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1, The chart provides information about the variations in [the average carbon

dioxide(CO2) emissions per person in the United Kingdom, Sweden and

Portugal] over a [40]-year period between [1967] and [2007].

Overall, while [the average carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions per person in the
United Kingdom and Sweden ] [shrink significantly], [the average carbon
dioxide©2) emissions per person in Italy and Portugal] experienced a [moderate
improvement] over the studied period.

[The average carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions per person in the United

Kingdom] [significant downward trend] from [11] to [9] over the studied period.
[the average carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions per person in the Sweden ]
[markedly climb up] from [9] to [10] between the years [1967] and [1977]
before undergoing a [plunge] to [5] over the next [30] years.

There was a [surge] in [The average carbon dioxide(CO2) emissions per

person in the Italy ] from [4] to [6] during the first [10] years, followed by a
[substantially drift up] to [8] and a [stay constant] to [8] was observed
throughout the rest of the studied period.

There was a [go up significantly] in [The average carbon dioxide (CO2)

emissions per person in the Portugal ] from [1] to [3] during the first [20] years,
followed by a [surge] to [5] and a [stay constant] to [5] was observed
throughout the rest of the studied period.

2. [The total number of minutes of telephone calls in UK , devided into three

categories ] over a [7]-year period between [1995] and [2002].

Overall, while [The total number of minutes of telephone calls in UK , devided

into local-fixed line ] [improve significantly and shrink mildly], [The total
number of minutes of telephone calls in UK , devided into national and
international-fixed line and mobile(all calls)] experienced a [considerable
upward trend] over the studied period.
[The total number of minutes of telephone calls in UK , devided into local-
fixed line] [significant improvement] from [70] to [90] between the years [1995]
and [1999] before undergoing a [marked fall] to [70] over the next [3] years

[The total number of minutes of telephone calls in UK , devided into national

and international-fixed line][significant rise] from [40] to [60] over the studied
period. [The total number of minutes of telephone calls in UK , devided into
mobile(all calls)] [significant elevation] from [0] to [40] over the studied period.

3.[The percentage and of household in owned and rented accommodation

England and Wales ] over a [96]-year period between [1915] and [2011].

Overall, while [The percentage and of household in owned accommodation

England and Wales ] [improve significantly and shrink mildly], [[The percentage
and of household in rented accommodation England and Wales ] experienced a
[considerable upward trend] over the studied period.

The percentage and of household in owned accommodation England and

Wales] [steadily move up] from [20] to [30] between the years [1918] and
[1939] before undergoing a [keep unchanged] to [30] over the next [4] years.
Then soar to 70 between the year 1953 to 2001 and fall considerably.

The percentage and of household in rented accommodation England and

Wales] [drop quickly] from [80] to [70] between the years [1918] and [1939]
before undergoing a [keep unchanged] to [30] over the next [4] years. Then
plunge to 70 between the year 1953 to 2001 and increase significantly to 40
over the remaining years.

4.[The quantities of goods transported in the UK ] over a [28]-year period

between [1974] and [2002].

Overall, while [The quantities of goods transported of road , water ,

pipeline in the UK ] [improve significantly], [[The quantities of goods
transported of rail In the UK ] experienced a [significant drop] over the studied
There was a [significant increase ] in [The quantities of goods transported of
road in the UK ] from [70] to [80] during the first [24] years, followed by a
[shrink noticeably] to [78] and a [moderate jump again] to [100] was observed
throughout the rest of the studied period.There was a [significant positive
development ] in [The quantities of goods transported of water in the UK ] from
[40] to [60] during the first [24] years, followed by a [shrink noticeably] to [50]
and a [moderate jump again] to [69] was observed throughout the rest of the
studied period.

[The quantities of goods transported of rail in the UK] [significant

drop] from [40] to [30] between the years [1974] and [1994] before undergoing
a [gradual upward trend] to [40] over the next [8] observed throughout the rest
of the studied period.

[The quantities of goods transported of rail in the UK] [significant drop] from
[40] to [30] between the years [1974] and [1994] before undergoing a [gradual
upward trend] to [40] over the next [8] observed throughout the rest of the
studied period.

[The quantities of goods transported of pipeline in the UK] [soar] from [10]
to [25] between the years [1974] and [1994] before undergoing a [keep
unchanged ] to [40] over the next [8] observed throughout the rest of the
studied period.

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