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Name : Kelvin

NPM : 150422395
Class : R

Interview With Patricia Anthony: Passion

And Happiness At Work Is Possible!

It’s true! Some people are passionate about waking up on Monday! 

Some people love work so much that they get energized by difficult tasks or long
hours. Some people are doing what they love and are enthusiastic about how they
are contributing through their work. And one of those people is Patricia Anthony.
You will want to read this interview if you are not passionate about work. Patricia
explains how a seemingly perfect job can leave you feeling empty (it did for her). She
recognized the feeling of lack, took action on doing something that she loved in her
free time, and now works full time in an area that brings her complete joy (even on
What Do You Love Most About Your Current Career?

What do I love about my current career? Everything!

I love helping small business newbie entrepreneurs grow, or enabling seasoned

entrepreneurs to make a comeback. I am thrilled for the opportunity to empower
entrepreneurs of all ages.

I am energized by the chance to integrate bricks and clicks. I take pleasure in

painstakingly developing new products and customer acquisition and activation
strategies. I enjoy crafting strategies that drive enormous web traffic and growth
online, and crafting strategies for increasing sales and conversion.

It’s a joy to follow the stories and journey of small business online startups as they
craft their own unique path to entrepreneurial success and navigate the challenges
of doing business online.  It’s wonderful to know that I’m a part of this booming
The advent of social media has created important opportunities for creating vital and
intimate connections with others online.  I simply love how it breaks barriers and
enables networking with other entrepreneurs and internet enthusiasts from around
the world.

The proliferation of internet and mobile technology has lowered the barriers of entry
into every industry, sparking opportunities for disruption and new, simpler and
smarter ways to do business.

It’s an exciting trend where innovation and thought leadership is welcomed. There is
a growing acceptance that when something is wrong with the status quo you change
it. In fact even if nothing is wrong, you seek out ways to do things better, fast and
simpler, anyway. That’s progressive and I like that.

How Did You Discover What You Truly Wanted To Do?

I discovered the benefits and personal rewards of the internet and online business in
trying to start a part time hustle in my own business.

But what really caused me to delve deeper were my own attempts to escape the
displeasures of my employment and status within corporate life. Through the eyes of
the onlooker, I had the perfect job, but deep inside I was painfully conscious that
something else was missing. An employee is the soul of the workplace. If you don’t
feel yourself come alive at the thought of work, if you aren’t eager to start work in the
morning or reluctant to end your task on evenings, then something might just be

Though my advisory position offered many opportunities to learn and grow, my

opportunities for fully expressing my creativity were somewhat stifled. I yearned for
the opportunity to do more, and to explore the other aspects of my creativity and to
challenge myself to break new ground.

Every evening after work, I’d spend many long hours learning ecommerce and online
marketing techniques and growing my business. I didn’t mind putting in the long
hours or losing sleep. I was doing what I loved in a career that completed me. It was
during these hours that I really experienced that spark and light spirit that you only
get to discover if you work in a job that matches up perfectly to your own personality.
How Has Your Life Changed Since Doing Something Meaningful To You?

You’ll finally stop working when you discover your passion.

I recently transitioned to work in my own online business consultancy fulltime,

providing online entrepreneurs with the tools and advice they need to fast track their
startups to success. The joys of working in ecommerce are simply beyond anything I
had ever imagined work could ever be, and it has opened up special pathways to
blissful online success.

As a lifestyle entrepreneur and ecommerce strategist, I don’t only get to select the
projects that I work on, but I also get to choose my preferred business model and
company culture as well.

Although I work long and hard, I hardly notice at all, because I’m doing what I love.
When you’re doing what you love, work becomes play, and your peers and
customers reap more satisfying outcomes.

Not Doing What You Love Yet?

Patricia is obviously passionate about her career choices. She’s dead on about
everything, and if you want to feel the passion that she feels, then you have the
choice to do that!

As she said, she spent her free time learning about online business
and implementing what she learned, and that action led her to where she is today.

Taking action can be hard. Getting out of your comfort zone can be hard. Not using
your free time for TV can be hard.

But, action is easy to take when you enjoy what you are doing. That enjoyment will
outweigh any uncomfortable feelings and you will just do it.

Not doing what you love yet? Seek out different opportunities, test the waters, and
find something that you love as much as Patricia does. You will be amazed at how
Mondays, (and every day) will become a day full of happiness and excitement.

Source :

I think we must be like what Patricia does. She has discovered her passion. So, she
can works without burden. She will enjoy her works although she must spends many
hours for doing her works. She doesn’t feel tired because she loves her works. To
discover your passion in your job, you must delve it. If you feel something is missing
when you do your works, may be it is not your passion. But if you feel enjoy when
you do your works, it is your passion.

Do something with your passion is important. If you do something with your passion,
you will give your best in your works. You will not feel stress or depression. But to
discover your passion is not easy. You must delve what are you doing deeply. If you
have discovered it, you will feel happy with works that you are doing. Do something
that you don’t like just make you can’t enjoy this life.

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