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Statement of Purpose

As an artist working as Archivist at MES 56, methods of collection, document management,

knowledge distribution, research methods have influenced my artistic work. My practice
tries to convey the memories of the people who are tied to the land, the environment or
landscape that are changing each time. Sometimes I use the method of managing photo
archives from the past and comparing them with photos of the current landscape. In
creating works I also try to reveal unheard forms of stories, marginalised, fragile
environments and then connect it with other broader contexts such as economic, political
and historical structures - with speculative methods and digital imaging practices I try to
play with the real and unreal to confront the perception of the audience to produce new

With my background and tendency to produce work, the profile and background of
Bibliothek Andreas Züst’s program matches my interests and issues in my work. I think that
each 4 weeks residency will provide me with new perspectives and knowledge of research
methods, especially archives - how knowledge is collated, processed and published through
interesting, artistic forms and the production of new knowledge for everyone.

During this residency I will take advantage of the time and maximize the facilities and
resources that you provide - to develop my works to be more contextual, empathic,
sympathetic and increase new perspectives for a wider audience that I have not
encountered before. Because every work can have meaning if it is taken to a different place.

Working with different environments and people collectively might be interesting for my
practice as I grew up in an artist collective Ruang MES 56 as an artist, such as organising an
interactive workshop to make new friends and Nongkrong with many people and drink
together to discusses and hear story what happen in there. My hope or I can say a plan that
I am trying to implement my residency is not just like an individual artist who makes work in
a room all day, but more curious/mingled with the neighbours so that a mutual relationship
is established with the community or collective in there and provide an interesting exchange
of knowledge/experience with a spirit of sharing.

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