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MALUYA, Gwyneth M.

The Essence of Sociology

Social phenomena have always existed. As social beings, we exert a large
number of influences in society of which we are unaware. It could be befuddling as we
encounter difficulty in understanding different influences, interactions, and uncertainties
around us. However, with the intellectual impact of invitation, it profoundly describes the
image and essence of sociology that offers new ways of seeing concepts and
examining the vision of the world that it conveys.
Unifying the study of human social relationships is sociology's purpose to
understand how human action and consciousness both shape and are shaped by
surrounding cultural and social structures. Moreover, in the field of sociology we are
able to explain why people do something through research with the help of theories that
explain social processes, functions, structures, and social change. In one sense, a
systematic application of the concept of sociology to social phenomena requires a
sociological imagination that calls for a substantial vision, a way of looking at the world
that can see links between the problems of the individual and important social issues.
Along with it, is to dig in the social context that includes the; interface of the personal
aspect, theories that could explain such phenomenon, and look at the social
circumstances. Subsequently, utilizing sociological lenses, could help us look at the
individual phenomena holistically wherein we are able to go beyond what we see and
we could see and understand the taken for granted reality. To conclude, things are not
what they seem, that's why we should go beyond or behind what appears to our senses
if we are interested in understanding reality. As a future sociologist, I will hone my very
special kind of passion on knowing and understanding the meanings and these
meanings should be unleashed.

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