Math 2.0 Activity

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Math 2.

0 Activity Task Breakdown

For the Principal-

1) On 8/07/2023, Math 2.0 Day will be celebrated with a Treasure Hunt.

2) Define Scavenger Hunt and Treasure Hunt. (Google the terms)

3) Use your experience to minimize student safety risks. Review/ change/ confirm the given information below.
4) Decide which grades should be
Grades Type Areas Time
PP1- Grade 3 Scavenger Hunt Inside Classroom Last 2 periods? given which areas to scavenge and hunt
Grade 4- Grade 6 Scavenger Hunt Inside + Outside + ground First 2 periods? keeping in mind the age of students and
Grade 7- Grade 9 Treasure Hunt ? Last 2 periods? SUPERVISION CAPABILITIES OF TEACHERS.
Grade 10- Grade 12 Last 2 periods The time can be same for all students as
5) Now make a list of 5 things/ rules your teachers must keep in mind when designing the hunt.
For eg:
Rule 1-All students above grade 5- Student groups formed by the teacher such that boys and girls are segregated.
Rule 2- If a clue is outside the classroom, only 1 student (as chosen by the group) from each group can leave the classroom to hunt for the next clue.
Rule 3- All students must participate. Printing must be minimized, instead use blackboards, chartpapers, etc
Rule 4- No teaching time will be wasted when planning and making arrangements for the treasure hunt.
Rule 5- ………(list your rules)

6) Every Math teacher will design the hunt using the above set parameters for the respective grades they teach. SEPARATE treasure HUNT FOR EACH
GRADE, same treasure hunt for both sections of each grade. Eg: 6th Blue & Green = same treasure hunt, 6th & 7th = different hunt

7) Math teachers will submit their Lesson Plan on 06/07/2023 before school starts. During school hours, Review/ approve/ suggest changes by EOD (end of
the school day) to the teachers.

8) Math teachers will make all necessary arrangements for their respective hunt before school starts on 8th. The setup should be done during lunch or a free

9) On 7th at EOD, Plan teacher supervision ALONG WITH MATH TEACHER throughout the school using FREE TEACHERS ONLY! Since all students across all
grades are participating, there should be a lot of free teachers at any given time.

10) A template is given below for teachers to follow to build their treasure hunt.

----------------------------------------end-------------------------------------------------------(all other pages are for the teachers)

Math 2.0 Treasure Hunt GRADE:

A scavenger hunt is a game where participants are given a list of items, clues, or riddles to find or complete in one location.

In a treasure hunt, participants are provided with a clue that leads them to another location where there’s another clue. With each clue guiding them closer to
the ultimate treasure.

Objective- Students will be able to reinforce their math skills and foster teamwork with increased motivation and interest in math.

Theme: Designated time: No. of student/ group: No. of groups:

Puzzle #1 Location: Puzzle Type:

Puzzle # 1 Description-

Hint 1- (if a group cannot find the answer after ___ mins, then teacher will give hint 1 to that group)

Hint 2- (if a group cannot find the answer after ___ more mins, then teacher will give hint 2 to that group)

Prep/ Materials required-

Answer that leads to Puzzle #2- Next Location: Puzzle Type:

Puzzle # 2 description-

Hint 1: Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required-

Answer that leads to Puzzle #3- Location: Puzzle Type:

Puzzle # 3 description

Hint 1: Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required-

Answer that leads to Puzzle # 4- Location: Puzzle Type:

Puzzle #4 description

Hint 1: Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required-

Answer that leads to Puzzle #5- Location: Puzzle Type:

Puzzle #5 description

Hint 1: Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required-


Math 2.0 Treasure Hunt EXAMPLE
Objective- Students will be able to reinforce their math skills and foster teamwork with increased motivation and interest in math.

Theme: Pirates of the Caribbean Designated time: 1 hr No. of student/ group: 6 No. of groups: 5

Puzzle #1 Location: classroom, garden Puzzle Type: shift cipher

Puzzle # 1 description- J zn xfkmnx zoc tnvq, b bjsstt cfkjfis, ghoc nd jm ugf fbqedo, bptos nx tdhlfmur bme ejme sid bmtvfq un znvq qkjfis.

KEY- Nzug= Math

Solution- “I am yellow and sour, a citrus delight, find me in the garden, count my segments and find the answer to your plight.”

Hint 1- (if a group cannot find the answer after _5_ mins, then teacher will give hint 1 to that group)- Move to the right, then to the left, A shifting dance, a rhyming theft.

Hint 2- (if a group cannot find the answer after _5_ more mins, then teacher will give hint 2 to that group)- -

Prep/ Materials required- 5 slips with the puzzle #1 description written on it for the 5 groups, Lemon tree in school garden with a knife underneath the tree

Answer that leads to Puzzle #2- 10 segments

Next Location: Room no. 10 Puzzle Type: Equation

Puzzle # 2 description- Solve the quadratic equation: y = x^2 -5x + 15, x= -5

Solution- y= -5

Hint 1:

Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required- 1 print out of the map on A4 size paper and tape it on the blackboard
next to the quadratic equation in room no 10

(Similarly plan a total of 5 such math puzzles using the template. Do not stress about the theme
too much. It is only meant to inspire creative math puzzles.)
Examples of THEMES:
1. "Time Travel Quest":

• Create a treasure hunt that takes students through different historical periods or landmarks, incorporating math problems related to time and
historical events. Math problems could involve calculating the duration of historical events, converting between different units of time, solving
time-related word problems, or deciphering clues based on historical dates.

2. "Sports Spectacular":

• Design a treasure hunt in a sports complex or field, where students encounter different sports-related stations and solve math problems related
to sports statistics and measurements. Math problems could involve calculating player statistics (e.g., batting averages, shooting percentages),
solving geometry problems related to sports fields (e.g., finding the area of a soccer field), or using probability to predict game outcomes,
calculating scores, interpreting sports statistics, solving measurement problems related to sports fields, or using probability to predict game

3. "Money Matters":

• Design a treasure hunt that takes students through a shopping mall or financial district, incorporating math problems related to money and
personal finance. Math problems could involve calculating discounts and sales prices, converting between different currencies, budgeting and
managing money, or solving problems related to interest and investments.

4. "Pirate Adventure":
• Create a treasure hunt with a pirate theme, where students solve math problems to find hidden treasure. Math problems could involve
calculating coordinates on a treasure map, solving geometry problems related to pirate symbols, or using fractions and percentages to divide up
the treasure.

5. "Space Exploration":
• Design a treasure hunt with a space theme, where students embark on a mission to solve math problems and uncover hidden space artifacts.
Math problems could involve calculating distances between planets, solving algebraic equations related to space travel, or estimating the sizes of
celestial objects.

6. "Ancient India":
• Create a treasure hunt with an Ancient India theme, where students solve math problems related to Indian history and culture to discover hidden
artifacts. Math problems could involve calculating volumes of Nalanda library, solving word problems related to Indian rulers and their reigns, or
using geometry to recreate patterns and designs like the Taj mahal and golden ratio.
1. Crossword Puzzles: Solve clues and fill in a crossword grid with mathematical terms, equations, or concepts.

2. Sudoku: Fill a grid with numbers, ensuring that each row, column, and box contains all digits from 1 to 9 without repetition.

3. Logic Puzzles: Use deductive reasoning to solve puzzles that involve arranging mathematical clues or information to determine a solution.

4. Cryptic Puzzles: Decode or decipher encrypted messages, codes, or puzzles using clues and hints.

5. Equation Solver: Provide participants with a set of equations that they need to solve to obtain numerical values. The digits of these values will form the
coordinates to the next clue's location.

6. Number Patterns: Present participants with a sequence of numbers and ask them to identify the pattern. Once they figure out the pattern, they can
apply it to find the missing number, which will be the clue to the next location.

7. Geometry Challenge: Pose a geometry problem where participants need to calculate angles, lengths, or areas to find the answer. The answer will lead
them to the next clue.

8. Fraction Decoder: Assign a numerical value to each letter of the alphabet (e.g., A=1, B=2, C=3), and provide participants with a coded message consisting
of fractions. They need to convert the fractions into letters to reveal the next clue.

9. Measurement Challenge: Provide participants with a measurement-related problem that they need to solve. It could involve calculating distances,
weights, volumes, or converting units. The solution will indicate the location of the next clue. FOR EG: Solution can be 5 feet and student will walk 5 feet
to find the next clue.

10. Sudoku Math: Modify a traditional Sudoku puzzle by using math-related constraints. For instance, instead of using numbers 1-9, use mathematical
symbols or operations. Participants need to solve the Sudoku grid to reveal the next clue.

11. Prime Number Hunt: Hide a series of prime numbers around the area. Participants need to identify and add these prime numbers together. The sum will
indicate the next clue's location.

12. Puzzle Hunt: Design a series of interconnected math puzzles where participants need to solve each puzzle to acquire a piece of the final clue. The solved
puzzles will provide hints or codes that combine to form the complete solution.

13. Atomic Numbers: A riddle that points at chemistry lab where a math problem is waiting for the students. The answer of this math problem can be used to
hide the next clue behind an element of the periodic table that’ll be put on the wall of chem lab by 07/07/23.

14. Coordinate Grid Puzzle: Provide participants with a grid with labeled coordinates. They need to connect the coordinates in the correct order to reveal a
hidden message or shape that leads to the next clue.
Types of PUZZLES for SCAVANGER HUNT (for PP1- grade 3)

1. Counting Objects: Hide a specific number of objects (e.g., blocks, toys, buttons) around the area, and the children need to count and find the designated
quantity. Example: "Find and collect 5 red blocks."

2. Shape Hunt: Hide various shapes (e.g., circles, squares, triangles) around the room, and the children need to find and name each shape they discover.
Example: "Find a square shape and bring it to me."

3. Number Sequencing: Hide number cards or flashcards out of order, and the children need to find and arrange them in the correct numerical sequence.
Example: "Find the number cards from 1 to 10 and line them up in the correct order."

4. Addition or Subtraction Clues: Provide clues that involve simple addition or subtraction to find the next location or object.
Example: "Start at the number 3, add 2 more, and go to the place where you find the answer."

5. Measurement Quest: Set up different measuring stations with objects of varying lengths (e.g., pencils, straws, ribbons). Provide measurement clues for the
children to find objects that match specific lengths. Example: "Find something that is longer than your hand."

6. Number Hunt (15 minutes): At the first location, have a set of number cards hidden or placed in a visible area. Instruct the children to find and collect the
numbers in sequential order. Encourage them to identify and say the numbers aloud as they find them.

7. Shape Discovery: Prepare different shapes (e.g., circles, squares, triangles) placed around the area. Ask the children to find specific shapes or match the shapes
with corresponding pictures on their scavenger hunt sheets.

8. Number Matching: Hide pairs of number cards around the classroom. The children need to find the matching pairs (e.g., 1 with 1, 2 with 2) and place them

9. Number Line: Create a number line on the floor or a wall using masking tape. Scatter number cards randomly and ask the children to place them in the correct
order on the number line.

10. Missing Numbers: Prepare a number sequence with missing numbers (e.g., 1, _, 3, 4, _, 6) and write them on cards. Hide the cards around the room, and the
children must find the missing number cards and fill in the blanks.

11. Number Hunt Obstacle Course: Set up an obstacle course in the classroom with different stations. Each station has a number card hidden, and the children
need to complete the obstacles to find the hidden numbers.

12. Number Sorting: Provide a set of number cards mixed up in a container. The children must sort the numbers into groups based on certain criteria (e.g., odd
and even, greater than or less than 5).

A scavenger hunt is a game where participants are given a list of items, clues, or riddles to find or complete in one location.

In a treasure hunt, participants are provided with a clue that leads them to another location where there’s another clue. With each clue guiding them closer to
the ultimate treasure.

Objective- Students will be able to reinforce their math skills and foster teamwork with increased motivation and interest in math.

Designated time: No. of student/ group: No. of groups:

Puzzle # 1 Description- Shapes

Hint 1: Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required- Draw different shapes on the board, prepare cutouts on colorful chart paper and place them around the classroom in different places.

Puzzle # 2 description-

Hint 1: Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required-

Puzzle # 3 description

Hint 1: Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required-

Puzzle #4 description

Hint 1: Hint 2:

Prep/ Materials required-

Prepare a list of math scavenger hunt
for your students and write it on the
board and ask students to find the
things inside the classroom (place
cutouts around the classroom/ ask your
students to find them in their

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