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Factors that Contribute Public Speaking Anxiety and Students’ School Performance of

Senior High School at St. Augustine Academy of, Inc

School Year 2022-2023 Pampanga

Quindo, Jan Mica I.

Silverio, Marlou V.

Vargas, Mikhaela Erika Ann C.

Vitug, Kevin B.


This research study is submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirements for the subject

Practical Research 1

May, 2023

Chapter 1



         A significant number of individuals are not exceptional public speakers. It is one

of the challenges that an individual faces in their life. Public speaking is the act of

making speeches in public or the art of effective oral communication with an audience.

Fear of public speaking is common among students and the general population.(Plandano

et al, 2023). From the beginning of modern civilization, many people have been

overwhelmed with an assortment of often unbearable fears and anxieties (glossophobia)

about communicating with others especially in a public performance setting. (Fagsao, &

Mi-ing, 2021). This fear is considered a type of social phobia having great social

importance, people with public speaking fear face great difficulty in pursuing their career

goals and promotion, and this may cause frustration, depression, and distress in their

personality (Perveen, Hasan, & Aleemi, 2018). Fear of public speaking is a common

form of anxiety. It can range from slight nervousness to paralysing fear and panic. Many

people with this fear avoid public speaking situations altogether, or they suffer through

them with shaking hands and a quavering voice. But with preparation and persistence,

you can overcome your fear. Public speaking anxiety can greatly affect our daily life, and

if our public anxiety is great (Sawchuk, 2017). 

Public speaking is considered to be an important skill in life. Being good at it can

assure us and help us in securing a successful life in the future. Communication is the

backbone of any society. It allows us to form connections, influence decisions, and

motivate change. Public speaking is one of the most important and most dreaded forms of

communication. In the working world, public speaking is a vital skill to have (Pan

Communication, 2023). Although it is essential to a student’s life, we observed that most

of the students experience public speaking anxiety, including us. Throughout our

academic life we encountered the fear of speaking in public as it is inevitable, it is also

the case for many students. Public speaking anxiety refers to the anxiety that an

individual experiences when giving a speech or preparing to speak in front of others. In

Finland, one in three students report that speaking in public is a severe problem for them.

(Kunttu, Pessonen, & Saari, 2017). Also, according to a survey, 24% of college graduates

expressed a fear of public speaking, while 52% of respondents with a high school

diploma or less also felt the fear (Zauderer, 2023). 

It is undeniable that public speaking anxiety will be present in a student’s life no

matter what happens, but it is normal. After all, even the most confident speakers find

ways to distance themselves from their audience. It's how our brains are programmed,

back to prehistoric times humans perceived eyes watching them as an existential threat.

Our brains have transferred that ancient fear of being watched onto public speaking. In

other words, public-speaking anxiety is in our DNA. We experience public speaking as

an attack (Gershman, 2019).  

Almost everyone has had some experience with public speaking, especially

workers and students. Depending on their age, students will have varied degrees of
difficulties in their classes with public speaking, such as during class participation. As an

individual ages, nearly every area of their development, including their mentality, and

this includes troubles in school. The study is to show how age factor can influence public

speaking anxiety among English Language Learners at Omar Al-Mukhtar University.

They also have a different level of pressure depending on the age.  Results of the study

showed that there is a negative significant influence of age differences on public speaking

anxiety of English Language Learners (Elmenfi, 2016). Lower ages were found to be

greatly associated with higher anxiety in speaking as compare to the higher age.

Additionally, Learners faced difficulty in oral speaking.(Gaibani, 2016) According to the

National Institutes of Health, nearly all adolescents ages 13 to 18 will experience an

anxiety disorder (McCarthy, 2019).

We will also examine the impact of a student's gender on their anxiety related to

public speaking. Researchers needed  to determine whether gender affects how someone

displays symptoms of anxiety in general and public speaking. The results showed that

there are no gender differences in public speaking anxiety as it can be seen that t value (t

= 1.157, P > .05) is below from the critical value of the probability at .05 level. Thus, the

result of the current study accepts the null hypothesis that suggests no significant gender

difference in public speaking anxiety. (Dr. Kumar1, Kaur, & Thakur, 2017)  another

research shows the opposite. We find that while women are more willing to present face-

to-face to the instructor (on average 43% of women), they are considerably less likely to

give a public presentation (25%), that is, their willingness to present decreases by 18

percentage points if assigned to the public speaking treatment. In contrast, men tend to

participate less compared to women in face-to-face presentations (39% instead of 43%),

but there is almost no difference in their willingness to participate if they are assigned to

the public presentation (38%). (De Paola, 2021) Existing literature is also regarded to

determine if there are really gender advantages when it comes to public speaking. On

existing research, it is stated “This research is aimed to investigate whether or not female

EFL students' ability in speaking skill is better than male students. It deals with the

hypothesis that female students are better than male students in speaking skill.” (Nira

Erdiana* Syamsul Bahri Ys Cut Nurul Akhmal, 2019) The study affirmed that female

students get more anxious then males while giving speech publically. It has also found

that there is no effect of gender of audience on anxiety level of students during public

speaking. Public speaking anxiety has a strong relationship with the adaptation of

psycho-physiological strategies and can be reduced effectively (Perveen,  2018).

Public speaking anxiety can be influenced by many factors including fear.  Fear is

one of the greatest factors that hinders a person to do things out of his/her comfort zone.

Fear can also have negative effects on a person. Fear is a human emotion that is triggered

by a perceived threat. It is a basic survival mechanism that signals our bodies to respond

to danger with a fight or flight response. As such, it is an essential part of keeping us safe.

However, when people live in constant fear, whether from physical dangers in their

environment or threats they perceive, they can experience negative impacts in all areas of

their lives (Bakken, 2022 ). When fear is present, the person starts to focus on the

embarrassing things that could happen, instead of the good things, this makes a situation

seem much worse than it is, and influences a person to avoid it (Hasan & MD, 2018).

Fear also has a great impact on a person's life, the impact I was referring to was negative

impact on a person's life including; feeling lonely or disappointed over missed

opportunities for friendship and fun, not getting the most out of school, missing a chance

to share their talents and learn new skills.

The theory led us to believe that a lot of people need to be conscious of

nervousness related to public speaking. The portion of the study that focused on factors

of speaking in public anxiety. Who and what are affected, as well as what causes it

(Sawchuk, 2017).With fear of the research having its own medical term, The fear of

public speaking, known as glossophobia, is a common and real form of anxiety

(Sawchuk, 2017). One of the aspects of fear is fear of failure. Fear of failure, also called

atychiphobia, is a constant, overwhelming feeling of dread that accompanies the

undertaking of projects or pursuit of life goals. People who live with atychiphobia often

feel absolutely certain they will fail, even if that feeling is not based in reality (Paterson,

2023)  Many of us are afraid of public speaking because we know there’s no guarantee

that when we stand in front of an audience everything will go exactly right. The findings

show that the indicators of speaking anxiety when the students were doing the impromptu

activity in speaking class. Based on the data that has been collected by the researcher, it

was important to verify that students in impromptu activity performance experienced

speaking anxiety. (Humaera & Pramustiara, 2022)

There is also the fear of negative evaluations, fear of negative evaluations can be

a great obstacle for students to speak up or to voice out their ideas and opinions in front

of many people. Social interactions inevitably go along with repeated evaluations. Some

individuals are particularly sensitive to social evaluations(Reichenberger et al., 2018).

According to cognitive theories of social anxiety, fear of negative evaluation (FNE) may

be the mechanism whereby social anxiety induces distress (Sigurvinsdottir, 2021).

Specifically, FNE is defined as a personal trait consisting in apprehension about others’

evaluations, distress over their negative evaluations, and the desire to seek social

approval and avoid disapproval (Biolcatti, 2017). Which is why FNE is one of the most

common forms of anxiety disorder and considered a pathological condition with

persistent fears in social or performance situations, in which human beings are likely to

be the object of shame or scrutiny by others (Qorbanpoor et al, 2020). Higher levels of

self-reported public speaking anxiety also moderately correlate with poorer speech

performance as perceived by external observers (Gallego et al, 2021).  Because of the

fear of receiving negative evaluation from others people tend to be very careful with their

every action which is a good thing, but being too careful can also be a bad thing, because

of it some people avoid any kind of interaction with others as much as possible. With this

avoidance they miss out on many important aspects of life including creating and

improving social relationship with others, and showcasing their talents and knowledge. A

study was conducted to evaluate the speaking anxiety and strategies that second learners

use there were 55 students in a state university in the Philippines the results showed that

learners have emotional tensions, physiological symptoms, and mental difficulties when

they speak English. The fear of losing face or negative feedback was also attributed to the

anxiety of the students. (Maquidato, 2021)

Low self-esteem is also one of the factors that contributes to a person’s public

speaking anxiety.  Lack of confidence was the most common reason for fear of public

speaking because many students have a meek nature and they tend to feel uncomfortable

while speaking in front of others (Raja, 2017). Low self-esteem is characterised by a lack

of confidence and feeling badly about oneself. People with low self-esteem often feel
unlovable, awkward, or incompetent (Firestone, 2023). Students with low self-esteem

were detected at a prevalence of 19.4%. High educational stress and physical and

emotional abuse by parents or other adults in the household were major risk factors

correlated to low self-esteem, while a protective factor for low self-esteem was attending

supplementary classes (Tus, 2020) It also refers to a person having an overall poor sense

of self-value. It essentially means having a poor opinion of yourself.  Low self-esteem

can encompass a range of factors, such as your sense of identity, self-confidence, feelings

of competence, and feelings of belonging (Cherry, 2023). People with low self-esteem

tends to avoid speaking in public or talking to others because of their  train of thoughts,

they think that they are not good enough to present their ideas, they think that they are not

engaging and important enough for other people to listen to them, although it is sad but it

is a fact that people with self-esteem experience this thing. People with low self-esteem

tend to be hypersensitive. They have a fragile sense of self that can easily be wounded by

others. Lacking confidence speaking and being nervous is usually tied to your fear of

being judged or not feeling that you are good enough (Powell, 2018). Higher levels of

self-reported public speaking anxiety moderately correlate with poor self-perceived

speech performance (Gallego et al., 2021) But self-confidence is related to success,

achievements in education, conciliation, and a persons’ well-being, among other things.  

Another factor is lack of knowledge and preparation on the topic that you need to

talk about. This theme`s focus appears to be related to making mistakes and getting

information wrong. If a person has insufficient knowledge on his/her topic it will lead to

the deterioration of self-esteem, once it happens that person is prone to committing

mistakes which will eventually lead to public speaking anxiety. Nothing undermines
public speaking confidence like being unprepared. But nothing gives you as much

confidence as being ready. Your choice (Genard, 2019). This theme`s focus appears to be

related to making mistakes and getting information wrong. This desire to not get anything

wrong, striving for perfection may increase stress and anxiety levels in relation to public

speaking (Grieve et al., 2021).

Public speaking  is one of the most crucial parts of a student’s life. The presence

of public speaking anxiety in a student’s life can greatly impact their overall school

performance, including their class participation, quality of presentation, and their

leadership within the school. In the case of students, public speaking anxiety  may lead to

avoiding certain courses or even majors where oral presentations are required, never

speaking in class, or deciding against certain careers because they would require

occasional speaking before a group. Students who are very anxious about public speaking

in class may sometimes also avoid social events they would like to attend or may not talk

to classmates they would like to get to know (Katz, Ph.D, DNE). Speaking in public may

be an uncomfortable and distressing experience. Many people have experienced this at

least once in their life. Public speaking skills in our daily life is still something that we

need throughout our lives and careers (Katz, Ph.D, DNE). Public speaking anxiety can

take a toll on the student’s career as well. As mentioned above, public speaking is

necessary in all aspects of life. In the case of students, public speaking anxiety can cause

them to lose out on good job placements or even a stellar opportunity to showcase their

talent. Early experiences in public speaking are the best ones as it helps the students to

become more confident. Moreover, these early experiences also serve as valuable

learnings for further public speaking events (Barot, 2023). 

Fear of public speaking also impacts the quality of the performance of the

students. There are research that shows the relationship of public speaking anxiety with

the performance of the students. There was a study that is conducted in order to show the

relationship between public speaking anxiety and the quality of oral performance, the

results are as follows: The length of the speech provided a behavioural measure of

avoidance/distress tolerance. The maximum duration for the speech was 10 minutes. Prior

research proposes that ending a speech prematurely can be interpreted as an attempt to

escape the anxiety that arises when speaking in front of others, the speech duration

represents a behavioural measure of distress tolerance (England et al., 2012; Gallego et

al., 2020). This study result shows how great the effect of public speaking anxiety is on

the quality of the presentation of a person. The results depicted a negative and moderate

correlation between speech duration and self-reported public speaking anxiety,

suggesting that students who report high levels of public speaking anxiety also give

shorter presentations. This may be indicative of an avoidance strategy (Gallego et al.,

2021). Lack of confidence was the most common reason for fear of public speaking

because many students have a meek nature and they tend to feel uncomfortable while

speaking in front of others (Raja, 2017). 

Public speaking anxiety also has a relationship with leadership, because public

speaking is one of the requirements in order to be a great leader. A person needs to

interact and talk in front of a large number of people. One of the essential leadership

traits of good leaders is their ability to motivate others. Good leaders always motivate

their employees and boost their morale when needed. They sail their boat smoothly, even

in hazardous situations. They keep themselves self-motivated and set an example to

follow (Pathak, 2023) A leader who lacks self-confidence, on the other hand, is less

likely to feel that they can achieve their goals, with a negative perspective about

themselves and what they hope to gain in life. attitudes that are destructive to leadership

and success. (Daskal) Public Speaking Anxiety contributes with the confidence of the

student, if the student is tasked to be the leader the flow of the group relies on the leader.

Without much confidence the student will not be able to share his/her opinions to the

other members, hence public speaking anxiety hinders his/her potential into leading the

group. Poor leaders do not share ideas and resources and fail to encourage collaboration

in others (Mac, 2020).

Certain strategies can be important to a student’s development in their

communication skills, more strategies to help prevent the come-up of public speaking

anxiety. Helps better a student’s communication skills along with their school

performance. Confident students are more likely to speak in class, ask for help when

needed. They absorb material faster and are more excited to learn (Robinson, 2017). 

Students will benefit from improving their public speaking skills. Some benefits to

speaking in public include improved confidence, better research skills, stronger deductive

skills, ability to advocate for causes. Speaking in public is especially important for

students to get their message in front of potential audiences. (Rodcliffe, 2021)

effectiveness of effective public speaking are also stated. Effective public speaking skills

can help with career advancement, as they indicate creativity, critical thinking skills,

leadership abilities, poise, and professionalism, qualities which are very valuable

(Barnard, 2017).
Public speaking anxiety is a real-life experience in which it greatly affects our

school performance. It has been a common mental health problem experienced by

students and other people. In the Philippines, it is a problem that the majority of the

population encounter. Public speaking anxiety has been a problem for students as it

negatively impacts their abilities, and performances at school. With recent evaluations

and studies, students with a high level of public speaking anxiety have difficulty in

participating in their respective classes. Public speaking anxiety is also studied in

different countries to prevent the negative impacts of it. The researchers hypothesise that

if the students' public speaking anxiety were lessened, it will lessen the problem of those

who have it.

The study aims to identify the effects of public speaking to a students’ school

performance and factors that contribute to the development of public speaking anxiety

among the students. Furthermore, this study seeks to uncover the connection between

public speaking anxiety and students.

 Statement of the Problem:

         This study aims to determine the factors that contribute to public speaking anxiety

and its effects on the students’ school performance, notably senior high school students

of  Saint Augustine academy of Pampanga School  Year 2022-2023 school performance.

Basis for student’s cognitive restructuring.

This study seeks to answer the following:

1.  What is the profile of the participants in terms of

2.  How may the following factors contribute to the development of public

speaking anxiety?

   2.1. Fear

       2.1.1. Fear of failure

       2.1.2. Fear of negative evaluation

                           2.2. Low self-esteem

   2.3. Lack of knowledge/preparation?

3.  What are the effects of public speaking anxiety in a student’s school
performance in terms of:

    3.1. Class participation

    3.2. Quality of a presentation

    3.3. Leadership?

4.  What strategies can be implemented to increase students’ confidence to

improve their public speaking?

Theoretical Framework

This research is based on the study of. Erik Rogland-Harutunian 2017 in

Overcoming Speech Anxiety in the Classroom stating, “This issue may arise amongst

students in the process of preparing a presentation or a speech and realizing that they

experience anxiety or do not possess enough confidence with their level of spoken

English.” In relation to our research that many students are experiencing public speaking

anxiety when they are given the opportunity to speak, this issue may arise among
students as they are preparing a presentation or a speech and realizing that they

experience anxiety or do not possess enough confidence with their level of spoken

English. Numerous students may not be aware that they struggle with public speaking

anxiety, and those who do tend to hurt themselves by holding themselves responsible for

any mistakes they make in performance. Additionally, we as a group can connect to the

assumption that many students are unaware that public speaking anxiety is a common

occurrence in our respective personalities. The theory led us to believe that a lot of people

need to be conscious of nervousness related to public speaking. The portion of the study

that focused on factors of speaking in public anxiety. Who and what are affected, as well

as what causes it.

Scope and delimitations

In this study, out of 10 students in Senior High School students from the St.

Augustine Academy in Pampanga. We also used some student for the survey. To know

the percentage of the possible answer why they afraid on public speaking?

This survey only included 10 senior high school students. The major goal of this

study is to determine the reasons behind the student's fear of speaking in public. Not only

the typical issue, but also the primary cause. We can also determine potential issues that

they might run into.

This study aims to pinpoint the root reasons of the undergraduate public speaking

students' fear and investigate potential solutions. This study explains the causes of
students' fears of public speaking and the issues these fears lead to. It gives a thorough

explanation of the study's outcomes and conclusions.

Significance of the study

         This research mainly focuses on the effects of public speaking anxiety to a

student’s school performance, as they tend to lose focus on the subject at hand that will

cause them a huge toll on their performance overall. Providing them knowledge about

how the anxiety affect a student behavior and performance. How handle anxiety when

they experience it. And to provide institutions with the research provided, institutions can

help generate more efficient and better programs to properly address control and

strategies to help prevent public speaking anxiety. Create better programs for events in

schools, with thorough information for students to understand more efficiently.

Therefore, this research will be beneficial to the students, teachers, parents, and future

researchers. Thus, this study is conducted to benefit the following:

Future Researchers, the research can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the

field of psychology and mental health. By studying public speaking anxiety in students,

researchers can gain insights into the nature of anxiety more generally, and develop new

treatments and interventions to help individuals who struggle with anxiety in different


Parents, as the people who will be the guide of the students the parents may benefit from

gaining further knowledge about public speaking anxiety. Helping them to determine if
their children is experiencing the symptoms of anxiety. Parents can better support their

children in their academic and personal development. They can help their children

recognize and manage their anxiety, provide encouragement and support.

School Administrators can benefit greatly from this research on public speaking anxiety

in students. By understanding the impact of public speaking anxiety on student

performance, administrators can develop policies and programs that support student

mental health and well-being, which can ultimately improve academic outcomes

Students, being the center of the research, they will benefit mostly out of this. It will help

them be more aware that public speaking anxiety has a huge part in their academic

performance. Provide a more thorough understanding on public speaking anxiety, help

them determine the signs and symptoms, allowing them to develop strategies on how to

prevent anxiety, and improve their overall school performance.

Teachers, the study will help the teachers determine the signs and symptom of a student

that is experiencing anxiety. How it affects the overall performance of their schoolwork’s

that revolves around public speaking. And be the guide on what necessary measures to do

to help guide the student who is experiencing public speaking anxiety. educators can

develop strategies to help students overcome their fears and improve their

communication skills.

·         Age - The definition of data age was determined as such to convey the mean age of

the entire sample. The first patient enrolled in the trial could be viewed as the age of the

data, as could the last patient follow-up collected. (John, Yuan, & Sanket, 2018 in Age of

Data at the Time of Publication of Contemporary Clinical Trials)

·         Class Participation– refers to the behaviours that students engage themselves in

class. (Tavares, 2020 in Multidisciplinary Perspectives on International Student

Experience in Canadian Higher Education)

·         Fear - Fear of public speaking is a common form of anxiety. It can range from

slight nervousness to paralyzing fear and panic. Many people with this fear avoid public

speaking situations altogether, or they suffer through them with shaking hands and a

quavering voice. (Craig, & Sawchuk, 2023 In Fear of public speaking: How can I

overcome it?)

·         Fear of Failure - Speakers with a fear of failure often imagine themselves

forgetting a part of their speech or performing poorly. (Ebrahimi, & Omid., 2019 in

“Psychological Interventions for the Fear of Public Speaking: A Meta-Analysis.”

Frontiers, Frontiers)

·         Fear of Negative Evaluation - was originally defined as a trait related to

“apprehension about others’ evaluations, distress over their negative evaluations,

avoidance of evaluative situations and the expectation that others would evaluate oneself

negatively.” (Reichenberger, 2017 in Fear of evaluation unpacked: day-to-day correlates

of fear of negative and positive evaluation)

·         Gender - Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, and identities

of female, male and gender-diverse people. (Shirin, Thomas, Paola, Sera, & Mirjam 2016

in Sex and Gender Equity in Research: rationale for the SAGER guidelines and

recommended use)

·         Lack of Knowledge / Preparation - Students come to every learning situation

with prior knowledge, skills, beliefs, and concepts that significantly influence what they

notice about the situation, how they organize and interpret it. This affects their ability to

remember, reason, solve problems, and acquire new knowledge. (Cerbin, 2020 in

Assessing Students’ Insufficient, Inaccurate, and Inert Prior Knowledge)

·         Leadership - is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a

common goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with

a strategy to meet the company's needs. (Susan Ward 2023 in What is Leadership?)

·         Low Self-Esteem - means not holding yourself in high regard. If you have low

self-esteem, you might feel shy or anxious around other people, think of yourself as

incapable or criticize yourself harshly. (Dr Matthew Whalley and Dr Hardeep Kaur 2021

in Low Self-Esteem)

·         Quality of a Presentation- Good research is replicable, reproducible, and

transparent. Replicability, reproducibility, and transparency are some of the most

important characteristics of research. (ImedBouchrika 2023 in Top 10 qualities of good

academic research)


·         Age– depending on how age groups develop their public speaking anxiety. Seeing

that depending on age when they experience public speaking in school.

·         Class Participation–How a student contributes to class events when the teacher

asks for volunteers, yet pupils with public speaking anxiety find it difficult to volunteer

because they worry that their response is incorrect.

·         Fear- A brain stimulation that makes us conscious of a stressful situation. Most of

the time, students in school struggle with fear, and public speaking is one of those fears.

·         Fear of Failure– When you consider the negative consequences of stressful

situations. When learners consider how they might make a mistake, their confidence is


· Fear of Negative Evaluation– Sometimes a teacher will comment on how well

you did, and you may be frightened of being told anything went horribly wrong with the

way you presented.

Gender– how gender contributes on the role of number of students with public

speaking anxiety.

Lack of Knowledge / Preparation– Being poorly prepared for the upcoming

presentation or not knowing enough to respond to the teacher's particular questions.

Leadership–being ineffective as a group leader. not being able to express

personal opinions or views. The student's fear of public speaking prevents them from
even demonstrating their genuine leadership abilities since they believe they are


Low Self-Esteem– Being very critical of their own actions, they view whatever

decision they make as being incorrect. Even on how students behave during specific

speaking activities in the classroom.

Quality of a Presentation- how the performance is impacted by public speaking

nervousness. Seeing the learner showing signs of public speaking anxiety also affects the

quality of the presentation.

Conceptual Framework

This study revolves around two variables which are Public Speaking Anxiety,

which is the Independent Variable. Which has four aspects these are Trait Anxiety,

Context Anxiety, Audience Anxiety, and Situation Anxiety. and School Performance,

which is the Dependent Variable

Public Speaking Anxiety is considered as a type of social anxiety disorder that is

stimulated by speaking in front of others. according to (University of Pittsburg 2022)

When you experience these symptoms, it is considered that you have Speech

Anxietyshaking, sweating, butterflies in the stomach, dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, and

squeaky voice.Main cause of public speaking anxiety is fear of failure, the audience, high

stakes, and being the center of attention. According to Ebrahimi, Omid V (2019) in

Psychological Interventions for the Fear of Public Speaking.


Chapter II


This chapter presents the research design, respondents of the study, construction

of the research instruments, administration of the survey questionnaire, and statistical

methods used in the assessment and analysis of the data and information gathered. 

Research Design

The researchers utilises Phenomenological study to determine the factors that

contribute to public speaking anxiety and its effects on the students’ school performance,

notably senior high school students of Saint Augustine Academy of Pampanga School

Year 2022-2023. Basis for students’ cognitive restructuring. Phenomenological research

is a qualitative research approach that seeks to understand and describe the universal

essence of a phenomenon. The approach investigates the everyday experiences of human

beings while suspending the researchers’ preconceived assumptions about the

phenomenon. In other words, phenomenological research studies lived experiences to

gain deeper insights into how people understand those experiences. Researchers using

phenomenological research design assume that people use a universal structure or

essence to make sense of their experience. They interpret the participants’ feelings,

perceptions, and beliefs to clarify the essence of the phenomenon under investigation.

(Delve, & Limpaecher. 2022)

 Furthermore, the researchers used two types of research design or methods in this

research study. First, a descriptive study design was used to determine how the following

factors including fear, fear of failure, fear of negative evaluation, low self-esteem, and

lack of knowledge or preparation contribute to the development of public speaking

anxiety. The descriptive design is the simplest. It allows the researcher to study and

describe the distribution of one or more variables, without regard to any causal or other

hypotheses (Rakesh & Priya, 2019).

Then, the researchers employed a correlational design in order to determine if

there is a connection between students' public speaking anxiety and their academic

performance in terms of class participation, quality of a presentation, and leadership and

to see what kind of strategies or interventions might be offered to students who

experience public speaking anxiety. A correlational research design investigates

relationships between variables without the researcher controlling or manipulating any of

them. A correlation reflects the strength and/or direction of the relationship between two

(or more) variables. The direction of a correlation can be either positive or negative

(Pritha, 2021).

Research Participants

The participants of this study are the grade 11 STEM (Science, Technology,

Engineering, Mathematics) students of St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga who are

currently enrolled in the whole semester of school year 2022-2023.. In obtaining the

sample, the research will be applying non-random probability sampling. With a sample
size of 13 respondents, in which the sampling technique used for the respondents is

Convenience Sampling. 

Convenience Sampling is a non-probability sampling method where units are

selected for inclusion in the sample because they are the easiest for the researcher to

access. This can be due to geographical proximity, availability at a given time, or

willingness to participate in the research. Sometimes called accidental sampling,

convenience sampling is a type of non-random sampling. (Nikolopoulou, 2022) our

respondents were seen in convenience when looking for people to conduct the study on,

where the researchers randomly ask senior highschool students to participate in the

research, in which all of them were randomly called.

Research Instruments

In this study that is conducted in St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga, for senior

highschool students. The research instrument that is used to obtain the participants'

answers to contribute to the study is a Questionnaire. A questionnaire  is a list of

questions or items used to gather data from respondents about their attitudes, experiences,

or opinions. Questionnaires can be used to collect quantitative and/or qualitative

information. (Bhandari, 2021) about the Factors that Contribute Public Speaking Anxiety

and Students’ School Performance. The questionnaire has to answer 10 questions all

relating to the given topic that is Factors that Contribute Public Speaking Anxiety and

Students’ School Performance. In which the participants have five  columns to choose

from as the answer. These are Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly

Agree. The questions only relate to our specific topic used. 


Data Collection

The researchers developed a questionnaire that revolves around public speaking

anxiety and its effects on student’s performance. The researchers created and submitted a

formal letter asking for the head of the academy’s permission to conduct the study within

the school premises and to ask the academy’s students for participation. After receiving

the approval from the school officials, teachers, and students. The researchers then

identified their prospective participants, once the participants were identified the

researchers then provided the participants with the full knowledge regarding the

objectives of the study and  that they’re data will be used solely for research purposes and

that their data will be treated with anonymity. After informing the participants the

researchers will then ask for the permission of each participant before disseminating the

questionnaires. The researchers used a variety of methods to disseminate the

questionnaires.   The first method used was  giving out the  questionnaires through close

contacts and to people that are available, people who are on  the hallways, canteens, and

senior highschool facilities. After  the data was statistically examined, the findings were

put together in the research paper, distributed to the pertinent parties, and made public,

which was published at St. Augustine Academy of Pampanga, still considering the

privacy of the participants.

Ethical Consideration
The researchers created a formal letter signed by the principal or the head of the

academy for permission to ask the students of the school to serve as the respondents of

the study. 

Primarily, respondents were fully informed regarding the scope and the objectives of the

study. The researchers also made sure to abide by the Republic Act 10173 – Data Privacy

Act of 2012 which states that consent of the data subject refers to any freely given,

specific, informed indication of will, whereby the data subject agrees to the collection

and processing of personal information about and/or relating to him or her. Consent shall

be evidenced by written, electronic or recorded means. It may also be given on behalf of

the data subject by an agent specifically authorised by the data subject to do so. The

participants were reassured that their answers were treated confidentially and will only be

used for academic purposes and solely for the purposes of the particular research. The

researchers also secure the safety of the participants, participants were not abused be it

physically or psychologically throughout the whole course of the study. 


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