Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids On Markers of Inflammation in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease

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Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis 2017

doi: 10.1111/1744-9987.12611
© 2017 International Society for Apheresis, Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy

Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Markers of Inflammation

in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease:
A Controversial Issue

Chun Hu,1* Ming Yang,1* Xuejing Zhu,1 Peng Gao,1 Shikun Yang,1,2 Yachun Han,1
Xianghui Chen,1 Li Xiao,1 Shuguang Yuan,1 Fuyou Liu,1 Yashpal S Kanwar3,4, and
Lin Sun1
Department of Nephrology, Second Xiangya Hospital, 2Department of Nephrology, The Third Xiangya
Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China, Departments of 3Pathology and 4Medicine, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL, USA

Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a global prob- compared. All of the data analysis was calculated by Rev-
lem which contributes to a significant morbidity and mor- Man 5.2. A total of 12 RCTs involving 487 patients were
tality in China. Concomitant inflammatory state further included in the meta-analysis. Among them 254 patients
boosts the mortality due to cardiovascular events in received omega-3 fatty acids and 233 patients served as
patients with CKD undergoing dialysis. There is a general controls who received placebo. The meta-analysis revealed
notion that Omega-3 fatty acids including docosahexaenoic no statistical significance in serum levels of C-reactive pro-
acids (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) have certain tein (CRP) (SMD, −0.20; 95% CI, −0.44 to 0.05; P = 0.11),
health benefits perhaps via the regulation of inflammation. IL-6 (SMD, 0.00; 95% CI, −0.33 to 0.33; P = 0.99) and
However, the anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty TNF-α (SMD, 0.14; 95% CI, −0.17 to 0.44; P = 0.38)
acids in patients with CKD is controversial. We analyzed between the omega-3 fatty acids supplementation group
the data of oral supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids in and control. This suggested that there is insufficient evi-
CKD patients by searching literature on database from dence to conclude the benefit of omega-3 fatty acids oral
inception to August 2016. The analysis included random- supplementation in reducing serum levels of CRP, IL-6
ized controlled trials (RCTs) derived from multiple data- and TNF-α in patients with CKD. Key Words: Chronic
bases, and the effect of omega-3 fatty acids kidney disease, C-reactive protein, Dialysis, Interleukin-6,
supplementation versus the control cohorts were Omega-3 fatty acids, Tumor necrosis factor-α.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide pub- inflammatory state in patients on hemodialysis can be
lic health problem. There is an increasing incidence monitored by various serum biomarkers, such as C-
and prevalence of kidney failure in CKD. Apparently, reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and
the uremic toxins in CKD patients induce inflamma- tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF- α) (4). Thus, one can
tory responses that are mediated by a variety of cyto- envisage that the modulation of inflammatory
kines, chemokines and other inflammatory molecules. responses may serve an important target for the treat-
Consequentially, there is an enhanced oxidative stress ment of CKD (5), and efforts to prevent or attenuate
and tissue injury. In such an inflammatory setting inflammation would be an important step to delay the
patients with CKD and those undergoing dialysis may progression of CKD.
have a higher mortality due to precipitation of unde- Omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3 fatty acid or n-3 fatty
sirable cardiovascular events (1–3). This chronic acid) are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids,
which consist of α-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3 n-3),
eicosapentaenoic (EPA, 20:5 n-3) and docosahexae-
Received October 2016; revised August 2017; accepted
August 2017. noic acids (DHA, 22:6 n-3). ALA is present in vege-
Address correspondence and reprint request to Dr Lin table oil like flaxseed, canola, olive oil, walnuts and
Sun, Department of Nephrology, Second Xiangya Hospital, so on, whereas EPA and DHA are found in abun-
Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410011, China.
Email: sunlinnwu11@163.com dance in marine oils and most fish, particularly oily
*Both the authors contributed equally to this study. ones such as tuna, salmon and trout etc. (6). Omega-

2 C Hu et al.

3 fatty acids are essential fatty acids since they are follows: reviews, meeting summaries, case reports,
not synthesized in the body (7). There is increasing and non-clinical research articles, non-randomized
evidence that suggests omega-3 fatty acids partici- controlled trials, animal research data, incorrect or
pate in the regulation of inflammation and immune incomplete data that cannot be extracted, duplicate
response by reducing the production of monocyte publications or poor quality data, and studies lack-
pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-1 ing inflammatory marker data.
(IL-1), IL-6 and TNF-α (8). In addition, they can
also reduce triglyceride (TG) levels (9,10) and hence
the cardiovascular risk (11,12). In this regard, the Search strategy
American Heart Association (AHA) has issued We searched the literature in PubMed, Embase,
guidelines for recommending daily supplementation Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials
of omega-3 fatty acids in patients with the potential (CCRCT) and China National Knowledge Infrastruc-
to develop cardiovascular disease (13). Likewise, ture Database (CNKI) for clinical trials assessing the
Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical effects of omega-3 fatty acids on markers of inflam-
Practice Guidelines for Glomerulonephritis in 2012 mation in CKD patients from inception to August
(14) and the Japanese Clinical Practice Guides for 2016. The following keywords were used: chronic
IgA nephropathy (IgAN) in 2014 (15) recommended renal failure (CRF), end stage renal disease (ESRD),
using omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of these chronic kidney disease (CKD), uremia, dialysis,
nephritides. In addition, the omega-3 fatty acids also hemodialysis (HD) or peritoneal dialysis; combined
reduce systemic inflammation by lowering the serum with omega-3 fatty acid, omega-3 polyunsaturated
levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and CRP (16). fatty acid, ω-3 fatty acid, n-3 fatty acid, n-3 polyunsat-
However, controversies have arisen since recent urated fatty acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish oil,
studies have challenged the notion of anti- docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, DHA
inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty acids in or EPA, and C-reactive protein, CRP, interleukin
patients with CKD. Most of the past studies indicate 6, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor alpha, TNF-α and
that patients with CKD have low omega-3 fatty acids inflammation. In addition, we also screened the refer-
levels, which expectedly result in an inflammatory ences pertaining to the included studies with the aim
co-morbid state (17). In support of this notion cer- of identifying potential eligibility for RCTs.
tain studies revealed that supplementation of
omega-3 fatty acids decreases levels of inflammatory
markers in hemodialysis patients (18,19). However, Study selection
other studies report no significant effect in lowering We included RCTs analyzing oral supplementa-
inflammation in CKD patients treated with omega-3 tion of omega-3 fatty acids that affects inflammation
fatty acids supplementation (20,21). parameters in patients with CKD. Two investigators
In this meta-analysis study, we examine random- reviewed all the article titles and abstracts indepen-
ized controlled trials (RCTs) while focusing on the dently. The studies that were clearly irrelevant were
changes in the serum concentrations of CRP, IL-6 excluded. For articles, full-text of the articles was
and TNF-α following oral supplementation of examined and evaluated that seem to yield a certain
omega-3 fatty acids in CKD patients, and evaluate degree of certainty. The studies that failed to include
whether or not omega-3 fatty acids improve the inflammation markers were excluded. The study
inflammatory state. selection and exclusion process is shown in Figure 1.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Data extraction and management

The data extraction was collected independently
Inclusion criteria by two investigators: first author’s name, study
In this RCT study we compared the effect of sup- design, publication year, sample size (treatment/con-
plementation of omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and/or trol), sex ratio (men/female), measurements of IL-6,
EPA, on markers of inflammation between experi- TNF-α and CRP levels, duration of follow-up, treat-
mental subjects and the controls receiving placebo. ment group (dose of n-3 PUFAs), control group
The experimental subjects included patients with (placebo or other), and kidney disease status. At
CKD receiving renal dialysis and who were dialysis- the same time, the mean with 95% confidence inter-
independent. The outcomes parameters included val was used to calculate the mean  standard devi-
measuring the levels of serum IL-6, TNF-α and ation (SD) (22). The data were input to RevMan
CRP. The literature studies excluded were as 5.2 by two investigators independently.

© 2017 International Society for Apheresis,

Ther Apher Dial, Vol. ••, No. ••, 2017 Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Inflammation in CKD 3

Study selection
We identified records of 582 patients. Out of
these, 532 irrelevant studies were excluded because
of duplication identified by surveying the article’s
title and abstract. We further excluded 38 studies
after retrieving the full texts from the remaining
50 articles. The main reason was because of being
non-RCTs or not inclusive of reporting inflamma-
tory markers. Finally, 12 studies were eligible and
thus included; the details of the retrieval processes
are shown in Figure 1.
FIG. 1. Flow diagram of the literature selection and the exclu-
sion process.
Characteristics of included studies and quality
Study quality assessment
The characteristics of all the studies in this meta-
We used the Cochrane risk of bias guidelines (23)
analysis are shown in Table 1. These 12 studies
to assess the quality of studies, which included gen-
included a total of 487 patients, among which
eration of random sequence, blinding of participants
254 were treated with omega-3 fatty acids and a con-
and personnel, blinding of outcome assessment,
trol group included 233 treated with placebo. These
allocation concealment, incomplete outcome data as
studies also provided the outcomes reflected in the
well as selective reporting, and other bias. For each
levels of CRP (22,25–30,32,33,35), IL-6 (25,29–33,35)
study, according to the risk of bias guidelines, we
and TNF-α (29,31,32,34). Among these, four studies
designated as high risk of bias, low risk of bias or
included CKD patients who did not receive dialysis
unclear risk of bias (Fig. 2).
(22,27,31,34). The treatment studies included oral
supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids at doses of
0.8–6 g/day for 2–6 months. Additionally, the risk
Statistical analysis
assessments were included in these studies and they
For continuous results, we used mean differences
are listed in Figure 2.
(MD) with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). Since
the measurement unit is different in the included
RCTs, the standardized mean difference (SMD) Omega-3 fatty acids and CRP
with corresponding 95% CI to calculate continuous Ten studies described the effect of omega-3 fatty
variables was used. Assessment of statistical hetero- acid supplementation on the serum CRP levels
geneity among trials by using χ2 and I2 statistics was (22,25–30,32,33,35). The pooled results of seven tri-
used (24). If heterogeneity did not exist among stud- als indicated that omega-3 fatty acids intake had no
ies, we applied a fixed-effect model to calculate statistical difference in the levels of serum CRP
pooled effect size, otherwise a random-effect model (SMD, −0.20; 95% CI, −0.44 to 0.05; P = 0.11;
was used. In addition, the outcomes were desig- Fig. 3), and there was no heterogeneity among these
nated statistically significant when P < 0.05. studies (heterogeneity χ2 = 5.92, P = 0.43, I2 = 0%;

FIG. 2. Study quality assessment.

© 2017 International Society for Apheresis,

Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy Ther Apher Dial, Vol. ••, No. ••, 2017
4 C Hu et al.

TABLE 1. Characteristics of included studies

Study No. Gender Duration Treatment
Study (year) design patients (M/F) Biomarkers (months) Intervention modality
Himmelfarb et al. 2007 (25) RCT T:31 T:23/8 II.-6 and 2 months T:(0.8 g DHA)/day Hemodialysis
C:32 C:17/15 CRP C:sunflower oil
Saifullah et al. 2007 (26) RCT T:15 T:11/4 CRP 3 months T:(1.3 g ω3FA)/day Hemodialysis
C:8 C:7/1 C:soybean/corn oil
Madsen et al. 2007 (27) RCT T:22 T:13/9 CRP 2 months T:(2.4 g ω3FA)/day Nondialysis
C:24 C:17/7 C:olive oil
Bowden et al. 2009 (28) RCT T:18 T:11/7 CRP 6 months T:(6g Fish oil)/day Hemodialysis
C:15 C:8/7 C:corn oil
Mori et al. 2009 (22) RCT T:20 T:12/8 CRP 2 months T:(4g ω3FA)/day Nondialysis
C:15 C:8/7 C:olive oil
Kooshki et al. 2010 (29) RCT T:17 T:10/7 CRP,TNF-α 2.5 months T:(1.24 g EPA, Hemodialysis
and IL6 0.84 g DHA)/day
C:17 C:11/6 C: triglyceride oils
Mat Daud et al. 2012 (30) RCT T:31 T:20/11 CRP 6 months T: (1.8 g EPA, 0.6 g Hemodialysis
C:32 C:12/20 C: olive oil
Deike et al. 2012 (31) RCT T:17 T:8/9 IL-6 and 2 months T: (2.4 g Fish oil)/ Nondialysis
TNF-α day
C:14 C:9/5 C: safflower oil
Gharekhani et al. 2014 (32) RCT T:25 T:13/12 CRP,IL-6 4 months T:(1.08 g Hemodialysis
and TNF-α EPA,0.72 g DHA)/
C:20 C:12/8 C:paraffin oil
Hung et al. 2015 (33) RCT T:17 T:14/3 CRP and 3 months T:(2.9 g ω3FA)/day Hemodialysis
C:17 C:13/4 IL-6 C: placebo
Mirhashemi et al. 2016 (34) RCT T:30 T:11/19 TNF-α 3 months T:(1 g ω3FA)/day Nondialysis
C:30 C:10/20 C: placebo
Deger et al. 2016 (35) RCT T:11 T:9/3 CRP and 3 months T:(2.9 g ω3FA)/day Hemodialysis
C:9 C:8/1 IL-6 C: placebo

C, placebo group; T, omega-3 fatty acid group.

Fig. 3). In the study performed by Madsen, CRP IL-6 data as a histogram (25). However, in this
changes were calculated as median with interquar- study, IL-6 value was significantly reduced in the
tile range. The results for the group of omega-3 treatment group but it was not significantly different
fatty acids supplementation and control groups from the control group.
were: (2.46 vs 1.47 mg/L; P = 0.06) and (3.27 vs
3.14 mg/L; P = 0 0.12), respectively (26). Overall, it
Omega-3 fatty acids and TNF-α
indicated that the change of serum CRP level was
The effect of supplementation of omega-3 fatty
not different among the two groups. In another
acids on serum TNF-α level was also reported in
study performed by Himmelfarb et al, serum CRP
four trials (29,31,32,34). The pooled analysis sug-
data were expressed in the form of a histogram, and
gested that TNF-α levels had no significant differ-
it also indicated no significant difference in the
ences between the experiment and control groups
treatment and control group (35).
(SMD, 0.14; 95% CI, −0.17 to 0.44; P = 0.38; Fig. 3).
No heterogeneity in these studies was documented
(heterogeneity χ2 = 1.8, P = 0.61, I2 = 0%; Fig. 3) .
Omega-3 fatty acids and IL-6
Six studies were included pertaining to the
changes in serum IL-6 levels (25,29,31–33,35). Four Omega-3 fatty acids affect serum IL-6, TNF-α and
articles were included in the pooled analysis, which CRP levels in dialysis patients
suggested that serum IL-6 levels were not signifi- We also evaluated the data of omega-3 fatty acids
cantly different in the group receiving omega-3 fatty supplementation in dialysis patients and their effect
acids supplementation compared with the controls on the serum levels of IL-6, TNF-α and CRP. The
(SMD, 0.00; 95% CI, −0.33 to 0.33; P = 0.99; Fig. 3). pooled analyses revealed that serum IL-6, TNF-α
A low heterogeneity was detected in these studies and CRP level were not significantly different in
(heterogeneity χ2 = 4.58, P = 0.21, I2 = 34%; Fig. 3). patients receiving omega-3 fatty acids versus the
One study performed by Himmelfarb et al. was not controls. The pooled respective results (Fig. 4) per-
included in pooled analysis since it reported serum taining to serum IL-6, TNF-α and CRP levels were:

© 2017 International Society for Apheresis,

Ther Apher Dial, Vol. ••, No. ••, 2017 Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Inflammation in CKD 5

FIG. 3. Forest plot of studies comparing the role of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation versus placebo on serum inflammation markers
in CKD patients.

(SMD, 0.09; 95% CI, −0.28 to 0.47; P = 0.63); with CKD and/or those receiving dialysis. This
(SMD, 0.09; 95% CI, −0.35 to 0.54; P = 0.68) and would suggest that the omega-3 fatty acids do not
(SMD, −0.23; 95% CI, −0.49 to 0.03; P = 0.09). exert obvious beneficial effect by reducing the
inflammatory state in patents with CKD or dialysis.
Some of the recent literature reports suggest that
Publication bias micro-inflammation is a salient characteristic of
We used the funnel plots to evaluate the publica- patients with CKD in pre-dialysis or dialysis patients
tion bias, as shown in Figure 5, the outcomes of (36–38), which attributes to a relatively high cardio-
serum IL-6, TNF-α and CRP were symmetric, sug- vascular risk in such patients (39,40). Elevated
gesting that publication bias did not affect the result levels of inflammatory mediators have a potential
of our meta-analysis. role in increasing oxidative stress and expression of
advanced glycation end (AGE) products (41). It has
been reported that the progression of CKD is
related to low-grade inflammation, even in patients
The meta-analysis data revealed no statistical dif- with moderate renal dysfunction who may not be
ferences in serum CRP levels between omega-3 yet dialysis-dependent (42–44), suggesting that ele-
fatty acids supplementation group and cohorts in vation of inflammatory mediators is associated with
CKD patients. Also, the serum levels of CRP and the development of chronic renal failure. While the
TNF-α were not statistically different between the data of certain other recent studies indicate that the
dialysis patients receiving omega-3 fatty acids group lower levels of inflammation biomarkers may rather
and control group. Therefore, the current study con- improve the survival of CKD patients (45–47).
cluded that oral supplementation of omega-3 fatty Therefore, modulation of micro-inflammation in
acids did not have a significant effect in reducing patients with CKD may be of great clinical signifi-
serum levels of IL-6, TNF-α and CRP in patients cance to delay the progression of CKD.

© 2017 International Society for Apheresis,

Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy Ther Apher Dial, Vol. ••, No. ••, 2017
6 C Hu et al.

FIG. 4. Forest plot of studies comparing the role of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation versus placebo on serum inflammation markers
in dialysis patients.

Some of the studies indicate that omega-3 fatty inflammatory intermediaries (57). In addition, the
acids have beneficial effect in several inflammation- omega-3 fatty acids can alter the composition of cell
mediated diseases, such as Crohn’s disease (48), membrane phospholipid fatty acid (58). Further-
rheumatoid arthritis (49), IgAN (50) and various more, Micallef et al. reported that omega-3 fatty
skin diseases (51). Also, some of the review articles acids are inversely related to CRP levels in healthy
(7,10) mentioned the effects of omega-3 fatty acids individuals (59), and they also reduce CRP and IL-6
supplementation in CKD patients who are dialysis- levels in healthy older adults (60). Likewise, omega-
dependent as well as -independent. One of the 3 fatty acids can decrease serum CRP concentra-
problems seems to be the uremia-associated taste tions in various chronic diseases (61) and patients
alterations in CKD patients undergoing hemodialy- with diabetic nephropathy (62). In addition,
sis, and as a result there would be inadequate sup- Tayyebi-Khosroshahi et al. also reported that
plementation of omega-3 fatty acids (52). Also, omega-3 fatty acids significantly decrease the levels
hemodialysis may directly affect omega-3 fatty acids of TNF-α in hemodialysis patients (63). However,
bioavailability since these patients are under other studies indicated no significant effect on the
increased oxidative stress, and this will result in low inflammatory state in CKD patients with supple-
levels of omega-3 fatty acids (53). Nevertheless, cer- mentation of omega-3 fatty acids (20,21). The pre-
tain studies pertaining to endothelial biology and sent meta-analysis study indicates that there are no
type 2 diabetes indicate beneficial effects of omega- significant differences in serum IL-6, TNF-α and
3 fatty acids by modulation of inflammation (54–56). CRP levels between the untreated and patients trea-
The mechanism by which omega-3 fatty acids exert ted with omega-3 fatty acids supplementation. This
their anti-inflammatory effect may be by possibly could be due to several variables, including the
modulating AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) study duration, the number of studied patients,
or cellular signaling mediated via silencing informa- EPA/DHA ratios and dosage of omega-3 fatty acids
tion regulator1 (SIRT1); the latter apparently leads used, as well as the baseline levels of inflammation
to deacetylation of nuclear factor of kappaB (NF- markers. In addition, the existing medical status or
kB) and competitive inhibition of arachidonic acid a given patient undergoing other treatments may be
that is involved in its conversion to pro- additional factors influencing the outcome (64).

© 2017 International Society for Apheresis,

Ther Apher Dial, Vol. ••, No. ••, 2017 Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Inflammation in CKD 7

FIG. 5. Funnel plots with MD or SMD for studies comparing supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids with placebo for the effect of
inflammation in CKD patients. MD, mean differences; SMD, standardized mean difference.

Another reason for the failure of omega-3 fatty Primarily, this may be due to the trial size being rela-
acids supplementation to reduce inflammation in tively small. In this regard, a total of 12 RCTs involv-
CKD/HD patients may due to the extent of inflam- ing 487 patients were included in this meta-analysis;
matory response which may be too strong to be with seven studies included in pooled analysis pertain-
overcome by the anti-inflammatory effect of omega- ing to the change in serum CRP levels, while four
3 fatty acids in CKD, especially those patients studies described the changes in serum levels of both
undergoing hemodialysis. IL-6 and TNF-α. Secondly, some of the included stud-
In terms of side-effects of omega-3 fatty acids in ies were not double-blinded. Thirdly, some of the
CKD patients, there have been three trials reported results were described as median and range, while
in the literature (31,33). The meta-analysis of these others in the form of histograms which could not be
studies indicated no obvious alarming side effects included in the meta-analysis. Finally, there was lack
related to omega-3 fatty acids supplementation. Our of long-term follow-up acids about the effect of
meta-analysis study also included a report by Saiful- omega-3 fatty acids supplementation in CKD patients
lah et al. (26), which indicated minimal gastrointesti- on inflammatory markers.
nal disturbances in the group of patients taking fish
oil. Also, none of the patients discontinued the
omega-3 fatty acids supplementation due to these CONCLUSION
minor gastrointestinal side-effects. The present meta-analysis indicates that there is
Finally, although meta-analysis was carefully per- insufficient evidence that provides a statistically signif-
formed in this study, there may be certain limitations. icant benefit of omega-3 fatty acids supplementation

© 2017 International Society for Apheresis,

Japanese Society for Apheresis, and Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy Ther Apher Dial, Vol. ••, No. ••, 2017
8 C Hu et al.

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