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What are the main types of e-commerce?

Give at least 3 examples for each type

The main types of e-commerce:
Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce:
- Online Retail: Websites like,, enable consumers to purchase products directly from online stores.
- Online Travel and Accommodation: Platforms such as,, and facilitate the booking of travel tickets, hotel
reservations, and vacation rentals.
- Online Food Delivery: Services like, GrabFood, and GoFood allow users to order food from local restaurants for delivery.
Business-to-Business (B2B) E-commerce:
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI): Companies use EDI systems to exchange business documents electronically, such as purchase orders and
invoices. Examples include VNPT-IT EDI and FPT EDI.
- Wholesale E-commerce: Platforms such as,, and connect manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors,
enabling bulk buying and selling of goods.
- Cloud-based Services: Companies like Salesforce, Microsoft Azure, and AWS provide B2B services such as cloud storage, software-as-a-
service (SaaS), and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS).
Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) E-commerce:
- Online Classifieds: Websites like,, and enable individuals to buy and sell used goods directly with other
- Peer-to-Peer Sharing Platforms: Examples include, GrabBike, and Go-Viet, where individuals can rent accommodation, provide
transportation services, or completed tasks for others.
- Online Auctions: Platforms like eBay and eBid facilitate auctions where individuals can bid on and sell items to other consumers.
Consumer-to-Business (C2B): Examples of the C2B model can be seen in an artist licensing his artwork to a business or social media influencers
offering marketing services to brands.
- A food blogger who shares an affiliate link to a kitchen company’s cooking products on their blog.
- A tech blogger who displays a company's service ads to their audience in exchange for a cut of the ad revenue.
- Social media users who fill out surveys on Survey Junkie or promote products and services.
What are the eight unique features of e-commerce technology? Briefly explain each feature and find an example of a company that has
these features.
• Ubiquity: E-commerce allows businesses to operate globally, anytime, and anywhere.
• Global Reach: E-commerce expands a company's customer base beyond local markets.
• Universal standards: E-commerce relies on standardized technical protocols for seamless communication.
• Interactivity: E-commerce platforms enable real-time communication and personalized experiences.
• Information density: E-commerce provides extensive product information for informed purchase decisions.
• Personalization/customization: E-commerce tailors’ offerings to individual customers.
• Social technology: E-commerce integrates social media for marketing and customer engagement.
• Mass customization: E-commerce offers customized products or services on a scale.
What are the eight key elements of a business model? Choosing a company as an example to demonstrate your points.
The eight key elements of a business model are:
1. Value Proposition: defines how a company’s product or service fulfills the needs of customers.
2. Revenue Model: describes how the firm will earn revenue, produce profits, and produce a superior return on invested capital.
3. Market Opportunity: refers to the company’s intended marketspace and the overall potential financial opportunities available to the firm
in that marketspace.
4. Competitive Environment: refers to the other companies operating in the same marketspace selling similar products.
5. Competitive Advantage: the factors that differentiate the business from its competition, enabling it to provide.
6. Market Strategy: the plan you put together that details exactly how you intend to enter a new market and attract new customers.
7. Organization Development: the process of defining all the functions within a business and the skills necessary to perform each job, as
well as the process of recruiting and hiring strong employees.
8. Management Team: the group of individuals retained to guide the company's growth and expansion.
- Value Proposition: Apple's value proposition is to provide premium, innovative, and user-friendly technology products that enhance the lives
of its customers.
- Revenue Model: Apple's revenue model primarily relies on the sales of its hardware products. They also generate revenue from services like
Apple Music, iCloud storage, and the App Store.
- Market Opportunity: Apple identifies market opportunities by analyzing consumer trends, market research, and emerging technologies.
- Competitive Environment: Fierce competition in the technology industry from companies such as Samsung, Google, and Microsoft
- Competitive Advantage: Apple's competitive advantage lies in its strong brand identity, innovative product design, ecosystem integration, and
focus on user experience
- Market Strategy: Apple's market strategy involves targeting premium and niche segments of the consumer electronics market
- Organization Development: Apple has developed a robust organization that spans multiple functions, including research and development,
design, manufacturing, marketing, and retail
- Management Team: Seasoned executives with a combination of technology and business expertise, including CEO Tim Cook and Chief Design
Officer Jony Ive (previously).
Choose an e-commerce business and conduct a SWOT analysis of its online operations. Identify the company's strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats in the event of the pandemic covid 19 and provide suggestions for how the business could improve its online
SWOT Analysis for Shopee Company in the time of COVID-19 Pandemic
• Strong e-commerce platform and a large customer base.
• A flexible and adaptive business model, which allows the company to quickly adjust to the changing market conditions.
• A strong presence in the Southeast Asian market, which provides significant growth opportunities.
• The ability to deliver products in a timely and efficient manner, even during the pandemic.
• Dependability on global supply chains remains a challenge.
• High competition level in the market leads to the need to spend higher sums on advertising.
• Limited geographical reach, which means that the company may miss out on potential customers in other regions.
• Dependability on third-party logistics partners.
• Increased demand for online shopping due to the pandemic.
• Expansion of the product range to meet growing demands.
• Using the latest technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to provide more personalized customer experiences.
• Forming partnerships with local merchants to have an advantage over competitors.
• The economic recession is decreasing consumer spending.
• Disruptions in the supply chain resulting in delayed shipments and inventory shortage.
• Regulations and taxes impact cross-border trade.
• Competitors are increasing advertising expenditure to get more market share.
• Redefine the logistics landscape to create partnerships with dependable and innovative third-party logistics.
• Provide incentives with local merchants to boost local manufacturing within Southeast Asia and reduce the dependence on global
• Diversify the product range to supply high-demand products such as PPE and Essential household products to meet the new needs of
Present the model of consumer behavior and provide a specific example to demonstrate this model.
The model of consumer behavior consists of independent demographic variables (cultural, social, psychological), intervening variables (market
stimuli, social networks, communities), and dependent variables (in-store behavior, buyer decisions). Here's an example that demonstrates this
Let's consider a consumer looking to purchase a new smartphone. Their cultural background values technological innovation and brand
reputation. Socially, they are influenced by their tech-savvy friends who recommend brands known for their cutting-edge features.
Psychologically, they seek a device that aligns with their desire for status and functionality.
Intervening Variables:
Market Stimuli: The consumer is exposed to various marketing stimuli, such as product advertisements, pricing strategies, and promotional offers
from different smartphone brands.
Social Networks and Communities: The consumer seeks opinions and recommendations from online tech forums and social media groups where
like-minded individuals share their experiences and discuss the latest smartphone models and brands.
Brand Communications Stimuli: The consumer is influenced by brand communication efforts, including advertisements, endorsements from
influencers, and positive reviews, which shape their perceptions of different smartphone brands.
Firm Capabilities: The consumer evaluates firm capabilities, such as product quality, customer service, and brand reputation. They consider
factors like reliability, durability, and after-sales support offered by different smartphone brands.
Dependent Variables:
In-store Behavior: The consumer visits physical retail stores to examine smartphones, compare features, and try out the devices in person. They
engage in browsing, product evaluation, and interactions with sales representatives.
Buyer Decisions: Based on their cultural, social, and psychological background factors, along with the influence of market stimuli, social
networks, and brand communications, the consumer makes a purchase decision. They may consider factors like brand reputation, features,
pricing, and the overall in-store experience before selecting a specific smartphone brand.
The diagram presents a general model of consumer behavior, highlighting the key factors and relationships involved. Here's a concise analysis:
Present the model of consumer behavior and provide a specific example to demonstrate this model.
• Independent Demographic Variables - Background Factors:
Cultural, social, and psychological factors shape consumer behavior. These variables include values, beliefs, social influences, and individual
motivations that impact consumer decision-making.
• Intervening Variables:
o Market Stimuli:
Marketing stimuli, such as product offerings, pricing, promotions, and distribution, influence consumer behavior. These factors are designed to
attract and engage consumers, driving their purchasing decisions.
o Social Networks and Communities:
Consumers are influenced by their interactions within social networks and communities. Word-of-mouth, social opinions, and recommendations
from peers play a significant role in shaping consumer behavior and preferences.
o Brand Communications Stimuli:
Brands use various communication strategies to convey messages about their products, value propositions, and advertising campaigns. These
stimuli shape consumer perceptions, attitudes, and brand preferences.
Firm Capabilities:
The resources, competencies, and capabilities of a firm impact consumer behavior. Factors like product quality, reputation, customer service,
and innovation can influence consumers' trust, satisfaction, and loyalty towards a brand.
• Dependent Variables:
o In-store Behavior:
In-store behavior refers to the action’s consumers take when physically present in a retail environment. This includes browsing, product
evaluation, purchase decisions, and post-purchase behaviors like satisfaction and loyalty.
o Buyer Decisions:
Buyer decisions are the final choices consumers make regarding whether to make a purchase or not. These decisions are influenced by
independent demographic variables, intervening variables, and the overall consumer experience.
The diagram illustrates the complex interactions between demographic variables, intervening variables, and the resulting in-store behavior and
buyer decisions. It highlights the importance of understanding cultural, social, and psychological factors, as well as the influence of market
stimuli, social networks, communities, brand communications, and firm capabilities in shaping consumer behavior.

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