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The HoD, CSE informed all the coordinators regarding the positive comments and
appreciation received during the presentation of Criteria – 1 to the Management,
HoDs and Deans on 15/12/2022 at 2.15 PM. He profusely thanked all the
coordinators for their cooperation.
2. In continuation, elaborate discussion was made on the write-ups for 1.1.1 and 1.3.1.
It was resolved that the data for the same has to be furnished in the following
formats by all the coordinators at the earliest.
3. They were also requested to make critical suggestion for the improvements of the
write-ups. The write-ups and the formats of data are enclosed along with this
minutes of the Review meeting.

Relevance to the local,

national, regional, and
Course Code Course Name Regulation
global developmental

Course Code Course Name Regulation Crosscutting issue

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