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Shivashaki Organic menure and transport

Clinikk Proposal for Shivashaki Organic menure and transport:-

A. Clinikk Health Protect Plan

1. Subscription based Primary protection plan. Options to purchase for Self.
2. Product Duration- 12 Months.
3. Payment Option - Monthly.
4. Target Customer- Employees of Shivashaki Organic menure and transport.
5. Product Benefit- Provides financial protection against medical bills in case of hospitalization
6. Product Description:-

Coverage Details
Entry Age - Min Adult: 18 years Child:91 Days
Entry Age - Max Adult: 60 years Child: 24 years
Policy Tenure 1 Year
Claims payout Cashless (within network) / Reimbursement
Covered Benefits
Sum Insured (SI) in INR. 1 Lakh
In - patient care Up to SI
Personal Accident Insurance Sum Insured Rs 100000/-
Day Care Treatment Up to SI
Pre-hospitalization Medical 30 days
Post-hospitalization Medical 60 days
Ambulance Charges 1000 Per hospitalization
Maternity Up to 30000 for Normal 30000 C-section
PRE-& POST NATAL Covered within the maternity limits
Wait Period
30 Days Yes (except Accident)
Named Ailment 12 Months
Pre-existing diseases 12 Months
Maternity 9 Months
On Room rent Up to 3000
ICU charges Up to 5000
Shivashaki Organic menure and transport

24*7 Medical consultations with qualified doctors (Telemedicine)

Unlimited Doc Consultation at Clinikk Health Hub.
Doctor Prescription online available on Clinikk APP, SMS, Whatsapp and Email
07 Vernacular language supported
Upto 30% discount on Medicines
Upto 30% discount on Lab Tests
24*7 access to Clinikk health assistants
Insurance Claim support & assistance

B. Key Exclusions
1. In case customers are suffering from any of the below mentioned PED, then the treatment
for these will be excluded permanently.

Category Disease

Heart related Any Open / Closed Surgeries related to

Heart and heart attack

Cancer related All types of Cancer Including Chemo and


Kidney related surgeries Nephrectomy

Brain and Spinal surgeries Any Surgery related to Brain or Spinal


Surgery related to abdominal organs Any Surgery related to Liver, Spleen or


Bone Related Surgeries Any Surgery related to fracture –

Internal fixation required in hip,
knee, long bone (thigh, leg, arm
and forearm), and shoulder
complex Amputation of legs,
arms, toes and foot for
non-malignant lesions

Amputation of legs, arms, toes and foot for non-malignant lesions

Open surgery of Chest and related Any Surgery related to Lungs or Thorax

Major Burns Any Surgery related to second

and third degree full thickness
Shivashaki Organic menure and transport

burns (excluding Cosmetic


Oro-maxillofacial surgery Major reconstructive

oro-maxillofacial surgery for
Trauma (excluding Cosmetic

Major Organ Transplant Transplant of Kidney, Liver or Heart

2. Any PED not mentioned above will be covered after a waiting Period of 1 Year.

> Product Cost:


Validity Self
Monthly 180

● *Quotation Validity Period - 15 days.

● *Insurance Underwritten by Care Health Insurance

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