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Climate Change and Water Resources

Shqrad K Jain

limate of a regioD climate change. Thrce tp€s oforbitat

represenrs the Iong, variations arc iderrifi ed. Tittof Eaih's
term (more than rhiny axis with respect to plane of orbil
years.) average of varies between 22. I o to 24.50 in about
weather lt
is a resultanr 41,000 yeals. Tbe tjlt does not impacr
of an ex tremely total solar radiation received_ but the
comp lex system consisting ofdiffer€ni space and rime distribution changes.
meteorological variables rvhich vary Next, a-\ial precession is the gadual
wilh time. Climatc may be d€fiaed shift in orientatiotr of Earth,s axis of
as average weathel or more as the rotation relative to fixed stars, in a
Flootl and drought statislical description in terms ofmean cycle of:26,000 years. When thisaxis
,ndnggerrrent schemes hore and variability of relevanr weather is aligned to pointtowards Sun during
variables over a period oftime. perihelion, ofle polar hemisph$e will
to be planned keeping in
have a greater difference between
view rc increose in seyerit! Climate change (CC) refers ro
seasons while the other.will have
a statistically significanr change in
ol floods ffid dtoughts. milder seasons. Finally, eccentricily of
cither the mean state of the climate
It h,oukl be p klent to or i1s statistical properties (such as
Earth's orbir around the Sun conrrols
shape of Eanh's orbit around Sun and
i,t c o tp o t ot e po s s i b I e elfe c t s standard deviations, rhe occurence
the radiation r€ceived.
of extremes. etc.). persisting for an
of climote chtnges in the
exlended period paricularty decades Internal forcing mechanisms of
tlesigtt and mantgemenl of or longer. Climare change is not only CC operate withinthe climate system.
watet resources slslerns. global environmenlal problem,
a nra.jor Great voicani€ eruptions release huge
but also an issue of great worry to a amounts of gases, ash and aerosols
Thc high , gnitade floods
country like lrdia. and impact climate by reducing
qrc also likely to bring solar radiation reaching Earth. CHG
Cnuses of Clinlate Ctrangc emissions due to combustion offossil
tnore $e.litrret n'hich naJ,
tuels to generate electricity, heatins,
.fill reservtir spaca, The CC can take place due to forcings
and transpon account for:70 per cent
thatmay be exlenul to Earth orintemal.
lesiln on rntnagenrcnt oJ Two external forcings are inrponant.
of total emissions and are the main
botlt stt clttt ql anal non- Eafth s orbit and tilt of its rotational
causeof global warming. Movement of
lectonic plates has a direct connecrion
str uctu ra l r,ate Freso u rce axis are changing slowty, caused by
between uplift, ahosph€ric circutation,
gravrtational forces of oiher planels and
syslems sltould allow fot the and hydroiogic cycl€.
orbil ofsolar sysrem about rhe cenrre
p os s i h I e effe ct s of c I i tnal e of Galaxy. 'Milankovirch Cycl€s. Greenhouse Effectt Shor,wave
chonge ;s the collectivc name for cycles in radiaiion from lhe Sun passes through
Eartlr\ movement. Changes in these the Earth's atmosphere which contains
cycles cause very slos, and lons-renn different gases. A part ofthis radiarion
The atrdror is NEEPCO Protcssor at IIT Roorkee. Hc }as co-authored
tbur books. edired 5 books and written number of
rechnicalpapers. IIc is a h.mber ofnranv national and inremational

YOJANA July 2016

is refrecied back inro space, a parr is
consequences. An iDcrease in rhe Clim{te Change tmp.cts Otr Warer
absorbed by the atmospbere a;d the
remainder reaches tbe earth.s surface
levels ofcHcs would lead ro greater
warming which could have maior
where itrs either reflecred orabsorhe.l
rmpact on the wortd's ctimate.leadins To idenri& the initiatives thar rhe
In particular, the earth,s surface emits
professionals and decision makers
Iong-wave radjation rowards sDace to CC. Fig.2 shows the graduat rise ii need
Some of the gases in rfie armosotrere concenrration ofcor in the atmosphere ro take to overcome the adverse imDacr\

absorb a partofthe tons-wave mdjarion rn recent times. clobal atmospheric orclimate change on water resouices
emitted by the Ea(h's surface and concentrations ot carbon dioxrde. first. it is necessary to determine the
re-radiare it back to the Earth. forcinp methaoe. and nitrous ox,de hav. likely impacts.
it ro warm Ttese sases hetD modid increased from 280 pa(s per mi ion
Genera I c ircu tarion modets or siohat
th€ hear balaoce of the Earth h" to 399 ppm. 722 (part per bj ion) to
cl,mate models (GCMs) thar reD;esenr
retaining long-wave radiation tha't l8l4 ppb and 270 ppb to.l28 DDb physrcal andchemrcal oroces.s i, r.-
would otherwise be dispeBed throush respectively, b€tween pre-industrial
atmosphere. Cryospheie, land surface,
tbe Earth's armosphere to soace rFis ir period (1750) and 2015. In addirion,
Thisetrect jsknown as the ereenlo'use and occan are rhe most advanced tools
presence of excess quantities of CFCS
eflect and rhe gases causi-ns this are ro simuldte the response ofrhe gtoMt
adversely affects rhe protective ozone
called sreenhouse gu""" iCtrCrr. clmatesysrem to ris ine conc€nEarions
layer which defl ects the harmtul short-
The principle greenhouse sases of GHGS. Although, cCMs are verv
present in the atmosph€re include compl€x, onty these models can
carbon dio\ide (CO.). nirrous oxi,le Evidenc€ of Climate Chanqe provide physicatly consis.enr estimates
fNO,). methane (CH.), warer vaDour of regional climate change ftat are
ch lorofr uorocarbons { bFCs ) and ;,one The Fifih Assessment ReDon of required in impact anatysis (hrtp
(q). IPCC 12015) has produced man, www. ipcc-data.orts/gu idet ines/pases
evrdences which cteartv shos rh,r gcm_guide.htrnt).
Obviously.CHGs have an important
slobal warmins is indeed happening.
rote n controlling the remperature of observed thermom€rer data at cCMs represent rhe ct;mare
tne Eanh and keepins ir sufficiesttv using a 3-dimensionai grid over the
maDy places on Earth are available
warm for life to survive but excess Earth, which typicalty has horizonral
back to 1850. Record-hreh averaEe
ofthese gases is having harmful global surface temperatures ha;e resolution between 250 and 600 km I i)
been observed in r€cent decades. to 20 vertical layers in the atmosDhere
Eadh's surface in each ofthe tast three and about 30 layers in rhe oceans. iheir
decades has been successively resolution is thus, quite coarse .elati\ e
compared to any precedins decade to the scale ar which data are requrred
since I850. IPCC (2014) notes that rhe rn most rmpact assess men N. Moreover.
period frorn 1983 to20t2 was likelvthe many physical processes. such ai
warmesr 3o-year period ofrhe last i400 thunderstorms, occur ar sma er scales
years in rhe Nonhern HemrsDhere and cannot be property mode ed b\
The globally a!eraeed combined tand many CCMs lnsread. rherr propenres
and o€ean surface tempemrure data as are averaged over the larger scale bv
calculated by a linear trend shows a way of parameterization. Differeni
Figltre t: tthlslratia, ofthe arcenho se
warminsof0.85 [0.65 to 1.06].c over GCMS may simulare quite differ€nt
eJje.t tsotrce- Nat ionat };ade^ .f
the period I880ro2012. when multiDte responses to the same rnpul forcins
Scientes ). ks ible ell tght pas6 thh,heh
the atnospheje i ha ben!abrorbcd_ independentty produced datasets w;re depending on the way certain processei
Sohe ofthe suntiEht htnitjstheearth is used (Fis.3). and leedbacks are mode ed. For
(t ) absorbed and .awefte.l to inltare.d €xample, some models are able to
radituak theat) Tlt. \utta.e t2) ehits closely simulat€
i"{rurultuJtatiun ta the atnnsphere. the Indian summer
\here:ahc nJi! t3) ts absatbed bv monsoon rainfall
GHG, dhd (4) te-ehiieLt to\|ard ti?
eddce: tuhe afttE idrdre.t Mdidtiah
is nat n.opped b! GHG| dn. 5) escaDet
but many models
cannot, Resuits of
I GCM simulations
intaspace. rurnan dctiritie, ihat ehh Fq
a&*fiunalCHAS b ttu atnlosphere t6)
incttate nte uuauht .l hlrarctt nlianon
thdt ge,1 absotbe.l beforc escapih. to i climatic variables.
space. thrs enharckg the
effect a"d dhplifyiry the wn
ins of the Fis.2: Charyd n1cancehn4iiolco, n,t
re.ent tines (Soufte. NOAA). ",,^o,pt
"*, the time series of
YOJANA July 2016
less. So an appropriate method is
needed to estimat€ the smaller-scale
information by the Iarge scale
0 'rsing
data. DoMscaling hies to obtain small-
scale (often station level) variables by
^ -0.2
us;ng larger (GCM) scale variables. In
L -o.4 other words, downscaling techniques
0.5 arecommonly used to addrcss the scale
mismatch be!,veen coarse resolution
-0.8 GCM output and the regionat or
-1 Iocal catchment scales required for
1850 1qn 1950 20tn climate change impact assessment and
hydrological modelins.
Fie l: Glahdlh a|eras.d codbn,ed land ard oceai surf@e tenperature anodol!
(Source: IPCC).
Currently, two broad categories
temperarure at a location for rhe period Do$mcrling of doqnscaling procedures are used:
a) dynamical downscalins (DD)
ln climate change studies, the techniques, involving the extraction of
To identify the likely impacts of time scales could vary from a short regional scale information ftom la.rge-
Climat€ Change on water resources, time interval of s minutes (for urban scale GCM data bas€d on the modeling
the following methodology can be water cycle) to a y€ar. Likewise, the of regional climate processes, and b)
followed: spatial resolutions could vary from statistical (or empirical) downscaling
a few square kilometers (for urban (SD) procedures that rnake use of
. Select the GCM that closely wate$heals) to several ihousand square the empirical relationships betw€en
simulates the climatic variables for observed (or analyzed) large-scale
kilometers (for Iarge river basins).
the region ofinter€st. amospheric variables and observ€d (or
Global Climate Models (CCMS) which
. Downscale (see below) the simulate the global climate are among analyzed) smal scale (or stations) dala
relevant GCM variables as per the best available tools to compute the Fig. 5 depicts the general approach and
the requirement of the chosen global climatic variables. But these need for dowrxscalins.
hydrologic model. models, so far, are unable to repmduce
well the details of regional climate Climate Chalge, Adaptation tnd
. Use the hydrologic model to simulate
conditions at temporal and spatial MitlgidoD
the response ofthe €atchment under
scales of relevance io hydrological According to IPCC, adaplatior .o
future climatic conditions.
studies. As not€d earliet ouguts from climate change refers to adjustsnent in
. Outputs from the hydrological GCMS arc usually at a resolution that natuml or humatr systems in response
models serve as irputs to water is too coane for many climate change to actual or expected climatic stimuli
management models that can impact studies.
or their effects, which moderates harm
be employed for river plaoning,
Many impact models require or exploiis benefi cial opportuniiies.
updating reseroir operation policy,
information at scales of l0 km or Adaptarion can be of different typ$.
Anticipatory or proactive adaptation
takes place before impacts of climate
change arc observed. Adaptation that is
not in response to climatic inputs but is
triggered by changes in natural systems
and by market or welfare changes itr
-t4 human s]stems is called as autonomous
or spontaneous adaptation.

IPCC defines mitigation as: 'Ar

anthmpogenic iDtervention to reduc€
the sources or etrhance the sinks of
greenhouse sases (GHG)." Related to
CC, mitigation is any actioo taken to
p€rmanently elimhate or reduce the
long-term risk atrd hazards oi climate
change to humao life and property.
Mitigation of climate change is a
global responsibility. Agdculture alld
forestry have sienificant pote ial for
Fie- 4: Discretization schene Bed in a GCM (Source: IPCC). GHG mitigarion. While mitigation

YOJANA July 2016 57

be added that the role of foresis r:
the hydrologic cycle js highty conte\:
dependent and rhere are severat mFhi
surrounding foresrs.

In general, foresrs use more wate:

(transpiration plus evaporatioo of wale,
intercepted by canopies) rhan crops.
grass, or natural short vegerarion. This
etrect, in lands that are subjected to
allorestation or reforestation, may be
relat€d to incr€ased inrerception loss,
especially where rhe canopy is wet
lbr a large proportion of lhe year or
in drier regions, to rhe devetopment
of more massive root systems, which
allow water exlraction and use during
ud prolonged dry seasons (IPCC Techni€al
Fig- 5: / schehati. illustalins the genetat apprckh an t heedjor
dow6.dli"E (Wlb! & DMon 20A?). Newly planred foresrs can use
tackies &e causes ofclimare chatrpe. atlarnmg energy securiry and protecr more water (by transpiration and
adaptrtiotr rackles irs effects. T-he envrronmenr. One means of interception) than the annual rainfall.
poteDdal to adjust ro m ioimize nesative carbon emissions is by Iarger use oi by mining stored Extensive
impact and maximize any benefits new technologies such as renewable afforestation or refor€station in the d^.
fronchanges in ctimat€ is known as eneqy (say wind power). Most forms tropics can therefore, have a seriou;
adaptive capacity. of r€newable energy generate no impact on supplies ofgroundwarer and
In general, the more the mitigatjon, appreciable arnounrs of CHGs.
the less will be the impacts to which Land-use Change and Management Afforestation and reforEstation have
the society will have to adiust- flnd
many good hydrological effects. After
the less rhe risks for whic-h people Land management practices afforestation in wet areas. the mounr ot
will have to be preparcd. Conve6elv. implemented for climare chanpe direct runoff initially decreases rapidty.
the grearer fie adaptation. tesser witi mitigation may atso have differe;t
be the impacts associared wirh any
then gradually becomes constanr.
impacts on wster resources. Manv of
given level ofCC. AdaDtarion shoul; and baseflow increases siowly as
the pmctices advocated to consirve
age of trees increases (Calder 1990).
be lrewed as an a$ive adjusEnent in soil carbon- reduced tillage, more
response to expected changes. Less This suggests that reforestation and
vegetative cover, grealer use of
mitigation means greater climatic afforestation help to reduce small
crops also control erosion
chaDge. requiring more adapration. floods and enhance water conservation_
and help improve water quatiry.
This is the basis for the ursency These practices may also have orher
In waterlimited areas. afforestarion
surounding reductions in emission potential adverse effects, e.g., enlanced involving species wirh high water
of GHCs. Climate mitiaation and contamination of groundwater with demand can significantly reduce
adal'tation should not be seen as a nutrients or pesricides via Ieachine streamflow This may reduce water
combined set of actions in an overall Dder reduced tillage. These possibl; to other ecosystems elements and
sEategy to reduce GHC emissions. negative effects, how€ver, have not affect recharge. In addition, some
been widely confirmed or quanrified, possible changes in soil properties
Economic diversification within are lareely driven by chanses in
and the extent to which they may offset
secrors ro reduce dependenc€ oo hydrology. The hydrological benefits
clfnaF-sensrIve rcsoulres, panicdarly the enviroDmental benefits of carbon
sequestration is uncertain. of afforestation are highly conlext
lbr counb-ies that dep€nd on timiled and
dependent. Afforestation of previously
climate-sensirive economic activities, Afforestation or Reforestation eroded or otherwise degraded land
such as the export ofclimate-sensirive
may have a net positive environmental
crops, is an imporrant adaptation Plants are known to take un
sFatery. FarmeB io India mav di veEito carbon dioxrde ihe process of
to tasks related to agriculrure, such as photos),nthesis and 'n
dairy business, fish cultivation, Iiuit Therefore.
are sinks ofcarbon. Impnct of Ctimate Chang€ on
foresrs are devetoned Indian Watcr Resourccs
preservation, anirnal husbandry, etc. in a region.'fthey wrll help mitiaatc
climate change. Besides. foresrj have Availability of numerous water
Renewable energy sysrems numerous other benefirs rncludrnp bodies and perenniat river systems
such as hydro-electricity can help improved environmenr. li mav at.; makes the lndian sub-conlinent one of
YOJANA Julv 2016
the wetiest places in the world. Large and housing. Although. floods affect l2.Develop databarcs and tool-boxes
Himalayan Rivers includins Indus, people of all socio-economic slalus. and practice Integraled Waler
Ganga and BEhmaputra are pcrcnnial the rrral and nrban poorare the ha.dest Resorrces Manascment (lwRM).
sourcosoflieshwater though the flow is hit. Flood and droughi managcment
reduccd during non-monsoon periods. schcmcs lrave to be planned keepingin
Flou in the pcninsular riveN nrainly view the increasc in scverity offloods
depends on the monsoon rainhll and
Scientific understandins ol
and droughts. ll would be pnrdenl to
ground waler recharge. Chanscs in
the causcs of climatc chang€ has
incoryorate possible cflects of climate
progressed d.amatically in the pasl
tcmperaturc. precipilation and othcr changes rr the design and managemenl
few years. Natur,rl intcmal variability
clnnadc vrriiblcs rc likelvro rrfiuence of walcr rcsonrces rystcms. The high
is an inherent feature of the climate
thc amount and Jinribunon of mnoff inagnitude fioods are also likely Lo system. bul il cannol accourt for
in Indiin rl\ers T1)r rnlpxrt ol lirtLtrd bring more sedinrent which may the net gain oI energy that has been
ilio trr rhi.!. ii e\De.led to be nrorc fill reser\oir space. Thc desigD a.d detccted within the climate system as
rc\.rt' rn dcr.lotrng counlries such mrnagement of both srrucrural and
a whole. Based on physicalprinciples,
.F lndra. \hose econom), is largel!
dcp.ndcnt on agriculture and is under
non-structura1 water-rcsolroe svslems
slrould allow for the possible effects of
thc modem increase in theheatcontent
of the global ocean d€monskales
sress due !o population ircrease and clnnate changc. Despirc unccrtairties. tbat positive external forcing of the
associated demands for energy. fi€sh possibility ofchanges in such exlremc
climatc is undcrway. Changes in
evenls is quitc alannnrg.
Datural extemal forcings caonot explain
The inporlancc of Himalayan the observed global wanning olrcccnl
nver systenrs can be gauged from dccades. Records of obsewed climate
t. lmprove hydro meteorological change at the Earth s surface. in the
tlre lact that these three river systems
network for belter monitoring. global ocean. and rfl the annosphere.
contribulc more thao 60 percent to the
total annralrunoflionr all the vers 2. Updalcbasinwiscwateravailabiliry bear the fingerprinl of the enhanced
in the current situation. grccnhonse effect. which is caused by
ollDdia. These rivers car r substantial
conlribulion from the lnelring of l. Detertnining cxtcnt of currenr human aclivrties associated wxh lbssil
snow and glaciers. Thc rurtoff ofthe clinratic/hydro-meteorologicnl el bunling and land usc.
Himalayan rivers is expccred to be variability and tuitrre projections
highly vulrerable to clinrate change iDvariabilit) due to climarcchange
because uamrer climate will increasc incl ding thc impact on rainfall Bates. B C.. Z.W. Kundzewicz, S. Wu
lhe melting ol snow and ice Meliing frequency and intensily. aDd J.P Palulikol Eds-.2008: Climale
of glaciers, and reduction in solid 4. Gcncrale reliable downscaling of ChanSc ind Watcr. Teclnical Paper of
prccipitalion in mouniain regions GCM projections lo rcgional and thc Inrergovernnrenul Panel on climare
would ha!,c a direcl nnpact on water Clrange. lPCC Secrelarial. Ceneva. 210
resources allecdng the drinkiBg water 5. Assess impactofCCon surface and
irdgation- hydropower generation and IPCC,20 I 4: Summary fbrpolicyDrakets.
gro nd water availabilily
and the
other uses of water. Glacial mell is ln: Clihat. Chd ge 2011: lt pocts.
interaction {with specilic emphasis ,.1.loptation dhd lulherubilit!- Patt ,l:
expectcd io nrcrease under changed on coastalarcas), Gbhal a .l Se.tordl Aspe.t.r. Corttibution
climate conditions. which would
lead ro increased summer flows in
6. Assess i pactofCC on Land-Use/ ol th,-knq Gftr1t) lln)the Fifth Asress,l.kl
Land Covcr' rnd their coupled Repa'1 ol tlk hnercorern enhl Pahel
some river systenrs fora few decades. oD Ctinotc Chunsc lFicld, C.8.. v.R.
inrpact on rvater resources.
followed by reduction in flow in case
a Baros. D.J Dokkcn. K..l Mach, M.D.
7. Asscss nnpact of CC on ranrfall
glaciers retreat continuously-
Masrrandrca, I E. B ilir. M. Chatterjce, K.L.
Ebi.YO. [slrada. R.C- Genova. B. Cinna,
With an ecoromv closely linked rclationships in urban areas. [.S. Ktscl. A.N. Levy, S. Maccrackcn.
to its natnral rcsonrcc base and 8. Assess impact on magnitudc' PR. Mastrandrea. and L.L. White (eds.)1.
clinraricallv scnsiti\e sectors such as duration-fr equency of drought ftmbridge Unive$ity Pres. Camb.idge,
rs.iculturc. \arlr and Ioresrry. lndia (agricultural. meleorological and Uniled Kingdom and New York. USA.
may t_ace a major because of hydrological). pp. I 32.
lhe projecied change ln clinrate. Ir IPCC. 2014r Synihesis Repon -
is likely thar the frequency of fioods
9. Asscss impact on sediment loads
and managemeni implications- Summar) lor policynakers. www.ipcc.
and droughts will increase during the
2l'' centul. Changes in the amount. l0.Review hydrolosical planning
Wilbl,. Robefl 1.. and Ctristidn w.
pattems and inlensity ofrainfall would desig!, and operaring standards in
Dawson (2007). Downs.aling
vie\Y of chan-sed scenario.
affect str€am flow and the demand for Model SDSM version 4 2 Users
watcr. High flood levels can cause I I.To cope up with eDhanccd scarcir)- Manual. Lancaste. tl n ivers il!.
substantial damage to key economic and variabilii-v in the water sector UK o
sectorsi agricullure, inlrastructure develop adequaie infrastuctl'rre. (hndil: s k idihcn)ahoa..o 1)

YOJANA July 2016 59

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