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PHINMA – University of Pangasinan

College of Engineering and Architecture
Department of Architecture

“P3: EXAM”




ARC-085 blk no. 3 November 3, 2022 10:30am-3:00pm
Name: Bautista, Cristian Abram D. P3 Exam

1. Explain in 8-12 sentences how metadata is integrated in business framework in each category:

a.) Technical
Technical metadata provides details on the technical characteristics of a digital file or the
specific hardware and software environments needed to render or process digital information. To
render the message, a few technical prerequisites must be met (turn it into meaningful content). If
we consider a digital raster image, it is composed of a two-dimensional array of pixels, each of
which has a unique color. To display the right message, or image in this case, this property is
fundamentally necessary. Any and all representations of the image in any file format must share
this property. When it comes to other technical characteristics, those that depend on the file format,
like file size or file signature, may not be as significant. Nevertheless, they are crucial for managing
the files.
Last but not least, the description of any specific hardware or software needed to process
or render content is another crucial role that technical metadata can play. The ability to take action
to protect the environment needed to process or render content would be made possible with
knowledge of hardware requirements, operating systems, and software configurations.

b.) Business
It focuses largely on the content and condition of the data and includes details related to
Data Governance. Technical metadata: Provides details about the structure and format of the data
that computer systems require. Physical database tables, access restrictions, data models, backup
policies, mapping documentation, data lineage, and many more are examples of technical
metadata. Business metadata explains what data means in a business context. The database's actual
table and column names form the basis for the data warehouse's business interpretation of its data
components. Business metadata is what collects the mapping data, business definitions, and rule
data. Likewise, business metadata is concerned with providing data context within the enterprise.
Business metadata needs to describe the contents in plain English while providing information in
business terms. For instance, the names of the data tables or particular data pieces must be clear
and understandable to business users. The data item name "calc pr sle" is unacceptable. The usual
term for this is calculated-prior-month-sale.
A sizable portion of business metadata is composed of text documents, spreadsheets, and even
abstracted company rules and regulations. Business meta-data is just as important as metadata from
official sources, even though a lot of it comes from unofficial sources, like data dictionary entries.
All informal metadata must be documented, standardized, and kept in the data warehouse as
business metadata.

c.) Operational
It states that this kind of metadata "describes details of the processing and accessing of
data." Job execution logs, data sharing policies, error logs, audit findings, various version
maintenance plans, archive policies, and retention policies are just a few examples of operational
metadata. By enhancing the specificity of data repositories and ETL processes, it improves data
management and, as a result, its utilization. In their work, data practitioners should always use the
most recent versions of the data because dull data can be just as dangerous as poor data.
Updated patient data must be given by insurance companies to data engineers. Operational
metadata will allow the team to identify the date the data was first ingested, the time and manner
in which it was used, and the form (raw, semi-structured, or structured) in which it is currently in.
In order to collect it, operational metadata must either be enabled for the project containing the job
or for the job itself. An XML file is created each time a job is run and contains the operational
metadata for that particular job run. An individual XML file is created each time a job in a sequence
is run. Since operational metadata describes the reads and writes to and from a data source, it is
not produced for stages that are not directly connected to data sources. For instance, a row-
generator stage does not generate operational metadata. When it comes to data analysis, this is
crucial. Data engineers have visibility into lineage that the operational information gives to
discover, comprehend, and repair the cause of the mistakes if data scientists fear analyses may
have been done using flawed data.

2. Explain in 5-10 sentences how alignment happens and when to know you are already in this part
of cycle?
Metadata alignment is the cooperation of structural metadata used for information
exchange, by creating mappings between the words of two or more structural specifications
obtaining extensive agreement on the use of a common specification or by establishing a common
understanding. Your area is one where you cycle when exchanging information. Data
transformation from an operational environment to a data warehouse environment, assisting with
data mapping. Enabling the contrast between extremely summarized and detailed current data.

3. UPANG as a reference, choose one from the following the reason it maintained the success to
it’s operation to a quality education system and explain in 10-15 sentences.
a) Business motivation
b) Business canvas model
c) Business framework
d) Value stream
e) Business capability model
g) Metadata

BUSINESS MOTIVATION, When an individual's motivation determines how or why

they act in a particular manner. People's motivation and willingness to take action are also
influenced by it. If there is motivation, enthusiasm will result. It is an internal quality that each of
us possesses. Our behavior and actions are affected by it.
A collection of arguments or supporting data that we offer to support a claim is also referred to as
a "motive." For your consideration, we offer the following proposal and motivation, the statement
reads. Some people are easy to motivate if they are given a financial incentive. Financial benefits
can come in the form of monetary compensation, bonuses, commissions, or tax breaks.
How to encourage staff members to put forth their best effort is the subject of business motivation.
Employees who are motivated work harder because they are invested in the company's success. A
team with a strong enough desire to succeed will produce more. They will also sense a stronger
sense of commitment. More effort will be put into the work by the employees. However, if you
give your employees more freedom, their motivation will increase. People will develop their own
ideas and contribute to the working process if you let them. Simply put, motivation only comes
from external, or outside, sources that promise something. Motivation, on the other hand, is
internal, meaning that it originates from within the individual. Your employees' ability to function
effectively won't last for very long if they don't take pride in their work. They'll look for a job
where they can take pride in their work. In other words, people will seek employment in a setting
where they find their jobs satisfying.
4. Describe how business architecture works including the above choices a-g in your explanation
within 10-15sentences.
The business architecture provides information on the elements that are most crucial to the
objectives of the change when it is being considered, allowing for resource allocation and
prioritization. Because it shows how the components are connected, a business architecture can be
used to perform an impact analysis to determine what other aspects of the business may be
impacted by the change.
The business architecture itself can be used as a tool to identify changes that are necessary. Each
part of the architecture's performance metrics can be monitored and analyzed to spot when one is
underperforming. The importance of each component can be compared using the organization's
performance. This aids decision-makers in choosing where to invest and how to prioritize those
Business architecture enables coordinated and synchronized action across the organization by
tying action to the organization's vision, goals, and strategy. The architectural models created
throughout this process are the tools used to ensure that resources are allocated to the
organizational elements that support and align with this direction as well as to make the intent of
the vision, goals, and strategy clear, unified, and understandable.
Business architecture clarifies how an organization is set up and demonstrates how its elements—
such as data and capabilities—fit together, assisting in the alignment of the organization with its
business divisions.
Business architecture is typically used in conjunction with other business and operating models to
enable enterprises to drive investments based on a shared understanding of the business (which are
focused on process, people, and technology). A clearly defined business architecture enables an
organization to link its operational model with a comprehensive business strategy.
A business architecture requires a lot of effort to develop and implement. It requires creative
designers, outstanding corporate leadership, and collaboration between all business units. Rather
than being a project-type program with a predetermined start and end date and predetermined
budget, it is a new company culture.
For business architecture to succeed, it is crucial to elevate the discipline above just boxes and
arrows and integrate it as a crucial part of an enterprise business and technology transformation.

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