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Subject: Biology

Grade Level: Grade 10

Teacher: Abdulrahman L. Edding
School Year: 2022 – 2023
Strands: At the end of Grade 10, Learners will have completed the study of the entire organism with their deeper study of the excretory and
reproductive systems. They can explain in greater detail how genetic information is passed from parents to offspring, and how diversity of species
increases the probability of adaptation and survival in changing environments.
Term Unit Topic: Content Performance Competencies/Skills Assessment Activities Institutional Core Values
Content Standards Standards
1st The Nervous The learners The learners Identify the different Neuron Quiz Neuron Relay Collaboration,
Quarter system demonstrate should be able to types of neurons and Race Communication,
an demonstrate their role in Knowledge sharing.
understanding proper care of the transmitting nerve
of organisms Nervous System.
coordinated by
the nervous demonstrate proper Case Nervous System Responsibility, Critical
system. care of the Nervous Studies Health Checklist thinking, Health
System by identifying consciousness.
its major
explaining their
functions, and
describing ways to
maintain its health
and prevent nervous
system disorders.
1st The Endocrine The learners The learners Describe the major Endocrine Endocrine Creativity,
Quarter System demonstrate should be able glands of the System Quiz System Role Confidence,
an to demonstrate endocrine system Play Cooperation.
understanding proper care of and their hormones.
of organisms
the Nervous demonstrate proper Case Nervous System Compassion,
coordinated by
the endocrine System. care of the Nervous Studies Disorder Advocacy, Innovation
system. System by analyzing Analysis Prevention
case studies of Campaign
nervous system
disorders, identifying
their causes and
symptoms, and
preventive measures
to minimize their
2nd The The learners The learners Describe the Menstrual Menstrual Cycle Teamwork, Creativity,
Quarter Reproductive demonstrate should be able menstrual cycle and Cycle Quiz Board Game Fun.
System an to demonstrate the process of
understanding proper care of fertilization.
of organisms
coordinated by
the Reproductive
reproductive System.
system. Explain the male and Reproductive Reproductive Resourcefulness,
female reproductive System Quiz System Models Collaboration,
systems and their Creativity.

demonstrate proper Sexual Sexual Health Respect, Empathy,

care of it by Health Quiz Workshop Responsibility.
explaining the
processes of human
identifying factors
that affect
reproductive health,
and recommending
strategies to maintain
reproductive health
and prevent sexually
2nd Feedback The learners The learners Analyze the feedback Homeostasis Feedback Loop Creativity, critical
Quarter Mechanism demonstrate should be able to mechanisms involved Quiz Simulation thinking, teamwork,
an design a poster in regulating blood and respect for
understanding about sugar levels in the diversity.
of how these homeostasis and
feedback its importance to
mechanisms human health.
help the
maintain Evaluate the role of Homeostasis Homeostasis Creativity, critical
homeostasis, negative feedback in Reflection Poster thinking, teamwork,
enabling it to maintaining and respect for
reproduce and homeostasis in the diversity.

understand the Creativity, critical

concept of thinking, teamwork,
homeostasis and its and respect for
importance to human diversity.
health by creating a
poster that illustrates
the mechanisms of
homeostasis, its
relationship to health,
and ways to maintain
3rd DNA and The learners The learners Interpret a DNA Amino Acid DNA to Amino Collaboration, critical
Quarter Proteins demonstrate should be able to sequence and Quiz Acid thinking, and scientific
an design a model of identify the inquiry.
understanding the DNA and corresponding amino
of the Protein using
acid sequence.
information available
stored in DNA materials.
and its role in
Compare and Protein Transcription vs Attention to detail,
synthesis. contrast transcription Synthesis Translation problem-solving, and
and translation Test scientific reasoning.
processes in protein

3rd Mutations The learners The learners Analyze the effects of Mutation Mutations and Attention to detail,
Quarter demonstrate should be able to different types of Case Study Protein Function problem-solving, and
an conduct mutations on protein scientific reasoning.
understanding information drive structure and
of how to parents about
changes in a taking good care
DNA molecule of children who
can lead to have genetic
Predict the effects of Phenotype Phenotype Creativity, critical
changes in the disorders. a mutation on an Analysis Prediction thinking, teamwork,
resulting organism's and respect for
protein. phenotype. diversity.
demonstrate an Protein DNA Extraction Inquiry, Integrity,
understanding of the Synthesis and Protein Responsibility
structure and function Quiz Synthesis
of DNA and Protein Simulation
molecules, identify
their role in genetic
inheritance and
protein synthesis,
and explain their
importance to human
health and disease.
4th Biodiversity: The learners The learners Evaluate the effects Ecosystem Human Impact Collaboration, Critical
Quarter Capability of demonstrate should be able to of human activities on Stability on Biodiversity Thinking,
an Ecosystem an create a simple biodiversity and Project Debate Environmental
understanding book illustrating ecosystem stability. Stewardship
of the influence the different
of biodiversity adaptation modes
on ecosystem of organisms for
stability. survival and
Analyze the Ecosystem Ecosystem Empathy, Global
reproduction. interactions between Interactions Interactions Case Awareness, Scientific
different species in Exam Study Inquiry
an ecosystem and
their effects on
ecosystem stability.
After conducting an Genetic Genetic Compassion,
information drive to Disorders Disorders Parent Empathy,
parents about taking Reflection Information Responsibility
good care of children Essay Session
who have genetic
disorders, the
learners will be able
to explain the nature
and causes of
genetic disorders,
describe the various
types of genetic
disorders, and
provide information
and resources for
parents to manage
and care for their
children with genetic
Biodiversity: The learners The learners Evaluate the effects Invasive Invasive Species Environmental
Stability of demonstrate should be able of invasive species Species Impact Research Stewardship, Global
ecosystem an to produce a on native populations Impact Awareness, Scientific
understanding short in an ecosystem. Presentation Inquiry
of how documentary Analyze the factors Population Population Critical Thinking,
film that suggest that limit population Growth Growth Environmental
can support a
limited number ways to growth in an Analysis Simulation Stewardship,
of organisms. minimize human ecosystem. Report Responsibility
impact on the By creating a simple Adaptation Adaptation Mode Creativity, critical
environment. book illustrating the Mode Book Book Creation thinking, teamwork,
different adaptation Presentation and respect for
modes of organisms diversity.
for survival and
reproduction, the
learners will be able
to identify and
classify the various
adaptation modes
used by organisms to
survive and
reproduce, explain
their importance to
the survival and
reproduction of
organisms, and
provide examples of
organisms that
exhibit each
adaptation mode.

1. Activity: Neuron Relay Race - Learners will be divided into groups and each group will be given different colored bean bags to represent
different types of neurons. They will then have to pass the bean bags from one end of the room to the other, mimicking the transmission of
nerve impulses. Assessment: Neuron Quiz - Learners will be assessed through a quiz that includes identification and functions of different
types of neurons. Core Values: Collaboration, Communication, Knowledge sharing.
2. Activity: Nervous System Health Checklist - Learners will work in pairs to create a checklist that identifies the major components of the
nervous system, their functions, and ways to maintain their health. They will then present their checklists to the class. Assessment: Case
Studies - Learners will analyze different case studies of nervous system disorders and provide preventive measures to minimize their
occurrence. Core Values: Responsibility, Critical thinking, Health consciousness.
3. Activity: Endocrine System Role Play - Learners will be assigned different roles to represent the major glands of the endocrine system and
their hormones. They will then act out the interactions between the glands and hormones in the body. Assessment: Endocrine System Quiz -
Learners will be assessed through a quiz that includes identification and functions of the major glands and their hormones. Core Values:
Creativity, Confidence, Cooperation.
4. Activity: Nervous System Disorder Prevention Campaign - Learners will work in groups to create a campaign that raises awareness about
nervous system disorders and preventive measures to minimize their occurrence. They will present their campaign to the class.
Assessment: Case Studies Analysis - Learners will analyze different case studies of nervous system disorders, identify their causes and
symptoms, and develop preventive measures to minimize their occurrence. Core Values: Compassion, Advocacy, Innovation.
5. Activity: Menstrual Cycle Board Game - Learners will work in groups to create a board game that explains the menstrual cycle and the
process of fertilization. They will then play the board game and explain the concepts to the class. Assessment: Menstrual Cycle Quiz -
Learners will be assessed through a quiz that includes identification and explanation of the menstrual cycle and fertilization. Core Values:
Teamwork, Creativity, Fun.
6. Activity: Reproductive System Models - Learners will work in pairs to create models of the male and female reproductive systems and
explain their functions. They will then present their models to the class. Assessment: Reproductive System Quiz - Learners will be assessed
through a quiz that includes identification and functions of the male and female reproductive systems. Core Values: Resourcefulness,
Collaboration, Creativity.
7. Activity: Sexual Health Workshop - Learners will work in groups to create a workshop that explains the processes of human reproduction,
identifies factors that affect reproductive health, and recommends strategies to maintain reproductive health and prevent sexually
transmitted infections. They will then present their workshop to the class. Assessment: Sexual Health Quiz - Learners will be assessed
through a quiz that includes identification and explanation of the processes of human reproduction, factors that affect reproductive health,
and strategies to maintain reproductive health and prevent sexually transmitted infections. Core Values: Respect, Empathy, Responsibility.
8. Activity: Blood Sugar Regulation Experiment - Learners will conduct an experiment that demonstrates the feedback mechanisms involved in
regulating blood sugar levels in the body. Assessment: Blood Sugar Regulation Quiz - Learners will be assessed through a quiz that
includes identification and explanation of the feedback mechanisms involved in regulating blood sugar levels in the body. Core Values:
Curiosity, Experimentation, Dedication.
9. Activity: "Feedback Loop Simulation"
10. In this activity, learners will participate in a simulation to understand the role of negative feedback in maintaining homeostasis in the body.
They will create a model of a feedback loop, which includes a sensor, control center, and effector, and manipulate variables to see how the
feedback loop responds to changes.
Assessment: "Homeostasis Quiz"
In this assessment, learners will be tested on their understanding of negative feedback and its role in maintaining homeostasis in the body.
They will be asked to identify examples of negative feedback loops and explain how they work to maintain homeostasis.
Core values: Critical thinking, problem-solving, and scientific inquiry.
11. Activity: "Homeostasis Poster"
In this activity, learners will create a poster that illustrates the mechanisms of homeostasis, its relationship to health, and ways to maintain
homeostasis. They will research and present information on the different homeostatic processes in the body and how they work together to
maintain balance.
Assessment: "Homeostasis Reflection"
In this assessment, learners will reflect on their understanding of homeostasis and its importance to human health. They will write a short
reflection on how they can apply their knowledge of homeostasis to their own lives and health.
Core values: Creativity, communication, and self-reflection.
12. Activity: "DNA to Amino Acid"
In this activity, learners will interpret a DNA sequence and identify the corresponding amino acid sequence. They will use a chart or table to
match the three-letter codons in the DNA sequence to the corresponding amino acid.
Assessment: "Amino Acid Quiz"
In this assessment, learners will be tested on their understanding of how DNA codes for proteins. They will be asked to identify the amino
acid sequence that corresponds to a given DNA sequence.
Core values: Attention to detail, scientific reasoning, and data analysis.
13. Activity: "Transcription vs Translation"
In this activity, learners will compare and contrast the processes of transcription and translation in protein synthesis. They will create a
diagram or flowchart that illustrates the steps involved in each process.
Assessment: "Protein Synthesis Test"
In this assessment, learners will be tested on their understanding of protein synthesis. They will be asked to identify the order of the steps in
transcription and translation and explain how the processes work together to create a functional protein.
Core values: Collaboration, critical thinking, and scientific inquiry.
14. Activity: "Mutations and Protein Function"
In this activity, learners will analyze the effects of different types of mutations on protein structure and function. They will research and
present information on how mutations can affect the amino acid sequence and shape of a protein and how these changes can impact its
Assessment: "Mutation Case Study"
In this assessment, learners will analyze a case study of a mutation in a specific protein and predict its effects on the organism's phenotype.
They will explain how the mutation alters the protein's function and how this impacts the organism's health.
Core values: Attention to detail, problem-solving, and scientific reasoning.
15. Activity: "Phenotype Prediction"
In this activity, learners will predict the effects of a mutation on an organism's phenotype. They will research and present information on how
mutations can impact gene expression and how these changes can result in observable traits.
Assessment: "Phenotype Analysis"
In this assessment, learners will analyze a set of traits in a specific organism and predict whether a given mutation will result in a change in
phenotype. They will explain how the mutation alters the gene expression and how this impacts the organism's traits.
Core values: Attention to detail, scientific reasoning, and data analysis.
16. Activity: DNA Extraction and Protein Synthesis Simulation Students will perform a DNA extraction and protein synthesis simulation using
household materials. They will learn about the structure and function of DNA and protein molecules, the role they play in genetic inheritance
and protein synthesis, and their importance to human health and disease.
Assessment: Protein Synthesis Quiz Students will take a quiz that evaluates their understanding of the process of protein synthesis, the role
of DNA and RNA in protein synthesis, and the importance of proteins to human health and disease.
Core Values: Inquiry, Integrity, Responsibility
17. Activity: Human Impact on Biodiversity Debate Students will engage in a debate about the impact of human activities on biodiversity and
ecosystem stability. They will research and present arguments for and against different human activities, such as deforestation and pollution,
and their impact on ecosystems.
Assessment: Ecosystem Stability Project Students will work in small groups to research and evaluate the effects of a specific human activity
on ecosystem stability. They will present their findings through a project, which can take the form of a presentation, poster, or video.
Core Values: Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Environmental Stewardship
18. Activity: Ecosystem Interactions Case Study Students will analyze a case study of an ecosystem and its species interactions, such as
predator-prey relationships and symbiotic relationships. They will evaluate the effects of these interactions on ecosystem stability and
develop solutions to address any negative impacts.
Assessment: Ecosystem Interactions Exam Students will take an exam that evaluates their understanding of the various species interactions
in an ecosystem, their effects on ecosystem stability, and their role in maintaining biodiversity.
Core Values: Empathy, Global Awareness, Scientific Inquiry
19. Activity: Genetic Disorders Parent Information Session Students will conduct an information session for parents about taking care of children
with genetic disorders. They will research and present information about the nature and causes of genetic disorders, the various types of
genetic disorders, and resources and strategies for managing and caring for children with genetic disorders.
Assessment: Genetic Disorders Reflection Essay Students will write a reflection essay that evaluates their understanding of genetic
disorders, the challenges faced by parents and children with genetic disorders, and the importance of providing support and resources for
these families.
Core Values: Compassion, Empathy, Responsibility
20. Activity: Invasive Species Impact Research Students will research and evaluate the impact of invasive species on native populations in an
ecosystem. They will analyze the causes and consequences of invasive species and develop solutions to prevent or manage their spread.
Assessment: Invasive Species Impact Presentation Students will create a presentation that evaluates the impact of a specific invasive
species on an ecosystem, its native species, and their interactions. They will present their findings and recommendations for managing
invasive species.
Core Values: Environmental Stewardship, Global Awareness, Scientific Inquiry
21. Activity: Population Growth Simulation Students will simulate the growth and decline of a population in an ecosystem, using data and
variables such as birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration. They will analyze the factors that limit population growth and explore
ways to mitigate these limiting factors.
Assessment: Population Growth Analysis Report Students will write a report that analyzes the simulation data and evaluates the factors that
limit population growth in an ecosystem. They will provide recommendations for managing population growth and maintaining ecosystem
Core Values: Critical Thinking, Environmental Stewardship, Responsibility
22. Activity: Adaptation Mode Book Creation Students will create a simple book that illustrates the different adaptation modes used by
organisms to survive and reproduce. They will identify and classify these modes, explain their importance to the survival and reproduction of
organisms, and provide examples of organisms that exhibit each adaptation mode.

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