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Assalamualaikum wr wb

Hello, I’m Dina, what a beautiful day it is and I’m so delightful to be here to be sharing this moment with
you. I hope we’re fine, happy, and healthy, also have the strength and blessing to get through this
Good afternoon to you, and to your excellencies :

- Rector of Lambung Mangkurat University, Prof. Dr. Sutarto Hadi, M.Si., M.Sc represented by his
excellency Vice rector of Lambung Mangkurat University of Planing, Coorperation, and Public
Relation, Prof. Dr. Ir. Haji Yudi Firmanul Arifin, M.Sc
- Chief of Indonesian Pharmacist Association of South Kalimantan, Apt. Surya Wahyudi, S.Si.,
- Dean of Mathematic and Natural Science Faculty, Drs . Abdul Gafur, M.Si, M.Sc, Ph.D
- Head of Pharmacy Study Program, Dr. Apt. Arnida, S.Si., M.Si

And welcome, our distinguised speakers :

- Prof Andreas Bernkop (University of Innsbruck Austria)

- Ahmad Saleh (University of Innsbruck Austria)
- Dr. Hanene Ali-Boucetta PhD, MPharm, MRPharms (University of Birmingham)
- Dr. apt. Samsul Hadi, S. Farm, M. Sc (Lambung Mangkurat University)

Ladies and gentlemen,

When we heard the word ICPLM, we might wonder what kind of event is this? So ICPLM is an
International Conference of Pharmacy Lambung Mangkurat University. This conference is held
internationally and of course, the speakers are from international level. With the topic “Advanced Drug
Delivery Systems”, what points do we need to know regarding to this topic? And why do we really need
this topic to be explored? And so, the main goal of our second International Conference is to teach the
philosophy of how to articulate practically the concepts of pharmaceutical sciences, chemistry, and
molecular biology in such an integrated way that can ignite novel ideas to design and develop advanced
delivery systems against various diseases. It is integral to transform our knowledge in molecular biology
and biotechnology into the development of effective delivery systems for macromolecular therapeutics.
Advanced Drug Delivery aims to provide up-to-date information of the basics, formulation strategies, and
various therapeutic applications of advanced drug delivery. Today we’d have a very expensive knowledge
that will be shared by our respected well known speakers :

- Prof Andreas Bernkop (University of Innsbruck Austria)

- Ahmad Saleh (University of Innsbruck Austria)
- Dr. Hanene Ali-Boucetta PhD, MPharm, MRPharms (University of Birmingham)
- Dr. apt. Samsul Hadi, S. Farm, M. Sc (Lambung Mangkurat University)

We’re very honoured to have you here, we hope that this event will be the door to open our new
relationship and another next event in a better future.
Speaking about this second International Conference, we actually had our first International Conference
in 2019, OFFLINE, with the topic “Therapeutic Strategy for Infectious Disease”. That day we had
speakers from Japan, Thailand, and Indonesia, and participants could ask question directly to the speakers
without any barrier. Today, because of Covid-19, sadly our moment has to be online, but I hope you’re all
as excited as if this is held offline.
Laporan : jumlah peserta terdaftar sampai dengan closing 1 August, dari daerah mana aja, siapa aja
pesertanya (kalangan mana aja)
Registration for the ICPLM Webinar was open for 1 month from September 1st, 2021, and
closes October 1st, 2021. The total number of participants are 3,706, came from all provinces in
Indonesia and even some participants came from abroad, as well as the distribution of the participants'
professions at several levels. Most of the registrants were from Java, which are 1,374 participants (52%),
followed by 506 participants from Kalimantan (19%), then from Sulawesi with 253 participants (10%),
from Sumatra with 249 participants (9%), from Jakarta with 122 participants (5%), from Bali with 74
participants (3%), Aceh 31 participants (1%), NTB 16 participants (1%), Lampung 14 participants, Papua
8 participants, Philippines 4 participants, India 1 participant , NTT 1 participant and Timor Leste 1
participant . The distribution of the work/profession of the participants is divided into several levels, the
most participated ones are Students with 2,759 participants (83%), lecturers/teachers 275 participants
(8%), Pharmacist 138 participants (4%), Pharmacist in charge 93 participants (3%), researcher 28
participants (1%), government employees 22 participants (1%) and employees 7 participants.
Dearest speakers, invited guests and participants
As my last words, I hope that this event will be beneficial and eye opening for all of us here with no

If you have problems, don’t you worry

Even if this world seems like a tragedy
All you need to do is to stay happy and healthy
Because tomorrow is still a mystery

Naik jukung ke pasar terapung

Janganlah memakai rok mini
Marilah kita saling mendukung
Semoga kita bisa melewati pandemi ini

I am Dina, thank you for your warm attention

Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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