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Upbeat hype energy and vibe

Hi there, this is [NSISA NAME] from The Shoreview Real Estate Team
Powered by New Street, is this [LEAD NAME]?
Great [LEAD NAME], You submitted a request on our real estate
website in the past and I am just following up to see if you are still
considering purchasing a property this year?
Objection 1.2 No Again
I notice in our system that you made your inquiry on one of our real
estate websites, perhaps you were just browsing some properties?

1. Hi there, this is ……. from The Shoreview Real Estate Team

Powered by New Street, is this……..?
2. Great [LEAD NAME], You submitted a request on our real
estate website in the past and I am just following up to see
what your real estate plans are for 2023?
not interested …
3. “Are you actively in the process of searching for a home? Or
thinking about buying or selling sometime down the road?”

No Again
4. I notice in our system that you made your inquiry on one of our
real estate websites, perhaps you were just browsing some

didn’t register or what site and when?

5. The registration came through one of our integrated websites
which may include, shore view realestate or perhaps,Facebook, Zillow or
RankmyAgent. Unfortunately, I can’t tell which one was it.
Perhaps you were just browsing some properties?
we’re just looking
6. great [LEAD NAME], most people are “just looking” just like
yourself - you are right where you need to be.
7. However [LEAD NAME], since I work in the Client Care
Department, here’s what I can do for you today. I can
customize a New Street Listing Alert for you, to match you with
the most appropriate deals and properties from our centralized
property database. which includes Exclusive, Off-market, Pre-
construction as well as MLS properties from the Toronto Real
Estate Board and 15 other Ontario Regional Boards. I can have
this setup and sent to your inbox in real-time --- or however
frequently you’d like. …… Would that be helpful with your
research at this point?
a. IF [NO] - Ok that’s fine, Go to 8 Below and ask about real
estate goals
b. IF [NO] - Ok that’s fine, would it be okay if we reconnect
with you in 6 months in case anything changes?
c. IF [YES] - see below
i. Great, I’ll start preparing that for you, what’s your email
1. Capture the email address and add to CRM

8. So can you tell me a bit about your real estate goals, would the
goal be to sell your home first before you buy or vice versa?
a. IF [We dont own a home] then we know they are a Tenant &
First Time BUYERS]

b. IF [We’re not interested in selling our home] then most likely


c. IF [Sell First] then we know they own a home and are


d. IF [Not Sure] then we know they own a home and are

SELLERS but uncertain]
9. Where exactly do you live now and were you thinking of buying
a home in the same area?




10. Are you searching for this property as a place to rent for
yourself, investment or are you thinking of living there?
a. Rent for yourself // Tenant (Sub User Type)
i. One of our leasing specialists would be happy to help you
find a home to lease, what I will do is email you our Tenant
Intake Form and once we receive that back, one of our
leasing specialists will get back to you right away.
ii. Initiate First Time Home Buyer Workflow
iii. Tenant intake form
b. Investment // Investor who will purchase property as
investment and then rent it out to tenants (Sub-user type
= Investor)
c. Living there // person selling and buying their primary
residence home (Sub-user type = Home Seller & Home
11. when would you like to see yourself purchasing this
property? (Update stage of qualified lead and make notes)

WHAT HAS TO HAPPEN TO BUY (Confirm this if already

12. Is there anything that needs to happen before you really start
seriously pursuing a home purchase?
b. [Otherwise take notes of responses]
13. Would you be purchasing this property alone or did you
mention we, is there someone else that would be involved?
a. [Try to get the other buyers relationship and name - Take
14. Do you know what your rough budget is for this purchase?
a. [Take notes and fill-in property of interest fields]

15. Have you spoken to a mortgage broker as of yet?
a. [NO]
i. We actually work with a couple preferred mortgage brokers
that can provide you with access to dozens of lenders
ensuring you receive the best terms and rates. I'll make
sure to send you their contacts for reference.
ii. In terms of your financing, have you set aside a
downpayment on this property? YES - and how much of a
downpayment exactly so I can relay the information to our
mortgage broker.
b. [YES]
i. Do you have a preapproval for your mortgage [IF SO,
ii. [NO] That’s fine, a mortgage broker can help you with that

16. Do you currently rent or own your home?
i. Great, I’m sure you have thought of getting a place of your
own and not spending so much money on rent…Our team
has a proven first-time home buyer process which ensures
you take the advantage of all the resources and benefits
available when it comes to saving, preparing and financing
your next home purchase. Would you like to know more
about the program? [YES] GREAT ! I’ll make a note of
1. [Setup WORKFLOW called “FTHB Workflow”]

i. Are you considering potentially selling your property in the
near future? (STOP)
1. IF [YES]
a. Would you prefer to sell your home first before you buy or
will you be looking to purchase first?
b. I see, so what needs to happen in order to move forward?
c. We’d love to do an an analysis of homes that recently
sold in your neighborhood….
i. How many bedrooms do you have?
ii. How many square feet?
iii. What is the exact address?

2. IF [NO]
a. So you would be purchasing a new property without
selling your current home? (Might be an investment
b. IF [NO]
i. “Setup Pilot Alert” + “Stage=
Nurture 12+”

17. REALTOR //
a. Have you viewed any homes or submitted any offers on any
homes recently?
i. IF [YES]
1. So you’re under representation by another realtor? (Take
2. Continue below
ii. IF [NO] continue below
b. When the time is right, are you planning on working with a
realtor to get this done?
c. Have you signed a contract with a realtor?
i. IF [YES]
1. So you’re under representation by another realtor? (Take
2. Continue below
ii. IF [NO] continue below

18. CONNECT WITH AGENT CLOSE // Depending on the

lead’s interest, pick one of the following
a. Live Transfer via Follow Up Boss
i. With that said, I don't want to take up more of your time
myself. May I connect you with our Team Leader, Robert
for a quick call right now “no strings attached”, so he can
introduce themselves. [pause] [ASSIGNED AGENT] can
answer any questions you may have (pause) and share
some insights with you about your particular search and
the local market.
1. Ok I will transfer the call right now, shouldn't take more than
5-10 seconds
2. Transfer to Agent
3. Connect 3 way call
4. Do the introduction, overview of client, etc

b. Book Appointment via

i. May I make a suggestion? May I connect you with
[Assigned Agent] “no strings attached”, so she/he can
introduce themselves, (pause) answer any questions you
may have (pause) and share some insights with you about
the market in "city/neighbourhood"?
ii. Great, what is a good time for you today or tomorrow?
iii. Determine date and time lead is available as well as agent
calendar availability in Calendly
c. Agent Callback to Book Appointment
i. May I get [Assigned Agent] to give you a call back “no
strings attached”, so she/he can introduce themselves,
(pause) answer any questions you may have (pause) and
share some insights with you about the market in
ii. [Assigned agent will call you back later today or tomorrow

d. Always send Email Intro to Agent

i. How about this, is it ok for me to send you [ASSIGNED
AGENT - JULIAS, ROBERTS] contact information in case
you have any questions in the near future.
ii. Great I will draft the email introduction now

e. Renter
i. Sending them Tenant pre-screening email template via
ii. Setting up FTHB Workflow


a. Confirm Email Address ( If the email is different, update it)
b. Confirm Mailing Address (if seller already provided or on file
then skip)
i. We occasionally send out market reports, magazines and
postcards. Can you confirm your home address for our file
so we can keep you in the loop? (State their address, if it's
different please update.)
ii. Why do you need my mail address?
1. So we can mail you out local market reports and sales in your

c. Confirm the Next Step

i. Live Transfer to Robert
1. Connect via Follow Up Boss // if connected No GOODBYE
ii. Confirm Appointment
1. Robert unfortunately was not available can we scheduled a
meet with you and (Agent’s name) for DATE at TIME.
iii. Confirm Agent Callback
1. So as we discussed, (Agent’s name) will be in touch with you
soon. I am looking forward to the two of you connecting.
iv. Confirm Next Contact Date Follow up
1. [LEAD NAME] so we’re all set, would it be okay if I reached
back out in [1 OR 3 OR 6] months to reconnect. Set Next
Contact Date accordingly.

20. GOODBYE - [LEAD NAME] it was a pleasure chatting with

you today. Again, my name is [NSISA NAME] with the
Shoreview Real Estate Team. I'm going to go ahead and draft
an email to you and [ASSIGNED AGENT] reviewing some of
the details we discussed. From now until the next time we
(chat) please feel free to reach out to us, my(our) contact
details will be in the email as well. It's been an absolute
pleasure chatting. Take care.

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