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Single-photon frequency conversion via a giant Λ-type atom

Lei Du1 and Yong Li1, 2, ∗

Beijing Computational Science Research Center, Beijing 100193, China
Synergetic Innovation Center for Quantum Effects and Applications,
Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
(Dated: April 23, 2021)
We study single-photon scattering at a giant Λ-type atom, where both atomic transitions are
coupled with the modes of a single waveguide at two separated points. The giant-atom struc-
ture brings phase-dependent interference effects to both elastic (frequency-preserving) and inelastic
(frequency-converting) scattering process, and thus leads to a series of interesting phenomena, such
arXiv:2104.11113v1 [quant-ph] 22 Apr 2021

as perfect transmission over the whole frequency range and total reflection. The condition of the
optimal frequency conversion is also identified and shown to be phase-dependent. We also consider
the combination of the giant-atom interference and the Sagnac quantum interference by further
inserting a Sagnac interferometer at each of the coupling points. It shows that the two kinds of
interference effects are compatible and play their roles independently, such that efficient frequency
conversion with unit efficiency can be achieved in this case in addition to all the aforementioned
special phenomena.

I. INTRODUCTION Recent experimental progresses reveal that the approxi-

mation should be modified when atoms interact with the
Waveguide quantum electrodynamics (QED) is an waveguide modes at multiple points that are separated
emerging field that studies the interactions between by large distances. For example, transmons are able to
atoms and one-dimensional confined electromagnetic interact with surface acoustic waves via multiple inter-
fields. It provides an alternative platform of enhanc- digital transducers and the separations between trans-
ing light-matter interactions, where the electromagnetic ducers can be much larger than the typical wavelengths
modes can interact strongly with atoms due to the trans- (∼ 10−6 m) of the surface acoustic waves therein [37–39].
verse confinement on them [1, 2]. Compared with cav- Alternatively, one can couple single atoms with a bent
ity QED systems, waveguides support in general a con- waveguide so that they can interact many times with
tinuum of modes such that the bandwidth limitation in the waveguide modes, such as the Xmon version demon-
cavities can be greatly relaxed [1]. Moreover, long-range strated in Refs. [40–42]. Such structures, which are re-
interactions between remote atoms (resonators), which ferred to as “giant atoms”, demonstrate striking inter-
are vital for studying many-body physics and realizing ference effects that depend on both the atomic size (i.e.,
large-scale quantum networks, can be mediated by the the separation between different coupling points) and the
traveling photons in waveguides [3–8]. To date, several photonic frequency [40–49]. Moreover, non-Markovian
candidates of waveguide QED systems have been devel- retardation effects should also be included if the separa-
oped, such as trapped (natural) atoms coupled with op- tions between different coupling points are comparable
tical fibers [9–11] or photonic crystal waveguides [12– or even larger than the coherence length of the emitted
14] and superconducting qubits coupled with transmis- photons, with which the dynamics can markedly deviate
sion lines [15–19]. The technological improvements and from the Markovian predictions [43, 46, 50–52]. Recently,
growing research interests have led to a number of pro- giant-atom structures have also been extended to higher
gresses in waveguide QED, e.g., chiral photon-atom in- dimensions by using optical lattices of cold atoms [53].
teractions [20–22], single-photon routers [23–26], topo- Despite of the seminal works above, the investigation
logically induced unconventional quantum optics [27, 28], of single-photon frequency conversions with such giant-
and entangled-state preparations [29–31] to name a few. atom interferences is still absent, to the best of our knowl-
In particular, frequency conversion at the single-photon edge.
level can be achieved with a three-level atom (either V - In this paper, we study single-photon scattering at a
type or Λ-type) coupled to a single waveguide, where the giant Λ-type atom, which can be excited by the waveg-
nonlinear optical process can be accomplished with only uide modes via both transitions and is coupled with the
a single photon [32–35]. waveguide at two separated points. The input photon
Considering that the sizes of atoms (either natural or can either be transmitted/reflected directly or undergo
artificial) are in general much smaller than the wave- frequency conversion, depending on which of the two
lengths of the waveguide modes, dipole approximation is lower-energy states of the atom is finally occupied. Com-
usually adopted to regard the atoms as single points [36]. pared with the small-atom case [32, 33], where the scat-
tering behavior is only determined by the ratio of the
waveguide-induced decay rates of the two transitions, we
reveal that the scattering here also depends on two phase
∗ factors which are related to the two transition frequen-

cies respectively as well as the separation between the two

coupling points. The presence of two coupling points re-
sults in phase-dependent interference effects, which are
in general different for two atomic transition processes.
Such interference effects thus bring a series of special phe-
nomena such as perfect transmission over the whole fre-
quency range and total reflection, and also modify the
condition of the optimal frequency conversion. More-
over, we insert a Sagnac interferometer at each of the
coupling points, which result in quantum interferences
between the counterpropagating waveguide modes and
thereby enable efficient frequency conversion. On the FIG. 1. Schematic illustration of the single-photon frequency
other hand, all the aforementioned special phenomena convertor, where both transitions of a Λ-type three-level atom
can still be achieved and the parametric conditions re- couples twice with a waveguide at x = 0 and x = d.
main unchanged in this case, implying that the two kinds
of interference effects play their roles in parallel.
where Rα (x) [Lα (x)] is the probability amplitude of cre-
ating a right-moving (left-moving) photon in the waveg-
II. MODELS AND METHODS uide at position x and the atom in state |αi finally. ue
is the probability amplitude of the atom in the excited
We consider in this paper a giant Λ-type three-level state and finding no photon in the waveguide. By solv-
atom which couples twice with a single waveguide. As ing the stationary Schrödinger equation H|ψi = E|ψi,
shown in Fig. 1, both transitions |gi ↔ |ei and |f i ↔ |ei one can obtain the following equations of the probability
of the atom are coupled with the waveguide modes via amplitudes
two coupling points located at x = 0 and x = d, where

|gi, |f i, and |ei are the ground, middle, and excited ERg (x) = − ivg Rg (x) + g1 [δ(x) + δ(x − d)]ue ,
states, respectively. In the following of this paper, we ∂x
assume that |f i is a metastable state, which can be ∂
ELg (x) =ivg Lg (x) + g1 [δ(x) + δ(x − d)]ue ,
achieved if |gi and |f i are two hyperfine levels generated ∂x
by, e.g., the Zeeman effects. The real-space Hamiltonian ∂
ERf (x) =(ωf − ivg )Rf (x) + g2 [δ(x) + δ(x − d)]ue ,
of the system can be written as (~ = 1) ∂x

H =Hw + Ha + Hint , ELf (x) =(ωf + ivg )Lf (x) + g2 [δ(x) + δ(x − d)]ue ,
Z +∞ ∂x
∂ ∂ Eue =ωe ue + g1 [Rg (0) + Lg (0) + Rg (d) + Lg (d)]
Hw =ivg dx[a†L (x) aL (x) − a†R (x) aR (x)],
−∞ ∂x ∂x + g2 [Rf (0) + Lf (0) + Rf (d) + Lf (d)].
Ha =ωf |f ihf | + ωe |eihe|, (3)
Z +∞
Hint = dx[δ(x) + δ(x − d)]{g1 [a†R (x) + a†L (x)] We first assume that a single photon of wave vector
−∞ k (k > 0) is incident from very left of the waveguide
× |gihe| + g2 [a†R (x) + a†L (x)]|f ihe| + h.c.}. and the atom is initialized in the ground state |gi. If
(1) the atom is excited by the input photon that is nearly
resonant with transition |gi ↔ |ei, it can spontaneously
Here Hw is the free Hamiltonian of the waveguide modes decay to the lower-energy state |gi or |f i and emit a
with vg the group velocity. a†R (aR ) and a†L (aL ) are the photon of frequency vg k or vg k −ωf [32, 33]. In the latter
creation (annihilation) operators of the right-moving and situation, the photon undergoes an inelastic scattering
left-moving photons in the waveguide, respectively. Ha is and the frequency is down-converted. Equation (3) can
the free Hamiltonian of the Λ-type atom, where ωf and be solved according to the following ansatz:
ωe are the energies of states |f i and |ei with respect to
the ground state, respectively. Hint describes the inter- Rg (x) ={Θ(−x) + A[Θ(x) − Θ(x − d)]
actions between the atom and the waveguide, where g1 + t1 Θ(x − d)}eikx ,
and g2 are the coupling strengths of transitions |gi ↔ |ei
and |f i ↔ |ei with the waveguide modes, respectively. In Lg (x) ={r1 Θ(−x) + B[Θ(x) − Θ(x − d)]}e−ikx , (4)
the single-photon manifold, the eigenstate of the Hamil- Rf (x) ={M [Θ(x) − Θ(x − d)]t2 Θ(x)}e iqx
tonian Eq. (1) can be written as
Lf (x) ={r2 Θ(−x) + N [Θ(x) − Θ(x − d)]}e−iqx ,
X Z +∞
|ψi = dx[Rα (x)a†R (x)|0, αi where q = k − ωf /vg and Θ(x) is the Heaviside step func-
α=g,f −∞ (2)
tion. A and B (M and N ) are the probability amplitudes
+ Lα (x)a†L (x)|0, αi] + ue |0, ei, of finding a right-moving and a left-moving photons in the

region of 0 < x < d, respectively, and the atom in state one can obtain the other scattering amplitudes as
|gi (|f i) finally. For the frequency-preserving case (i.e.,
the final atomic state is |gi), we define t1 and r1 as the −iΓ1 (1 + eiφ1 )2
r1 = ,
transmission and reflection amplitudes of the input pho- ∆ + 2iΓ1 (1 + eiφ1 ) + 2iΓ2 (1 + eiφ2 )

ton, respectively, while for the frequency-converting case −i Γ1 Γ2 (1 + eiφ1 )(1 + e−iφ2 )
(i.e., the final atomic state is |f i), we define t2 and r2 as t2 = , (9)
∆ + 2iΓ1 (1 + eiφ1 ) + 2iΓ2 (1 + eiφ2 )
the conversion amplitudes of creating an output photon √
with wave vector q and −q, respectively. −i Γ1 Γ2 (1 + eiφ1 )(1 + eiφ2 )
r2 = .
Substituting Eq. (4) into Eq. (3), one can obtain ∆ + 2iΓ1 (1 + eiφ1 ) + 2iΓ2 (1 + eiφ2 )
Once again, the amplitudes in Eq. (9) can be simpli-
0 = − ivg (A − 1) + g1 ue , fied to those of a small Λ-type atom and those of a
giant two-level atom for d = 0 and Γ2 = 0, respec-
0 = − ivg (t1 − A)eikd + g1 ue , tively. It is clear that |t1 |2 + |r1 |2 + |t2 |2 + |r2 |2 = 1
0 = − ivg (r1 − B) + g1 ue , due to the energy conservation and |t2 |2 ≡ |r2 |2 due
0 = − ivg Be−ikd + g1 ue , to the inherent symmetry. In the following, we define
T1 = |t1 |2 and R1 = |r1 |2 as respectively the transmis-
0 = − ivg M + g2 ue , sion and reflection rates (without frequency conversion)
0 = − ivg (t2 − M )eiqd + g2 ue , while Tc = |t2 |2 + |r2 |2 as the conversion efficiency. Note
(5) that the intrinsic dissipation γ of the excited state to the
0 = − ivg (r2 − N ) + g2 ue ,
environment (other than the waveguide) can be taken
0 = − ivg N e−iqd + g2 ue , into account via ∆ → ∆ + iγ. In this case the total scat-
g1 tering probability T1 + R1 + Tc should be smaller than
0 = (A + B + r1 + 1 + t1 eikd + Aeikd
2 unity. However, we do not consider such dissipation in
g2 this paper, because it only reduces the scattering proba-
+ Be−ikd ) + (M + N + r2 + t2 eiqd
2 bilities and increases the linewidth of the spectra rather
+ M eiqd + N e−iqd ) − ∆ue , than introduces any qualitative variation [32, 33].

where ∆ = E − ωe = vg k − ωe is the detuning between

the input photon and the |gi ↔ |ei transition. Then the SCATTERING
transmission amplitude can be readily obtained as
Eqs. (6) and (9) show that the scattering amplitudes
∆ − 2Γ1 sin φ1 + 2iΓ2 (1 + eiφ2 ) of the giant Λ-type atom are also determined by both
t1 = , (6)
∆ + 2iΓ1 (1 + eiφ1 ) + 2iΓ2 (1 + eiφ2 ) φ1 and φ2 , which is quite different from the small-atom
case that is determined only by the dimensionless pa-
where φ1 = kd and φ2 = qd are the phases accumulated rameter η = Γ2 /Γ1 [32, 33]. Before proceeding, we first
by photons of wave vector k and q propagating between discuss the feasibility of the giant Λ-type atom consid-
the two coupling points, respectively. Γ1 = g12 /vg (Γ2 = ered here. Experimentally, such a model can be achieved
g22 /vg ) is the radiative decay rate of the excited state to by coupling a GaAs quantum dot (which can be con-
state |gi (|f i) due to the coupling with the waveguide. fined in a fiber-coupled semiconductor channel waveg-
For d = 0, the transmission amplitude in Eq. (6) can be uide [55]) to a U-type bent waveguide (e.g. optical fiber).
simplified as In this case, ωe /2π and ωf /2π can be tuned at the or-
der of 1014 Hz and 109 Hz, respectively, depending on the
strength of the external magnetic field. For example, one
∆ + 4iΓ2 has ωe /2π = 3.7 × 1014 Hz and ωf /2π = 6 GHz for the
t1 = , (7)
∆ + 4iΓ1 + 4iΓ2 D0 − DX 0 transition where the g-factor is measured as
0.44 [32, 56]. By tuning separation d between the two
which recovers that of a “small” Λ-type atom [33]. Note coupling points (i.e., the relative position of the chan-
that the radiative decay rates are quadrupled here due nel waveguide and the fiber) and the strength of the ex-
to the two coupling points. Moreover, we point out that ternal magnetic field, one can tune the phase difference
the transmission amplitude becomes ∆φ = φ1 − φ2 within [0, 2π] and the phase φ1 within
[2m, 2m + 2]π (m is an integer, which is of the order
∆ − 2Γ1 sin kd of 105 in this case) [57]. One can also implement the
t1 = , (8) model with an artificial Λ-type atom coupled twice with
∆ + 2iΓ1 (1 + eikd ) a transmission line, where both φ1 and ∆φ (i.e., the cor-
responding energy-level differences) can be tuned within
in the case of Γ2 = 0 (i.e., g2 = 0), which is exactly iden- [0, 2π] readily by adjusting the external parameters such
tical with that of a giant two-level atom [54]. Similarly, as the voltages and currents, or the electric and magnetic

FIG. 2. Transmission rate T1 [(a) and (d)], reflection rate R1 [(b) and (e)], and conversion efficiency Tc [(c) and (f)] versus
detuning ∆ and phase difference ∆φ for φ1 = 2mπ (e.g., φ1 = 0) [(a)-(c)] and φ1 = (2m + 1/2)π (e.g., φ1 = π/2) [(d)-(f)]. The
white dotted curves in the psudo-color maps denote the trajectories of Min[T1 (∆)], Max[R1 (∆)], and Max[Tc (∆)] versus ∆φ.
The blue solid, green dashed, red dotted, and gray dot-dashed lines in each 2D plot correspond to ∆φ = 0, π/2, π, and 3π/2,
respectively. Here we assume η = 1.

fields [2]. Note that the non-Markovian retardation effect Γ2 [1 + exp(iφ2 )] = 0. For the case of φ1 = (2m + 1/2)π,
can be safely neglected in both implementations due to as shown in Figs. 2(d)-2(f), the patterns of the psudo-
d/vg ∼ 10−10 s ≪ 1/(Γ1 + Γ2 ) ∼ 10−7 s [8]. color maps are shifted along the y-axis by π/2, while
We first study the dependence of the scattering prob- the linewidth is reduced by 2Γ1 according to Eq. (11).
abilities T1 , R1 , and Tc on both φ1 and ∆φ. In Fig. 2, In this case, the condition of total reflection becomes
the upper plots of each panel are psudo-color maps of ∆φ = 3π/2 and ∆ = 2Γ1 . In fact, we have checked
the scattering probabilities versus detuning ∆ and phase that total reflection can always be observed as long as
difference ∆φ, while the lower ones are 2D profiles for φ2 = φ1 − ∆φ = (2m + 1)π and ∆eff = 0. More in-
some specific values of ∆φ. It can be found that both terestingly, frequency-independent perfect transmission
the position and value of the minimum (maximum) of (FIPT), i.e., T1 (∆) ≡ 1, R1 (∆) = Tc (∆) ≡ 0, can be
T1 (R1 and Tc ) change periodically with ∆φ. This is achieved in the case of φ1 = (2m + 1)π, regardless of the
reminiscent of the frequency-dependent Lamb shift and value of ∆φ. This is because the two excited paths of the
decay rate of a giant two-level atom [40] or a single-mode |gi ↔ |ei transition cancel each other completely such
self-interference resonator [48, 58]. For the giant Λ-type that the atom becomes transparent for the input pho-
atom, the effective detuning and linewidth of the spectra ton considered in Eq. (4). Such a phenomenon has also
are given by the real and imaginary parts of the denom- been revealed with a self-interference resonator, which is
inators in Eqs. (6) and (9), respectively, i.e., referred to as the optical dark states [48, 59].
∆eff = ∆ − 2(Γ1 sin φ1 + Γ2 sin φ2 ) (10) It has been shown that the scattering probabilities are
determined solely by the decay ratio η in the small-atom
case [32, 33] and the optimal frequency conversion oc-
Γeff = Γ1,eff + Γ2,eff (11) curs if η = 1. For the giant-atom case, however, such
a condition becomes phase-dependent and thus should
with Γj,eff = 2Γj (1 + cos φj ). As shown in Figs. 2(a)- be modified. We first demonstrate two special situa-
2(c), we find T1 (∆ = 0) = 0 and R1 (∆ = 0) = 1 tions, i.e., φ1 = 2mπ, ∆φ = 2π in Figs. 3(a)-3(c) and
while Tc (∆) ≡ 0 for φ1 = 2mπ and ∆φ = π, i.e., to- φ1 = 2mπ, ∆φ = π in Figs. 3(d)-3(f). In the former
tal reflection is achieved. In this case, the |f i ↔ |ei case, the optimal frequency conversion (Tc = 0.5) occurs
transition is completely suppressed and thereby the fre- at ∆ = 0 and η = 1, which is identical with that of
quency conversion is switched off due to the destructive the small-atom case. In the latter case, however, the fre-
interference of two corresponding decay channels, i.e., quency conversion is completely suppressed and the input

ing modes and thereby changing their superposition [63].

Supposing that the whole system is symmetric with re-
spect to the spatial inversion, the waveguide modes can
be described in terms of the even and odd modes
ae (x) = √ [aR (x) + aL (−x)],
ao (x) = √ [aR (x) − aL (−x)],
which correspond to θ = 0 and θ = π, respectively. In
this way, Hw and Hint in Eq. (1) can be rewritten as
Z +∞

Hw′ = − ivg dx[a†e (x) ae (x)
−∞ ∂x

+ a†o (x) ao (x)],
∂x (13)
Z +∞
′ d d
FIG. 3. Transmission rate T1 [(a), (d), (g)], reflection rate R1 Hint = dx[δ(x + ) + δ(x − )][g̃1 a†e |gihe|
−∞ 2 2
[(b), (e), (h)], and conversion efficiency Tc [(c), (f), (i)] versus
detuning ∆ and decay ratio η for ∆φ = 2π [(a)-(c)], ∆φ = π + g̃2 a†e |f ihe| + h.c.],
[(d)-(f)], and ∆φ = π/2 [(g)-(i)]. Here we assume φ1 = 2mπ √
(e.g., φ1 = 0). where g̃j = 2gj (j = 1, 2). Here we have assumed
that the two coupling points are located respectively at
x = −d/2 and x = d/2 to guarantee the spatial-inversion
symmetry of the system. Clearly, the odd mode ao does
photon that is resonant with the |gi ↔ |ei transition can
not interact with the atom and thus can be discarded in
be totally reflected. In this case, all scattering probabil-
the following calculations. In this way, the single-photon
ities are independent of η. For a more general case, the
state of the system can be given by
condition of the optimal conversion can be summarized as
Z +∞
η = (1 + cos φ1 )/(1 + cos φ2 ) (i.e., ηeff = Γ2,eff /Γ1,eff = 1)
and ∆ = −2(Γ1 sin φ1 + Γ2 sin φ2 ) (i.e., ∆eff = 0). For ex- |ψi = dx[ψ1 (x)a†e (x)|0, gi
−∞ (14)
ample, as shown in Figs. 3(g)-3(i), the optimal frequency †
conversion occurs at η = 2 and ∆ = −4Γ1 for φ1 = 2mπ + ψ2 (x)ae (x)|0, f i] + ue |0, ei,
and ∆φ = π/2, which are in good agreement with the √
where ψj (x) = [Rj (x) + Lj (−x)]/ 2 (j = 1, 2). Then
analytical condition above. one can obtain
∂ d
Eψ1 (x) = − ivg ψ1 (x) + g̃1 [δ(x + )
∂x 2
∂ d
It can be found that the conversion efficiency is still Eψ2 (x) =(ωf − ivg )ψ2 (x) + g̃2 [δ(x + )
∂x 2 (15)
at most one half in the giant-atom case (see Figs. 2 and
3), although the phase-dependent scattering brings a se- + δ(x − )]ue ,
ries of interesting phenomena such as total reflection and 2
FIPT. In this section, we show the feasibility of realiz- d d
Eue =ωe ue + [δ(x + ) + δ(x − )][g̃1 ψ1 (x)
ing efficient frequency conversions in the giant-atom case 2 2
with the assistance of the quantum interferences between + g̃2 ψ2 (x)]
counterpropagating modes [32, 33, 60, 61]. In experi- by solving the stationary Schrödinger equation. In this
ments, this can be achieved by coupling the atom with case, the spatial dependence of ψ1 (x) and ψ2 (x) can be
the waveguide through two identical Sagnac interferom- given by
eters, each of which is connected with the waveguide via
a 50 : 50 coupler (beam splitter) [62]. At each coupler, d d d
ψ1 (x) ={Θ(−x − ) + Ã[Θ(x + ) − Θ(x − )]
the input photon is split equally into two counterprop- 2 2 2
agating parts (i.e., clockwise and conterclockwise fields d ikd
+ t̃1 Θ(x − )}e ,
of the Sagnac interferometer), which form superposition 2 (16)
states at the position of the atom and exhibit quantum d d
interference effects. Moreover, one can also introduce a ψ2 (x) ={B̃[Θ(x + ) − Θ(x − )]
2 2
phase shifter in each Sagnac loop, which can be used for d iqd
tuning the relative phase θ between the counterpropagat- + t̃2 Θ(x − )}e .

Here à and B̃ are the wave amplitudes in the region

of −d/2 < x < d/2 for the frequency-preserving and
frequency-converting cases, respectively, while t̃1 and
t̃2 denote in this case the transmission (without fre-
quency conversion) and conversion amplitudes, respec-
tively. Combining Eqs. (15) and (16), we have

0 = − ivg (Ã − 1)e−iφ1 /2 + g̃1 ue ,

0 = − ivg (t̃1 − Ã)eiφ1 /2 + g̃1 ue ,
0 = − ivg B̃e−iφ2 /2 + g̃2 ue ,
0 = − ivg (t̃2 − B̃)eiφ2 /2 + g̃2 ue , (17)
0 = [(Ã + 1)e−iφ1 /2 + (Ã + t̃1 )eiφ1 /2 ]
+ [B̃e−iφ2 /2 + (B̃ + t̃2 )eiφ2 /2 ] − ∆ue ,
which results in
FIG. 4. Transmission rate T˜1 [(a) and (c)] and conversion
∆ − iΓ̃1 (1 + e−iφ1 ) + iΓ̃2 (1 + eiφ2 ) efficiency T˜c [(b) and (d)] versus detuning ∆ and phase dif-
t̃1 = , ference ∆φ for φ1 = 2mπ (e.g., φ1 = 0) [(a) and (b)] and
∆ + iΓ̃1 (1 + eiφ1 ) + iΓ̃2 (1 + eiφ2 ) φ1 = (2m + 1/2)π (e.g., φ1 = π/2) [(c) and (d)]. The white
dotted curves in the psudo-color maps denote the trajectories
−4i Γ̃1 Γ̃2 cos φ21 cos φ22
t̃2 = of Min[T̃1 (∆)] and Max[T̃c (∆)] versus ∆φ. The blue solid,
∆ + iΓ̃1 (1 + eiφ1 ) + iΓ̃2 (1 + eiφ2 ) green dashed, red dotted, and gray dot-dashed lines in each
2D plot correspond to ∆φ = 0, π/2, π, and 3π/2, respectively.
with Γ̃j = g̃j2 /vg . Likewise, |t̃1 |2 + |t̃2 |2 = 1 in the case Here we assume η = 1.
of γ = 0. In the following, we will show that efficient
frequency conversion (i.e., |t̃2 |2 = 1) can also be achieved
in the giant-atom case by exploiting the Sagnac quantum
Similar to Fig. 2, we plot in Fig. 4 the transmis-
sion probability T̃1 = |t̃1 |2 and the conversion efficiency
T̃c = |t̃2 |2 versus detuning ∆ and phase difference ∆φ
for different values of φ1 . In this case, T̃1 includes
both the forward and backward scattering components,
which shows inverse patterns with respect to T̃c due to
T̃1 ≡ 1 − T̃c . Once again, both the position and value of
the minimum (maximum) of T̃1 (T̃c ) are ∆φ-dependent
with period 2π. For φ1 = 2mπ, as shown in Figs. 4(a) and
4(b), the minimum (maximum) of T̃1 (T̃c ) increases (de-
creases) gradually with ∆φ until T̃1 (∆) ≡ 1 [T̃c (∆) ≡ 0]
at ∆φ = π (this phenomenon is in fact the total reflec-
tion in Fig. 2, which is frequency-dependent if we divide
T̃1 into the forward and backward components). The
largest frequency shift of the value of Γ̃2 is achieved FIG. 5. Transmission rate T̃1 [(a), (c), (e)] and conversion
at ∆ = π/2. In this case, the effective detuning and efficiency T̃c [(b), (d), (f)] versus detuning ∆ and decay ratio
linewidth can be given by −(Γ̃1 sin φ1 + Γ̃2 sin φ2 ) and η for ∆φ = 2π [(a) and (b)], ∆φ = π [(c) and (d)], and
Γ̃1 (1 + cos φ1 ) + Γ̃2 (1 + cos φ2 ), respectively, which are ∆φ = π/2 [(e) and (f)]. Here we assume φ1 = 2mπ (e.g.,
in fact identical with those in Eqs. (10) and (11) due to φ1 = 0).
Γ̃j = 2Γj . As shown in Fig. 4(c) and 4(d), the patterns
(see the psudo-color maps) are shifted along the y-axis
by π/2 and the linewidth are reduced by Γ̃1 by chang- tons that are off-resonant with the |f i ↔ |ei transition
ing φ1 from 2mπ to (2m + 1/2)π, which is similar to the undergo no scattering.
case without the Sagnac interferences (see Fig. 2). In Moreover, we demonstrate in Fig. 5 that the condition
addition, FIPT is also achievable in this case as long as of the optimal frequency conversion obtained in Sec. III
φ1 = (2m+1)π, with which T̃1 (∆φ, η) ≡ 1, T̃c (∆φ, η) ≡ 0 still holds in the presence of the Sagnac interferences.
are independent of all other parameters and input pho- Once again, the optimal conversion (T̃c = 1 and T̃1 = 0)

scattering behavior is determined only by the ratio of

TABLE I. Conditions of some special scattering phenomena.
the two waveguide-induced radiative decay rates. For
Phenomena Conditions
the giant-atom case, however, both elastic and inelas-
Total φ1 − ∆φ = (2m + 1)π tic scattering processes are also dependent on the phase
Reflection [i.e., φ2 = (2m + 1)π] factors which are related to the two transition frequen-
∆ = 2Γ1 sin φ1 cies as well as the separation between the two coupling
FIPT φ1 = (2m + 1)π points. Similar to a giant two-level atom or a single-
mode self-interference resonator, the scattering processes
Optimal Frequency η = (1 + cos φ1 )/(1 + cos φ2 ) and
(both elastic and inelastic) of the Λ-type atom exhibit
Conversion ∆ = −(Γ̃1 sin φ1 + Γ̃2 sin φ2 )
phase-dependent frequency shift and linewidth. In par-
ticular, each of the two transitions can be completely
suppressed when the corresponding coupling channels in-
occurs at η = 1 and ∆ = 0 if both φ1 and ∆φ are integer
terfere destructively with each other. In this case, some
multiples of 2π, as shown in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b), while
special phenomena such as FIPT and total reflection can
the frequency conversion is completely suppressed over
be achieved. To further increase the efficiency of the
the whole frequency range if φ2 = φ1 − ∆φ = (2m + 1)π,
frequency conversion, we have also introduced quantum
as shown in Figs. 5(c) and 5(d). Note that the optimal
interferences between counterpropagating modes by in-
frequency conversion (vanishing elastic scattering) occurs
serting a Sagnac interferometer at each coupling point. It
at η = 2 and ∆ = −2Γ̃1 in the case of φ1 = 2mπ and
shows that efficient frequency conversion with unity effi-
∆φ = π/2, as shown in Figs. 5(e) and 5(f), which is in
ciency can be achieved with the assistance of the Sagnac
fact the same condition as that in Figs. 2(g)-2(i) due to interferences and all the special phenomena arise from
Γ̃1 = 2Γ1 . the giant-atom interferences can still be observed, which
Finally, we summarize in Tab. I the analytical con- implies that the two kinds of interference effects can play
ditions of some special scattering phenomena aforemen- their roles independently. Finally, we have summarized
tioned. We point out that the conditions are in fact iden- the analytical conditions of the special phenomena, which
tical for the cases with and without the Sagnac interfer- are shown to be identical for the cases with and without
ences, which implies that the interference effects induced the Sagnac interferences.
by the giant-atom structure and the Sagnac interferom- It is known that a V -type three-level atom with one
eters are compatible and play their roles independently. transition coupled with the waveguide modes and the
We conclude that FIPT or total reflection can be achieved other one driven by an external classical field can be ef-
if φ1 or φ2 is odd multiple of π, while the optimal fre- fectively described by a Λ-type energy level in terms of
quency conversion demands appropriate decay ratio η for the dressed states [34, 35]. This implies that our proposal
given phases. As a side note, we point out that the in- in this paper can be naturally extended to the V -type gi-
trinsic dissipation γ does not change the conditions in ant atom, where the decay ratio can be tuned flexibly.
Tab. I. In other words, such dissipation does not affect the Moreover, one can implement a ∆-type giant atom by
scattering phenomena qualitatively. The only influence driving the magnetic dipole transition between the two
is that the scattering probabilities (linewidth) decrease lower-energy states via a microwave field [64, 65], where
overall (increases) as γ increases in the “total reflection” phase-dependent nonreciprocal frequency conversion can
and “optimal frequency conversion” cases, whereas the be expected due to the closed cyclic energy level. We
transmission rate remains unity over the whole frequency believe that the results in this paper are of potential ap-
range in the “FIPT” case. plications in quantum communication and quantum in-
formation processing with single photons.

In summary, we have considered a giant Λ-type atom ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

which is coupled with a waveguide at two separated
points and study the single-photon scattering at it. A L. Du thanks Da-Wu Xiao, Prof. Peng Zhang, and
single input photon can either be transmitted/reflected Prof. Zhihai Wang for helpful discussions. This work
directly without frequency conversion or undergo an in- was supported by the Science Challenge Project (Grant
elastic scattering process with converted frequency, de- No. TZ2018003) and the National Natural Science Foun-
pending on which of the two lower-energy states is finally dation of China (Grants No. 11774024, No. 12074030,
occupied. For the small-atom case, it is known that the and No. U1930402).

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