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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,346,808 B1

Schroeder (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 12, 2002

(54) CRANKSHAFT POSITION SENSOR (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Margaret A. Dobrowitsky
(75) Inventor: Thaddeus Schroeder, Rochester Hills, (57) ABSTRACT
MI (US) A method of accurately emulating any desired tooth/slot
(73) ASSignee: Delphi Technologies, Inc., Troy, MI format of a desired target wheel from a predetermined
(US) tooth/slot arrangement of a rotating actual target wheel used
in conjunction with an MR position Sensor. The passage of
Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this two Sequential slots of differing widths or two Sequential
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 teeth of differing widths of the actual target wheel determine
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. the rising and falling edge of one tooth of the desired target
wheel and define one tooth and one slot of the desired target
(21) Appl. No.: 09/515,077 wheel. The actual target wheel, has, preferably, 2n teeth and
2n slots of two distinct sequential widths whereby the
(22) Filed: Feb. 28, 2000 desired target wheel is emulated to have n teeth and n Slots.
(51) Int. Cl." .....................- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - G01B 7/14 The two MRS of the position sensor are aligned in the
(52) ... 324/207.21; 324/207.25 circumferential direction of the actual target wheel So as to
(58) Field of Search ........ -- - -- -- - - -- - -- - 324/207.21, 207.22,
generate two angularly offset signals (first and Second
324/207.25, 601, 691, 207-20, 207.12, voltages, respectively) from the passage of a single slot of
173; 219/121.66; 338/32 R; 123/406.61 the actual target wheel. The offset Signals are input to a
Signal conditioning circuit. Within the Signal conditioning
(56) References Cited circuit, the two Sensor Signals (first and Second voltages) are
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS differentially amplified to produce a differential signal
whereby the width of the slot is used to encode a binary
4,835,467 A * 5/1989 Gokhle ....................... 324/166 position Voltage, high or low. The two distinct Sequential
4,926,122 A 5/1990 Schroeder et al. ..... 324/207.13
Slot/tooth widths of the actual target wheel are used to
4,939,456. A 7/1990 Morelli et al. ......... 324/207.21
identify a tooth edge of the desired target wheel as rising or
5,570,016 A * 10/1996 Schroeder et al. ..... 324/207.25
5,731,702 A * 3/1998 Schroeder et al. ..... 324/207.21 falling and, hence, define the teeth and slots of the desired
5,754,042 A * 5/1998 Schroeder et al. ..... 324/207.25 target wheel. Alternatively, the present invention could be
implemented with width encoded teeth instead of width
* cited by examiner encoded slots.
Primary Examiner Safet Metahic
ASSistant Examiner Subhash Zaveri 8 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets




U.S. Patent Feb. 12, 2002 Sheet 2 of 6 US 6,346,808 B1

S. N


`09 10 Ac
U.S. Patent Feb. 12, 2002 Sheet 3 of 6 US 6,346,808 B1



32.6 35.6 37.6 40.0 424

77. 22 S-10

137.8 139.4 141 142.6 1442 145.8 1474
102-1 77. 4.
U.S. Patent Feb. 12, 2002 Sheet 4 of 6 US 6,346,808 B1
100' 150

a Se

62.8 64.4 66.0 67.6 69.2 70.8 72.4
102-1 77. f
V's 360'
426 426
412,412a 412,412b 412,412b
412,412a 412,412a
U.S. Patent Feb. 12, 2002 Sheet 5 of 6 US 6,346,808 B1

10 Ac
U.S. Patent Feb. 12, 2002 Sheet 6 of 6 US 6,346,808 B1





US 6,346,808 B1
1 2
CRANKSHAFT POSITION SENSOR permanent magnet 56 through the magnetoresistorS MR1
and MR2 and through the air gaps 422 and 424 to the target
TECHNICAL FIELD wheel 410. The target wheel 410 is made of a magnetic
The present invention relates generally to a method of material having teeth 426 and spacings 428 therebetween
Sensing crankshaft rotational position. and the sensor signal Vs is available between terminals 430
and 432.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The example of the target wheel 410 in FIG. 1A is a 3X
It is well known in the art that the resistance modulation target wheel. This target wheel 410 and the associated sensor
of magnetoresistors can be employed in position and Speed 50 utilize analog signals, available between terminals 430
Sensors with respect to moving magnetic materials or objects and 432, which are converted into a 3 bit digital signal that
(see for example U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,835,467, 4.926,122, and is repeated every 360 degrees of rotation of the wheel. The
4.939,456). In such applications, the magnetoresistor (MR) ideal, error free, Situation is depicted by the digital Signal in
is biased with a magnetic field and electrically excited, FIG. 1B wherein each bit 426' represents a particular angular
typically, with a constant current Source or a constant position of the target wheel 410 and adjacent bits are
voltage Source. A magnetic (i.e., ferromagnetic) object rotat 15 angularly Separated by 120 degrees representing the tooth
ing relative and in close proximity to the MR, Such as a pattern 426 of the target wheel and the desired Signal pattern
toothed wheel, produces a varying magnetic flux density whereby the rising edges 412a of the teeth occur at the rising
through the MR, which, in turn, varies the resistance of the edges of the signal 412'a and the falling edges 412b of the
MR. The MR will have a higher magnetic flux density and teeth occur at the falling edges of the Signal 412b.
a higher resistance when a tooth of the rotating target wheel However, the actual digital signal is depicted in FIG. 1C
is adjacent to the MR than when a slot of the rotating target wherein each bit 426" represents a particular angular posi
wheel is adjacent to the MR. The use of a constant current tion of the target wheel 410 and adjacent bits are not
excitation Source provides an output Voltage from the MR angularly Separated by 120 degrees due to an angular
that varies as the resistance of the MR varies.
position error E whereby the rising edges 412a of the teeth
Increasingly more Sophisticated Spark timing and emis 426 do not occur at the rising edges of the Signal 412"a and
Sion controls introduced the need for crankshaft Sensors an angular position error E' whereby the falling edges 412b
capable of providing precise position information during of the teeth do not occur at the falling edges of the Signal
cranking. Various combinations of magnetoresistors and 412"b. The angular position errors E and E' are caused by
Single and dual track toothed or slotted wheels (also known graduality of change of magnetic field at approach and
as encoder wheels and target wheels) have been used to recession of the teeth, which is Sometimes compensated by
obtain this information (see for example U.S. Pat. Nos. making the teeth narrower. Another component of the error
5,570,016, 5,731,702, and 5,754,042). is caused by variations in the air gaps 422 and 424 as well
The electronic control module (ECM) of an engine speci as variations in temperature.
fies the required format of the crankshaft position Signal. 35 Another target wheel of interest is the 24X target wheel
Invariably, the target wheel (i.e., encoder) is designed to (see for example U.S. Pat. No. 5,570,016). This wheel and
generate a magnetic Signal conforming to the format of the its associated Sensor utilize analog signals which are con
required Signal. That is, preferably, the target wheel will verted into a 24 bit digital signal that is repeated every 360
have teeth at crank angles where the position Signal should degrees of rotation of the wheel. Each bit represents a
have a high value and slots at crank angles where the 40 particular position of the wheel and adjacent bits are angu
position Signal should have a low value. The position Sensor larly Separated by 15 degrees. In general, target wheels of
should convert the mechanical pattern of the target wheel, as interest may be specified as nX target wheels where n is an
closely as possible, into a corresponding electrical Signal. integer number of teeth or slots. These wheels and their
FIG. 1A is a Schematic representation of an exemplar asSociated Sensors utilize analog signals which are converted
automotive environment of use according to this prior art 45 into an n bit digital Signal that is repeated every 360 degrees
Scheme, wherein a target wheel 410 is rotating about an axis of rotation of the wheel. Each bit represents a particular
410, such as for example in unison with a crankshaft, a drive position of the wheel and adjacent bits are angularly Sepa
shaft or a camshaft, and the rotative position thereof is to be rated by (360/n) degrees. Prior art uses of these wheels have
sensed. Rotative position of the target wheel 410 is deter utilized Sensors incorporating two matched MRS with a
mined by Sensing the passage of a tooth edge 412, either a 50 more costly dual track wheel when high accuracy was
rising tooth edge 412a or a falling tooth edge 412b, using a required or with less expensive Single track wheels when
differential MR sequential sensor 50. A tooth edge 412 is less accuracy was acceptable.
considered rising or falling depending upon the direction of What is needed is a method and apparatus to accurately
rotation of the target wheel 410 with respect to the magne locate the rising and falling edges of the teeth of a Single
toresistive sensors MR1 and MR2. MR1 is considered 55 track target wheel whereby the position of the crankshaft can
leading and MR2 is considered lagging if the target wheel be obtained very accurately and inexpensively.
410 is rotating in a clockwise (CW) direction whereas if the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
target wheel is rotating in a counterclockwise (CCW) direc
tion then MR1 is considered lagging whereas MR2 is The present invention provides a method of emulating any
considered leading. For purposes of example, the target 60 desired tooth/slot format of a desired target wheel from a
wheel 410 will be assumed to be rotating in a CW direction predetermined tooth/slot arrangement of a rotating actual
in the views. target wheel used in conjunction with an MR position
The differential MR sequential sensor 50 employs two SCSO.
magnetoresistor elements, MR1 and MR2, which are biased According to the method of the present invention, the
by a permanent magnet 56, wherein the magnetic flux 418 65 passage of two Sequential Slots of differing widths or two
and 420 emanating therefrom are represented by the dashed Sequential teeth of differing widths of the actual target wheel
arrows. The magnetic flux 418 and 420 pass from the determine the rising and falling edge of one tooth of the
US 6,346,808 B1
3 4
desired target wheel and define one tooth and one Slot of the FIG. 1B depicts an example of the ideal digital Signal
desired target wheel. The actual target wheel, has, output according to the prior art environment of use.
preferably, 2n teeth and 2n slots of two distinct Sequential Figure 1C depicts an example of the actual digital Signal
widths whereby the desired target wheel is emulated to have output according to the prior art environment of use.
n teeth and n slots.
For example, an actual target wheel having 6 teeth and 6 FIG. 2A depicts an example of a 6X target wheel of the
Slots of two distinct Sequential widths, can be used to present invention for emulating a 3X desired target wheel.
emulate a 3X desired target wheel with an accuracy attain FIG. 2B depicts an example of the preferred environment
able previously with a two track target wheel; or, for another of use of the present invention.
example, a actual target wheel having 24 teeth and 24 Slots FIG. 3A depicts a slot of arbitrary width of the target
of two distinct Sequential widths can be used to emulate a wheel relative to a differential Sequential Sensor.
12X desired target wheel. FIG. 3B shows MR resistances and signal outputs from
The two MRS of the position sensor, are matched, having the passage of an arbitrary slot of a rotating target wheel, as
matched magnetic biasing and powered by matched current related to the arbitrary position shown in FIG. 3A.
Sources, and are aligned in the circumferential direction of 15
the actual target wheel So as to generate two angularly offset FIG. 4 shows MR resistances and signal outputs from the
Signals (first and Second voltages, respectively) from the passage of a wide slot of a rotating target wheel.
passage of a Single Slot of the actual target wheel. The offset FIG. 5 shows MR resistances and signal outputs from the
Signals are input to a signal conditioning circuit. Within the passage of a narrow slot of a rotating target wheel.
Signal conditioning circuit, the two sensor signals (first and FIG. 6 shows the electronic block diagram of the pre
Second Voltages) are differentially amplified to produce a ferred embodiment of the present invention.
differential signal whereby the width of the slot is used to FIGS. 7A-7C show examples of pulse generator outputs
encode a binary position Voltage, high or low. For example,
a wide slot may be a low voltage and encoded as a binary “0” compatible with 3X engine operation.
while a narrow slot may be a high Voltage and encoded as FIG. 8 depicts the decoding concept of FIG. 6 applied to
a binary “1” although the reverse binary assignments could 25 the MR resistances and Signal outputs from the passage of a
also be used. These binary assignments (the high and low Slot of a rotating target wheel.
outputs) of the conditioning circuit reliably identify the
rising and falling edges of the teeth of the desired target DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
wheel. That is, two distinct sequential slot/tooth widths of PREFERRED EMBODIMENT
the actual target wheel are used to identify a tooth edge of The method according to the present invention provides
the desired target wheel as rising or falling and, hence, for emulation of any desired target wheel format by gener
define the teeth and slots of the desired target wheel. Upon ating a crankshaft position signal corresponding to a desired
detection of a Slot of the actual target wheel, the Signal target wheel format, for example the 3X target wheel 410 of
conditioning circuit determines the location of the slot center FIG. 1A, by using a actual target wheel, for example the 6X
and whether the Slot represents a rising edge or falling edge
of a tooth of the desired target wheel and then Sets its output 35 target wheel 10" of FIG. 2A, which determines the rising and
Voltage respectively high or low and thereby emulate the falling edges of the teeth of the desired target wheel by
format of the desired target wheel. means of narrow slots of two differing widths of the actual
For example, a narrow slot of the actual target wheel is target wheel wherein detection of position of rotation of the
used to identify a tooth edge of the desired target wheel as actual target wheel is via the outputs of a differential Sensor
rising and upon determining the location of the slot center of 40 employing two matched MRS to extract bit position of
the narrow slot of the actual target wheel the Signal condi rotation information. The centers of the slots of the actual
tioning circuit Sets its output Voltage high, for example, to target wheel accurately and reliably identify the rising and
thereby denote the rising edge of a tooth of the desired target falling edges of the teeth of the desired target wheel. Two
wheel and define a first edge of a tooth and corresponding distinct Sequential slot widths of the actual target wheel are
end of a slot of the desired target wheel. Subsequently, after 45 used to identify a tooth edge of the desired target wheel as
the passage of a tooth of the actual target wheel, the next Slot rising or falling and, hence define the teeth and slots of the
of the actual target wheel would be a wide slot and is used desired target wheel. Upon detection of a Slot of the actual
to identify a tooth edge of the desired target wheel as falling, target wheel, a Signal conditioning circuit determines the
for example. Upon determining the location of the Slot location of the slot center and whether the slot represents a
center of the wide slot of the actual target wheel, the Signal 50 rising edge or falling edge of a tooth of the desired target
conditioning circuit Sets its output Voltage low to denote the wheel and then Sets its output voltage respectively high or
falling edge of a tooth of the desired target wheel and low, thereby emulating the format of the desired target
thereby define a Second edge of a tooth and corresponding wheel. For example, a narrow slot of the actual target wheel
beginning of a slot of the desired target wheel. Subsequently, is used to identify a tooth edge of the desired target wheel
after the passage of the next tooth of the actual target wheel, 55 as rising and upon determining the location of the slot center
the following slot of the actual target wheel would be of the narrow slot of the actual target wheel, the Signal
another narrow Slot and the above mentioned process conditioning circuit Sets its output Voltage high, for example,
repeats. denoting the rising edge of a tooth of the desired target wheel
Alternatively, the present invention could be implemented and defines a first edge of a tooth and corresponding end of
with width encoded teeth instead of width encoded slots. 60 a slot of the desired target wheel. Subsequently, after the
Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to passage of a tooth of the actual target wheel, the next Slot of
provide a method for improved position Sensing of a rotating the actual target wheel would be a wide slot and is used to
article. identify a tooth edge of the desired target wheel as falling,
for example. Upon determining the location of the Slot
65 center of the wide slot of the actual target wheel the Signal
FIG. 1A depicts an example of the prior art environment conditioning circuit Sets its output voltage low denoting the
of use. falling edge of a tooth of the desired target wheel and defines
US 6,346,808 B1
S 6
a Second edge of a tooth and corresponding beginning of a example, croSSOver occurs at the midpoint level if the Slot
Slot of the desired target wheel. Subsequently thereafter, width is equal to the MR spacing plus, approximately, 1.2
after the passage of the next tooth of the actual target wheel, .
the following slot of the actual target wheel would be Empirical testing and/or theoretical modeling is also
another narrow slot and the above mentioned proceSS is required to determine the optimal width of an arbitrary tooth
repeated. with respect to the spacing between the MRS such that the
Hence, in the aforementioned manner, the passage of two magnetic Symmetry, the matched MR elements, and the
Sequential slots of differing widths, or passage of two matched current Sources cause a magnetic flux density to be
Sequential teeth of differing widths, of the actual target sensed by the MRs when they are equidistant from the center
wheel determine precisely the rising and falling edge of one of the tooth such that the output resistances of the two MRS
tooth of the desired target wheel and define one tooth and and, thus, their output signals become equal (crossover) in
one slot of the desired target wheel. The actual target wheel, the middle of the tooth whereby the crossover occurs at a
mentioned above, is the target wheel of interest in the value of resistance (or output signal) equal to the average
context of the present invention and, thus, has, preferably, 2n value or midpoint value of the highest and lowest resistance
teeth and 2n slots of two distinct sequential widths whereby 15 (or output signal) taken at the peak value of the differential
a first nX target wheel is emulated. That is, for example, a resistance (or output signal) between the two MRS during
target wheel having Six teeth and Six Slots of two distinct the passage of the tooth. For example, croSSOver occurs at
sequential widths, for example target wheel 10" of FIG. 2A, the midpoint level if the tooth width is equal to the MR
would be used to emulate a 3X target wheel, for example Spacing minus, approximately, 1.2 mm.
target wheel 410 of FIG. 1A, while a target wheel having 24 Empirical testing and/or theoretical modeling is required
teeth and 24 slots of two distinct sequential widths would be to determine the optimal width of a wide or narrow slot with
used to emulate a 12X desired target wheel. Alternatively, respect to the spacing between the MRS Such that the
the present invention could be implemented with width magnetic Symmetry, the matched MR elements, and the
encoded teeth instead of width encoded slots. Hereinafter, an matched current Sources cause a magnetic flux density to be
“actual target wheel' will be referred to simply as a “target 25 sensed by the MRs when they are equidistant from the center
wheel. of the slot such that the output resistances of the two MRS
For purposes of example, a target wheel having 6 teeth and, thus, their output signals become equal (crossover) in
and 6 slots is utilized in the following discussion to emulate the middle of the slot whereby, for a wide slot, crossover
the 3X desired target wheel. The target wheel is toothed with occurs at a value of resistance (or output signal) less than the
wide and narrow Slots between teeth circumferentially Such average value or midpoint value of the highest and lowest
that, preferentially but not exclusively, 6 Zones are created resistance (or output signal) taken at the peak value of the
wherein each Zone occupies 60 degrees circumferentially differential resistance (or output signal) between the two
measured from the center of one slot to the center of an MRS during the passage of the wide slot and, for a narrow
adjacent slot. Within the context of the present invention, the slot, crossover occurs at a value of resistance (or output
target wheel may also be toothed with wide and narrow teeth 35 Signal) greater than the average value or midpoint value of
circumferentially Such that, preferentially but not the highest and lowest resistance (or output signal) taken at
exclusively, 6 Zones are created wherein each Zone occupies the peak value of the differential resistance (or output signal)
60 degrees circumferentially measured from the center of between the two MRS during the passage of the narrow slot.
one tooth to the center of an adjacent tooth. For example, the width of a narrow slot is equal to the width
The two matched MRs of the sensor, having matched 40 of a slot at which crossover occurs at the midpoint level (as
magnetic biasing and powered by matched current Sources, calculated above) minus, approximately, 1.8 mm whereas
are aligned in the circumferential direction of the target the width of a wide slot is equal to the width of a slot at
wheel and generate two angularly offset Signals (first and which crossover occurs at the midpoint level (as calculated
Second voltages, respectively) from the passage of a single above) plus, approximately, 1.6 mm. The low level signal
Slot of the target wheel which are input to a signal condi 45 from a wide slot is assigned the binary value of “0” while the
tioning circuit. Within the Signal conditioning circuit, the high level Signal is assigned the binary value of “1” although
two sensor Signals (first and Second voltages) are differen the reverse assignments of binary values could also be used.
tially amplified to produce a differential Signal whereby the Alternatively, the present invention could be implemented
width of the slot is used to encode a binary position Voltage, by width encoded teeth instead of slots whereby empirical
high or low. For example, a wide slot may be a low voltage 50 testing and/or theoretical modeling is required to determine
and encoded as a binary “0” while a narrow slot may be a the optimal width of a wide or narrow tooth with respect to
high Voltage and encoded as a binary “1” although the the Spacing between the MRS Such that the magnetic
reverse binary assignments could also be used. symmetry, the matched MR elements, and the matched
Empirical testing and/or theoretical modeling is required current Sources cause a magnetic flux density to be sensed by
to determine the optimal width of an arbitrary slot with 55 the MRs when they are equidistant from the center of the
respect to the Spacing between the MRS Such that the tooth such that the output resistances of the two MRS and,
magnetic Symmetry, the matched MR elements, and the thus, their output signals become equal (crossover) in the
matched current Sources cause a magnetic flux density to be middle of the tooth whereby, for a wide tooth, crossover
sensed by the MRs when they are equidistant from the center occurs at a value of resistance (or output signal) greater than
of the slot such that the output resistances of the two MRS 60 the average value or midpoint value of the highest and
and, thus, their output signals become equal (crossover) in lowest resistance (or output signal) taken at the peak value
the middle of the slot whereby the crossover occurs at a of the differential resistance (or output signal) between the
value of resistance (or output signal) equal to the average two MRS during the passage of the wide tooth and, for a
value or midpoint value, to be further exemplified later, of narrow tooth, crossover occurs at a value of resistance (or
the highest and lowest resistance (or output signal) taken at 65 output signal) less than the average value or midpoint value
the peak value of the differential resistance (or output signal) of the highest and lowest resistance (or output signal) taken
between the two MRS during the passage of the slot. For at the peak value of the differential resistance (or output
US 6,346,808 B1
7 8
Signal) between the two MRS during the passage of the by width encoded teeth 12 and 12" instead of slots 14 and 14.
narrow tooth. For example, the width of a narrow tooth is The target wheel 10 is located near the differential sequential
equal to the width of a tooth at which croSSOver occurs at the sensor 50 as indicated in FIG. 2B.
midpoint level (as calculated above) minus, approximately, Power is supplied to CURRENT SOURCE1 72 and
1.8 mm whereas the width of a wide tooth is equal to the CURRENT SOURCE274 through voltage source 70. Power
width of a tooth at which crossover occurs at the midpoint is also supplied to the SIGNAL CONDITIONING CIRCUIT
level (as calculated above) plus, approximately, 1.6 mm. The 80 through voltage source 70 but is not shown. CURRENT
low level Signal from a narrow tooth can be assigned the SOURCE1 72 supplies current to MR1 thereby providing
binary value of “0” while the high level signal from a wide for an output voltage VMR1 from MR1. CURRENT
tooth can be assigned the binary value of “1” although the SOURCE2 74 Supplies current to MR2 thereby providing
reverse assignments of binary values could also be used. for an output voltage V from MR2. Output voltages
FIG. 2B is a Schematic representation of an exemplar V and V are input into SIGNAL CONDITIONING
automotive environment of use according to the present CIRCUIT 80 whose output voltage V is an indication of
invention, wherein a 6X target wheel 10 is rotating, Such as the position of rotation of target wheel 10. It is to be
for example in unison with a crankshaft, a drive shaft or a 15 understood that all Voltages are measured with respect to
cam Shaft, and the rotative position thereof is to be Sensed. ground unless otherwise indicated herein and that CUR
Rotative position of the target wheel 10 is determined by RENT SOURCE1 72 is matched to CURRENT SOURCE2
Sensing the passage of a narrow Slot 14 or a wide slot 14 74.
using a differential sequential sensor 50. The differential FIG. 3B shows, by way of example, a plot 150 of the
Sequential Sensor 50 employs two matched magnetoresistor variation in MR resistances of MR1, via line 120, MR2, via
(MR) elements, MR1 and MR2, which are biased by a line 130, and MR2-MR1, via line 140, according to resis
permanent magnet 56, wherein the magnetic flux 60 and 62 tance scale 100 on the left side of the plot versus crank angle
emanating therefrom is represented by the dashed arrows. 102 plotted on the bottom of the plot, as well as of the
The magnetic flux 60 and 62 passes from the permanent variation in signal outputs from MR1, via line 120, MR2, via
magnet 56, through the magnetoresistors MR1 and MR2 and 25 line 130, and MR2-MR1, via line 140, according to voltage
through the air gaps 64 and 66 to the target wheel 10. The scale 104 on the right side of the plot versus crank angle 102
target wheel 10 is made of a magnetic (i.e., ferromagnetic) plotted on the bottom of the plot. The plot 150 is related to
material having teeth 12 and 12" and SpacingS 14 and 14 the physical situation at FIG. 3A, wherein an arbitrary slot
therebetween. The target wheel 10 is toothed with narrow 14" passes the differential sequential sensor 50 while the
slots 14 and wide slots 14' circumferentially such that, for target wheel 10', attached to a crankshaft, rotates, in this
example, when rotating in a clockwise (CW) direction 20, example, clockwise (CW) 20, toward increasing crankshaft
the angular spacing between the center of a narrow slot and angle (crank angle). When the differential sequential Sensor
the center of a wide slot is 60 degrees thereby creating 6 50 and the slot 14" are aligned as shown in FIG. 3A, the
Zones Z. In this regard for example, a narrow slot may resistance of MR1 is equal to the resistance of MR2 causing
circumferentially extend 4.3 mm, and a wide slot may then 35 the output signal of MR1 to also equal the output signal of
extend about 7.8 mm, wherein the depth of the slot may be MR2 thereby producing a crossover point 160 of line 120
about 3 mm. It is to be understood that the terms “narrow” and line 130 for the resistances and signals at which time
and “wide” refer to a narrow slot being circumferentially not MR1 and MR2 are equidistant from the center of the slot and
as extended (long) as that of a wide slot. thereby define the center of the slot which is depicted by the
Rotative position of the target wheel 10 is determined by 40 dashed line 110 in FIGS 3A and 3B.
Sensing the passage of a narrow Slot 14 or a wide slot 14 The variation in resistance and signal output of MR1
within a Zone Z by the differential sequential sensor 50 and depicted by line 120 of plot 150 of FIG. 3B and the variation
arbitrarily assigning a binary (bit) value of “0” to a wide slot of resistance and signal output of MR2 depicted by line 130
and a binary (bit) value of “1” to a narrow slot. Every 360 of the plot are generated as follows. Initially, MR1 and MR2
degrees of rotation of the exemplified target wheel 10, 6 45 are adjacent a tooth 12" of the target wheel 10' and the
individual bit values are generated, one for each Zone, resistance and signal output of MR1 and MR2 have a
wherein each bit represents a particular angular position of relatively high value due to the relatively high magnetic flux
the target wheel 10. density passing through MR1 and MR2, as previously
MR1 and MR2 are aligned in the circumferential direction described, and depicted by line 120 and line 130 on the left
of the target wheel 10 and generate two angularly offset 50 side of the plot 150 where the crank angle 102 is a minimum.
Signals from the passage of a Single narrow slot 14 or the As the crankshaft and, thus, the target wheel 10' rotates CW
passage of a single wide slot 14 of the target wheel which 20', MR1 begins to pass into the slot 14" moving, relative
are input to a SIGNAL CONDITIONING CIRCUIT 80. to the target wheel, towards tooth 12" while MR2 is still
Within the SIGNAL CONDITIONING CIRCUIT 80, the adjacent to the tooth 12" but moving, relative to the target
two Sensor Signals are differentially amplified to produce a 55 wheel, towards the Slot. At this time, the resistance and
differential signal whereby the width of the slot is used to Signal output of MR1 begins to decrease due to the decrease
encode a binary voltage, high or low. The output resistances in magnetic flux density through MR1 while the resistance
of MR1 and MR2 and, thus, their output signals become and Signal output of MR2 remains at a relatively high value
equal (crossover) in the middle of a narrow slot 14 or a wide as depicted in plot 150 for crank angles 102 between,
slot 14 whereby a wide slot of width W causes the crossover 60 approximately, 33.4 degrees and 34.4 degrees.
to occur at a lower value of resistance (or output signal) than As the target wheel 10' continues to rotate CW 20, MR1
that of a narrow slot 14 of width W as previously described. moves, relative to the target wheel, further into the slot 14"
The low level signal from a wide slot 14' is arbitrarily towards tooth 12" until the magnetic flux density through
assigned the binary value of “0” while the high level signal MR1 has decreased to a minimum at which time the resis
is assigned the binary value of “1” although the reverse 65 tance and Signal output of MR1 is also a minimum while
assignments of binary values could also be used. MR2 moves, relative to the target wheel, towards tooth 12"
Alternatively, the present invention could be implemented but Still adjacent tooth 12" during which time the magnetic
US 6,346,808 B1
flux density through MR2 is still relatively high causing the FIG. 5 is an example of the variation in MR resistances of
resistance and Signal output of MR2 to remain at a relatively MR1, via line 120" and MR2, via line 130", on plot 150"
high value as depicted in plot 150 for crank angles 102 according to resistance scale 100" on the left side of the plot
between, approximately, 34.4 degrees and 35.8 degrees. versus crank angle 102" plotted on the bottom of the plot as
Further CW rotation 20' of the target wheel 10' moves a narrow slot 14 of FIG. 2B of width W of 4.3 mm passes
MR1, relative to the target wheel, closer to tooth 12" thereby the differential sequential sensor 50 while the target wheel
increasing the magnetic flux density through MR1 causing 10, attached to a crankshaft, rotates toward increasing crank
the resistance and Signal output of MR1 to also increase angle.
whereas the magnetic flux density through MR2 rises as The plot 150" is generated as previously explained for
MR2 approaches tooth edge 16 then Starts to decrease FIG. 3 whereas the spacing L between MR1 and MR2 is 5
toward a minimum as MR2 enters the slot 14" thereby mm in the example of FIG. 5.
causing a slight increase in the resistance and Signal output
of MR1 as MR1 approaches the tooth edge followed by a The wide width W" of the slot 14, with respect to the
reduction in the resistance and signal output of MR2 as MR2 spacing L between MR1 and MR2, in FIG. 4 causes a lower
enters the slot as depicted in plot 150 for crank angles 102 15
magnetic flux density to be sensed by the MRs when they are
between, approximately, 35.8 degrees and 37.0 degrees. equidistant from the center of the slot, with respect to a slot
Continued CW rotation 20' of the target wheel 10' pro 14 of narrower width W, as in FIG. 5, wherein the spacing
L between MR1 and MR2 is the same for both slots.
duces an increase in the magnetic flux density through MR1 Accordingly, a crossover point 160" in FIG. 4 has a lower
thereby increasing the resistance and Signal output of MR1
whereas the magnetic flux density through MR2 decreases resistance, and, thus, a lower Signal output Since MR1 and
thereby decreasing the resistance and Signal output of MR2 MR2 are powered by matched current sources (CURRENT
until a point 160 is reached whereat the resistance of MR1 SOURCE1 72 and CURRENT SOURCE2 74 in FIG. 2B),
is equal to the resistance of MR2 causing the output Signal than the crossover point 160" for the narrow slot 14 in FIG.
of MR1 to also equal the output signal of MR2 thereby 5. Thus, the signal output of each of MR1 and MR2 at
producing the crossover point 160 of line 120 and line 130 25
crossover 160' in FIG. 4 or 160" in FIG. 5 depends on the
of plot 150 at which time MR1 and MR2 are equidistant width of the slot. A wide slot 14' causes a lower signal output
of each of MR1 and MR2 to occur at crossover 160' in FIG.
from the center of the slot 14" and thereby define the center 4 than the signal output of each of MR1 and MR2 for a
of the slot which is depicted by the dashed line 110 in FIGS. narrow slot 14 at crossover 160" in FIG. 5 and is encoded as
3A and 3B at a crank angle 102 in the plot 150 of,
approximately, 37.6 degrees. AS will be described later, a a binary “0” when crossover occurs, as will be described
Voltage, high or low, is generated at the instant of croSSOver later. A narrow slot 14 is encoded as a binary “1” when
160 and defines the center of the slot 14" of the target wheel crossover occurs, as will be described later. The binary
10'. As will also be later described, the signal level at encoding could also be reversed and, as previously
crossover 160 depends on the width W" of the slot 14" mentioned, width encoded teeth 12 and 12" could be imple
mented instead of width encoded slots 14 and 14' within the
relative to the spacing L between MR1 and MR2 and, thus 35
Scope of the present invention.
the width of the slot can be used to encode a high or low
Voltage. Referring to FIG. 4, the line 125" designates the crank
Continued further CW rotation 20' of the target wheel 10' angle 102 at which the difference in resistance, R
moves MR1, relative to the target wheel, past tooth edge 18 R", between MR2 and MR1 is the greatest and, thus the
and then adjacent to tooth 12" causing the magnetic flux 40 crank angle 102' at which the difference in voltage between
density through MR1 to increase to a relatively high value MR2 and MR1, V-V, is also the greatest Since MR1
commensurate with its value adjacent to tooth 12" thereby and MR2 are powered by matched current sources
increasing the resistance and Signal output of MR1 to values (CURRENT SOURCE1 72 and CURRENT SOURCE274
commensurate with their values adjacent to tooth 12" in FIG. 2B). The midpoint resistance, R., on line 125
whereas, during this time, MR2 moves, relative to the target 45 designates the average resistance between R and R',
wheel, towards tooth 12", past tooth edge 18, and then and has a larger value than the resistance, R, at the
adjacent to tooth 12" causing the magnetic flux density croSSOver point 160'. Hence, the Signal Voltage correspond
through MR2 to decrease to a minimum then increase to a ing to the Value of R is greater than the Signal Voltage
value commensurate with its value adjacent to tooth 12" corresponding the value of R' for a wide slot 14 of FIG.
thereby increasing the resistance and Signal output of MR1 50
during the time that the magnetic flux density is decreasing Referring to FIG. 5, the line 125" designates the crank
through MR2 thereafter increasing the resistance and Signal angle 102" at which the difference in resistance, R"-
output to values commenSurate with their values adjacent to R", between MR2 and MR1 is the greatest and, thus the
tooth 12" as depicted in plot 150 for crank angles 102 crank angle 102" at which the difference in voltage between
between, approximately, 37.6 degrees and 42.6 degrees. The 55 MR2 and MR1, V-V, is also the greatest Since MR1
above proceSS is now repeated when the next slot is encoun and MR2 are powered by matched current sources
FIG. 4 is an example of the variation in MR resistances of in FIG. 2B). The midpoint resistance, R"MID, on line 125"
MR1, via line 120' and MR2, via line 130', on plot 150' designates the average resistance between R", and
according to resistance scale 100' on the left side of the plot 60 R", and has a Smaller Value than the resistance, R", at
versus crank angle 102 plotted on the bottom of the plot as the croSSOver point 160". Hence, the Signal Voltage corre
a wide slot 14 of FIG. 2B of width W of 7.8 mm passes the sponding to the value of R" is less than the Signal Voltage
differential sequential sensor 50 while the target wheel 10, corresponding the value of R", for a narrow slot 14 of FIG.
attached to a crankshaft, rotates toward increasing crank 2B.
angle. The plot 150' is generated as previously explained for 65 FIG. 6 shows an electronic block diagram of the preferred
FIG. 3 whereas the spacing L between MR1 and MR2 is 5 embodiment of the present invention. It is well known in the
mm in the example of FIG. 4. art that the resistance of a magnetoresistor will have a larger
US 6,346,808 B1
11 12
value when the magnetoresistor is adjacent to a tooth 12 or detector 208 to generate an output pulse on signal line 208
12" of a target wheel 10 of FIG. 2B than when the magne at this instant, which occurs well after V has been
toresistor is adjacent to a slot 14 or 14 of the target wheel. generated, and is then input to Sample and hold3 212 via
Thus, when MR1 and MR2 are powered by constant current signal line 208" and to the clock input (CLK) of flip flop (FF)
Sources, the output Voltages V and V2 in FIG. 2B and 240 via signal lines 208" and 208". At crossover, the leading
FIG. 6 will have higher values when the magnetoresistors edge of the output pulse from the Zero-crossing detector 208
MR1 and MR2 are adjacent a tooth 12 or 12" of a target activates Sample and hold3212 to output the value of V
wheel 10 than when MR1 and MR2 are adjacent a slot 14 or at the input to sample and hold3 at this instant, VCO, onto
14 of the target wheel. The circuit of FIG. 6 functions as Signal line 212" to the non-inverting input of comparator 230.
follows. It is noted that Since the value of V equals the value of
As the passage of a slot 14 or 14 of FIG. 2B is sensed by V2 at this instant, V2 could be the Signal input to
MR1 and MR2, the sensor signal V from MR1 is input Sample and hold3 on Signal line 204" instead of V
into the inverting input of differential amplifier (D) 200 via within the Scope of the present invention. If desired,
Signal lines 204 and 204' whereas the Sensor Signal V however, the signal V can be fed directly into the
from MR2 is input into the non-inverting input of the noninverting input of the comparator 230, thus eliminating
differential amplifier via signal lines 205 and 205" to produce the need for the Sample and hold circuit.
a differential Signal, V, at the output of the differential Comparator 230 compares the value of V to the value
amplifier, which in this case V, is taken to be V2 -V. of V. If the value of V is greater than the value of
The Sensor Signal V from MR1 is also input into the V, the Voltage at the output of comparator 230 on Signal
inverting input of comparator (C1) 202 via signal lines 204 line 230' will have a high value Signifying that the passage
and 204" and the Sensor Signal V from MR2 is input into of a narrow slot 14 in FIG.2B was sensed by MR1 and MR2
the non-inverting input of the comparator via Signal lines Since a narrow slot has a value of V, which is higher at the
crossover point 160" in FIG. 5 than the value of V.
205 and 205". V is further input to sample and hold1 Otherwise, if the value of V is less than the value of V,
(SH1) 210 via lines 204, 204', and 204" as well as sample the Voltage at the output of comparator 230 on Signal line
and hold3 (SH3) 212 via lines 204, 204", 204", and 204". 25 230' will have a low value Signifying that the passage of a
V is additionally input into Sample and hold2 (SH2) 214 wide slot 14 in FIG. 2B was sensed by MR1 and MR2 since
via lines 205, 205', and 205". a wide slot has a value of V, which is lower at the
The comparator 202 has a certain amount of preset crossover point 160' in FIG. 4 than the value of V. The
predetermined Voltage applied to it as a hysteresis thereby Voltage at the output of comparator 230 is input to the data
causing the output signal of the comparator 202 on line 202 input (D") of flip flop 240 via signal line 230'.
to either Switch to a high level when V2 exceeds V by The leading edge of the output pulse from the Zero
the amount of the hysteresis or switch to a low level when crossing detector 208 also activates flip flop 240 to output
V exceeds V2 by the amount of the hysteresis thereby the Voltage appearing at the data input (D") of the flip flop,
enabling the differential amplifier 200 when the output of the on signal line 230', as V at the Q output of the flip flop
comparator is at a high level and disabling the differential 35 onto Signal line 240'. A low value of Voltage on Signal line
amplifier when the output of the comparator is at a low level. 230' to flip flop 240 will cause the flip flop output V to
This ensures that the differential amplifier 200, and the rest be a low voltage while a high value of voltage on line 230'
of the circuit, is enabled only when a slot 14 or 14 is to the flip flop will cause the flip flop output V to be a
encountered by MR1 and MR2. The differential output high Voltage. These two distinctly different Voltage values
signal, V., from the differential amplifier 200 is input to a 40 can arbitrarily be assigned binary values of “0” and “1”
peak detector (PD) 206 via line 200' as well as a zero designating whether the passage of a wide slot 14 or a
crossing detector (ZD) 208 via lines 200' and 200". narrow slot 14 was sensed by MR1 and MR2.
When the peak detector 206 detects the peak voltage of An example of flip flop 240 output on signal line 240',
the differential output signal, V., it generates a pulse on generated with a target wheel consisting of Six teeth and Six
signal line 206' which is input to sample and hold 1210 via 45 Slots, emulating a 3X desired target wheel format, according
lines 206' and 206" and sample and hold2214 via lines 206' to the present invention, is depicted in FIGS. 7A, 7B and 7C.
and 206". Upon receiving the output pulse from peak FIG. 1B is repeated in FIG.7A for clarity. FIG. 7B depicts
detector 206, Sample and hold1 210 outputs the value of the target wheel 10" (this is the actual target wheel) having
V at the input to Sample and hold1 at this instant, V., three narrow slots 14" and three wide slots 14" with six
onto signal line 210' whereas sample and hold2214 outputs 50 teeth 13 respectively therebetween. Lines 415 depict where
the value of V at the input to Sample and hold2 at this the center 15 of the narrow slots 14" determine, as shown in
instant, V, onto Signal line 214". Since the differential FIG.7C, the rising edges 412'a of the output V. from the
output signal, VD, is equal to Vir2 -Var, at the peak flip flop 240 whereas lines 417 depict where the center 15
Voltage of the differential output Signal, V has a higher of the wide slots 14" determine the falling edges 412b of
Value than V and the Voltage difference between V2 55 the output V from the flip flop. The rising edgeS 412'a
and V is the greatest. Thus the output voltage of Sample and falling edges 412b define the signal pattern 426", 414
and hold2214, V, on Signal line 214 is greater than the of the flip flop 240 output V on signal line 240'. A
output voltage of Sample and hold1 210, V, on signal comparison of FIGS. 7A and 7C shows that they are
line 210'. The midpoint Voltage, VI, between Vic and identical, wherein FIG. 7C depicts the rising and falling
V, is obtained at junction 220 and Signal line 220' by 60 tooth edges of a desired target wheel emulated from the
means of resistor 216 and resistor 218 comprising a Voltage actual target wheel. Thus, the target wheel of use having 2n
divider whereby resistor 216 has the same value as resistor teeth and 2n slots of two distinct Sequential widths emulates
218 and is input into the inverting input of comparator 230 an nX target wheel wherein air gap and temperature varia
via signal line 220'. tions are accounted for. It should be noted that while a flip
Subsequently, when the Value of V2 and V become 65 flop is described herein to provide Switching (at tooth or slot
equal at croSSover, the differential output Signal, V, will centers) between the two distinct voltage outputs, any analo
have a value of Zero thereby effecting the Zero-crossing gous bistable electronic device will Suffice.
US 6,346,808 B1
13 14
FIG. 8 depicts, by way of example, the decoding concept magnetic field means for magnetically biasing Said dif
of FIG. 6 applied to the passage of a wide slot 14 of a ferential Sensor;
rotating target wheel 10. FIG. 8 shows the variation in MR an actual target wheel having 2n slots and 2n teeth
resistances of MR1, via line 120", MR2, via line 130", and arranged circumferentially in a Serially repeating pat
MR2-MR1, via line 140", on plot 150" according to tern of a narrow slot followed by a wide slot each slot
resistance scale 100" on the left side of the plot versus crank being Separated by a tooth of the 2n teeth wherein each
angle 102" plotted on the bottom of the plot as well as the tooth of the 2n teeth has a mutually equal width, Said
variation in signal outputs from MR1, via line 120", MR2, target wheel being rotatively disposed in relation to
via line 130", and MR2-MR1, via line 140", according to Said differential Sensor, Said first and Second magneto
voltage scale 104" on the right side of the plot versus crank 1O Static elements being Spaced circumferentially with
angle 102" plotted on the bottom of the plot as a wide slot respect to Said target wheel;
14 passes the differential sequential sensor 50 while the
target wheel 10, attached to a crankshaft, rotates, in this current Source means connected with Said differential
example, toward increasing crankshaft angle (crank angle). Sensor for providing first and Second Voltages respec
Line 140" represents the differential output signal, V., with 15
tively from each of Said first and Second magnetostatic
respect to voltage scale 104". When the differential sequen elements responsive to each slot of Said 2n slots Suc
tial sensor 50 and the slot 14 are aligned as shown in FIG. cessively passing Said differential Sensor; and
3, the resistance of MR1 is equal to the resistance of MR2 Signal conditioning circuit means connected with Said
causing the output Signal of MR1 to also equal the output differential sensor for providing two distinctly different
signal of MR2 thereby producing a crossover point 160" in Voltage outputs responsive to Said first and Second
FIG. 8 of line 120" and line 130" for the resistances and Voltages, wherein a first distinct Voltage output is
signals as well as a zero crossing point 162" of line 140" for provided between centers of a wide slot and a next
the differential output signal, V., at which time MR1 and Serially adjacent narrow slot, and wherein a Second
MR2 are equidistant from the center of the slot 14 and distinct voltage output is provided between centers of
thereby define the center of the slot which is depicted by the 25 the Serially adjacent narrow slot and a next Serially
dashed line 110". The plot 150" is generated as previously adjacent wide slot,
explained for FIG. 3. wherein Said current Source means provides matched
In FIG. 8, Vy represents the amount of preset predeter currents to each of Said first and Second magnetostatic
mined voltage applied to comparator 202 of FIG. 6 as a elements, and wherein Said magnetic field means pro
hysteresis thereby causing the output Signal of the compara vides matched biasing magnetic fields to each of Said
tor on line 202 to Switch to a high level when V exceeds first and Second magnetostatic elements, and
V by the amount of the hysteresis at point 140a'". V. wherein a desired target wheel having n slots and n teeth
represents the amount of preset predetermined Voltage is emulated from Said two distinct Voltage outputs,
applied to comparator 202 of FIG. 6 as a hysteresis thereby wherein each tooth and each slot of the desired target
causing the output Signal of the comparator on line 202 to 35 wheel has a mutually equal width, and wherein each
Switch to a low level when V exceeds V by the tooth of the desired target wheel is assigned to each first
amount of the hysteresis at point 140b". The peak voltage of distinct voltage output, and each Slot of the desired
the differential output signal, V, detected by the peak target wheel is assigned to each Second distinct voltage
detector 206 of FIG. 6 is designated V on line 112". As output.
can be seen from FIG. 8, the value of V, the crossover 40 2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein Said Signal condi
voltage, is less than the value of V, the midpoint voltage tioning means comprises:
at the peak of the differential output Signal, V. Thus, the differential amplifier means for converting Said first and
voltage at the output of comparator 230 in FIG. 6 will have Second Voltages into a differential output signal;
a low value and, hence, the flip flop 240 outputs a low peak detection means for detecting a peak voltage of Said
Voltage Signifying that the passage of a wide slot 14 was 45 differential output signal;
sensed by MR1 and MR2 and determines the falling edge of
a tooth of a 3X target wheel and defines the slot of a 3X first Sampling means for Sampling Said first and Second
target wheel as previously explained. Voltages responsive to Said peak detection means
It is to be understood that while magnetoresistors (MRs) detecting Said peak voltage to thereby provide a
were exemplified in the foregoing detailed description of a 50
Sampled first voltage of Said first Voltage and a Sampled
preferred embodiment of the present invention, other analo Second Voltage of Said Second Voltage;
gous Sensing elements, Such as Hall elements may be means for determining a midpoint Voltage between Said
utilized, the class of Such Sensors being inclusively denoted Sampled first voltage and Said Sampled Second Voltage;
as magnetostatic elements. Zero detection means for detecting a Zero Voltage of Said
To those skilled in the art to which this invention 55 differential output signal;
appertains, the above described preferred embodiment may Second Sampling means for Sampling at least one of Said
be Subject to change or modification. Such change or modi first and Second Voltages responsive to Said Zero detec
fication can be carried out without departing from the Scope tion means detecting Said Zero Voltage to thereby detect
of the invention, which is intended to be limited only by the a croSSOver Voltage;
Scope of the appended claims. 60 comparator means for comparing Said midpoint Voltage to
What is claimed is: Said croSSOver Voltage, and for providing the two
1. An apparatus for detecting rotational position using a distinctly different Voltage outputs, wherein when a
desired target wheel emulated from an actual target wheel, narrow slot passes Said differential Sensor Said croSS
comprising: over Voltage exceeds Said midpoint Voltage, and
a differential Sensor comprising a first magnetostatic 65 wherein when a wide slot passes Said differential Sensor
element and a Second magnetostatic element matched Said midpoint Voltage exceeds Said croSSOver Voltage;
to Said first magnetostatic element; and
US 6,346,808 B1
15 16
bistable means for providing, responsive to Said compara means for determining a midpoint Voltage between Said
tor means, the first distinct voltage output between Sampled first voltage and Said Sampled Second Voltage;
centers of a wide Slot and a neXt Serially adjacent Zero detection means for detecting a Zero Voltage of Said
narrow slot, and the Second distinct Voltage output differential output signal;
between centers of the Serially adjacent narrow slot and Second Sampling means for Sampling at least one of Said
a next Serially adjacent wide slot. first and Second Voltages responsive to Said Zero detec
3. The apparatus of claim 2, wherein Said Signal condi tion means detecting Said Zero Voltage to thereby detect
tioning means further comprises means for Selectively a croSSOver Voltage;
enabling Said differential amplifier means responsive to comparator means for comparing Said midpoint Voltage to
passage of each Slot with respect to Said differential Sensor. 1O
Said croSSOver Voltage, and for providing the two
4. An apparatus for detecting rotational position using a
desired target wheel emulated from an actual target wheel, distinctly different Voltage outputs, wherein when a
comprising: narrow tooth passes Said differential Sensor Said croSS
a differential Sensor comprising a first magnetostatic over Voltage exceeds Said midpoint Voltage, and
element and a Second magnetostatic element matched 15 wherein when a wide tooth passes Said differential
to Said first magnetostatic element; Sensor Said midpoint Voltage exceeds Said croSSOver
Voltage; and
magnetic field means for magnetically biasing Said dif bistable means for providing, responsive to Said compara
ferential Sensor; tor means, the first distinct voltage output between
an actual target wheel having 2n slots and 2n teeth centers of a wide tooth and a next Serially adjacent
arranged circumferentially in a Serially repeating pat narrow tooth, and the Second distinct voltage output
tern of a narrow tooth followed by a wide tooth each between centers of the Serially adjacent narrow tooth
tooth being Separated by a slot of the 2n slots wherein and a next Serially adjacent wide tooth.
each Slot of the 2n slots has a mutually equal width, Said 6. The apparatus of claim 5, wherein Said Signal condi
target wheel being rotatively disposed in relation to 25 tioning means further comprises means for Selectively
Said differential Sensor, Said first and Second magneto enabling Said differential amplifier means responsive to
Static elements being Spaced circumferentially with passage of each Slot with respect to Said differential Sensor.
respect to Said target wheel; 7. A method for detecting rotational position using a
current Source means connected with Said differential desired target wheel emulated from an actual target wheel,
Sensor for providing first and Second Voltages respec Said method comprising the Steps of:
tively from each of Said first and Second magnetostatic fabricating an actual target wheel having 2n slots and 2n
elements responsive to each tooth of Said 2n teeth teeth, the 2n teeth being arranged circumferentially in
Successively passing said differential sensor; and a Serially repeating pattern of a wide tooth followed by
Signal conditioning circuit means connected with Said a narrow tooth, each tooth being Separated by a slot of
differential sensor for providing two distinctly different 35 the 2n slots wherein each slot of the 2n slots has a
Voltage outputs responsive to Said first and Second mutually equal width; and
Voltages, wherein a first distinct voltage output is detecting rotation of a desired target wheel emulated from
provided between centers of a wide tooth and a next rotation of the actual target wheel, wherein the desired
Serially adjacent narrow tooth, and wherein a Second target wheel has n Slots and n teeth and wherein each
distinct Voltage output is provided between centers of 40 tooth and each slot thereof has a mutually equal width,
the Serially adjacent narrow tooth and a next Serially Said Step of detecting comprising:
adjacent wide tooth; generating a first voltage responsive to passage of a tooth
wherein Said current Source means provides matched of the actual target wheel acroSS a first predetermined
currents to each of Said first and Second magnetostatic location;
elements, and wherein Said magnetic field means pro 45
generating a Second Voltage responsive to passage of the
vides matched biasing magnetic fields to each of Said tooth acroSS a Second predetermined location;
first and Second magnetostatic elements, and converting Said first and Second Voltages into a differential
wherein a desired target wheel having n Slots and n teeth Output signal;
is emulated from Said two distinct Voltage outputs, 50 detecting a peak voltage of Said differential output Signal;
wherein each tooth and each slot of the desired target
wheel has a mutually equal width, and wherein each Sampling Said first and Second Voltages responsive to
tooth of the desired target wheel is assigned to each first detection of Said peak voltage to thereby provide a
distinct voltage output, and each Slot of the desired Sampled first voltage of Said first Voltage and a Sampled
target wheel is assigned to each Second distinct voltage Second Voltage of Said Second Voltage and thereby
output. 55 provide a midpoint Voltage therebetween;
5. The apparatus of claim 4, wherein Said Signal condi detecting a Zero Voltage of the differential output Signal;
tioning means comprises: Sampling at least one of the first and Second Voltages
differential amplifier means for converting Said first and responsive to detection of Said Zero Voltage to thereby
Second Voltages into a differential output Signal; 60 detect a croSSOver Voltage;
peak detection means for detecting a peak voltage of Said comparing Said midpoint Voltage to Said croSSOver Volt
differential output signal; age; and
first Sampling means for Sampling Said first and Second generating two distinctly different voltage outputs,
Voltages responsive to Said peak detection means responsive to Said Step of comparing, wherein a first
detecting Said peak voltage to thereby provide a 65 distinct voltage output is provided between centers of a
Sampled first Voltage of Said first Voltage and a Sampled wide tooth and a next Serially adjacent narrow tooth,
Second Voltage of Said Second Voltage; and wherein a Second distinct voltage output is pro
US 6,346,808 B1
17 18
Vided between centers of the Serially adjacent narrow detecting a peak voltage of Said differential output Signal;
tooth and a next Serially adjacent wide tooth; Sampling Said first and Second Voltages responsive to
wherein when a narrow tooth passes Said first and Second detection of Said peak voltage to thereby provide a
predetermined locations Said croSSOver Voltage exceeds Sampled first voltage of Said first Voltage and a Sampled
Said midpoint Voltage, and wherein when a wide tooth Second Voltage of Said Second Voltage and thereby
passes Said first and Second predetermined locations provide a midpoint Voltage therebetween;
Said midpoint Voltage exceeds Said croSSover Voltage.
8. A method for detecting rotational position using a detecting a Zero Voltage of the differential output Signal;
desired target wheel emulated from an actual target wheel, Sampling at least one of the first and Second Voltages
Said method comprising the Steps of: 1O
responsive to detection of Said Zero Voltage to thereby
fabricating an actual target wheel having 2n slots and 2n detect a croSSOver Voltage;
teeth, the 2n slots being arranged circumferentially in a comparing Said midpoint Voltage to Said croSSOver Volt
Serially repeating pattern of a wide Slot followed by a age; and
narrow slot, each slot being Separated by a tooth of the
2n teeth wherein each tooth of the 2n teeth has a 15 generating two distinctly different voltage outputs,
mutually equal width; and responsive to Said Step of comparing, wherein a first
detecting rotation of a desired target wheel emulated from distinct voltage output is provided between centers of a
rotation of the actual target wheel, wherein the desired wide slot and a next Serially adjacent narrow slot, and
target wheel has n Slots and n teeth and wherein each wherein a Second distinct voltage output is provided
tooth and each slot thereof has a mutually equal width, between centers of the Serially adjacent narrow slot and
Said Step of detecting comprising: a next Serially adjacent wide slot,
generating a first voltage responsive to passage of a slot wherein when a narrow slot passes Said first and Second
of the actual target wheel acroSS a first predetermined predetermined locations Said croSSOver Voltage exceeds
location; 25 Said midpoint Voltage, and wherein when a wide slot
generating a Second Voltage responsive to passage of the passes Said first and Second predetermined locations
slot acroSS a Second predetermined location; Said midpoint Voltage exceeds Said croSSover Voltage.
converting Said first and Second Voltages into a differential
output signal;

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