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Level 6 Course | 2nd Oral Test

Teacher Carlos Alberto Almaguer Morales

For this second test, you will simulate the purchase of a product of your own, focusing
on the characteristics of the product describing it using simple present passive or simple past
passive and why you want it.
Once the purchase is done, your will give feedback about the product you got, if it is
functional, exceed your expectations, the quality of the product etc.
Describe your new product (If is made by leather, plastic, metal etc)
Remember to use polite language as well the expressions seen in Units 9 & 10.

Aspects of the project:

➢ Must be developed on PPTX (4 Slides)
➢ Use of pictures are mandatory.
➢ Use red to highlight simple present passive or simple past passive.

➢ It’s possible to add videos for the presentation of the project.
➢ Punctuation will be considered.
➢ It’s suggested to add more user experience (feedback), remember if a product has
positive reviews, it’s reliable to customers.

Deadline for the project: February 21st, 2023, before class.

My earplugs are broken. I need to buy a new one as
soon as possible for my online classes. Looking on
the net I found a good replacement.

I found this one on Amazon, it says that it was made on China,

so that the materials are cheaper, however I only needed for
my online course. I will give it a chance.

My feedback about the product

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