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1. Pose
- Hedging language: noi giam noi tranh
- Dilemma: a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made
- Concerned about
- Unsuitable content
- The problem could, to some extend ( den 1 muc do nao do/ o 1 khia canh nao khac),
Or such a phenomenon could, to some extend, be addressed by raising public
awareness about
The problem could, to some extend, be tackled by education from the childhood that
children can achieve awareness of the smartphone’s drawbacks.
- Place higher values on physical appearance :
- Be exposed to
- Academic underachievement = poor academic achievement
- Reach crisis point: cham den muc khung hoang
Ex: the water shortage has reached crisis point
- Pose a serious risk to + S.O: to cause a serious risk to s.o
Pose threat on/ pose risk on … dat 1 moi de doa len
Pose a challenge on
- A straightforward solution: easy to understand or simple solution
- Struggle to + V : dau tranh lam gi
- Come into conflict with:
- Provide extra support
- Address the underlying causes: giai quyet nhung van de co ban
- Underlying: co ban
- Resolve dispute: an argument
- Impose stricter regulations and severe financial penalties: force to do ST
- Take responsibilities more seriously
- Tackle = try to deal with ST
- Become more involved in = tham gia vao/ quan tam nhieu hon
Become more involved in water conservation
1d 2c 3a 4b
What are the causes of water shortages ? please also offer some solutions to this
problem. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge and experience.

Water covers approximately 70% our planet, so it is easy to think that it is always plentiful
for our living.
As the global population grows, fresh water is becoming such an increasingly
challenging resource that it is predicted to be inadequate to provide all people in future.
This essay will illustrate several reasons contributing to this problem and the innovative
solutions that will help tackle our water crisis.
To commence with, the main cause of this phenomenon lies in human activities. Humans
are unable to access clean water due to pollution created by themselves. For instance,
nowadays, more and more harmful waste has been discharged into water by industrial
factories. In addition, the extensive use of fertilizers or pesticide in agriculture poses a
serious risk to the underground water. Besides pollution, water wastage not only wastes
this valuable resource but also consumes lots of government’s fund due to huge
treatment expenditure.

Another primary cause is climate change and global warming, which leads to several devasting
results. Unfortunately, some regions of the world have received a limited amount of annual
precipitation, of which the consequence is constant droughts. In contrast, some regions have
experienced more extreme floods or heavy rains, which can damage the water infrastructure
and contaminate the clean water.
Beyond these difficulties, more and more effort should be adopted by both governments and
individuals. Such a phenomenon could, to some extent, be tackled by raising public awareness
about the importance of water. Moreover, stricter regulations and severe financial penalties for
companies should be imposed to warn and force them take responsibilities more seriously.

Water shortage has been a… problem for many years. Being more conservative and sustainable
with water usage is the key to address the current water situation that the world is facing.
Beyond all the difficulties, much more efforts should be adopted by both governments and

Industrial waste discharged from factories

The extensive use of pesticide in agriculture,
The agricultural waste gradually absorbs gradually into soil and the underground water
Admittedly, water covers approximately 70% our planet, however, fresh water, which we
use to drink, bathe or irrigate our farms, is significantly rare with only 3% of the world’s
As a result, human are unable to access clean water
Another primary cause is climate change and global warming, which leads to several devasting
results. Annually, many natural disasters

Precipitation = rainfall = luong mua

The annual precipitation

Unfortunately, some regions of the world receive a limited amount of annual precipitation,
which leads constant droughts

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