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ee 846)3-7009-OF- 72-03) anit OF is SOFFICIAL EL re Republic of the Philippines 5 SR sLE EDy DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT, $20" rz 2 DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezor a eo apm www MEMORANDUM eee Ooo No. 2025 - To : ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS, AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : 2023 LOCAL LEGISLATIVE AWARD (LLA) DATE * JUL 04 2023 1. BACKGROUND In 2006, the Philippine Councilors League (PCL), in partnership with the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), launched the LOCAL LEGISLATIVE AWARD. The Award recognizes the exemplary performance of city and municipal sanggunians from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022, for legislating measures that help build the foundation of meaningful local administration and development. 2. PURPOSE The Award accords official recognition to city and municipal sanggunians that excel in the enactment of ordinances or resolutions that ultimately contribute to ‘the attainment of desirable socio-economic and environmental outcomes, specifically to: a. To bestow official recognition to innovations and distinctive practices in local legislation; b. To institutionalize a system of recognition to the Sangguniang Panlungsod and to the Sangguniang Bayan for exemplary performance; and ¢. To inspire local legislatures to excel in the performance of their functions. “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” ‘Trunkine No.: 8876-3454 3. GENERAL GUIDELINES 3.4. AWARD CRITERIA 3.1.4. Responsiveness of the Legislative Agenda a. The Legislative Agenda complements the Executive Agenda. b. Prior consultation with stakeholders in the development of the Legislative Agenda. c. The Legislative Agenda provides legislative action on the Comprehensive Development Plan. d. The Legislative Agenda promotes and supports provincial, regional and national priority development thrusts. 3.1.2. Availability of Legislative Documents a. All ordinances and resolutions from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022 are indexed by subject, by sponsor and by date of approval b. Hard or electronic copies of ordinances and resolutions can be retrieved or accessed on inquiry within a reasonable period of time c. Journal of Sanggunian Proceedings from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022 are available Minutes of sessions duly signed by all members present. e. Committee Reports duly signed by majority of all members. f. Mechanisms for communicating local legislations are available 2 3.1.3. Effectiveness of Performance of the Sanggunian a. Ordinances and resolutions enacted are aligned with the three (3) pillars of the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 and are considered to be priorities, as follows: * Enhancing the Social Fabric (Malasakit); * Inequality-Reducing Transformation (Pagbabago); and + Increasing Growth Potential (Patuloy ang Pag-unlad) b. Regular sessions conducted within the required quorum of sanggunian members 3.1.4. Efficiency of Performance of Sanggunian a. Processes and Procedures: * Internal Rules of Procedure contain minimum requirements, i.e: organization of Sanggunian and election of officers; creation of special and standing committees; order and calendar of business; legislative process; parliamentary procedure; and discipline of members + Notices of special sessions duly disseminated at least a day before the scheduled session * Submission of ordinances to the higher Sanggunian pursuant to Sec. 56(a) of the Local Government Code Page 2 of 10 * Posting and publication of ordinances with Penal Clauses pursuant to Sec. 511 of the LGC * Publication of Tax Ordinances pursuant to Sec. 188 of the Lec * Actions taken by the Sanggunian for ordinances under review * Notices of committee hearings are received by concerned parties in accordance with the rules and procedures of ‘Sanggunian Institutionalized feedback mechanism People's participation in the legislative processes b. Quality of Office Set-up and Staff Complement * Session Hall has appropriate fixtures and equipment for the Presiding Officer, Sanggunian Members, the Secretariat, and the public * Legislative offices for individual members have appropriate fixtures and equipment * Each Sanggunian member has at least one (1) functional legislative staff, other than the Sanggunian Secretary * Anoffice for the Sanggunian Secretary is present 3.1.5. Legislative Citations and Awards. a. Local awards given to the Sanggunian by provincial, regional or national government b. International recognitions accorded to the Sanggunian c. Local awards given to the LGU by reason of Sanggunian ordinance or resolution d. International recognitions accorded to the LGU by reason of Sanggunian ordinance or resolution 3.1.6. Capacity Development for Legislators and Staff a. LGU-initiated capacity building activities for Sanggunian members and staff b. Participation of Sanggunian members and staff in capability building activities conducted by other government or non- government organizations 3.2. AWARD CATEGORIES si2id Provincial Level a. Outstanding Sanggunian in Component Cities Category; b. Outstanding Sanggunian in 1% to 3 Class Municipalities Category; and c. Outstanding Sanggunian in 4" to 6" Class Municipalities Category Page 3 of 10 3.2.2. Regional Level a. Outstanding Sanggunian in Highly Urbanized Cities b. Outstanding Sanggunian Independent Component Cities Category; c. Outstanding Sanggunian in Component Cities Category; d. Outstanding Sanggunian in 1* to 3 Class Municipalities Category; and e. Outstanding Sanggunian in 4 to 6" Class Municipalities Category 3.2.3. National Level a. Outstanding Sanggunian in Highly Urbanized Cities b. Outstanding Sanggunian Independent Component Cities Category; ¢. Outstanding Sanggunian in Component Cities Category; d. Outstanding Sanggunian in 1* to 3% Class Municipalities Category; and e. Outstanding Sanggunian in 4% to 6 Class Municipalities Category 3.3. AWARDS AND PRIZES > Each Provincial Winner receives a Trophy and Cash Award, courtesy of PCL and VMLP Provincial Chapters = Each Regional Winner receives a Trophy and Cash Award, courtesy of PCL and VMLP Regional Councils and a Plaque of Commendation courtesy of the PCL and VMLP National Offices. ° Each National Winner receives a Trophy and Cash Award, courtesy of the PCL and VMLP National Office, and League's Partners. 3.4. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Provincial Evaluation a. The Provincial Award Committee (PAC) evaluates Sanggunians of every component cities and municipalities within the province, using the prescribed Performance Evaluation Form 01 (LLA-SB/SP-CC Form 01), b. Each member of the PAC assigns a pointscore up to the 5" decimal point for each criterion but not to exceed the allowable pointscore, using the said Form 01. The PAC then accomplishes the following form: * Consolidated Performance Evaluation Form 02 (LLA-SB/SP- CC Form 02). This form is used to arrive at the Overall Page 4 of 10 Performance Rating (OPR) of the Sanggunian in every city and municipality within the province; and * Comparative Performance Evaluation Form (LLA-SB/SP-CC Form 03). This form is used to determine the finalist sanggunians among component cities and among municipalities within the province. d. Thereafter, the PAC accomplishes the Official Nomination form for component cities and municipalities (LLA-SB/SP-CC Form 04), and submits to the Regional Award Committee the list of finalists for the Component Cities, 1% to 3° Class Municipalities and 4 to 6 Municipalities, with the following documents: * Original Copies of the Comparative Performance Evaluation Forms; and * Validation Reports, if any. . _ Sanggunians with OPRs not lower than 80% are qualified to compete at the regional level 3.4.2. Regional Evaluation a. The Regional Award Committee (RAC) evaluates the Sangguniang Bayan in the National Capital Region and Sangguniang Panlungsod of Highly-Urbanized Cities (HUCs) and Independent Component Cities (ICCs) within the region using the Performance Evaluation Forms 01 and 05, respectively. b. Each member of the RAC assigns a pointscore up to 5" decimal point for each criterion but not to exceed the allowable maximum pointscore using the said Forms. ¢. The RAC then accomplishes the following: * Consolidated Performance Evaluation Form 06 (LLA-SP Form 06). This form is used to arrive at the Overall Performance Rating (OPR) of the sanggunian in every HUC and ICC within the region, and of the sanggunian bayan in the NCR; and * Comparative Performance Evaluation Form 07 (LLA-SP Form 07). The RAC determines the finalist-Sangguniang Panlungsod in the HUC/ICC category, within the region, and shall list and rank all nominees for the component cities, 1% to 3 class municipalities and 4" to 6" class municipalities, to determine the Regional Awardee, per category. d. Thereafter, the RAC nominates to the National Award Committee the highest (no. 1) ranked sanggunian in all categories within the region, to be supported by the following documents: Page § of 10 * Original copy of LLA-SP Form 08 per category; and * Executive Summary of Accomplishments including attachments, e.g. copies of ordinances, resolutions, minutes of sessions, pictorials In the case of the NCR, the concerned Committee submits the finalist-Sanggunian Bayan to the National Award Committee (NAC). . Sanggunians with a total score of 85% and above are qualified to compete at the national level In case of a tie, the concerned RAC further validates the assessment of results to determine the nominee or awardee per category . The RAC is responsible for preparing the Executive Summary, in the following format: * Background © Brief Profile of the Sanggunian Nominee; o Focus of Assessment © Assessment Methodology * Highlight of Accomplishment of the Sanggunian Nominee * Attachments o Pertinent documents such as copies of ordinances, resolutions, minutes of regular sessions, etc. © Pictorials o Video Presentation All nominations are to be done using the attached Nomination Form. The Executive Summary of Accomplishments is to be prepared and ‘submitted preferably in an electronic file format stored in external ‘storage devices (e.g: flash drive). The following are the grounds for the automatic disqualification of nominees: * submission of incomplete documents; * non-compliance with the prescribed Standard Documentation Format; and * late submission of Regional Nominees to the National Secretariat. All nomination and supporting documents shall be submitted not later than 5:00 P.M. of October 6, 2023 (including mailing time), to the National Secretariat clo the Local Government Relations Division- Bureau of Local Government Supervision, (LGRD-BLGS) 25" Floor, DILG NAPOLCOM CENTER, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City. Page 6 of 10 3.4.3. National Evaluation a. Upon receipt of all the Nomination Forms, including supporting documents, the NAC accomplishes the National Comparative Performance Evaluation Form (LLA-National Form 09). b. The NAC may reassess the nominees of lower-level Award Committees, using the OPRs as reference. c. On the basis of the final evaluation results, the NAC, assisted by the National Board of Judges organized for the purpose, selects the National Winners in all categories and prepares the Declaration of the Winners *The decision of the Award Committees at all level is final. 3.5. PROVINCIAL, REGIONAL AND NATIONAL AWARDS COMMITTEE Award Committees are to be organized to implement the Legislative Award for the Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Bayan, to be composed of the following: 3.5.1. Provincial Award Committee (PAC): Composition and Functions Chairman - Provincial Director, DILG Vice-Chairman - PCL Federation President \VMLP Chapter President Members Provincial Agricutturist - Provincial Social Welfare and Development Officer - Provincial Budget Officer - Provincial Environment and National Resources Officer - Representative, PCCI a. Initiate and coordinate activities necessary for the successful implementation of the Award within the province. b. Select provincial finalists and nominate such finalist to the RAC for the following categories: * Outstanding Sanggunian in Component Cities Category; * Outstanding Sanggunian in 1* to 3 Class Municipalities Category; and * Outstanding Sanggunian in 4" to 6 Class Municipalities Category The DILG Provincial Office provides technical support to the Committee. The PCL and VMLP Provincial Chapters may provide mobility fund and cash award to the winners at the Provincial Levels. Page 7 of 10 3.5.2. Regional Award Committee: Composition and Functions Chairman Vice-Chairman Members a. Initiate and Regional Director, DILG PCL Regional Council Chairperson VMLP Regional President Regional Director, DA Regional Director, DSWD Regional Director, DBM Regional Director, DENR Representative, PCCI coordinate activities necessary for the successful implementation of the Award within the region. b. Select regional finalists and nominate such finalist to the NAC for the following categories: ‘* Outstanding Sanggunian in Highly Urbanized Cities and * Outstanding Sanggunian in Independent Component Cities Category; * Outstanding Sanggunian in Component Cities Category; * Outstanding Sanggunian in 1* to 3% Class Municipalities Category; and * Outstanding Sanggunian in 4% to 6% Class Municipalities Category The DILG Regional Office provides technical support to the Committee. The PCL Regional Council may provide mobility fund and cash award to the winners. at the Regional Levels. 3.5.3. National Award Committee: Compositions and Functions Chairman Vice-Chairman Members oD Award. Secretary, DILG National Chairman, PCL National President, VMLP Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Social Welfare and Development Secretary of Budget and Management Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources President, Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry Take the lead in the implementation of the Award. Issue operational policies and guidelines for the implementation of the c. Organize a National Board of Judges to assist in the selection of the National Awardees. Page 8 of 10 d. Proclaim the National Awardees. The BLGS-LGRD, PCL and VMLP National Secretariats, are responsible for providing technical and administrative support to the Committee. 4, SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES The following is the Schedule of Activities for the 2023 Local Legislative Award: Provincial and Regional Awards Committee ACTIVITY Time with Field Visits Orientation of the Provincial, Regional July 2023 and National Awards Committee | Organization and Activation of the | July 2023 Provincial Evaluation July = August 2023 Regional Evaluation September 2023 Submission of Entry Documents of National Finalists to the National Awards Committee thru the Bureau of Local | Government Supervision October 6, 2023 | Documents Review of National Finalists by the National Board of Judges _ October 9 — November 10, 2023 | Shortlisting of National Finalists by NBOJ November 17, 2023 Conduct of Field Visits* November 20, 2023 — December 7, 2023 Selection of National Winners December 13, 2023 ‘Awarding Ceremony December 2023 “Field Visits may be conducted as necessary For the on-site visits and related activities, the PCL and VMLP are responsible for providing a Mobilization Fund. Said fund shall be released by the PCL and VMLP through the Regional Directors and is subject to liquidation 5. EFFECTIVITY OF THE AWARD. The implementation of the Local Legislative Award for 2023 shall start in July 2023 upon approval of this implementing guidelines, and concludes with an ‘Awarding Ceremony identified and agreed by the Philippine Councilors League and the Vice Mayors League of the Philippines. Page 9 of 10 6. FEEDBACK For related queries, kindly coordinate with the Bureau of Local Government Supervision, Local Government Relations Division at Telephone No. (02) 8876- 3454 local 4207 and 4213, or through email address: dilg. 7. ANNEXES * Annex 1 — LLA Performance Evaluation Form for Municipalities and Component Cities (Form 1) « Annex 2 - LLA Consolidated Performance Evaluation Form for Municipalities and Component Cities (Form 2) * Annex 3 - LLA Comparative Performance Evaluation Form (Form 3) (For Municipalities and Component Cities) « Annex 4 —LLA Provincial Committee Nomination Form (Form 4) * Annex 5 - LLA Performance Evaluation Form for Municipalities and Component Cities (Form 5) « Annex 6 - LLA Consolidated Performance Evaluation Form for Independent Component Cities and Highly Urbanized Cities (Form 6) * Annex 7 - LLA Comparative Performance Evaluation Form for Independent Component Cities and Highly Urbanized Cities (Form 7) (This wil also be used for Provincial Nominees in the Component Cities, 1st - 3rd and 4th - 6th Class Municipalities Categories) * Annex 8 — LLA Regional Committee Nomination Form (Form 8) * Annex 9 - LLA National Comparative Evaluation Form (Form 9) 8. APPROVING AUTHORITY ATTY. BENJAMIN C. ABALOS, JR. Secreté BLGSILGROIDTTIPDCIDMBYha Page 10 of 10 Republic ofthe Philppines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor Quezon Avenve, Weet Triangle, Quezon City owe LLASBIsP.c¢ Form 01 ANNEX 1 LOCAL LEGISLATIVE AWARD PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM (For Municipalites and Component Ces) A. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Municipaltyrcity Province Region B. EVALUATION CRITERIA AND PERFORMANCE RATING CRITERIA Ee [Responsiveness of the Legislative Agenda | a ee The Lette Agena complete EnSCe Aaa 3 [@ Prox consuaion win seroukrs nthe developer ofthe age TEE 3 [8 The Legit Agenda poesia acon on he Conpretenave veo! Pa 7 [8 The Legit Agenda raeies and supe prove regal and aol por coven A 3 [avataby of Lepstative Documents a 2 eS FT TAY 7 Tae DVB We POT] HSA By SPONET.TAT 7 ‘tappoal [S Far rectors cai of Taran ad esos Ga be redo SoGnaad on GU wa Tesarabe | ——F pete. iveness of Performance ofthe eas and SoS aE pI WEN BTS) Avs oe PNG OTOP xa (sts of posse ernances under sch pr ae enumerated atthe Back of i for) femeiency of Performance of Sanggunian ° Processes and 7 16 net Res f Procedure iia irs Tequerent, 1 Opanaaien ot SSNGGUan and SSC T Te «reat of spac and tang conmitees eae nd clea of buses: lege proers perioral | [rosea ond sbi of manbers [a Nokes of spel session ave dosorPiod most Gy Eure Ts sched sass 7 a oe Subasion of orcnances oi higher Sanggunan pursat Wo Sac Salsa hee zi and Pubes of Ornances wih Penal Cees purus ec S11 He TGE 2 Pubes of Tax Orcrances purest Gee. 105 offs (Oe Actors sary te Sanguine ordranes unde eis [= Nees of cammiteehesrigs ae received by concerned parish Sccortnca wih he a Rane Senggunan zi [a istnaiaad Dea TRS z People's partpaton- consutabon we ataldrs nthe formuton of otnences and resaktons 2 i te a a Co Ci 5 es [Fei eee rac RST ae a TOT {ac Sirapne eth (fcr eles, tarts Spin Sy aoe erie tag oR 5 ete Coes et TRE 20 [= Toss ena gen fo te Songgonan bye rovralieginalnaona govenrnew z i Internal recagntons ave scrrded ot rn 13 Lal evrds en tothe LGU by reason of Sangpunan Rao SSaIOT rz }®iemstnel ecognton scored othe LGU by renson ot Sangpurian oa SORA i . DATE ACCOMPLISHED: D, ACCOMPLISHED BY: Tame and Sate Trainor inion "Note: Please read instructons atthe back before accompishing ths form. INSTRUCTIONS ACCOMPLSHING LLA-SBISP.Cc Form 01 | DENTIFYING NFORMATION. natn ma ot cortndrSangauian sw ats ymunelaerel and eed ane 1. EVALUATION CRITERA AND PERFORNANCE RATING. ovarian: ()Reageahenen th agave Ages (2 fray of aga Docume: {5} ttecrnens ef Pecoranc of Sangpeian (@)EBeaney of Promares et Sangginan Peete and Prcsdaes ond © ty eons Setup nd Sta Complanent (© Lagat Aer te Cates (© caps, Gevopmer repr nd St Una ech nj ctr nr ab cso i emesng contr Sagan, For eam Cnron No.1 anignds asim parscr ot 10, subsea umber c aisten afl res wth copending “ped masnum lovable praca se ite tne cote ae be coepining fo ech eaten vaablscctr, sed on acti ezeemen et encrn he bot ‘poate eaten vate un' eneraton up othe Sn ein pit bet xing asian awa parts arab, Tote The Lepstve Agenda complements th Exes Agee . SOURCE DOCUMENT rata win cecmente wave raoud coretpondng each eta Sah run Wil aoe he mean een Ferte nate ord oes 1. DATE ACCOMPLISHED. natn te (north, dy an ye) Eaton Ferm compa ACCOMPLISHED BY. nt ramec aha nudhgnssona aon. AN sige above etna «This so be accamplhosin wo cops by ac member he Previn Anal Comet fo eh conte ‘omoenert hy er mun wiin be proven. Exch mabe tbe Real rd Conmae sal ao szomph his fm ach cota mpi he Hero ania wes = Thatowng Ornances nd Reins, sgn whe es pil the Pipe Deepret Pan 2017-29, sie onsees easter: {.tahacing the Soci Fabric lea) Gende ondOenopnet PogamFan Repu ct 9710 age Cara Women) Repu et 0252 lnc Agua Were nd Tha Chen At 200 Repu At 7877 (Sena Marsa Ac 065) ILG MC Ne. 37.2001) (DL Wc 2017-18 fetwatng DUG MC 20056 eed. “esr Snorer AS) epi At 8972 (he Sl Paes Wolf 200) ‘DU Mc 2010-118 Qancay Repreeraton f rgenous Cull Communes er egencus Peoples Pay aking Bes eg oer Local Lge Coan) Repu ht 104 acum eh 2 nequaly Reig Transformation (Pagbsbago) 4. erating Grow Pte Paty 8 Papen) opraes Oranance ns Big Poe (earvaccose or Rovece Cot semaine Pooh ‘ane cant Peg Iepaneht wer a neg Pots ge Nanas ns glee Inga a Comma Puse Sty Pan epee 6079) = ce and Cran ana Pun Say Man DLO ME DOSS Repub Ae 849 (ety Maas nal Gace tans [LG MC No. 8 =. 2008 ‘BUG UC Ns 2016 at (Rvtteater te Sub Nations Pens an Oat Coun) ‘BUG MC No. 207.154 (Operon Guidelines onthe nares fe Paps Law Enfcaent Bers PLES] Praam Pati Panu Progam (LG MC 2016120 - Cun he mplonrtten UP) Repu ft be (he Paps ADS Preven an Corsa 108) Repub sne Pterines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ‘ILG:NAPOLEOM Carter, EBSA cnr Cunzon Avram, Wet Thang Qezen Cy ery Linseisp.ce Fomoz ‘ANNEX? LOCAL LEGISLATIVE AWARD CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM (or Muncie ena Component ties) ‘A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION. ‘Municbabyciy| Region 1 EVALUATION CRITERIA AND PERFORMANCE RATING eee SaaS Se Se a Faces cmon ela [= eee tees inna = ere DT CC = aS ag a a ace aaa aa Tons a a SS ST ‘SSaune pote: sutaaray pecs se SaSpca ote Sma J atte bn ig Soganar niet oer Sa [amy cca Sap nd St Compt Sa pe er ona RS PRR GTR sagen soar ee aaoe ona a eS ST The caste Agri pons be ESS Rg 7 rx cranon va oie esr of ha CSR 7 fe The nile Sgn roves nl sien oh Corgroborsve Copal PER ra fe The Lgatis Apres pers and pees orl opel an sonal pot) coe RET EE 3 [ava of ete Documents le = om JAF T TTS ns, BT a a SPT BT POT, BTA 5] ‘acres [oF etn SSIES SSSR GB OO SST TS 7 ‘aucnaigred et “aa cangnan Rie Fon RT A aS a a 7 tf pti nance unc oh enue ot Dk mn) fs ra Ras of rere conta nnn ouienets In Saran ot Sargponen So oacin ‘Sem atn pec ar tana conmane ost nd sod ana age pose 4] rary procedure an apie mantete Fs fise sal sera ae Sorted ooo Sauaiona 7 Sebel rdancos tir Sanggvan porns Sue S6a) ow Se [spans an Peasy Odie Pelee pues Sos STO tf saSenguian > Peop ecoatonconelaton ith aah he min fens nang 2| Serato te se ep Fa Peng ORS, SGT Fo 7 a to cl mas Ne arias aad GUE 7 ach Sangunan bors ast one (1) ool sa, er a ie Sagan Sry sl ara reno Sarg Fs OURSPORTS ET Tos eign we sed in Seger 3 a anal hen he LOU by sono Spann ar TR Devieprrt for Legion an Sa > Reet ore ees Se aS] c. DATE ACCOMPLISHED: D. ACCOMPLISHED BY: Torso Tae an Sst Note: Please ea introns athe back bere comping this fom, Few 7 aga Cay Von) Ft tt sees Apa een i Toi 28) Fe 7 fue Sona runt re) LG = DLAC 70 nang coe eden Once Ss Ca AM Fe tim a Pe ata at 8) DC 0 anne een tne Ctra Comme nae Pei Ping en andone a apa Sa epic aie neem 2a ecg Tetons Pats) grea Once a (Sean Gere anunso8¢ Lal nr it i) te ep ot pum, ‘nm Ate gan (OM 21612 abe pene tL esti ste pgs As Pont So ee ea ™ Repub fhe Prppines DEPARTHENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, ESA co. Qusson Avene, West Tenge, Quezon Cy mules ASP Fonmos ANNEX 6 LOCAL LEGISLATIVE AWARD CONSOLIDATED PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM For independent Component Cis and Highly Urbanized Cies [A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Munkipatyity Prowece Regen B. EVALUATION CRITERIA AND PERFORMANCE RATING. [tetas age a entowpee rte yb ge 2 et Peromanes = poe Saceskglagacslorretelsirorerucamalaal Bi umn snmsom arora pr av manatee) a z ater z Speer Fi: Peceses and Procedure eaten a | Sraesu acne ones seen oe a oa ana oS TTS EST 6 sas d otra ir Sra pon Gr TRACE scar nye ep moe ree tly oie Sep ae Sa Compoent Seen a ooo eee PRG TR S| —T a A RE RT TT TOT z Sons an Ava = eet = Ls er grb Sgenat bs DSTI SN 7 [ert nbn ses goon 7 [eas wr ie e500 rane gaan iS ia an ae ee Peep 8 Pape e [> Uw ens tang sen sgn eTbeR OTT z ig Papaion o Sapna onto Sd SES Dang A TTT 5 ‘GRAND TOTAL PONT SCORE wo Top otepotepepot—o [e- REMARKS) . DATE ACCOMPLISHED: ACCOMPLISHED BY: Note: Please readinsectons a te back bef acompltng tem INSTRUCTIONS IN ACCOMPLISHING LLA-SP Form 0¢ (Reeamptonn wo (2) copes. Sutmt beth copes othe Charman, Regional Award Corns) [a DENTIFYING INFORMATION. Indat th name of contender Sanggunan ae wa 2 the ‘Syuniepalrodneal nd regal cates. '. EVALUATION CRITERIA AND PERFORMANCE RATING. (Column CRITERIA. Major eration crera are catogzed bo: (1) Respensieres fe Logie Agenda, (2 Avaltity of Legistatve Documents; (@) Eteciveraes. of Perfomance of he Sanogunian, (& Etesonyo Peromance of Sanggunan aly of Ofes Setup and Stat Complement (9 Leoisave Ava end Cates: end {© Capscty Oeveopmet er Lapland Stat ‘coun ASSIGNED TOTAL POINTSCORE. Tis on nds he maximum potscore fr each mao erteion and CCoumnn PERFORMANCE RATING. This columns died ino sven (7 sub-coluns,, Ev to Eater 7 Ener eachsubcolumn eration portscorecorespnding teach reron nd sind under cols CRITERIA, ‘ing a efron Scum, LUA: SP For 0S ‘coun TOTAL POINTSCORE (TPS). For sah crtron ants ators, ad eahaton porscore orzo then, tnt tmforesch eoron nde clue, (GRANO TPS, Al al enti under TPS eatunn Ever sum opoatehe ow heading, rand Teta Potscore, ‘OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING Ole Grand Tot Polrscare by seven (7 representing the seven (7 eats dere eau oppeste row heading, Oreral Peomance Rat, . REMARKS. A bet usatve desertion ofthe leglte perfomance of he contender Sanggunian 1. DATE ACCOMPLISHED. neste he dle (marth, dey ra yer vation Form vas compte . ACCOMPLISHED BY. ndste name of vt, Ireluding tuna afin Af sgnture above pind rane, Nore: + Tas fom wi determine the ovral Prternance Rating ofa Cortstant UCI based on the consoled tings of salar Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City wun. LLA-SP Form 07. ANNEX 7 LOCAL LEGISLATIVE AWARD COMPARATIVE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION FORM Independent Component Cities and Highly Urbanized Cities {also Provincial Nominees in the Component Cities, ‘1st 3rd and 4th - 6th Class Municipalities Categories) ‘A. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION Region B. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION RESULTS. Contender City/Municipality Sanggunian Overall (Alphabetically Arranged) Performance Rating ae C. REMARK(s) WE CERTIFY TO THE CORRECTNESS OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION. Chairman, Regional Award Committee D. DATE ACCOMPLISHED: Note: Please read instructions atthe back before accomplishing this form, INSTRUCTION IN ACCOMPLISHING LLA-SP FORM - 07 (To be accomplished in two (2) copies) A. IDENTIFYING INFORMATION. Indicate originating province/region B. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION RESULTS Column CONTENDER CITYIMUNICIPALITY. Enter in this column in alphabetical order contender-cties or (Column OVERALL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION RATING. Enter inthis column, overall performance ‘evaluation rating for each contender-cty or municipality. Use LLA-SB/SP-CC Form 03 as input document. ‘Column - RANK. Rank all contender-cties or municipalities based on Overall Evaluation Rating entries. The ‘municipalty or city withthe highest numerical rating Is marked no.1, with the lowest marked as n. with n, ‘corresponding to the numbercontender-cities or municipalities. Enter results under this column, C. REMARK(s). A brief description ofthe basis fr the ranking other than the quantitative ratings. D. DATE ACCOMPLISHED. Indicate the date (month, day and year) Evaluation Form was completed ratings. Republi of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon City LLA Form 08 ANNEX 8 LOCAL LEGISLATIVE AWARD REGIONAL COMMITTEE OFFICIAL NOMINATION FORM Date ‘The Chairman, National Award Committee Sir: We at pleased to nominate the following: + Outstanding Sanggunian in Highly-Urbanized Cities + Outstanding Sanggunian in independent Component Cities + Outstanding Sanggunian in Component Cities + Outstanding Sanggunian in 1st 3rd Class Municipalities + Outstanding Sanggunian in 4th - 6th Class Municipalities — Please find attached original copy of LLA-SP Form 07 Comparative Performance Evaluation Form including supporting documents. ., Executive Summary, Video Tapes, Pictorials and other attachments for each award category nominee, Very truly yours, ene anna nnn ETE Chairman Regional Award Committee Note: Please ead instructions at the back before accomplishing this form INSTRUCTIONS IN ACCOMPLISHING LLA.SBISP-CC Form 08 ‘Accomplish in two (2) copies. Submit Nomination Form tothe Regional Award Commitee with require attachments, ‘Astachments. Atachto this form other prescribed documents, ie original copy of LLA-SBISP.CC Form 03 and other required documents Republic ofthe Pitppines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor. Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon Cty sia. gov oh LLANational Form 09 LOCAL LEGISLATIVE AWARD NATIONAL COMPARATIVE EVALUATION FORM Contender-Sanggunian City/Municipality ‘Overall (@y Region) Performance Rating WE CERTIFY TO THE CORRECTNESS OF THE ABOVE INFORMATION, ‘Charman, National Award Commie

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