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K: Hello Juliana

J: Hi Camila

K: How are you?

J: very well and you?

K: good thanks god

J: Tell me about your life

K: I´m working as an environmental engineer and you?

J: I also work as an environmental engineer and study French

K: wow I’m so glad

J: thank you so much

K: I want to eat an ice cream in the park

J: ok, it’s fine where is it?

K: well, the park is on the left, then take a light and then a left again, it’s cross the street

J: how’s your family going?

K: fine, thank god, and yours?

J: very good thank god too

K: An how are your mother and brother?

J: My mother is working and mi brother is study biology and how are yor mother and your

K: My mother works at home and my brothers also work. My sister is a nurse and my brother is a

J: well woman I’m learning, I have to go to a class, i´m going to take a bus. And where are you
K: I’m a good smart woman, I’m going by motorcycle. See you another time take care

J: Queen to tell you that I’m going to invite you to my birthday this November tweny sixth, it’s a

K: ok queen, what time is it?

J: is at eight o’clock at night, I’ll wait four you.

K:I’ll be there

J: queen give me your cell phone number?

K: of course it is 307 3325855 and yours?

J: my number is 3148463588. I’ll call you or write to you

K: ok stay tuned

J: I invited you to a great talk about some environmental projects, it will be interesting

K: ok, queen where it will be? And when?

J: it will be at the as palmas building the address is street 51 # 25-32 rodadero , it’s at two in the
afternoon and it will be on December 27th

K: thanks for the invitation. The talk was very good

J: glady it was super good

K: it was a pleasure chatting with you

J: equality queen

K: take care

J: ok, queen bye

K: bye

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