachother(are both following the authorities privacies of economic)or we can
say that there is not much different in the price.Next we will continue with the third factor:Size.The
Circle K usually come up with the design of 2 to 3 floors whereas the GS 25 always have the design of
a 1 floor convinience store.To have a conclusion we can clearly spot the Circle K size is quite a litte
more spacious than GS 25.In our last factor of this comparison we will discuss about the opening
hour of these two.The Circle K often open at 7h00 and close at 23h00.On the other hand ,GS 25 open
at 7h00 and close 2h00 but sometime they even work 24/7 on special occasions.From those
informations,we can say the GS 25 is more”convinient” in time than Circle K.

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