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Montfort Secondary School

Food and Consumer Education (FCE) 2023 Semester 1

Coursework Assessment
Secondary One

Francesco Romero
Name: __________________________ ( 12 ) Integrity
Class: 1 __________ 5/5/2023
Date: __________

Ethan Toh
Name of partner: __________________________ ( 11 )

Debrief: Reflection and Evaluation (10m)

● Write a short description on your strengths and weaknesses of the modified rice burger.
● Write a short description on your strengths and weaknesses of your work processes during the
practical examination.

1. Evaluate your final product: (Why did you say so?)

Taste Texture
(colour, size, look)
the outside was mix of it tasted bland with the the inside was moist and
golden brown and white slight flavor of say sauce slightly chewy
while the inside was white. and sesame oil while the outside was
it was roughly the size of a slightly crunchy
mini pancake an thrice as
Rice bun tall.
it appeared circular

Chicken:the chicken was the chicken tasted like the chicken was chewy
light brown because of the teriyaki and the cheese and the cheese was
Protein was a bit smaller tasted creamy. melted.
filling than the rice looked
(Ingredients: cheese:the cheese was
chicken cadmium was
slightly larger than the rice
cheese looked squarish.

Lettuce:the lettuce was pale green,it was
all the vegetables tasted bland except for the cucumber and lettuce where
slightly larger than the rice bun and it had
the tomato which tasted sour crunchy while the tomato was moist
Vegetable an irregular shape.
tomato:the tomato was red on the

outside and light pink on the

was the size of ikan was in the
…………….. shape of a curved thin strip.

the cucumber was dark green on the

…………….. outside and light green on the inside.the
cucumber cucumber was the size of a 1 dollar coin
and it had a circular shape.

2. List two challenges you faced during this project and explain how you overcome them.

we had problems with teamwork
communicating with each other
We/I overcame it by …………………………………………………….……………………………………...


ii) ………………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………..
working quickly
We/I overcame it by …………………………………………………….…………………………….………..


3. Overall, how you felt working with your partner or on your own during the practical exam.

☐ ☐ ☐

he did not know what to do and had to be told what to do however he did his work efficiently when he knew
I felt this way because …………………………………………….…………………………………………………..
what to do.


4. Describe some instances where you think you could improve on your coursework.
when we were boiling the chicken, we had no preparation and went into boiling the chicken blind.I think we could have done some research

before hand.

Debrief (Reflection and Evaluation) – 10 marks
Reflection (5m)
● No attempt/submission 0
● Few strengths and weaknesses identified. 1-2
● Little/no explanation given for strengths and weaknesses, little reference to actual
product or process.
● Able to identify many relevant strengths and weaknesses. 3-4
● Some explanation given for strengths and weaknesses with some reference to actual
product or process.
● Able to identify many relevant strengths and weaknesses. 5
● Detailed explanation given for strengths and weaknesses with clear reference to actual
product or process.
Sensory Evaluation (5m)
● No attempt/submission 0
● Very brief use of sensory descriptors. 1-2
● Little description. Mostly one-word answers.
● Able to use appropriate sensory descriptors somewhat accurately. 3-4
● Able to use appropriate sensory descriptors very accurately. 5
● Description is very detailed.

Descriptors for sensory evaluation:


Fruity Smooth Brown Sweet Chewy

Flowery Lumpy White Sour Chunky
Nutty Bubbly Yellow Salty Grainy
Sweet Rough Orange Spicy Rubbery
Sour Flat Off-White Burnt Greasy
Spicy Powdery Green Buttery Watery
Sharp Watery Blue Mild Sticky
Herbal Greasy Purple Strong Tender
Smoky Creamy Pink Fishy Brittle
Fishy Wrinkled [You can indicate Bitter Smooth
Dry shades like Light
Burnt Eggy Slimy
yellow, Golden
Moist brown, pale, dark
Buttery etc.] Oily Spongy
Oily Tasteless Mushy
Eggy Pungent Crumbly
[You can indicate Oily
other fragrances of Fine
the food] Stringy

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