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Annisa Ayu Elfhariyanti

Discourse Analysis: Midterm

Annisa: Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb Pak Slamet. I am Annisa Ayu from Paper Writing B
and RML A. Last week my title has not been approved yet, so I want to ask how can I
propose my research topic to you. Should I meet you or through WhatsApp messenger?
Pak Slamet: Waalaikumsalam. Here is okay
Analysis: In this bubble Pak Slamet replied to my salam first because as a muslim it is obligatory
to reply the salam, and after that he replied about the question I’ve been asked which is through
this WhatsApp messenger, implying we should not meet in person because we are facing the
global pandemic which is still happening till now.

Annisa: Ok Sir
Annisa: So, I choose about shampoo advertisement sir, things that I want to do with this
is how shampoo advertising develop to convey about the beauty standard by the text
and image. Then what are the differences happen, such as the first thing they only used
model with straight and long hair till all of the kind of hair. So, my research question will
be 1. How the linguistic and visual element develop in conveying the meaning? 2. How
shampoo advertisemenet represent beauty standard? I haven’t find decide the period of
time for the data. So it is my topic sir.
Pak Slamet: RQ 2 needs explanation and brainstorming. Can it be seen from the
In this bubble Pak Slamet seems did not agree with second research question because he said
something about more explanation means he still did not agree with this research question. So,
he asked a question to me about the ‘language’

Annisa: Yes, Sir. So, it is about the text and image they choose. Back then they only
used the black and straight model.
Pak Slamet: How about now?
Pak Slamet: Deleted massage
Pak Slamet: black straight hair is just physically. So, in the second research question
would you analyzed about the phrase or sentences?
This time he sent three bubble, one of them is deleted message I don’t know about the deleted
massage but he deleted the message perhaps because of typo or he accidently sent the massage
before he done writing. The first bible is the other question because he still did not understand or
agree with this research question and perhaps he wanted to know about what should I do with
this research. The second bubble is the deleted massage. The third bubble is he was giving me
suggestions about what should be analyzed in the research question 2.

Annisa: Now, it is a lot of type of hair in the shampoo advertisement.

Annisa: Yes, sir I will analyze about the text in each year.
Pak Slamet: Annisa, remember that our specialty is language
In this bubble he tried to say again about the language because I kept saying about the physical
appearance not the language. So, he said ‘remember’ as the main point of this bubble to remind
me about specific thing to make the research better and fits with our major.
Annisa: Yes, Sir, I will analyze about the language they used in every year because the
language that they used changed. It is because perhaps they follow the nature of
Pak Slamet: Give me one or two examples about this
In this bubble he asked me about the examples because perhaps he wanted to see real example of
the advertisement that I’ve been talking about. This is also the way of making him agree to my
research, so I gave him several examples for that question.

Annisa: That’s all I got sir

Pak Slamet: now give me the answer of the first and second research question
Pak Slamet: just brief explanation
The first bubble is they way of testing my research question so he asked about the answer. In this
time, he sent two bubble the other one is about the brief explanation because in that time I kept
typing typing and typing because I was thinking about anything. We can see that through the
timestamp that I took quite a lot of time to answer.

Annisa: For the first research question it will be the visual element (text and model
position, font and color) and linguistic element develop to convey the meaning from the
beauty standard in a society through the shampoo advertisement.
Annisa: For the second research question, every year the visualization of beauty
standard in shampoo advertisement will change, followed the era.
Annisa: like that sir
Pak Slamet: The second research has not talk about the language, give specific
In this bubble he tried to test the research question because perhaps he still did not agree with
that or perhaps, he wanted to make me think more about that so I can do the research in that
field. In the end he asked for more specific example.

Annisa: Let me try sir. So, the visualization of beauty standard in shampoo
advertisement will change every year. It can be seen by the changing of the language
from the first decade they used a specific word such as “healthy hair” and in the last
decade they choose word with universal meaning such as “for a lifetime” and “beauty
resolution” not about the physical appearance about the hair.
Pak Slamet: *insert thumb emoticon* Focus on the language please
In this bubble he used emoticon for showing his approval of my answer. Thumb
emoticon can be stating as ‘okay’ or ‘yes’ so, that is why he used that. After that he kept
giving me suggestion as before because it is the main point of the research.
Annisa: Okay sir, so I will use that topic. Thank you for your time.
Pak Slamet: *insert okay sign* *insert thumb emoticon*
He sent me two emoticons which has same meaning as ‘okay’ or ‘yes’. Sometimes emoticon is
the way of expressing thing toward each other, they can use word but they use emoticon instead
but people understand about that because we have a context before the emoticon is being sent.
So, the emoticon has a meaning not just a emoticon.

The first bubble of Ma’am Laily is answering salam because it is obligatory. She said she was
wondering which means she thought about something related with my absence to meet her
because of the outbreak. Before the outbreak we met to talk about the topic I wanted to choose
but after the outbreak I never contacted her again so that is why she was wondering and after that
she allowed me to ask about the supervisor.
The second bubble is she agreed for being my second supervisor because she knew about the
field I interested to.
The third bubble is she answering about my question related to the data limit for the year because
I have some difficulties
The fourth bubble is she gave me compliment because I already know the theory and anything.
So, she didn’t say anything much.

The fifth bubble is she agreed to help me if I got difficulties because perhaps she knew that the
topic I interested to is not easy.

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