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Name: Natan, Bryant, Hensa, and Jonathan E Class: XII IPA 2


- In a group of three or four, write a dialogue based on the pictures given

below. (Picture 1 is for group 1-3/ Picture 2 is for group 4-6/ Picture 3 is for
group 7-10)
- The length of the dialogue is one page (write it on page 2)
- The font size is 14, Times New Roman
- Underline / highlight all the expressions (Asking for Help/ Offering Help/
Accepting/ Refusing)
- The scoring aspects: Content (50) & Grammar/Diction (50)

Picture 1 (Group 1-3)

Picture 2 (Group 4-6)

Picture 3 (Group 7-10)

Start writing your dialogue here on this page!
Costumer 1:
Costumer 2:
Supplier :

Seller: Hello good morning miss, is there anything I can help you with?
C1: Yes, I'm looking for good quality vegetables and meat.
Seller: Of course, we have several options for vegetables and meat. What do you
use these vegetables for?
C2: I think we will make some pizza for our dinner. What do you think is a good
vegetable for it?
Seller: Ohhh brilliant idea. In my opinion, bell pepper is one of the best vegetables.
Even I use it for making my own pizza.
C1: Ohh ok, that means I will buy some bell pepper. Oh, and do you have some
flour or meat?
Seller: I do have some flour. For meat, what kind of meat do you want?
C2: Sausage and ham should be perfect.
Seller: Which one do you prefer? Beef sausage or chicken sausage?
C1: I think beef sausage is more delicious than chicken sausage. What do you
think? (Talking to seller)
Seller: It depends on your preferences. You should ask C2 to be sure.
C1: Do you prefer beef or chicken?
C2: I prefer beef more than chicken.
C1: So, beef sausage then.
Seller: All right, hold on one sec… I'm sorry, I think we don’t have any beef
sausage here on display. I'm going to ask my supplier if we have any beef sausage
in our stock. Please wait a moment
C1: It's ok, we can wait.
Seller: Hello, do we still have stock for beef sausage?
Supplier: Yeah, of course we have it. The beef sausage just arrived a few hours
ago. You can pick it up there.
Seller: Ok thank you very much
Seller: All right, I'm back. Thank you for waiting. This is your beef sausage. Is
there anything else that I can help you with?
C2: I think that should be enough, we have already bought the other goods
Seller: Okay, thank you very much for visiting our shop!
C1: You're welcome.

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