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Name: ___________________________________

Comparison Shopping

Wise consumers shop around before making a purchase. They compare price, quality, and
product features at various retailers. They also take into consideration the services offered
by the retailer.

1. Choose a good that you might like to purchase, either now or sometime in the future (e.g.,
shoes, winter coat, shirt, computer, bicycle, gaming system, etc.). Then, comparison shop
for this product from three different online retailers. The products from each retailer do not
need to be identical but similar (e.g., different brands with similar product features/quality).
Evaluate each product based on the following criteria: price, quality, key features that stood
out to you, and service. For service, consider the retailer’s return policies, delivery practices,
warranties etc.

Name of Retailer 1: Name of Retailer 2: Name of Retailer 3:






2. Which item would you purchase? Explain your decision by discussing what key aspects of
price, quality, features, and/or service that helped you come to that conclusion.

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