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Bimestral Inglês


Passive voice (interrogative, negative and affirmative) for PRESENT and PAST simple;

Types of films;

Words and expressions from the group’s presentations;

Passive voice (interrogative, negative and affirmative) for PRESENT and PAST simple:

It’s really important to know how to transform a phrase on the “Active Voice” to the “Passive

Active voice and Passive voice:

The biggest difference between the active voice and the passive voice it’s that in the “passive
voice” the object of the sentence turns into the subject.
In active voice we have the agent (the thing / person that do the action) and the object (the
thing / person who receives de action), look some examples of active form and the passive
form of the examples. The
verb in the active voice is always in the 3th column (past participle) with the verb to be, the
structure is: verb to be (is, are, am) + 3th column verb.

To turns the active sentence into the passive sentence, in order to facilitate things, flows these

1 – Find the “who”;

2 – Find the “what”

3 – Find the “verbal tense”.

1 – John helps his sister (active voice – present)

Agent: John

Object: sister (who)

Verb: helps (verbal tense: presente)

His sister is helped by John (passive voice)

2 – John is helping his sister (active form and present progressive)

Agent: John

Object: sister (who)

Verb: helping (present continuous)

His sister is being helped by John

In this case we need to put the “being” because of the present continuous, in Portuguese,
devemos colocar o “being” pois apresenta a parte continua da frase, ou seja, apresenta a parte
que está ainda ocorrendo na frase.

3 – John helped his sister (active voice – past)

Agent: John

Object: sister (who)

Verb: helped (verb tense – past)

His sister was helped by John (passive voice – past)

In the passive voice we always need to follow the verb tense and always put the verb in the 3th

4 – Burani gave the teacher his Rubik’s cube (active voice – past)

Agent: Burani

Objetc: teacher (who)

Verb: gave (past)

What: Rubik’s cube

The teacher was given the Rubik’s cube by Burani or

The Rubik’s cube was given to the teacher by Burani (sounds better)
Types of films:

Words and expressions from the group’s presentations:

1 – Partly: not completely (parcialmente)

2 – Crashers: gets in to a party even without being invited or paing (entrar numa festa sem ser
convidado ou pago pra entrar);

3 – Take a risk: invest a time (investir tempo);

4 – Born to be side by side: belong each other (feitos um para o outro / nasci para estar do seu

5 – Ease my mind: alleviate someone’s anxiety (relaxar a pessoa / deixar ela tranquila);

6 – Loving nobody but you: loves only you (amo apenas você);

7 – To toss (role) the dice: take a risk / attempt (arriscar);

8 – Well versed: lot of knowledge about something (saber muito bem alguma coisa);
9 – Fastidious: hard to please (dificil de agradar);

10 – Willing: be happy to do something if it is needed (ser Feliz em fazer algo necessário);

11 – Baroness: the wife or widow of a baron, lady (moça / esposa ou víuva de um barão –
pessoa nobre);

12 – Sweep: suggest the act of moving on (sugerir em seguir em frente);

13 – Choirs: people who sings in church altars (pessoas que cantam no altar da igreja);

14 – Wicked: intended / capable of harming someone or something (inteção ou é capaz de

avisar algo ou alguem), exemple: “He should be punished for his wicked driving” (ele deveria
ser punido por dirigir mal);

15 – Missionaries: a religious member sent into an area in onder to promote its faith (pessoa
religiosa em um local para promover sua fé);

16 – Rumor fly: spreading quickly (espalhar rapidamente);

17 – Down in flames: miserable failure (falhar miseravelmente);

18 – Make the tables turn: invert the situation (inverter a situação);

19 – Reckless: a person who isn’t careful (pessoa não cuidadosa)

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