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Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School



The ever-changing era may innovative tools have been made by technology to

accelerate the activities of the people? Today’s innovative equipment is computer that

is often use by students to study. It provides fast information, communication and

comfort. Computers have a lot to do with Filipino Children today. This is the chosen

focus of attention, especially for students instead of looking for additional information

to supplements the learning knowledge is focused on their computer.

Aside from books used by students, they also get more information. Similar to

Google and Yahoo, here are the answers to frequently asked questions for students

when they have homework. Let’s say that they are getting more information but they

are losing their diligence in books and selfishness to further their knowledge. They

also do not notice books that are really informative and instead of thinking to get the

answer in their own minds, depending on their knowledge of the information that

provide and they get to the computer.

According to Bertllo (2011) in the history of education, technology has

contributed significantly. In spite of this, it is one of the basic way in which learning

becomes easy, and it is most effective that a large number of students are referring to

the technology for their study.

In addition to Guragain (2016), the use of computers and the internet as

teaching applications has grown rapidly in recent times. This is just an example of the

growing influence of the internet in our life. While not that long ago sitting in

classroom and listening to the teacher’s lectures and making notes on paper used to be

Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School

the common practice in learning. Then slowly with the evolution of computers the

methods shifted towards more technological ways like the use of Power Point slides

in the classroom or using PDF files to share notes with the students.

What is E-Learning?

The term E-Learning usually refers to the use of different kind of information

and communication technologies (ICT) and electronic devices in education. It is broad

term for teaching and learning activity that uses any electronic devices or network

completely or only partially. E-Learning is a change from traditional education or

training system to more ICT-based personalized and flexible education systems. E-

Learning may also be referred to as distance learning, virtual education, digital

education, web-based training (WBT), Internet Based Training (IBT), Computer –

Based Training (CBT), or technologically enhanced learning depending on the

emphasis of the delivery methods or the components. The delivered learning materials

maybe in the form of text, image, animation video tutorials or even computer


Another concept that has emerged during the last 15 to 20 years is “e-

learning”. According to Laurillard (2004), e-learning describes the interaction in

which students use different types of ICTs in their learning process. Education in a

knowledge society context is given a key role for developing new ideas in learning

and teaching through e-learning (Kahiigi, Ekenberg, Danielson & Hansson, 2007).

Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Effects of E-Learning Application among

Grade 12 students in Paguiruan High School, specifically:

1. Demographic profile of the respondent in term of;

1.1. Sex

1.2. Age

2. Is E-Learning used in grade 12 students of Paguiruan High School?

3. What are the benefits of e-learning to learners?

4. What kind of E-Learning Application they being used?


There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of respondents

and E-Learning awareness.

Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School

Conceptual Framework

The system approach (IPO) showed the conceptual framework of the study. In

the figure, input consisted of the following: sex, age. The process was through a

questionnaire and survey to assess his/her practices using the internet which would

help to determine his/her knowledge about the Awareness of E-Learning. The output

consisted of identified student profile and Awareness of E-Learning Application in

Paguiruan High School.

Paradigm of the study


Student Profile Data Gathering Identified

a. Sex Through: student profile
b. Age Survey
Questions Awareness of
Grade 12 on E-
Interview Learning
Net surfing Application in
Paguiruan High

Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School



The study will use the qualitative research as a method in conducting a study

for the accurate and relevant answer which the researcher wanted to come up in the

study itself. The researcher used descriptive method to describe the main features of

collection of information. This method was also used in order to document senior high

school students about “Awareness of Grade 12on E-Learning Application”.


The respondents of the study were the selected senior high school students of

Paguiruan High School, Grade 12 of Academic year 2018-2019. The identified total

population of Senior High School Grade 12 Students is seventy eight. The researcher

identified the total number by gathering the data to the school ICT coordinator which

responsible for the enrollment data of the school.


The researcher used researcher – made survey questionnaire to capture the

data needed for the study. This questionnaire had two parts; Demographic Profile

(Part 1) which sought the personal information of the respondents such as the Sex and

Age. The (Part 2) composed of Awareness on E-Learning Application (AEA)

questionnaire. It consisted of different related question with a total of 15 items. To

obtain data for the research question, students were respond AEA questionnaire.

Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School



“Impact of E-Learning Application among Grade 12 students in Paguiruan High


Good Day! We, the researchers from the Paguiruan High School would like
access your knowledge about E-Learning Application. We prepared survey
questionnaire that is relevant tour study entitled “Impact of E-Learning Application
among Grade 12 students in Paguiruan High School”

Part 1:
Name: (Optional) General Average: ______
Sex: Male Female Age: 15-16 18-19
Grade 12 Section: ______ 17-18 Others’ Specify:____
Part 2:
Direction: Using the scale below, check the box that answerable by Yes or No
towards the given statement/items.

Items Yes No
1. Are you aware of e-learning application?
2. Is e-learning application being used in public school?
3. Check the kind of e-learning you use in you school
Drop box
Google Class
4. Do you think e-learning can give you better ideas?
5. Will e-learning benefit students?
6. Does e-learning make learning easier and enjoyable?
7. Is e-learning is suitable to your education?
8. Does e-learning help the student to cope up with the changing
9. Do you think e-learning accommodate every one’s needs?

Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School

10. Does e-learning have a positive influence on organization

11. Is e-learning an easy way to provide information?
12. Does e-learning help you to create new concept and ideas?
13. Is e-learning reliable source to gather information?
14. Will the senior high students improve their study habits through e-
15. Will e-learning make senior students better in their chosen career?


Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School

Significant of the Study

E-Learning is a course that is specifically delivered via the internet to

somewhere other than the classroom where the professor is teaching. The interaction

between E-Learning and students is important to have E-Learning knowledge to their

study. This research helps students, teachers, parents and researcher to be aware on E-

Learning in their daily lives.

 School – The result of the study would help the school enhance, captivate and

adapt information about the awareness of E-Learning application.

 Students – The result of the study would help them to sustain, impart, and

share their knowledge in the awareness of E-Learning application.

 Teachers – It can help for them give some opinion or other information to

help the next student or the future researcher.

 Administrator – This study will make the administrators aware on E-

Learning Application to their students of Paguiruan High School

 Future Researcher - It will give an opportunity for the future researchers to

gain more comprehensive understanding to the present and also will serve as a


Scope and Delimitation

This research focuses only on selected students of Grade 12 in Paguiruan High

School to determine the Awareness of E-Learning application in their study. This

study considered what kind of E-Learning they use.

This research was started on November 2018 and expected to complete by the

year on the month of March.

Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School

Result and Discussions

Table 1. Profile and the Respondents


SEX: FEMALE 23 51.11

MALE 22 48.88

AGE: 16-17 25 55.55

18-19 19 42.22

20-25 1 2.22


Presented in Table 1 is the profile of the respondents. The female respondents showed

a frequency of 23 with 51.11%, while the male respondents got a frequency of 22

with 48.88%. In terms of age the respondents, 25 or 55.55% were 18-19 years old; 19

or 42.22% and 1 or 2.22% were 20-25 years old. It implies that the majority of the

respondents were female.

Paguiruan High School, SHS

Awareness of Grade 12 Students on E-Learning Application in Paguiruan High School


The following conclusions are drawn from the findings of the study. (1) There are

more female respondents than male, and are mostly 17-18 years old. (2) Most of the

senior high school students are aware on awareness on E-learning. (3) Sex and age

does not affect the awareness of the students on awareness on E-learning.

Paguiruan High School, SHS

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