Devraj Yadav (Research Report)

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PRESENTED BY: Under the guidance of

DEVRAJ YADAV Mr. Mayank tripathi

SESSION 2022-2023


I hereby claim that the Project Report entitled “A study on consumer behaviour towards big
Kanpur in partial achievement of Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration is the
original work performed by me. The data and information given is authentic to the best of my

This Market survey report is not being submitted to the other University for an award of any
other degree, diploma and fellowship.


ROLL NO.: 21014000678


Field study work is a part of management studies which is very important for each and every
student. The purpose of the study is to enhance the knowledge and skills of the student and
generate scope for the implementation of our acquired skills and knowledge during our BBA

This study has helped in sharpening our knowledge and making us aware about the
happenings of the business world.

I would not have completed this project without the guidance and support of the several
people who acted as a guide through my whole journey of completing this project. I would
like to especially thank my faculty guide Mr. Mayank tripathi, for his valuable guidance and
I am grateful to those who agreed to this research by filling questionnaires conducting the
Above all I would like to thank my classmates and friends for their support.

1. Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION
a) Introduction to consumer behaviour
b) Model of consumer behaviour
c) Factors influencing consumer behaviour
d) Need for the study
a) Big bazaar’s Marketing Strategies and interesting reasons behind its
grand success
b) Big bazaar Campaign
c) SWOT Analysis
d) Big bazaar’s Logo
e) Mission & Vision
f) Core Values
6. Chapter 6: DATA ANALYSIS
7. Chapter 7: FINDINGS
8. Chapter 8: LIMITATIONS
9. Chapter 9: CONCLUSION
10. Chapter 10: ANNEXURE
11. Bibliography

Showcasing is the moving and energizing movement in everyone's exercises. The venders,
wholesalers, publicizing organizations, specialists, carriers, financers, store organizations and
each one as a counter are important for the showcasing framework.

Any trade cycle be it buyer, merchandise, middle person products, administrations of thoughts,
goes under the review of showcasing. It is extremely normal respected that the advancement of
business sectors and promoting is inseparable from the monetary improvement of records.
Promoting is an activity discipline. In the consistently developing corporate world, promoting is
being viewed as a significant component for the outcome of an Endeavor.

The promoting discipline is going through new reappraisal in the illumination of the huge
global,technological, monetary and social difficulties confronting the present organizations and
countries.Marketing at its best is about esteem creation and raising the world's expectations for
everyday comforts.

The present winning organizations are the people who succeed generally in fulfilling, for sure
charming their objective clients.

As cited by P.P.Drucker "Promoting is essential to the point that it can't be viewed as a different
capability. It is the entire business seen according to the perspective of its eventual outcome,
that is to say, according to the client's perspective. Business not entirely set in stone by the
maker yet by the client."

Philip Kotler has hence characterized promoting as " it is a social and administrative cycle by
which people and gatherings get what they need and need through making, offering economy in
this nation has transformed from an essential state of shortage to slow and consistent phase of
prosperity, to a great extent offering purchasers the chance to pick among many differed other
options, fulfillment has turned into a main pressing issue of business.


One thing that we share practically speaking is that we as a whole are buyers. Everyone
in this world is a buyer, as a matter of fact. The entire life we are purchasing and
consuming a unimaginable assortment of labor and products. In any case, we as a whole
have various preferences, likes, despises, and take on various ways of behaving while at
the same time settling on buy choices.

The term customer conduct alludes to the way of behaving that shoppers show in
looking for buying utilizing assessment and arranging in looking for buying utilizing
assessing and discarding items and administrations that they definite will fulfill on how
people settle on choices to send their accessible assets (time, cash and exertion) on
utilization related things.

It incorporates the investigation of "What they purchase", "Why they purchase", "When
they get it", "Where they get it", "how frequently they get it" and "how frequently they
use it.


A buyer's choice to buy a specific result of administration is the consequence of complicated

exchange of various factors. The beginning stage of the choice cycle is given by the
organization's advertising improvements looking like item, advancement, cost and dispersion

Customers frequently buy new items that are related with a great brand name.
The term buyer conduct alludes to the way of behaving that shoppers show in looking for
buying, utilizing, assessing and discarding items and administrations that they expect will fulfill
these necessities.

The investigation of purchaser conduct in the investigation of how people settle on choices to
spend their accessible assets (time, cash, exertion) on utilization related things. It incorporates
the investigation of "what they purchase", "why they purchase", "when they purchase", "where
they purchase", "how frequently they purchase" and "how they use"

Marketing Stimuli Other Stimuli
Product Economic
Price Technological
Place Political
Promotion Cultural

Consumer Characteristics Consumer Decision Process

Cultural Problem recognition
Social Information
Personal Search
Psychological Evaluation


Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a person's wants and behaviour like set of
values, perceptions, preferences and behaviours through his or her family member.
Social classes are relatively homogeneous and enduring divisions in a society which are
hierarchically ordered and whose members share similar Values, interest and behaviour and
social classes include upper class, middle class and lower class.

References Groups:
A person's reference groups consist of all the groups that have a direct (face to face) indirect
influence on the person's attitude or behaviour.
Personal Factors:
A consumer decision is also influenced by personal characteristics notably the buyer's age &
life cycle stage, occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle and personality and self


An individual has many requirements at some random time. A few requirements are biogenic. They
emerge from mental conditions of pressure like appetite, tryst and distress.

Discernment is characterized as "the interaction by which an individual chooses, sorts out, captures,
data, contributions to make a significant image of the world.
Need for the review

Need Of The Study

Customer conduct assumes a significant part for the development of the organization in the cutting
edge market situation. The essential thought of this study is to track down the purchaser conduct
towards Large Bazaar.

The needs must be perceived and vital advances must be taken to roll out the improvements.

India is developing quickly and changes are dynamic. Individuals are changing,the inclination and the
interest is changing.
The market additionally needs to in like manner change.

The motivation behind shopper conduct isn't just for holding the clients yet additionally drawing in
new clients and expanding the deals likewise making and keeping up with brand mindfulness.

Company Profile
Huge Marketplace is an Indian corporate store of hypermarkets, markdown retail chains, and
supermarkets. The corporate store was established by Kishore Biyani under his parent association
Future Group,which is known for having a huge unmistakable quality in Indian retail and style areas.
Huge Market is additionally the parent chain of Food Market, Design at Enormous Marketplace and
eZone where at areas it houses generally under one rooftop, while it is the sister chain of retail outlets
like Brand Manufacturing plant, Old neighborhood, Focal, e Zone, and so on.

Established in 2001, Big Market is one of the most seasoned and biggest hypermarket chains of India,
lodging around 300+ stores in more than 120 urban areas and towns across the country. In February
2022, Dependence Businesses assumed command over north of 200 Future gathering stores and
rebranded Enormous Marketplace as Dependence's Shrewd Marketplace Store.

In 2020, Major Market was obtained by Dependence Retail, the retail division of the Dependence
Businesses, as a feature of a ₹24,713 crore ($3.36 billion) deal exchange of Future Gathering.
Nonetheless, the arrangement was canceled on 23 April 2022 after FRL's loan bosses casted a ballot
against proceeding with it.Reliance Retail sent off its new retail design by the name of Dependence
Savvy Market, that takes special care of buyer needs. It offers on the web and disconnected
administrations to the client. Web based shopping administrations can be profited utilizing the Jio
Mart stage given by dependence ventures.
It first sent off in quite a while; Bangalore, Kolkata and Hyderabad in 22 days or less. In 2003, it sent
off the store in Nagpur and invited 10 million clients at the new store. In 2002, it sent off ICICI bank
card. In 2005, it sent off an extraordinary shopping program so that individuals can trade their family
garbage at Large Market.Big Bazaar’s Marketing Strategy And Interesting Reasons Behind Its Grand

● In 2001, the first Big Bazaar was opened by APRIL. The aim of this bazaar
was to offer the best monetary value proposition to clients.
● The shops focused less on brand but more on unbranded merchandise of the
same quality to give best possible trades to the customers.
● In 2001, the first food bazaar was set up in Mumbai. It paid more concern on
nutrients and food market merchandises.

● This market has situated itself as a 'incentive for cash relational word for Indian
families'. They need to give maximal benefit to their clients by satisfying every
one of their requests inside spending plan.
● Presently, Huge Market has many items with administration that mirrors the
expectation of millions of Indians.
● It has 300 stores in north of 100 urban communities the nation over and plans
to send off 100 stores in the forthcoming months.
● In 2004, it got the 'Retailer of the year grant' for accomplishments like; sending
off 3 stores all at once and inviting in excess of 10 million clients in 3 years.
● In 2013, "Major Marketplace Direct" was effectively presented by Future
Gathering. The idea of this establishment is to sell the Large Market items
through the inventories gave on 'tablet'.
● It won the CNBC Awaaz Purchaser Grant for the third back to back year.
● Huge Marketplace has coordinated another plan of action, where franchisees
can offer enormous marketplace's items to their clients over the web.
● They make the creative arrangements with marked product to offer restrictive
administrations and items in level I and level II towns
● Because of the initiative and vision of Mr. Biyani, the Large Market has gotten
each lofty client grant universally and broadly, for its interesting arrangements
and recommendation to the client.
● The technique of Large Market generally focuses on accomplishing the client's
confidence. Rather than development in the quantity of stores, they give more
significance to client's conviction and trust.
● The Indian residents have consistently assisted them with arriving at the
accomplishment in an extremely brief time frame.
● Presently, India is making history on the planet coordinated retail office.
● The new store in Bistupur has spread more than 32,989 sq ft and substantiated
itself the ideal shopping objective for clients by giving them many new plans
of items.
● The Enormous Marketplace in India has the 'main mover advantage' that
remembers numerous adjustments for buying conduct of individuals as it gives
across the board rooftop at low rates.

Core competency of the business… What makes us different from other.!!

● A decision of in excess of 20,000 items.

● Conveyance across in excess of 1500 urban communities and towns in India covering around
16000 pin codes.
● Quick conveyances tie ups with world forerunners in coordinated operations and transportation
● A devoted client care helpline for any inquiries.
● Continuously offering Producer's assurance rather than dealer's assurance, which the vast
majority of the other web based shopping destinations offer.

Aggressive prices- has the benefit of leveraging the sourcing network of
the Future Group’s retail chains.

Unmatched selection of products and Brands -

we have in excess of 20,000 items which cases the adaptability to offer a huge scope of
decisions to clients. We additionally have associations with the majority of the brands accessible in the
country, which permits us to get the furthest down the line in the reach to our clients. We have had the
option to make some significant ubiquity swells with our corporate clients with items like mobiles,
gadgets, laptops,MP3 players, Shirts, Gift Vouchers, etc.

Big Bazaar Campaign

● The primary zinger was, 'Isse Se Sasta Aur Accha Kahin Nahi'. It was at that
point made before the last logo of Huge Marketplace was planned.
● In 2005, The Organization revamped the section of retail then it presented the
new mission 'Sabse Sasta Noise' and in the span of a day, the greater part the
number of inhabitants in India accumulated to shop at their #1 shopping
objective Enormous Market.
● In 2007, they started the "Force of One" mission to help the asset of "Save the
Kids in India."
● Again in 2008, they sent off another segment and gave it a slogan 'New look
with a new area, Fashion@ Large Market' where the entertainer Asin and
cricketer Mahendra Singh Dhoni were picked as the brand envoys of Huge
● The new essences of Fashion@ Enormous Market are Katrina Kaif and Varun
Dhawan as its image ministers.
● In 2010, Vidya Balan was picked as the brand minister of Enormous
Marketplace in a cost challenge practice and accomplished sixth position
among the main 50 help brands in India.

● In 2011,“Naye India Ka Bazaar” logo came up and got connected with
Hindustan Unilever.

The Huge Marketplace is notable for having critical commitments and design areas in
Indian retail. It is likewise the parent chain of e-zone, food market and design at Large
Market. It is one of the biggest and most established hypermarkets chains of India.
Presently it has in excess of 250 stores in more than 120 urban areas across India.

The significant point of Huge Marketplace was to advance the selling of enormous
marketplace, enemy foundation of the organization and advance its place in retailing
industry. They see offering plans that impact clients or clients to purchase items at an
extremely less cost. They need to satisfy each Indian necessities and it has prevailed to
keep up with the uniqueness of advertising plans as well as in pulling clients.SWOT

Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats

● Everyday ● Unable to ● Increase in
lower price meet store consuming ● Competitio
which opening middle n from
attracts targets on class other value
customers time populations retail chain
● Huge ● Falling ● Increasing ● Large
investment revenue mall population
s capacity per square culture in still prefers
● Biggest feet India. to visit
value retail ● Overcrowd ● Increase on local stores
chain in ed during use of ● Changing
India offers credit sale Governme
● Long lines nt policies.
at billing


Big Bazaar- is se sasta aur accha kahin

nahi Type- subsidiary of Pantaloon Group

Founded- 2001

Headquarters- Jogeshwari, Mumbai, India



“To deliver everything, everywhere, everytime to every Indian customer in the most
profitable manner.”


We share our vision and we believe that our customers and stakeholders shall be
served only by creating and executing future scenarios in the consumption space
leading to economic development.


Indianness: Confidence in ourselves

Leadership: To be a leader, both in thought and business.

Respect & Humility: To respect every individual and be humble in our conduct.

Introspection: Leading to purposeful thinking.

Openness: To be open and receptive to new ideas,knowledge & information.


● The huge markets which we have visited are arranged in Shipra Shopping center and
Aditya Shopping center.
● Both the shopping centers are laid out in the core of the city or where typically
customers go for shoppings.
● In both Shipra and Aditya Shopping center, Huge market is available on the ground
floor, confronting the entry.


Future Gathering, drove by its organizer and Gathering President, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of India's
driving business houses with numerous organizations crossing across the utilization space. While retail
frames the center business movement of Future Gathering, bunch auxiliaries are available in buyer
finance,capital, protection, recreation and diversion, brand advancement, retail, land improvement,
retail media and logistics.Led by its leader endeavor, Pantaloon Retail, the gathering works more than
11 million square feet of retail space in north of 63 urban communities and towns and 65 provincial
areas across India. Pantaloon Retail was granted the Worldwide
Retailer of the year-2007, by the US-based Public Retail Alliance, the biggest retail exchange affiliation
and the Developing Business sector Retailer of the year 2007 at the World Retail Congress in
Future Gathering has faith in creating solid experiences on Indian buyers and building organizations in
view of Indian thoughts, as upheld in the gathering's basic belief of 'Indian ness'. The gathering's
corporate philosophy is, 'Revise rules, Hold values' More about Future Gathering.
The Future Bazaar .com' guarantee as given by the Senior supervisor:
Producer's guarantees on all items Future Marketplace sells just unique items from approved dealers; so
all pertinent items convey the first maker's guarantee.
Clients can visit any of the approved assistance communities of the maker whenever required. The
receipt going with the item is your guarantee archive, so if it's not too much trouble, save it.

Guaranteed Delivery
Future marketplace assurances to convey the specific item you chose, without surrenders. In the event
that you have gotten an alternate item, or on the other hand assuming the item was harmed on the way,
if it's not too much trouble, let us know and we will guarantee that we supplant the item or guarantee
that your cash is discounted. If it's not too much trouble, note that conveyance times differ as indicated
by items to items 95%of our conveyances occur inside the serious time span. For a periodic
postponements, we will reach you and update you about the status.

Secure Payments
We are committed to ensuring that no payment misuse happens, so we work with banks and
payment gateways to ensure that your information is protected. Payments are protected both
by us and by the policies of your bank, and the chances of fraud in these channels are
actually very low. We also have a Risk Management team that scrutinises all payments to
ensure that there are no fraudulent transactions. Our office address is also available for
anyone who wishes to contact us in person. Moreover, being part of India’s largest retail
company with a presence all over India, we are omnipresent. Our simple 15-Days Return
Policy- No questions asked!
If you have purchased something at Future Bazaar. com and the product did not meet your
expectations or does not fit your needs, then you can return the product to us, no questions
asked,as long as it is in its original packaging and accompanied by its invoice.

Prompt Customer Support
Our Client Care is monitored by committed staff, who can take choices and resolve your concerns.
They are engaged to take care of your concerns and know about the cycles and means to deal with

In the event that they can't take care of the issue at their end, they will set off the expected activity on
your half or encourage you the most ideal strategy to a fruitful satisfaction of every one of your

Be guaranteed that when you call us, your call is being treated in a serious way.


Exercises individuals engaged with while choosing, buying, and utilizing items to fulfill needs and
wants. Shopper conduct includes the items to fulfill needs and wants.

Buyer conduct includes the items in order to fulfill needs and wants. Shopper conduct includes the
ways of settling these necessities, pursuing buy choice (e.g., the decision about whether to buy an item
and, provided that this is true, which brand and where), decipher information, make plans, and carry out
these plans (e.g., by participating in examination shopping or really buying items).


The shopper faces various impacts. Frequently, we underestimate social impacts, however they are
critical. An American will typically not deal with a storekeeper. This, nonetheless, is normal practice in
a significant part of the world.

Actual factors likewise impact our way of behaving. We are bound to purchase a soda when we are
parched. For instance, food makers have observed that it is more viable to publicize their items on radio
in the late evening when individuals are getting ravenous.


Exploratory Research:

Exploratory examination studies are additionally named as form research studies.

The primary reason for such examinations in that of figuring out an issue for moreprecise examination
or of fostering the functioning speculation shapes a functional perspective.

Descriptive Research:

Analytic Exploration studies decide the recurrence with which something happens or its
relationship with something different.
In this undertaking, data relating to client needs fulfillment and their segment profile was gathered;
consequently it is a graphic exploration.

1) Primary information:

Meaning: Essential wellsprings of information are the information which needs the individual
endeavors of gathering it and which are not promptly accessible.
Essential wellsprings of information are the other kind of source through which the information
was gathered.

Following are few ways in the data was collected:


It is the set of questions on a sheet of paper that was being given to fill it, based on which the
data was interpreted.

2. Direct interviewing:

Direct interviewing involved the process where I asked

the questions directly to the customers and I got the feedback.

1) Secondary data:

Auxiliary sources are the other significant sources through which the information was gathered.

These are the promptly accessible wellsprings of the information where one had need not put a lot of
work to gather, since it is now been gathered and separated in an older way by a few scientist,
specialists and extraordinary.

The secondary sources helpful for the study were

1) Text books like marketing management research methodology.

2) Advertisement and sales promotion etc.
3) The Internet was made use for the collection of the data.
4) Newspapers were also referred to.

Sample size:

By using judgement random sampling technique 100 respondents are selected for the purpose
of the study.

Period of study:

The study is undertaken in the duration of 34 days.

Research approach:
The survey method was adopted for collecting the primary data.
Survey research is systematic gathering of data from respondents through questionnaires.

Research instrument:
The data for this research study was collected by survey technique using an interview method
guided by questionnaire.

Collection of Data:
Questionnaire and personal interviews are the methods that I have used for collecting the


The main objective is to determine the current consumer behaviour levels of the customers
with regards to Big Bazaar.

1. To review and investigate buyer shopping conduct towards Large Marketplace.

2. To evaluate the conduct level of various kinds of clients shopping at Large Marketplace.

3. To distinguish what kind of methodologies are reasonable for the organization to arrive at the
designated clients.

4. To figure out the elements which impact the utilization of the items in Enormous Marketplace.

5. To distinguish powerful publicizing sources which are affecting client buying conduct at
Enormous Marketplace.

6. To figure out how the shoppers spent their salaries, time on the buying of the items.



From the above study 57.5% of respondents from Advertisement, 5% respondents from
college/ school references, 20% of respondents from friends and 17.5% respondents got to
know about big bazaars from others.


From the above study,5% of respondents from once in a week, 5% of respondents from twice
in a week and 10% of respondents from every 15 days. Remaining 80% of respondents from
every month.


From the above pie chart we can conclude that the major numbers of respondent’s of 87.5%
personal usage, 7.5% to gift, 2.5% as their requirements and 2.5% for fun.


From the above study 62.5% of respondents from Food items, 32.5% of respondents from
Clothes, 2.5% respondents don’t want to mention here, 2.5% of respondents anything they


From the above study 60% of respondents from Family, 2.5% of respondents from
Spouse and 32.5% of respondents from Friends and the remaining 5% are others.


From the survey it is observed that 65% of respondents for Big Bazaar, 17.5% of respondents
for Spencer, 5% of respondents for City central and the remaining 12.5% from others.


From the study it is observed that 35% of respondents for Good satisfaction over products,
52.5% of respondents for Reasonable prices, 12.5% of respondents for more offers.


From the above study 12.5% of respondents from Expensive, 17.5% of respondents from
Competitive and 45% of respondents from Affordable 25% of respondents from Reasonable.

From the above study 15% of respondents from Availability of adequate stock, 27.5% of
respondents from Convenience of location and timing, and 30% of respondents from offers
and discounts, 27.5% of respondents from a variety of products.


From the data specified, 27.5% of customers are interested in membership card, whereas
12.5% are interested in packing offers, 5% are interested in lucky draw but more than half are
interested in discount card i.e.55% by this we can say that most of the customers prefers to
having discount cards at Big Bazaar.

From the above data, we decide that 12.5% of the customers take assistance from staff always
whereas 20% take help frequently, 62.5% have taken assistance sometimes, and 5% will not
depend on others. From the collected data, we can say that the majority of the customers take
assistance from the store staff sometimes.


From the above data, we decide that 20%of the customers overall experience in Big Bazaar is
excellent, 77.5% of the customers overall experience is Good and only 2.5% of customers'
overall experience is poor. From this we can decide that the overall customer satisfaction
level is good.


From the above pie chart we can conclude that the major numbers of 57.5% of the respondent
57.5% of the respondents say sure, 40% of the respondents say May be, 2.5% of the
respondents say never.


From the above chart we can conclude that the major numbers of respondents
Yes, 62.5%, which comprises 12.5% of the No and rest 25% of the respondents are not sure.

In this market survey of big bazaars the majority of the people who go to big bazaars are
males with 77.5% and the rest 22.5% are females.

Their majority age is between 20-30 i.e. 65% , 30% between 10-20 age and the rest are above


From the responses of 40 customers the findings can be listed as:

● According to the discoveries, all are having the attention to Large Marketplace. We can say that
Enormous Market has a decent spot in the personalities of the clients.

● According to the discoveries 77.5% of male clients come to Huge Marketplace for shopping
● The clients who were fundamentally in the age gathering of 18-40 years are shopping at a major

● It has been found that Most of the Respondents come to be aware of the Enormous Marketplace
through Companions/Family members References and Promotions as it were. So we can say that verbal
exchange and commercials assume a vital part when clients shop at Huge Marketplace.

● According to discoveries, Larger part of the Respondents are buying with the end goal of
Individual use/utilization as it were.

● According to discoveries, Larger part of the respondents are keen on purchasing food things.

● The majority of the clients like to go with their relatives.

● Greater part of the clients are evaluated for reasonable estimating in Huge Market.

● According to the discoveries, greater part of the clients pick the Huge Market for accessibility of
items as well as sensible costs.

● According to discoveries, the majority of the clients like to shop in Large Marketplace for offers
and limits.

● According to discoveries, Larger part of the Respondents are suggested shopping in Enormous


1) As this review was confined to Kanpur this can't be expressed as an in that frame of mind
regarding this matter.

2) Enough consideration is taken in forming the poll, still a few blunders might sneak in. may
sneak in.

3) Quality versus cost was not thought about.

4) Time has been a significant limitation all through the concentrate as it has been exclusively for a
span of multi month.


● Brand name assumes a significant part in customer purchasing conduct.

● Individuals like to purchase merchandise by the brand which give better quality and cleaning.

● Individuals like to purchase food from brands which have great brand names.

● Individuals' purchasing conduct is impacted by the advancement and publicizing done by the
brand individuals.


An attempt has been made to suggest to the Big Bazaar a few measures. These suggestions
suggestions have been made within the preview of the data available.

1) The organization should go for a few additional limited time exercises as opposed to
television, ad, storing and papers.

2) The organization needs to direct the periodical gatherings with clients and take their
important ideas.

3) The organization might take on strategy of limits cards and presents to clients while
buying the items.

4) Innovative endeavors should be sent off to advance the situation through better
promoting methodologies.

5) Innovative bundling can give an organization a benefit over contenders.



1. AGE
Above 40
3. Occupation
Q1) How did you come to know about Big Bazaar?
a) Advertisement
b) College/ School reference
c) Friends
d) Any other

Q2) How frequently do you visit Big Bazaar?

a) Once in a week
b) Twice in a week
c) Once in 15 days
d) Once in a month
Q3) What is the main purpose of purchase?
a) Personal usage
b) To gift
c) Others

Q4) Which category of Products do you buy most at Big bazaar?

a) Food items
b) Clothes
c) Electronics

Q5) You prefer to go to Big Bazaar with?
a) Family
b) Friends
c) Spouse

Q6) Which mall do you like the most in the city?

a) Big Bazaar
b) Spenser
c) City Central

Q7) What is the reason behind purchasing in Big Bazaar?

a) Good satisfaction
b) Reasonable prices
c) More offers

Q8) How do you rate the pricing of products at Big Bazaar?

a) Expensive
c) Affordable

Q9) Why do you prefer to shop in Big Bazaar?

a) Availability of adequate stock
b) Convenience of location and timing
c) Offers and discount
d) Variety of products

Q10) What more facility would you like to get at Big Bazaar?
a) Membership card
b) Discount card
c) Free Packing offers
d) Lucky draw offers

Q11) How often do you ask for Assistance from store staff in selecting your purchase?
a) Almost always
b) Frequently
c) Sometimes
d) Never

Q12) How is your overall experience in Big Bazaar?

a) Excellent
b) Good
c) Poor
Q13) Would you visit Big Bazaar again?
a) Sure
b) Maybe
c) Never
Q14) Do you suggest any one to shop at Big Bazaar?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Maybe



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