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jorary World Politics CHAPTER AT A GLANCE ‘THE END OF BIPOLARITY 1991 ] [COLLAPSE OF SECOND WORLD] | Series of Events HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF USSR AS THE ‘SECOND WORLD | Aepechen wath? Political Science—12 ‘ter Second World War ‘The group of Eastern | cast European Counties Warsaw Pact brought them European countries was came under the contro of under one alliance Called the Second World the USSR (being berated ‘trom fascist forces) —— _——$—_$_$—_ ‘State controlled planned Poitical system Centred Teonomy Le, Socaist. | ™mPertnce OF? around only one party Economic system. Communist Party Institution of private property abolished. \(SOVIET ECONOMY VS. CAPITALIST ECONOMY OF THE US ——_—__, ‘+ Socialist and controlled Economy: Capitalist and + aptat ar opn Ean + Ah pate ey > erred + Fete nei rn + Pocky ng + Lack of technological development «Technological Development + Sali suicient economy ‘+ Interdependent Economy ‘The End of Bipolarity 15 Somes pain Absence of freedom of eee rary ——_—speechand expression. ——— © GORBACHEV'S REFORMS re pees : Features of = Gorbachev's Reform aoe i = i: — Fiscal Regulation Restructuring economic e and political Policies — | Openness policies —— ‘ndusties open to private = enterprises 2 Loosened the party control ‘Stopped arms race with the us Democratic freedom withdrew Soviet troops from ‘Afghanistan and Eastern Europe 16 Together with® Political Science—12 DISINTEGRATION OF THE USSR IN 1901 \ Factors Responsible CONSEQUENCES OF THE DISINTEGRATION | End oftiel) § End of the second | pty hg TM) worl ad posepites ——Emecence) (ewesuabs) | GUiramany Go War atlnes and ot unipolar or mutta Of eral, ead of fist e — nai democracy the world. map ‘world. ues _ SHOCK THERAPY AND FEATURES | Painful process of transton from authoritarian socialist system to a democratic capitalist system In Central Asia nee Civil wars in Tajikistan, Georgia, Kyrayzstan The End of Bipolarity 18 Fogecher with® Political Science—12 LEADERS OF THE SOVIET UNION © Lenin was the founder of the Bolshevik Communist Party. He was the leader of the Russian Revolution of 1917. © Lenin was an outstanding theoretician and practitioner of Marxism and a source of inspiration for communists all over the world consolidation. Lenin (1870-1924) * He introduced rapid industrialisation and forcibtecollectvisation of agriculture. , ‘© Stalinwasheld responsible for the Great Terror Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) of the 1930s, authoritarian functioning and elimination of als within the party. * Khrushchev denounced Stalin's leadership style and introduced some reforms in 1956. * He suggested “peaceful Coexistence” with the West, Nikita Khrushchey * He suppressed popular (189-1971) febellion in Hungary and invo} and involved in th | Cuban mise criss, . © Brezhnev was the leader of Soviet Union from 1964-82. © He proposed Asian Collective Security ‘System and was associated with the detente phase in relations with the US. Leonid Brezhnev (1906-82) © Gorbachev was the last leader of the Soviet Union. © He introduced economic and political reform policies of ‘Perestroika’. ‘© He stopped the arms race Mikhail Gorbachev with the US and withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan and easter Europe. © Gorbachev helped in the unification of Germany and ended Cold War. ‘+ But, he was blamed for the disintegration of the Soviet Union. + Yeltsin was the first elected President of Russia after the disintegration of Soviet Union. He rose to power in the Communist Party and was made the Mayor of Boris Yeltsin Moscow by Gorbachev. (1931-2007) Later on he left the Communist Party and led the protests against the Soviet regime in 1991. Played a key role in dissolving the Soviet Union. * 1988, Independence movement starte Which later spend one Started in Lithuania; Estonia and Latvia, * October 1989, * Fall of Berlin Walt (November) Union data "Alternative Centres of Power | CHAPTER AT A GLANCE China as @ tampa on Sou Est otal some recira $003 jun al —_ see ‘ + Aecderat econo gro, socal pores and cultural development ‘1948. ~ Formation of OEEC Le Organisation ofE ia jcopeatin for Econ 190 ~ Comet oe was esablshs fr otal 1957 ~ Formation of + Fart othe Exopean Economic Community ie. EEC for . Poitical Dimension | eee + has its own fag 4 anthem and founding date + thas some form of ‘common foreign and security poicy. ‘= Expanded areas of influence in acquiring ew members. Alternative Centres of Power 35 Economic Dimension Diplomatic Dimension 4 t |= Common market and | Britain and France | common currency ‘old permanent seats | Second biggest Lalaie economy with highest ‘© Influence US policies GOP ‘* Ituses diplomacy, + Important blo in economic investments International Economic | and negotiations. Organisations ie. WTO. 4 Miltary Dimension eacaeeesy) «Second largest force in the word «+ Bian and France have nuclear arms. + Second important Source of space and technology LIMITATIONS OF EUROPEAN UNION FROM BEING ‘SUPRANATIONAL ' |e Member states have their own foreign relations and defence a many areas which is contradictory to E. | Many new merbe of EU formed US le coalition of willing. | © Deep seated Euroskepticism about EU's integrationist agenda, Ban out ofthe European market. + Denmark and Sweden resisted Maastricht Treaty and ‘Euro ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH EAST ASIAN MATIONS-ASEAN ASEAN | | Pitas of | objectives and ASEAN Way Vision 2020 | Suucture eee 36 Toyethen wath® Political Science—12 Socio-Cutural yi Commu ‘Community ay ee Econoic Community ; ee) ‘ + Conmtent promote “+ Conicton at + eanomy i rowing utr activies ‘faster ‘Effective Communication ‘toad nat tuned nto eatin of Free Trade system for cutural exchange ‘Enedcontonatan oo reins “+ Fallow he policy of “+ Liberal policy towards «+ Mutual ploy towards bese. realy cas sha ponuaton onto, sports and oo Codeowbegd ae ‘higher Education. Piaeaitaen © Common mato, ‘© Liberalised visa rules to - cecbisted. ‘wate. ‘encourage tourisms, a> ———— _——! ‘+ Non-ntrterence in the itera matters an respect each others sovereignty. + Ineracton should be based on the paley of informal, non-conrontatonst and cooperative + No postion of common culture, opinion or ble ‘Atterative Centres of Power 37 cootiie eras ED _ NEW CENTRE OF POWER i f = 4 ay aay russia via ise } + } ‘+ Emergad as one of a + secs + Enopigaste seene rd Seca gma anes ‘« Recognised as the P-5, century. - — -mambers of security -e India js rising in & pola fe counel ‘multidimensional way. ‘oe standing ‘+ Powerful country due ‘Make in ndia’is the rote Citnenete " mueomecdsn, wae pad marae Eco exam west Asian polities paral BRICS ‘+ Bian, Russa, nda, China and South ‘Mca «Founded in 2008 in ‘+ To-cooperate and ‘economic benefits

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