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October, 2022


-It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation .

BRS Student Link is a monthly newsletter that carries reflections of stu-

dents at BRS. It is a platform provided by BRS for students to exhibit
their talents, challenges and reflection on their learning process inside
In this Publication ….
and outside the classroom. The newsletter is a digital communication
 From the Publication
medium to encourage all the students to express their views and talents.
 Topic of the month
From the Publication team:
 Poetry
 Articles The new publication team has started and is functioning successfully with the help of
everyone’s contribution. We look forward to continue this great start with the help of
 Art Corner
your support further.
 Photography
‘Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a
 Challenge from the team tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid’
-Albert Einstein
This quote is an interesting one with lots of deep meanings hidden . It is a fact
acknowledged indefinitely that it is not possible for all to have a potential of sim-
ilar nature. Different upbringing, culture, environment comes together to
facilitate the ability of an individual thereby making him realize his self-worth. You
cannot uproot an individual from his zone of excellence and rather test him on an
absolutely different zone. That would not only be undermining but also overlook-
ing the genius hidden in her/him.

-Publication Team


Page 2

The Month of October: Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer is a disease in which cells in the breast grow

out of control. There are different kinds of breast cancer. The
kind of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast
turn into cancer. Breast cancer can begin in different parts of
the breast.
Breast cancer often starts out too small to be felt. As it
grows, it can spread throughout the breast or to other parts
of the body. This causes serious health problems and can
cause death.
Why is being aware of cancer important?
By knowing and understanding the basics about cancer and
following the recommended guidelines for screening, men
and women can help reduce the number of cases and in-
The Editorial crease survival rates by allowing treatment to begin earlier.
Team When breast cancer is detected early and has not spread to
anywhere else in the body, the 5-year relative survival rate is
99 percent. That is why being proactive about your health
through early detection is so important.
Page 3

My Life

When I do count the clock that tells the time,

And see the brave day sunk in hideous night;

When I behold the violet past prime,

Rishik manu
And sable curls, all silver’d o’er with white;
Grade: 5C(Boys)
When lofty trees I see barren of leaves,
Which erst from heat did canopy the herd,
And summer’s green all girded up in sheaves,
Borne on the bier with white and bristly beard,
Then of thy beauty do I question make,
That thou among the wastes of time must go,

Since sweets and beauties must themselves forsake

And die as fast as they see others grow;
And nothing ’gainst Time’s scythe can make defence
Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.
Page 4

The Tale of Five

Sorrows Old

The lover of his soul succumbed to the Light

Her face blanched and tired
Gave way to utter peace last night
Gladdened he is, she is at rest
This woman his no longer, he is at abetting unrest
Aleena Sara His heart trembles and throbs
Sherry And his cries are only heard by his demon lords
Grade: 12 D Heard and pitied, there came a tale old witch
(Girls) “Son of man,” she spoke, her voice smooth without a glitch
Her deep urn eyes bored into his and she smiled
His pain and his rage were all she desired.

She tittered in glee, and she chanted

Her fertile mind worked and then her map charted
And so she sold him his sorrows five
Curses of clear liquid, of spurious mercy divine
The man, dark and forlorn, gave one to the innkeeper’s wife.

That one that cannot bear a secret to hide

In his fury, bartered off a second
To a liar he knew and reckoned
In his despair, he tallied off the third of his bottled sorrow
To the boy who labors for a better tomorrow.

Sent off the fourth to the girl in the common tavern

That child who learned to read and write under a lighted lan-
Ticking them all off, there left was a fifth sorrow
He knows not what to do with it, that he does know
He let it remain, buckled at his waist
Sweet pain of a trust misplaced, liquid that he shall soon fore-
Page 5

The Magical Door

During midnight I heard a loud sound,

And when I went downstairs you won’t believe what I found.
I went to the basement full of fear,
And I took a torch so that the light would make my path clear.

I saw a door which looked very strange,

But I had to open it my fate cannot change.
There were weird designs around the door,
I have never seen this door before.

Shreya Giri
Grade: 7 A I bumped into a woman she seemed very friendly,
But I shouldn’t have trusted her blindly.
She took me to her house and introduced me to her family,
She also had a daughter named Amalie.

I opened the door and went into another world,

I got hurled to the ground.
Everyone in that world wore weird clothes and had button
My confusion started to arise.
I asked the woman when will supper be ready,
She said that dinner has been made already.
I finished eating the food it was quite delicious,
But by the way the woman and her family was eating was sus-

I went upstairs for a good night’s rest,

But my instinct told that I should run out of the house that’s
what it requested.
I believed my instinct and ran out of the house,
And they started running after me as if I was a mouse!
I got so scared and ran as fast as I could,
And got away from them which was very good.
I felt very relieved and frightened at the same time,
And fell back into the original world.

I have been thinking about it day and night,

Maybe I’ll find out the truth of that world.
Page 6

Is dependence on technology killing our mental pow-


Invention of machines and gadgets has made life easy for man. In
fact, it is too easy. It is posing a threat to his existence. Starting
from a simple pen to a supercomputer, from a TV to an airplane
— life runs on machines. Tell me when was the last time you
hand washed your own clothes, or hand wrote notes? The most
common answer would be that you would use a washing ma-
NETHRA BALAJI chine to wash clothes and would rather type out your im-
portant notes.
Grade: 10A(Girls)
There was a time when the body of man actually did work and
did not sit on sofas and be couch potatoes. As the time passed
by, man used his wit and power to invent various easygoing
gadgets to perform his work without putting any pressure on
his shoulders. Invention of machines and gadgets has made our
life so easy that at a very slow pace we have started becoming
dependent on machines for everything. In the past, man used to
perform lot of activities by himself, with his heart, brain, as well
as body, as well as body. Robin Sharma, the famous author and
motivational speaker says, “Cell phones, mobile email, and all the
other cool and slick gadgets can cause massive losses in our
creative output and overall productivity.” Man has become phys-
ically, mentally, socially and emotionally weak!
The present signs of his decadence do not augur well. If he fails
to check his dependence on machines and gadgets, he may be-
come utterly incapable of surviving any longer on this planet.
Man must learn to use machines wisely and appropriately. He
must use these gadgets as he uses other things for example,
stove, shoes, car, pen etc. He uses them only when they are re-
quired. However, his overuse of machinery unnecessarily is kill-
ing his time. Though they have become an integral part of our
existence, we must use this boon and bane optimally.
Page 7

Alone we can do little, Together we can do much

The powerful quote by Helen Keller "ALONE WE ACHIEVE

the test of time.

When a group sticks to a common goal, they achieve things

that may not have even been imagined. The word teamwork
Namasvitha means working together as a team to achieve a particular
Vasireddy goal. Be it in a office or house, everyone has his or her respon-
sibilities, that makes us a part of the team we are in. When we
Grade: 6D(Girls) work alone we feel that it is an easy work to complete in the
way of style we would like, but working as a team is a great op-

If we humans only think that working together is not that

worth it, imagine the animals. They do not have a mouth to
speak but still they believe that teamwork makes the dream
work since they also perform as a team to survive in this com-
petitive world. Taking help from someone does not mean you
are going low, but achieving something and completing your
work on time.
Albert Einstein once said “Alone we are strong but together
we are stronger.”

We must always remember that “the talent we got may help us

win games but teamwork win's championships”, 3 main things
every human being needs to live on earth is Hard work, Team-
work and Collaboration.

Behind every success, teamwork is present. The best example

to explain the above sentence is the Indian Cricket Team. If the
team did not support each other and wanted to win their own
victory they would not have reached their position right now.
It is also very unhealthy to be alone because you feel lonely.
When you have no one to cheer you up and advise, you will
start to feel alone. Being and working together unites you,
gives you security and much more support needed to complete
your work.

Teamwork not only provides successes but also makes an indi-

vidual humble and tolerant.
Page 8


“A picture says a thousand words”

Abdu Rahman
Grade: 8E(Boys)
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Aditya Sonawane
Grade: 5D(Boys)
Page 10


Aarav Mahajan
Grade: 5A(Boys)
Page 11


(10 C Girls)
First Position
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(9 E Boys)
Second Position
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(9 D Girls)
Third Position
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“Photography is the beauty of life captured”

Sai Thanmayi
Grade: 10 A
Page 15


“Photography is the beauty of life captured”

Sai Thanmayi
Grade: 10 A
Page 16

Challenge by THE

September Challenge
Answers !

Spot the Difference:-

Find 12 differences
Page 17

Challenge by THE


1. What has to be broken before you can use

2. I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short
when I’m old. What am I?
3. What month of the year has 28 days?
4. What can’t talk but will reply when
spoken to?
5. The more of this there is, the less you see.
What is it?

Please send your answers by the 10th of the next

month along with your full name and class to

Wait for the answers along with the results to

be published in the next edition!
Page 18

Please send your articles, art work,

poems, photographs, stories to by the
10th of every month.
*Please do not exceed 150 words.

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