Medieval India Satish Sharma

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© Lawaperts. http://www., ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS 2018 a) ‘STARTS ON AUGUST 20TH 2017 LAWXPERTS TEAM RONDE Cr Renn ee POO aL ALANNA aA de PAU AZ Peete koa Page 1: Changes in Europe and Asia during 8* century - had indirect effect on India. 1. Europe : Roman empire broke into two. «Western part with Rome as capital - ravaged and plundered by slav and Germanic tribesmen, who later laid foundations of modern European nations. Had catholic Church. + Eastern part with constantinople - was Byzantine empire, which had strong monarchy and centralised administration. Ithad many differences with catholic Church in the west. Greek Orthodox Church was in the east, which converted Russia into Christianity. This empire fell in the middle of 15" century to turks. Page 2: * After this, followed “dark age"- due to virtual disappearance of cities and setback in foreign and inland trade, * Itall revived after 14* century - with growth of science and technology, towns, universities, which led to growth of new ideas + learning in (Padua and Milan in Italy) > renaissance period. 2. Growth of Feudalism : + New order emerged : Feudalism , where powerful element was Chiefs with their military + Large tracts of Land. King was - one of the powerful feudal chief. * Form of government : Landed aristocracy developed with hereditary succession © Two main features of feudal system: 1% Y Serfdom ~ peasant lived under control of Landlord. Y¥ Manor ~ where landlord lived Page 3 E © Lawxperts., © Inindia there was no such system, But here we had samantas (local landed elements) © 2n'feature: system of iit tt eid military organisation. Typical feature : Armoured knighton OU MERUPLER RO Ute atta ats horseback. Cavalry warfare ~ became principal mode of warfare. Page 4: Sta:noreminga ge of te pes © Life of the medieval period eis Bees. oe was also shaped by Christian 3. The Arab World. Page 4 L church. Y Greek Orthodox Church was in the east, which converted Russia into Christianity, Y Catholic church (of west) - took some governmental functions with pope, who exercised not only religious but great deal of political + moral authority as well Y Monasteries - earlier served as centre for medical help + shelter for travellers + centre for education + learning - (5: The Age of Confes {Gta Government, coor Sail Life nde the meena wisony sarin smanma (049: The geo Wagoner, Bohman an Caning of portuguese mene msrony saris stam (10 : stra for Emp in eth na " sony -sarsn sean (uesnons oF use weoivatausrny - saris sauna (41218 Stages for Erie in Nor a1 at saisn G16: eonomicand Soi Life unde th Mughals: now became exceedingly Sesleniet wealthy and behaved like feudal lords. meocvawusony - saris sauna Arab tribes united by Islam. Arab empire founded by early caliphs. 18" century - Abbasids, claimed to have same tribe of Prophet Muhammad, came to power. Ceeseeceae a COLT: Calta nd Rellus Developments: Very pera {G18 19 Climax end Dintegraton of Mughals wi yar sarsn sane EVE AL CHAPTERS + PREVIOUS YEAR QUESTION OF savsn seaman. AS: 2018 EDITION © Lawsperts. http://www., Y Controlled West asia and North Africa, ¥ Trade link with India and China. V Standard of Living and cultural environment of the arabs - couldn't be compared with any part of the world, with splendour palaces + patronage of science and learning. VY Remarkable capacity in scientific knowledge and Administration. Y ‘Caliph al-mamum set up a ‘House of Wisdom (bait -ul -hikmat) at Baghdad for translating into Arabic - works of Greek, Byzantine, Egyptian, Iranian and Indian, © Arab conquest of Sindh in 8% century ~ led to closer cultural relations with India. [tinea The struggle for Domination : 1. The palas : Page 10: + Founded by Gopala in 750 -- > Dharampala in 770, defeated by Rashtrukuta ruler - Dhruva in 810. Dharmapala son of him, Devapala (810-850) «Nalanda university revived by devapaala * Close cultural relationship with Tibet, S-E asia 2. The pratiharas : Page 13 : # Also called Gurjara-Prathihars. + Deafeared by Chalukyas of Gujarat in 738. © Greatest ruler : Bhoja, adopted a title - Adivaraha’ ; Died in 885 > succeeded by Mahendrapala |. * Patrons of learning and literature * Fine buildings and temple were there. © Krishna III, Rashtrakutas, defeated prathihara ruler - which marked the end of Pratiharas 3. The Rashtrakutas : * Deccan area ruled by them. + Founder : Dantidurga -with capital are Manyakhet. © Greatest ruler: Govinda II and Amoghavarsha «Krishna Ill ~ Last in the line of brilliant rulers. * They allowed - muslim traders to settle and preach islam Great patrons of Arts and Letters. © Great Apabhramsha poet Svayambhu and his son - lived at Rashtrautas court. L ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS: 2018 EDITION © Lawsperts. http://www., 4. Political Ideas and Organisation : Page 16 + System of Administration - based on practices of Gupta, Harsha and Chalukyas Kingdom. + King position - hereditary. * Extreme view that royal rights and privileges to kings - not acceptable. + King advised by number of Ministers (foreign affairs, revenue, army, chief justice, Purohita) * Officials of royal household- Antahpuri. © Elephants - preferred in army. * Division in directly administered territories in Pala and Pratiharas : ¥ Bhukti (Provinces) > Mandala/ visaya (districts Y Governor of province - Uparika. Y Head of the district - Visayapati ¥ Smaller chieftains - Samantas / bhogaptis. v Tenn ene Cte eed 1. Trade and commerce : Page 30 : * Decline of trade, towns + absence of Gold and Silver coins. * India had extensive trade relation with Byzantine empire + Sassanid empire of Iran + India’s trade with S-E asia -called as Suwarnabhumi / Land of Gold. + Trend of “localism” in trade. + Agriculture- grew. + Harisena’s Brihatkatha - peculiar features of the languages of the area, their dress ete, * Techinque of Irrigated rice-cultivation . * India’s foreign trade - was based on strong naval tradition including ship building, strong navy and Skill + enterprise of traders’ * India’s trade with west declined, wheareas it steadily grew with S-E Asia and China. 2. Society : Page 33 : Samanta, Ranak, Rautta ete., hereditary chiefs or military adventurers or tribal leaders / village chiefs - fought between each other for authority and privilges. E © Lawxperts. http://www., * Revenue assignments from rulers to his officers + Supporters - bhoga / fief. + Members of the family held the offices including mahamantri. Most of the office became hereditary. + Feudal system ~ dominant position held by person who drew their sustenance from land. 3. Condi n of the people : Page 34": * No decline in High Standards of Indian Handicrafts, such textiles, work on gold and silver, metallurgy etc.. © Indian Agriculture - flourished well. + King had high-sounding titles like Mahasmatadhipati and had their own distinctive symbols. * Millionaires (Koottisvara) were there. «Rate of revenue: 1/6 of the produce from peasants + Famines, wars, destruction of water reservoirs, burning of villages, seizure by force/ cattle and grains ~ stored in granaries ~ normal features. 4. The caste system : Page 36 : * Disabilities from which “lowest class” suffered got increased. * Guilds re-formed as “jati/caste” * No more inter-caste marriages. 5, Rise of Rajputs : Page 36 : + Rajput clans trace their origin to solar and lunar families of Kshatriyas, which are mentioned in Mahabharta. * Jati system ~ not rigid ; individuals can rise and fall within varna system. * Hinduism - grew. Condi mn of women: Page 37 : + Mentally inferior. + Matsya purana - authorise husband to beat his erring (of services) wife with rope / split bamboo (except on head/ breasts) + No more education - early marriage (6-8 years) * Property rights for women increased, including right to maintainance. * Practice of sati - obligatory. 7. Pattern of Living : Dress, Food, Amusement : Page 38. Men and women : wore L ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS; 2018 EDITION © Lawsperts. http://www., © Dhotiand sari. * Gold bracelets and Earrings. © Loincloth - was also used, + Vegetarianism - dominant ; eating meat - wasn't illegal. + Wine was drunk on ceremonial occasions - including by women. * Animal fighting was also there. © Upper class fond of - dicing, hunting and Indian polo. ma 200) Page 45: * Abbasid caliphate - declined and taken over Turks, + Provincial governors started assuming independent control over the territories. To stop this, caliph fictionally gave them the title of Amir-ul-umra (Commander of commanders ) to continue the unity. © Gurjara -Pratihara - broke up. Page 46: 1. The Ghaznavids : * Samanids - Iranians and worshipped Islam ; Turkish tribesmen - Worshipped nature. During the battle between - samanids and Turkish tribesmen - born the Ghazi, who was missionary and fighter. + When Samanids kingdom ended, Ghaznavids - established their authority to defend Islamic states against these central Asian turks. Mahumud Ghazni (998-1030) was one of Ghaznavids ; His period marked with increased ghazi spirit + Iranian renaissance (firdausi’s shah namah) . Page 47: * Made 17 raids to India against Hindushahi rulers of Jayapala ~ at Peshawar and Punjab and Multan muslim rulers. + Jayapala suffered defeat and his anadapala also suffered defeat in successive battles. Multan - subdued with battle of Waihind. Mahmud - posed as shikan or “destroyer of Images” © Died at Ghazni in 1030. + His conquest changed the political situation of punab and Multan. Page 48: Masud, son of Mahmud defeated - Ghaznavid: placed by Seljuk Empi L l E PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS : 2018 EDI © Lawxperts. http://www., 2. The Rajput States : + Rajput states came into existence after the breakup of Pratihara empire, © Important of them - Gahadavalas of Kanauj, the Paramaras of Malwa and Chauhans of Ajmer. * Basis of Rajput society — was clan with its descent from common ancestor (real /imaginary) ; these clan had their own territory which had 24/48/84 villages © Attachment to land, family and honour characteristic of Rajput. © There was a growing gap between ruling and non-ruing rajputs. * Celebration of Dassehra Festival. 3. The Turkish conquest of North India : * Two distinct pattern emerged between Hindus and Muslims. 1. Now Rajputs effectively defended against the Turkish raids. 2. Muslims traders are welcomed as they augmented India's trade with Central +W. Asia. Along with traders, came the preachers called sufi. * Sufi - Gospel of love, faith and dedication to one God. Interaction between Hindus and Muslims started, «Inthe middle of 12" century - Turkish tribesmen - replaced by Khwarizmi (Iran) and Ghurid (Afghan) Empire. + Power of Ghurid - increased under Sultan Alauddin - who earned the title of “world burner / Jahan-soz) © Meanwhile in India- Chauhan power rose and turks were killed. * Battle of tarain - between Muhammad Muizzudin of Ghurid v. Prithiviraja. © Result : in 2» battle ~prithiviraja was defeated but was allowed to rule Ajmer. But later killed for conspiracy. His son later founded new powerful Chauhan Kingdom, 4, Turkish conquest of the Ganga valley, Bihar and Bengal - Page 55 © Turks defeated Gahadavala ruler - Jaichandra. © Muizzudin transferred the affairs in India to Qutbudding Aibak. 5, Cause of defeat of the Rajputs * Feudalism of Rajputs ~ as the chief lacked co-ordination whereas turk tribals fought in unity under the tribal structure and /qta and Khalisa systems. * Caste system + Lack of “Strategic vision” L ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS ; 2018 EDITION © Lawsperts. http://www., 1(1200 -1400) Do not read all the things in Medieval India - Glance through the basics and Keywords. One should just know the chronology of rulers and their important policies. * Muizzudin transferred the affairs in India to Qutbudding Aibak after battle of tarain, Aibak died of fall from his horse during his polo (Chaugan) play # Succeeded by Ilitusmish (1210-36) ~ ¥ First concentrated in North east and then later captured Indus region. Y Generous and Able ruler. + Raziya (1236-39) Y Ulama - Theologians. Y Power struggle between Turkish chief called as “the forty” or Chahalgani. + Era of Balban (1246-87) : Y Natb or deputy. Y Chhatr~ Royal insignia ¥ He adopted the policy of “Blood and Iron” Y He insisted on ceremony of sijada and Paibas (prostration and kissing the monarch’s feet) Y Died at 1286. Y Main architects of Delhi sultanate - esp. of its form of Government and Institutions. + The Mongols and the Problem of the North west Frontier. ¥ Mongol threat to India appeared in 1221 - after the defeat of Khwarizmi ruler ~ Jalaluddin , pursued by Changez Khan Y After death of Chagez Khan - Mongol empire was divided among his sons. Result: Firmness and vigour of Delhi sultanate esp. Alauddin Khaliji - with war and diplomacy averted the threat of mongols. Tee eens Death of Balban in 1286. 1. The Khaljis (1290-1320) : Jalaluddin Khaliji - Y marched against mongols and overthrew incompetent delhi sultantate and Y 1*ruler to view that state should be based on the willing of the governed. Y Policy of tolerance and avoiding harsh punishments Alauddin Khaliji - Killed his father-in-law. ¥ Won the support of ministers and soldiers with Gold. E Iawespertseny U PLAN TO ¢ ELIMS: 2018 EDITION © Lawxperts. http://www., Y His opponents were dealt with utmost severity and Ruthlessness. Y Instituted spy services. ¥ Banned wine and intoxicants - to discourage festive parties. 2. The Tughlaqs (1340-1412) : Page 75 v Ghiyasuddin Tughlagq - founfed ¥ 3 competent rulers - himself, his son - M.bin Tughlaq and his nephew ~ Firuz shah Tughlaq 3. Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate - Ignore. v 1. The Sultan : Y Most powerful office - with political, military, legal authority vested in him. ¥ Responsible for safety and security of the state and law and justice. V_ Dispensation of Justice- most important function even to exempted religious classes (ulama) Y Rule of succession to throne 2. Central Administration : Page 96: v Wazir - Military leaders + revenue experts. ¥ Diwani-i-arz or Military department, Head of this department : Ariz-i-mamalik ~ did not command the army, rather his work was to recruit, equip and pay the army, Y Dagh- Branding system Diwan-icrisalat - Religious matters, pious foundations and stipends to deserving scholars and men of piety. Presided by chief Sadr / chief qazi - head of the Dept. of Justice. Page 98: ¥ Diwan-i- insha - dealt with state correspondence. L l E PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS ; 2018 EDITION © Lawsperts. http://www., Y Noble who enjoyed fullest confidence of the ruler ~ Barids. Y Karkahanas or Departments. Y Household Activities - incharge- Wakil-i-dar 3. Local Administration : Page 98 : * Tracts of Land divided in the country - iqtas - held by officers - Muqtis / Walis. * Village grouping (84/100) - called chaurasi on the basis of paragana - headed by Amil © Khuti- Landowners © Muqqaddam - Headmen + Patwari- Village accountant + VE! + BK? - Dominated india, south of the vindhyas for 200 years. + They built magnificent capitals, cities and beautified them with arts and letters. + Maintained law and order. * Provided for Commerce and Handicrafts. * While North India - disintegrating ; south India + Deccan - had stable governments © Transformation of India with the arrival of Portuguese and Mughals. 1. The Vijayanagara Empire (VE) - a foundation and conflict with Bahmani Kingdom(BK) : Page 112 © Founded by Harihara and Bukka - (earlier feudatories of Kakatiyas of Warangal Ministers of Kingdom of Kampili) + Their Guru: Vidyaranaya © Their capital : Vijayanagar. » Vijayanagara Empire (VE) ® Bahmani Kingdom L © Lawsperts. http://www., © Ithad to contend with Hoyasala ruler of Mysore + Sultan of Madurai, Sultan defeated Hoyasala ruler. * By 1346 - whole hoysala kingdom was under VE. * By 1377 - Sultan of Madurai - wiped out. * BK - Founded on 1347 - by Alauddin Hasan(AH), an Afghan Adventurer and brought up under service of Brahmana named Gangu - therefore he is known to be Hasan Gangu. He assumed title of ‘A.H.Bahman Shah’ > Itis from this title, Kingdom was called BK. PAGE 114: * Interest of VE + BK clashed in three areas(what are they?) and military conflicts between become a regular feature. + 1*time ~ Artillery was used during these battles -- > BK artillery + Cavalry was more efficient ~ nevertheless war did not come to an end, merciless slaughter of people continued, later followed with peace treaty ~ to share the doab + no more slaughter of people. * VE-Harihara II (1377-1404) - Looked for policy of expansion towards eastern sea coast. * Page 115 - Ignore ; marital relationship did not bring up peace as it did earlier. Page 116: * Deva raya II(1425- 1446 ) (DRII) - Greatest ruler of VE. To make his army superior, he inducted 2000 Muslims. «VE invaded Srilanka with their Strong Navy. © Nuniz (16* century Portuguese writer) * Italian Traveller - Nicolo conti visited VE in 1420. © Persian traveller - Abdur Razzaq - Visited VE during DR Il. 2. The Bahmani Kingdom - its Expansion and Disintegration : Page 117 : * BK - Most remarkable figure - Firuz Shah Bahmani (1397-1422) He was acquainted with religious sciences i.e., commentaries of qura jurisprudence and fond of sciences: Botany, Geometry, Logic etc. Y He was a good Calligraphist + poet. L ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS ; 2018 EDITION © Lawsperts. http://www., Had Large number of wives in haram. Determined to make Deccan = cultural centre of India. His weakness : Drinking wine + listening to music. Remarkable step : Induction of Hindus in the administration on Large scale. ats Encouraged the pursuit of Astronomy and built an observatory near Daulatabad. Y Much attention to Principal ports + Trading ships. DR I of VE defeated Firuz, Firuz abdicated the BK to his brother, Ahmad Shah I (AS - 1) called as saint (wali) on account of his association with famous sufi Gesu Daraz. * AS-1 invaded Warangal for revenge + shifted capital from Gulbarga to Bidar. 3. Mahmud Gawan: Page 119: BK - expanded due to Prime Minstership of Mahmud Gawan, Iranian by birth + trader. VY Received the tile of “Malik-ul-Tujjar” Pattern of Struggle in the South India : 1. No division based on religious lines, rather based on political + strategic consideration + trade and commerce. 2. Struggle between the various N-India and S-india did not proceed completely in isolation from each other. Page 132: * Decline of Delhi sultanate + flight of Tughlaq - resulted in provincial governors asserted their independence. 1. Eastern India - Bengal, Assam and Orissa : © 1338 - Illyas Khan ruled under the title ‘Sultan Shamsuddin Illyas Khan’ - ruled the Bengal r ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS: 2018 EDITION © Lawxperts. http://www., * Firuz Tughlaq captured him, then friendship treaty followed between them, This also enable Illyas to rule over Kingdom of Kamrup(Assam) © Ghiyasddin Azam Shah (1389-1404) ascended the throne after Illyas . Known for his love of Justice. Established friendly relations with china resulted in revival of Chittagong port. + Then brief rule of Hindu ruler - Raja Ganesh followed. * They patronised Bengali language, poet Maladhar Basu: compiler of Krishna -Vijaya -was granted the title of ‘gunaraja Khan’. © During the rule of Alauddin Hassan (1493-1519): Bengali writers flourished ; High officers were offered to Hindus. He had great respect fro Vaishanavite saint, Chaitanya. + Ahoms, a mongoloid tribe of North Burma, established powerful kingdom in Assam - later they became hinduized. © Vaishnavite reformer- shankaradeva - belonged to this period. + Gajapati rulers ~ new dynasty in Orissa - great builders and warriors. 2. Western India - Gujarat, Malwa and Mewar; Page 136 : Gujarat: + Kingdom in Gujarat - Ahmad Shah I (1411-13) ; He built magnificent palaces and bazars and Madarsas. + Drew his building style from Jains of Gujarat, + Example : Jama Masjid (Ahmedabad) ; Tin Darwaza «He imposed Jizya on Hindus. + Bania or Commercial Community. + Muzaffar shah defeated and Imprisoned the ruler of Malwa, Hushang Shah. Most famous sultan of Gujarat: Mahmud Begarha - he was called begarha because - he captured two powerful forts (Garhs). He joined with ruler of Egypt, to check Portuguese naval power. Malwa and Mewar : Page 139 © Style of Architecture : Mandu with massive buildings. Malwa : Known for internal dissensions and factionalism among nobles. L ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS; 2018 EDITION © Lawxperts. http://www., © Husang shah - tolerant religious policy. But all rulers are not equally tolerant. © Powerful ruler : Mahmud Khalji - destroyed many temples. © Mewar : Ruler: Rana Kumbha © He was patron of learned men and was an enthusiastic builder. Example : Victory tower (Kirti Stambha) © Important development : At the fall of Rana Kumbha was the rise of Sangha 3. North-west and North India - The Sharquis, the Lodi Sultans and Kashmir : Page 142: #1 to assert independence: Malik Sarwar ; title :‘ Malik-us-sharq’( Lord of the east) ; his successors came to known as Sharquis. * Capital : Jaunpur (or Shiraz of the east) © They had their own style of buildings. MOST IMPORTANT CHAPTER IN THIS are aNoy Page 148 * Coming of Delhi Sultanate - marked new cultural development of the country. 1.Architecture : * Newrulers (Turks) wanted a place to stay and worship. They converted temples > mosques. Example : Vishnu Temple -> Quwwat-ul-islam in Delhi; Monastery > Arhai Din ka Jhonpra at Ajmer. © No human or animal figures were used ; but geometrical and floral designs and verses in quoran were intertwined in artistic manner. This decorative Arabic script is called Arabesque. They also borrowed Hindu motifs - bell motif, swastika, lotus etc. L © Lawxperts. http://www., * Arch and Dome were used on wide scale (although Indians knew the arch and domes earlier - they did not use it on large scale) - which Arabs borrowed from Byzantine empire of Rome. Page 150: * Arch provided ~ pleasing skyline ; dome - dispensed with the need for large number of Pillars ; they were built with STRONG CEMENT. © Turkish rulers used - dome and arch method and also slab and beam method. © Colour to their building was added by the use of Red Sandstones, Yellow sandstones or Marble. Example : Qutab Minar - red and white sandstone used. Page 151-153: * Alauddin Khalji - added an entrance door to Qutab - called as Alai Darwaza and it also contains dome - 1 time built on correct scientific lines. * Ghiyasuddin + M-Tughlag - built huge palace - fortress complex called Tughlaqabad and arti lake was created by blocking RJamuna. © Tomb of Ghiyasuddin ~ marked a new trend in Architecture : ., building was put upon a high platform. © Striking feature of Tughlaq architecture : Sloping walls or batter - it gave the effect of strength and solidity to the building. Batter is absent in Firuz Tughlaq buildings. «2 feature of Tughlag architecture: deliberate attempt to combine the principles of arch and lintel and beam in their buildings. Found in Firuz Tughlaq, Hauz Khas buildings. © Tughlag building had minimum decoration, however with decorative device of Lotus in all their buildings. * Red sandstone was alternated with Cheap Greystones. «Many grand mosques ~ built this period. This marked the independent style of architecture. Lodis developed this tradition further. * Balconies, Kiosks and eaves - of Rajasthani-Gujarati style were used. * Placing the building on higher platform ; eg : Lodi Garden in India «Many of tombs - were in octagonal shape. ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS ; 2018 EDITION © Lawxperts. http://www., x L Many of these were later adopted by Mughal -> resulted in TajMahal. With break of Delhi Sultanate - local traditions in Bengal, Gujarat etc. were emerged. . Religious Ideas and Beliefs : Page 15: When turks came, Islam was not strong in India. 8" ~ 10%" century - Arabs travellers + Sufi saints - travelled different parts of India Alburini’s book Kitab-ul-Hind - familiarised hindu ideas and beliefs in west Asia. Buddhist lores, Indian fables and books on astronomy > translated into Arabic. ‘There was influence of Buddhism and Vedantic Ideas on Islamic Thinking. Remnants of Buddhist ~ monasteries, stupas, images ~ in afghan, parts of central asia. ‘Therefore - Indian + Greek ideas ~ made definite contribution to the development of Islamic Philosophy. Eg: Sufi Movement. . The Sufi Movement : Page 15 * 10" century - marked the end of Mutazila / rationalist philosophy and marked the rise of orthodox schools on Quran and Hadis and sufi Mystic orders. + Rationalist school - has been accused of 1) spreading sceptiscism and atheism 2) Abolishing the difference between Creator and the created. * Works of traditionalists’ - crystallised in 4 schools, of which Hanafi school ~ most liberal was adopted by eastern turks ~ who came to India. © Mystics - called as Sufis - had risen in Islam at a very early stage Y They were marked by deep devotion and disgusted with display of wealth and degeneration of morals, Y Early sufi- Rabia (8' century) + Mansur bin Hallaj (10° Century) laid great emphasis on love as bond between God and Individual soul. ¥ Their Panthei approach led them into conflict with orthodox elements, who had Mansur executed for heresy. Despite all this, mystic ideas continued spread among the Muslim masses. Y AlGhazzali (d.1112) - who is venerated both by the orthodox elements and Sufis - tried to reconcile mysticism with Islamic Orthodoxy. He gave a blow to ‘rationalist’ ULTIMATE PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS : 2018 EDITION L © Lawxperts,, philosophy : by arguing that positive knowledge of God - cannot be gained by reason but by revelation. Thus ~ Quran - was vital for a mystic. ¥ Around this time - Sufi organised 12 orders / silssilahs. ¥ Silsilahs - led by prominent mystic lived in Khangah or hospice along with his disciples. 4. Fine Arts: Page 166: ‘Turks - introduced ~ new musical instruments : Rabab and Sarangi and new musical modes and Regulations. Amir Khusrau,who was given the title of nayak or Master of both theory and practice of Music, also introduced perso-arabic airs (ragas) such as aiman, Ghora, sanam etc. Indian classical work ~ Ragadarpan - translated into Persia. IN eo Roe Rr) Creer) MICROPLANS BREAKING UPSC SYLLABUS TO DAILY EASILY ACHIEVABLE GOALS. YOUR BUDDY NOTES NOTES FOR ALL STANDARD BOOKS INCLUDING NCERTS WITH PREVIOUS ‘YEARS QUESTION & TRENDS. PRELIMS ASSESSMENT MECHANISM 25 MCQ TESTS FOR STATIC AND ‘CURRENT AFFAIRS PORTION U PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS : 2018 EDITION ECT Ma CAEN Lopate wy) PLAN TO CLEAR PRELIMS 2018 Pre ORCC eC ITs pee eee nae ed exis} potent een Pores ZNSE ieee Preserve 2 fr whoo ‘THE ULTIMATE PLAN FOR PRELIMS 2018 - LAWXPERTS TEAM nia oe ‘tsonser se oe eve A Aes POU Yan QUETIN OF e&teeecea & BNI aw Ecos Tea POT ai a 13.SEP = 14.SEP 15.SEP » 16.SEP 17.SEP « 18.SEP « 19.SEP szemtencercmou scm 20.SEP seiiscn

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